Jakob Augstein

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Jakob Augstein (2019)

Thomas Jakob Augstein (born July 28, 1967 in Hamburg ) is a German journalist , publicist , columnist and publisher . He is co-owner of Spiegel-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG and represents the 24 percent share of the Augstein family at the shareholders' meeting. Augstein is the owner , managing director , publisher and editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper Der Freitag . Augstein is also a board member of the Rudolf Augstein Foundation .



Jakob Augstein is the legal son of the mirror -Gründers Rudolf Augstein and John Updike - translator Maria Carlsson . His biological father is the writer Martin Walser , as Jakob Augstein learned from his mother after the death of Rudolf Augstein in 2002 and announced in November 2009. His half-siblings in the Augstein line are the lawyer Maria Sabine Augstein (born as Stefan), the journalist Franziska Augstein , the painter Julian Augstein , in the Walser line the actress Franziska Walser , the playwright Theresia Walser and the writers Johanna Walser and Alissa Walser .

Father-son relationships

Jakob Augstein grew up knowing that he was the son of the Spiegel founder, Rudolf Augstein. It was only when he was 35 that he learned that he was Martin Walser's son. As a result, he suddenly had two distinctive father figures: one of the greatest journalists in Germany and one of the greatest writers in Germany. Subsequently, Augstein often met with Walser to get to know his biological father and to discuss projects that resulted in a conversation book. About his motive for making this public in 2009, Augstein said in 2017: “Truth naturally liberates. Truth is good. ”Martin Walser noted in 2017 about late fatherhood:“ I only noticed that this visiting fatherhood was always too little ”.

Studies (1989–1993)

After graduating from high school in 1986 at the Christianeum High School in Hamburg , Augstein studied political science from 1989 to 1993 at the Otto Suhr Institute of the Free University of Berlin and at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (“Sciences Po”) as well as German and theater studies in Berlin. In 1992 he became a member of the SPD . During his studies he worked as a freelancer for the Berliner Zeitung from 1990 to 1993 .

Career path as a journalist (from 1993)

After graduating as a political scientist and completing an internship , he went to the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich and Berlin from 1993 to 2003 . From 1999 to 2002 he was head of the Berlin side of the SZ. In 2004 he took over the majority in the publishing house Rogner & Bernhard , whose managing director was his then wife Johanna von Rauch, the niece of the anarchist Georg von Rauch . Augstein sold these publishing shares to Haffmans & Tolkemitt in 2011. After 2005 he also worked as an author in the parliamentary office of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit . As the sole executor of the permanent will, Augstein represents the 24 percent share of the Augstein family at the shareholders' meeting of Spiegel Verlag, whose value was estimated at around 160 million euros in 2015. In 2003, he led the unsuccessful cartel proceedings before the Federal Cartel Office against Rudolf Augstein's testamentary takeover of a percentage of the shares by the Gruner + Jahr Group and Spiegel-Arbeiter KG and the associated loss of the blocking minority .

Career path as publisher, author and journalist (from 2008)

On May 26, 2008 Augstein acquired the weekly newspaper der Freitag , which he has been publishing since then. In an interview in 2017, Jakob Augstein said that Friday may not have a “ editorial policy ”, but “there is the character and identity of a newspaper. We are a left newspaper. (...) There are two left thought traditions between which there is a predetermined breaking point that we have to pay attention to. One is out for equality, for internationalization, for a liberal society. The other stands for justice and identity. I think it is our job to think about the proximity and distance of these two strands. ”Friday stands for critical journalism from politics, culture and society.

Since 2009 he has moderated discussions with changing guests in the Radioeins and Friday salons , which are broadcast by Radio Eins and made available as a podcast on Friday. The events take place in the Green Salon of the Volksbühne Berlin .

In December 2011 Jakob Augstein separated from the previous editors of the newspaper Daniela Dahn , György Dalos , Frithjof Schmidt and Friedrich Schorlemmer .

From January 2011 to October 2018 he wrote the column S.PON - In Doubt links for Spiegel Online .

