Chinese library classification

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The Chinese Library Classification ( abbreviation :中国图书馆分类法, Pinyin : Zhongguo Tushuguan fenleifa ), also known as CLC (ger .: Chinese Library Classification), is a library classification , the country's in libraries is used to order the library stocks.

The main groups of the system



Marxism-Leninism , Maoism and Deng Xiaoping's Theory

A11 work edition
A119 excerpt
A12 single book
A121 before 1848
A122 1848 to 1863
A123 1864 to 1872
A124 1873 to June 1889
A125 1889 July to 1895
A13 Letter, diary, telegraph and meeting
A14 poem
A15 handwriting
A16 Thematic Collection
A18 quote
  • A2 Works by Vladimir Lenin
A21 work edition
A219 excerpt
A22 single book
A221 before 1904
A222 1905 to 1907
A223 1908 to 1912
A224 April 1912 to June 1916
A225 1917
A226 1918 to 1920
A227 1921 to 1924
A23 letter, diary, telegraph and meeting
A25 handwriting
A26 Thematic collection
A28 quote
A31 work edition
A319 excerpt
A32 single book
A321 before 1918
A322 1918 to 1920
A323 1921 to 1925
A324 1926 to 1929
A325 1930 to 1934
A326 1935 to May 1941
A327 June 1941 to 1945
A328 1946 to 1953
A33 Letter, diary, telegraph and meeting
A35 handwriting
A36 Thematic collection
A38 quote
A41 work edition
A419 excerpt
A42 single book
A421 before 1924
A422 1924 to July 1927
A423 August 1927 年 to June 1937
A424 July 1937 to August 1945
A425 September 1945 to September 1949
A426 October 1949 to 1976
A43 letter, diary, telegraph and meeting
A44 poem
A45 handwriting
A46 Thematic collection
A48 quote
A491 work edition
A491.9 excerpt
A492 single book
A493 Letter, Diary, Telegraph and Meeting
A495 handwriting
A496 Thematic collection
A498 quote
  • A5 compilation of works
A56 Thematic collection
A58 quote
  • A7 CV and biography
A71 Karl Marx
A72 Friedrich Engels
A73 Vladimir Lenin
A74 Josef Stalin
A75 Mao Zedong
A76 Deng Xiaoping
  • A8 research


Philosophy and religion

  • B-4 Educational and popular science literature of philosophy
B-49 Textbook and Popular Science Literature of Philosophy
  • B0 theory of philosophy
B0-0 Marxist Philosophy
B01 Basic Problems of Philosophy
B013 Class affiliation and practicality of philosophy
B014 Subject, purpose and methodology of philosophy
B015 Materialism and Idealism
B016 ontology
B016.8 Cosmology
B016.9 Space-time theory
B017 Epistemology
B017.8 Determinism and indeterminism
B017.9 Self-Theory
B018 Theory of Value
B019.1 Materialism
B019.11 Naive materialism
B019.12 Mechanical materialism
B019.13 Dialectical materialism
B019.2 Idealism
B02 Dialectical Materialism
B021 material theory
B021.2 Theory of Motion
B021.3 Time-Space Theory
B021.4 Regularity of material movement
B022 Theory of Consciousness
B022.2 Objective regularity and initiative
B023 Epistemology, reflection theory
B023.2 Dialectical sequence of knowledge
B023.3 Truth Theory
B024 Materialistic Dialectic
B024.1 Internal and external causes
  • B1 General Philosophy
B12 Ancient Philosophy
B13 Philosophy of the Middle Ages
B14 Modern Philosophy
B141 17th Century Philosophy
B142 18th Century Philosophy
B141 19th Century Philosophy
B15 Philosophy of the Present
B151 20th Century Philosophy
B152 21st Century Philosophy
B17 Dissemination and Development of Marxist Philosophy
B20 materialism and idealism
B201 materialism
B202 idealism
B21 philosophy of origins
B22 Philosophy before the Qin Dynasty (until 220 BC )
B221 Philosophy to the Hundred Schools
B222 Confucianism
B222.1 The Four Books
B222.2 Confucius (Kǒng Qiū, * 551 BC , † 479 BC )
B222.3 pupil of Confucius
B222.4 Zisi (子思)
B222.5 Mengzi (Mèngkē, * 372 BC , † 289 BC )
B222.6 Xunzi (Xúnkuàng, * 313 BC , † 238 BC )
B222.9 u. a.
B223 Daoism
B223.1 Laotse (Lǐ Ĕr)
B223.2 Liezi (Liè Yǜkòu)
B223.3 Yang Zhu (Yáng Zhū, * 395 BC , † 335 BC )
B223.4 Guanyinzi (关 尹子)
B223.5 Zhuangzi (Zhuāng Zhōu, * 369 BC , † 286 BC )
B223.9 u. a.
B224 Mohism
B225 School of Names
B225.1 Deng Xi (邓 析, Dèng Xī, † 501 BC )
B225.2 School of Song Jian and Yin Wen
B225.3 Hui Shi (* 370 BC , † 310 BC )
B225.4 Gongsun Longzi (Gōngsūn Lóng, * 320 BC , † 250 BC )
B225.9 u. a.
B226 legalism
B226.1 Guan Zhong († 645 BC )
B226.2 Shang Yang (Gōngsūn Yāng, † 338 BC )
B226.3 Shen Dao (* 395 BC , † 315 BC )
B226.4 Shen Buhai (* 385 BC , † 337 BC )
B226.5 Han Fei (* 280 BC , † 233 BC )
B226.6 Li Si († 208 BC )
B226.9 u. a.
B227 Yin-Yang School
B228 School of Embassy (纵横 家, Zonghengjia)
B228.1 Su Qin (苏秦)
B228.2 Zhang Yi
B229 syncretism (杂 家)
B229.1 Shizi (尸 子, * 390 BC , † 330 BC )
B229.2 Lü Buwei († 235 BC )
B229.3 Kong Fu (孔 鲋, * 264 BC , † 208 BC )
B229.9 u. a.
B232 General Philosophy of the Qin and Han Dynasties ( 221 BC to 220 )
B233 Philosophy of the Qin Dynasty ( 221 BC to 207 BC )
B234 Philosophy of the Han Dynasty ( 206 BC to 220 )
B234.1 Lu Jia (陆贾)
B234.2 Jia Yi (贾谊, * 220 BC , † 169 BC )
B234.4 Huainanzi (Liú Ān, * 179 BC , † 122 BC )
B234.5 Dong Zhongshu (* 179 BC , † 104 BC )
B234.7 Huan Tan (桓谭, † 56 )
B234.8 Wang Chong (* 27 , † 97 )
B234.93 Wang Fu (王 符)
B234.94 Xun Yue (荀悦, * 148 , † 209 )
B234.99 u. a.
B235 Philosophy of the Three Kingdoms, Jin Dynasty, Southern, and Northern Dynasties ( 220 to 589 )
B235.1 