In Phoenix is since January 21, 2011 Format Augstein and Blome sent. There Augstein and Nikolaus Blome , who worked as deputy editor-in-chief at Bild until 2013 and then was editor-in-chief of the Spiegel office in the capital until May 2015, controversially discuss current issues. The format was nominated for the 2013 Grimme Prize in the “Information and Culture” category. On the basis of the conversations, several books were published which, according to Augstein, are “ conversation simulations ”.

From February 2013 on, Augstein was also editor-in-chief of Freitag , together with Philip Grassman and Michael Angele , who replaced Jana Hensel as deputy editor-in-chief on January 1, 2015 .

In 2016, Augstein conducted an interview lasting more than three and a half hours with Egon Krenz , the last chairman of the GDR's State Council, for the ZDF series Witnesses of the Century .

At the beginning of 2017, Augstein rebuilt Friday : he brought Christian Füller in as editor-in- chief and Augstein appointed the journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer as editor . Compared to the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Augstein denied that members of the editorial team wanted to leave the paper because of this, but admitted that there had been a dispute within the editorial team about the self-image of the paper on this occasion. Until the beginning of July 2017, however, the deputy editor-in-chief Katja Kullmann, the sports journalist Martin Krauss and six other authors left on Friday . Kullmann justified her step by saying that she scared off the "journalistic environment" of Todenhöfer. His appointment as editor was “politically negligent to dangerous”, “right now it would be important to draw a clear line with the red-brown camp .” Krauss cited the reason for his departure that Todenhöfer had used anti-Semitic stereotypes.

Füller resigned as editor-in-chief in September 2017, whereupon Augstein took over the function again and appointed Michael Angele to the editor-in-chief. In December 2017, he brought Simone Schmollack from taz to join the now three-person chief editor.

When in 2017 the investigative journalist and mafia expert Petra Reski was massively intimidated and sued based on an article published on Friday on organized crime , her publisher Augstein refused any support in 2017 and moved her explicitly into the vicinity of “ lying press ” and “ fake news ”. Reski then sued Augstein.

Augstein tweeted on July 6th about the G20 summit in Hamburg 2017 : “The price has to be so high that nobody wants to host such a conference. G20 like Olympia as a matter of dictatorships ”. At that time there were already 59 injured police officers. To a tweet from the federal government that peaceful demonstrations were welcomed but that there was no justification for violence, he replied: “Objection! The summit itself does violence to the city! Responsible citizens are turned into the backdrop of despots. ”The journalist Michael Hanfeld assessed this as a public appeal for violence and intellectual arson. Also Jens Spahn and the journalist Thomas Mayer criticized the tweets sharp. Alexander Wendt sees this as an example of fog rhetoric that attempts to disguise radical left-wing violence.

In the Catalonia crisis , Augstein showed solidarity with the Catalans striving for independence. In his column In Doubt on the left , he wrote in October 2017: “We don't have to cry after the nation state.” After all, “capitalism […] has meanwhile also overcome the borders of the nation state. It can only be embedded in a correspondingly larger framework of transnational institutions. For us this is the European Union. ”With that, he, like the political scientist Ulrike Guérot and the writer Robert Menasse , advocated a Europe of regions . He experienced violent rejection from the historian Heinrich August Winkler, among others .

In his 3sat documentation Die indignant Republic (2019), Augstein deals with the present of opinion journalism, which has lost the classic gatekeeper function since digitization. In it he interviews a. a. Stefan Aust , Jan Fleischhauer and Julia Reda . Augstein criticizes a narrowing of the spectrum of opinion, which u. a. stated that after the departure of the conservative columnist Jan Fleischhauer, Der Spiegel only offered more or less left-wing online columns. According to Fleischhauer, who addressed the film in his Focus column, prominent left-wing voices such as Carolin Emcke , Margarete Stokowski and Falk Richter would have declined to appear in Augstein's film.

Since April 2020 Augstein has been moderating the podcast The Curve - Living in the Corona World together with Jan Fleischhauer . The media journalist Stefan Niggemeier accused both of deliberately avoiding expertise and research on the corona crisis .


Augstein was married to the editor Johanna von Rauch, with whom he lived in Berlin from 1995. He is the father of three children.

Commitment to media culture

In the 2000s, Augstein was one of the journalists and publishers who believed early on that social networks, alongside traditional media, could have an opinion-forming or opinion-changing effect, but above all that the future business models of the free press would also be affected. On Friday , Augstein tried out new forms of reader participation that were later also practiced in other media. He received several awards for the combination of web and print. Augstein is committed to quality journalism (Rudolf Augstein Endowed Professorship for the Practice of Quality Journalism, Prof. Dr. Volker Lilienthal, U Hamburg) and tries to spread new formats of journalism.

Positions on Israel and Criticism

Jakob Augstein is considered a critic of Israel's politics. He was accused of using anti-Semitic arguments for this. Augstein took up issues relating to Israel's settlement policy, its nuclear policy and its relationship with its neighbors and made the following statements, among others:

  • “With all the backing from the USA, where a president still has to secure the support of the Jewish lobby groups before the elections, and from Germany, where coming to terms with history now has a military component, the Netanyahu government is leading the whole world by a swelling war song ". - Spiegel-Online from April 6, 2012 It had to be said about the poem What must be said by Günter Grass .
  • “'The nuclear power Israel is endangering the already fragile world peace.' This sentence caused an outcry. Because he's right. And because a German says it, a writer, a Nobel Prize winner, because Günter Grass says it. There is a cut in this. We have to thank Grass for that. He took it upon himself to pronounce this sentence for all of us. ”- Spiegel-Online of April 6, 2012 It had to be said .
  • “The fire is burning in Libya, Sudan, Yemen, in countries that are among the poorest in the world. But the arsonists are elsewhere. The angry young men who burn American - and recently also German - flags are victims as well as the dead of Benghazi and Sanaa. Who is such violence good for? Always only the mad and the unscrupulous. And this time also - as if by the way - the US Republicans and the Israeli government. ”- Spiegel-Online from April 20, 2012 Who is the use of violence? about violent protests against the film Innocence of Muslims .
  • “Israel is threatened by the Islamic fundamentalists in its neighborhood. But the Jews have their own fundamentalists. They are just called differently: Ultra-Orthodox or Haredim. This is not a small, negligible faction. [...] These people are cut from the same cloth as their Islamist opponents. They follow the law of vengeance. ”- Spiegel-Online of November 19, 2011 Law of vengeance .
  • “Gaza is a place from the end times of the human. 1.7 million people live there, crammed together on 360 square kilometers. Gaza is a prison. A warehouse. Israel is hatching its own opponents there. ”- Spiegel-Online of November 19, 2011 Law of Vengeance .

As a result, numerous commentators came forward who saw an anti-Semitic background in a criticism of the current politics of Israel.

In a comment on the inflammatory video Innocence of Muslims (September 2012, USA ) Augstein asked whether the criminal video producer had received an order. The arsonists behind the violence in Libya , Sudan and Yemen are elsewhere. The angry young men there are victims as well as the dead of Benghazi and Sanaa : “Whom is such violence good for? Always only the mad and the unscrupulous. And this time also - as if by the way - the US Republicans and the Israeli government . ”The former made US President Barack Obama look weak in the election campaign at the time , the latter justified a preemptive strike against the Iranian nuclear program .

The publicist Henryk M. Broder interpreted these statements on his blog Axis des Guten as “a subtle reference to the 'Israeli government'” that with the US Republicans “got things started.” The same as the anti-Semitic argumentation according to which Jews supposedly caused Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust just to be able to found the State of Israel . Augstein is therefore a "flawless anti-Semite, an anti-Semitic sucker".

In November 2012, the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) put five " Israel- critical" statements by Augstein on its annual ranking of the " Top Ten Anti-Semitic / Anti-Israel Slurs " and cited Broder's polemics. Augstein replied that the anti-Semitism charge was used too often to protect Israel's occupation policy from any criticism. This makes the term meaningless and an arbitrary abuse. That benefits real enemies of Jews and harms Israel.

Ken Jacobson, director of the Anti Defamation League , said in January 2013 that Augstein's comment "on Jewish control of US foreign policy" crossed the line with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories . However, he does not know him enough to call him an anti-Semite. Broder affirmed that Augstein was an anti-Semite because he applied everything that was said about Jews in the past to Israel. In contrast, the politicians Gregor Gysi ( Left Party ), Julia Klöckner ( CDU ) and others defended Augstein against these allegations, but without agreeing to his criticism of Israeli politics.

Dieter Graumann , President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany at the time , declared on January 14, 2013 that Augstein was not an anti-Semite, but negligently stir up anti-Israeli resentment, convey an undifferentiated and falsified image of Israel and write without empathy and without understanding Israel's existential fears. Augstein replied that he viewed Israel like any other state and criticized the government's violations of international law . He regretted his expression "camp" for the Gaza Strip , but defended phrases such as "Jewish lobby" in relation to the US and the equation of Jewish and Islamic " fundamentalists ". He also accused Graumann of “instrumentalizing a serious accusation” with the aim of “putting a stop to the course of the debate”.

The social scientist Samuel Salzborn judged these and other statements by Augstein as "anti-Semitic power fantasy" of alleged control of world politics by Jews , as Nazi jargon, perpetrator-victim reversal or the double standard that legitimizes Israel, that Israel is endangering " world peace " and the federal government is "bowing" "Whose will", Benjamin Netanyahu, "leads the whole world by a swelling war song" (against Iran ), Israel is an "occupying power", "the Jews" have "their own fundamentalists". The cultural scientist Peter Ullrich judged the choice of words “camp” and “ law of vengeance ” as “at least ambiguous”. Anti-Semitism researcher Monika Schwarz-Friesel named this expression in February 2014 as an example of culturally deep-seated "anti-Semitic usage patterns" among academics. Because one must assume that Augstein knows the age-old stereotype of the Jewish vengeance.

According to Lukas Betzler and Manuel Glittenberg, Augstein presented himself “as the victim of a defamation campaign against (Israel-) critical journalism”. In Augstein's case, "anti-Semitism as a real issue hardly occurs", but disappears "behind the construction of an allegedly unjustified 'anti-Semitism charge'". Augstein also accused Dieter Graumann, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, "in the style of the classic anti-Semitic self-justification argument" for being responsible for anti-Semitism with his actions. The Augstein debate had shown that anti-Israeli anti-Semitism had "become the central anti-Semitic form of articulation in German media discourse". Augstein himself could be regarded as a “pioneer of this development”, as he had demonstrated “that anti-Semitic statements in this form have no negative consequences for their authors”.

In December 2015, Augstein declared that today's right-wing populism , unlike the earlier völkisch movement, is not held together by anti-Semitism. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Pegida wanted to prevent the accusation of anti-Semitism "by all means". Officially, the AfD has no problem with Israel because its government is just as right-wing and Islamophobic as it is. The AfD chairwoman Frauke Petry had openly opposed anti-Semitism "imported by Muslims" and thus suddenly used "ethnic" categories again to reduce social and cultural differences. "This shows the current fascism . According to Pascal Beucker ( taz ), Augstein tried to prove that anti-Semitism was a thing of the past, instead of calling Petry's sentence a “perfidious masking” of her Islamophobia . His comparison of the government of Israel with the AfD again connects "all evil in the world with the Jews and their state". The 2015 SWC report mentioned Augstein's comparison as a negative example.

A study of nine articles by Augstein found examples of secondary anti-Semitism in anti-Israeli form and anti-Americanism . According to reviewer Armin Pfahl-Traughber , the methodology of the study captures the “anti-Semitism potentials” in “one-sidedness and generalizations, stereotypes and simplifications” of Augstein, but no anti-Semitic intention. There is no “selective point of view for recognizing non-anti-Semitic criticism of Israeli politics”.

In April 2018 Augstein commented on an anti-Semitically motivated attack on an Israeli in Berlin who had worn a kippah as an experiment and filmed the attack on Twitter: “How disturbed is our reality that someone comes up with the idea of ​​wearing the kippah as a provocation to use - and thus also have success! Depressing. Germany 2018 ". Hesse's Prime Minister Volker Bouffier called Augstein's comment a "confusion of spirits" and demanded that Jews in Germany should be able to wear a kippah without fear. He also justified the appointment of the Hessian anti-Semitism officer.

Reception as a book author

In The Gardener's Days , Augstein deals with the questions that go through his head in the form of a gardening guide. According to Nils Minkmar (FAZ), the book contradicts the expectation of providing guidance on harmony with nature. Augstein demanded that nature should be mastered and thus represented a very rare, even radical position in Germany. Petra Steinberger ( Süddeutsche Zeitung ) compared the book with Karel Čapek's Year of the Gardener (1929).

In Sabotage Augstein deals with the question of whether democracy or capitalism is more important to Germans. The prologue describes in detail how to make paint bags . Kerstin Decker ( Tagesspiegel ) saw it as a belated contribution to the “left discussion about violence as a means of politics”. Alexander Wallasch ( Cicero ) gave a similar judgment . Rainer Blasius (FAZ) praised the book as an “opinionated political diagnosis” for the Bundestag election at the time.

Awards and nominations

  • 2011: In December 2011 Augstein was awarded the Bert Donnepp ​​Prize 2011 with "special honor". According to the jury, he has demonstrated a pioneering spirit in Germany's journalistic landscape. Patrick Bahners said in his laudation that Augstein's commitment stands for a particularly honorable, extremely rare variety of media journalism that is realistic and passionate at the same time.
  • 2013: Nomination for the Grimme Prize 2013 in the “Information and Culture” category for the Phoenix TV format Augstein and Blome .

Engagement in the Rudolf Augstein Foundation

Jakob Augstein, Anna Augstein and Dr. Franziska Augstein form the board of directors of the Rudolf Augstein Foundation , Hamburg, which has been active since 2005 and which administers Rudolf Augstein's life's work and awards funding measures. Stephanie Reuter is the managing director. Jakob Augstein is responsible for the journalism funding area. The foundation is a member of the Federal Association of German Foundations and is involved in the expert group on quality journalism .



  • Jakob Augstein: The indignant republic , 3sat 2019

Web links

Commons : Jakob Augstein  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Christina Maria Berr: Rudolf and Jakob Augstein. "Spiegel" legacy: Martin Walser is my father. In: sueddeutsche.de. SZ Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 17, 2010, accessed on March 8, 2016 .
  2. Ulrike Simon: Jakob Augstein. Success and secret. In: fr-online.de. November 26, 2009, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  3. Ulrike Simon: publisher Jakob Augstein. Walser is the true father of the Augstein son. In: fr-online.de. November 27, 2009, accessed November 26, 2016 .
  4. Alexander Cammann: publisher Jakob Augstein. Walser is the true father of the Augstein son. In: zeitonline. December 3, 2009, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  5. Ulrike Simon: In the name of the father - Augstein's children and the mirror. In: Cicero. December 13, 2013, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  6. a b Volker Weidermann, DER SPIEGEL: Jakob Augstein and Martin Walser on their father-son relationship - DER SPIEGEL - culture. Der Spiegel, November 25, 2017, accessed on February 18, 2020 .
  7. Jakob Augstein in the Munzinger archive , accessed on May 20, 2011 ( beginning of article freely accessible)
  8. Jakob Buhre: Many newspapers do not represent the interests of their readers , planet-interview.de, accessed on February 17, 2017.
  9. Jakob Augstein, The Friday. (No longer available online.) In: hr-online.de. March 25, 2010, archived from the original on March 9, 2016 ; accessed on March 8, 2016 .
  10. Jakob Augstein buys Rogner & Bernhard. In: buchmarkt.de. January 5, 2004, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  11. Haffmans & Tolkemitt takes over majority in Rogner & Bernhard. In: boersenblatt.net. October 7, 2011, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  12. WDR, August 22, 2014: Jakob Augstein. Editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper "Der Freitag", columnist "Spiegel online" ( Memento from December 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  13. Roland Pimpl: Augstein heirs want out. What is the "Spiegel" worth to the employees and G + J? In: horizont.net. April 16, 2015, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  14. Jakob Augstein: In: Planet Interview , February 17, 2017, accessed on October 26, 2018.
  15. a b DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg Germany: Jakob Augstein - DER SPIEGEL. Retrieved February 20, 2020 .
  16. radioeins and Friday salons. Retrieved February 28, 2020 .
  17. Stefan Reinicke: Interview about evictions on "Friday". "Just another disruptive factor". In: taz.de. January 5, 2012, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  18. SPON - When in doubt, left. All columns. Jakob Augstein. In: SpiegelOnline. Retrieved March 8, 2016 .
  19. PHOENIX: “Augstein and Blome” nominated for Grimme Prize. In: phoenix.de. January 29, 2013, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  20. On the power of argument , in: Journalist , 6/2019, p. 20.
  21. Marc Bartl: Change in the editor-in-chief of "Freitag": Jana Hensel is gone, Michael Angele rises. In: kress.de. January 5, 2015, accessed March 8, 2016 .
  22. Dirk Liesemer: Jakob Augstein in a grandiose, detailed conversation with Egon Krenz. September 1, 2018, accessed August 9, 2020 .
  23. Witness of the Century - Jakob Augstein meets Egon Krenz. Retrieved August 9, 2020 .
  24. Interview by Evelyn Roll with Jakob Augstein: "An impressive figure" , SZ from February 2, 2017
  25. Peter Weissenburger: Dispute about the new "Friday" publisher: Writing under Todenhöfer , the daily newspaper of July 7, 2017
  26. Martin Krauss : Not with Todenhöfer. In: Jüdische Allgemeine from January 12, 2017.
  27. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH: “Friday” author Petra Reski: Learning from the mafia means learning to be silent. April 1, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017 .
  28. René Martens: Journalist sued Jakob Augstein: "Unhappy ran". The daily newspaper , September 29, 2017, accessed on March 28, 2020 .
  29. ^ FAZ, Violence in Hamburg: Brandstifter Twitter , July 7, 2017
  30. Focus, The Most Controversial and Whimsical Tweets , July 10, 2017
  31. Huffington Post , Publicist Augstein causes outrage with a tweet glorifying violence ( Memento from January 28, 2019 in the Internet Archive )
  32. Jakob Augstein: Long live the nation ... ... but down with the nation state. […] In: Spiegel Online . October 23, 2017. Retrieved December 2, 2017 .
  33. Ulrike Guérot : In Spain's crisis, a new EU is revealed. In: Zeit Online . October 10, 2017, accessed December 2, 2017 .
  34. Ulrike Guérot, Robert Menasse : The borders flow. In: Friday No. 43/2017. November 2, 2017. Retrieved December 2, 2017 .
  35. ^ Heinrich August Winkler : Europe's false friends. In: Der Spiegel No. 43/2017. October 23, 2017. Retrieved December 2, 2017 .
  36. The Last of the Mohicans. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  37. The FOCUS column by Jan Fleischhauer Conciliation test instead of arrogance: a whole generation of leftists isolates itself. Retrieved September 21, 2019 .
  38. Jan Fleischhauer & Jakob Augstein: The Curve. Retrieved April 29, 2020 .
  39. If you only ask, you stay stupid: Augstein, Fleischhauer and the calculated ignorance. In: Übermedien. April 20, 2020, accessed on April 29, 2020 (German).
  40. Dynastie der Kreativen , Focus from December 19, 2015, accessed on February 22, 2017
  41. www.spiegel.de .
  42. Legal document, letter to support . April 8, 2020 ( wikimedia.org [accessed April 10, 2020]).
  43. Susanne Mayer: And suddenly famous , zeit.de of September 24, 2013, accessed on February 22, 2017
  44. University of Hamburg: Practice of Quality Journalism. Retrieved February 25, 2020 .
  45. ^ Rudolf Augstein Foundation: Rudolf Augstein Endowed Professorship for the Practice of Quality Journalism. In: Rudolf Augstein Foundation. Retrieved on February 25, 2020 (German).
  46. ^ Rudolf Augstein Foundation: Journalism. In: Rudolf Augstein Foundation. Retrieved on February 25, 2020 (German).
  47. Jakob Augstein (Der Spiegel, September 17, 2012): Who is the use of violence?
  48. Marin Majica, Ulrike Simon (Frankfurter Rundschau, September 18, 2012): Broder offends Augstein
  49. Simon Wiesenthal Center: 2012 Top Ten Anti-Semitic / Anti-Israel Slurs ( Memento from January 12, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 904 kB)
  50. Jakob Augstein (Der Spiegel, November 26, 2012): Anti-Semites everywhere
  51. ^ Die Welt, January 5, 2013: Anti-Semitism: Second Jewish organization criticizes Augstein
  52. Der Spiegel, December 31, 2012: Gysi and Klöckner defend Augstein against accusations of anti-Semitism
  53. Der Spiegel, January 14, 2013: Spiegel Dispute: What is anti-Semitism?
  54. Lukas Betzler, Manuel Glittenberg: “The Augstein Debate in 2013.” In: Samuel Salzborn (Ed.): Antisemitism since 9/11. Events, debates, controversies. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2019, p. 415
  55. Philip Kuhn (Die Welt, January 16, 2013): Demonization with the aim of delegitimization
  56. Peter Ullrich: Germans, Left and the Middle East Conflict. Politics in the anti-Semitism and memory discourse . Wallstein, Göttingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-8353-1362-0 , p. 79 f.
  57. Philipp Peyman Engel (Jüdische Allgemeine, February 17, 2014): “Anti-Semitism is a belief system”: Monika Schwarz-Friesel on 14,000 anti-Jewish letters, dangerous stereotypes and Jakob Augstein ; Reference: Jakob Augstein (Der Spiegel, November 19, 2012): When in doubt, left: Law of Vengeance <
  58. Lukas Betzler, Manuel Glittenberg: “The Augstein Debate in 2013.” In: Samuel Salzborn (Ed.): Antisemitism since 9/11. Events, debates, controversies. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2019, pp. 404, 415 f., 420
  59. Jakob Augstein (Der Spiegel, December 7, 2015): When in doubt, left: The national revolution
  60. Pascal Beucker (taz, December 10, 2015): Jakob Augstein and the Jews: Das Sturmgeschütz der Israelkritik
  61. 2015 Top Ten worst global Anti-Semitic / Anti-Israel Incidents ( Memento from December 30, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF)
  62. Lukas Betzler, Manuel Glittenberg: Anti-Semitism in the German media discourse. An analysis of the Jakob Augstein case. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 978-3-8487-1672-2 , pp. 127 and 189.
  63. Armin Pfahl-Traughber (Humanistic Press Service, May 5, 2015): Review: The case of Jakob Augstein
  64. n-tv news: Israeli wore kippahs as an experiment . In: n-tv.de . ( n-tv.de [accessed October 1, 2018]).
  65. Katharina Zingerle: Kippa as a provocation? Spiegel, April 20, 2018
  66. Ludger Fittkau : High demands on Hesse's anti-Semitism officer. Deutschlandfunk, May 3, 2018
  67. ^ Nils Minkmar: Jakob Augstein in the Green: The political virtues of a gardener. In: faz.net. February 17, 2012, accessed March 12, 2017 .
  68. Kerstin Decker: In the debate: Jakob Augstein, the radical gardener. In: tagesspiegel.de. September 13, 2013, accessed March 12, 2017 .
  69. Alexander Wallasch: Critique of capitalism - Jakob Augstein's flirtation with violence. In: cicero.de. August 14, 2013, accessed March 12, 2017 .
  70. ^ Rainer Blasius: Jakob Augstein: Sabotage: body use in politics. In: faz.net. August 25, 2013. Retrieved March 12, 2017 .
  71. "Fanatics of the Live". Special honor for Jakob Augstein. (No longer available online.) In: grimme-institut.de. December 22, 2011, archived from the original on March 5, 2016 ; accessed on March 8, 2016 .
  72. Stephanie Reuter: About us. In: https://rudolf-augstein-stiftung.de/ . Rudolf Augstein Foundation, accessed on February 18, 2020 (German).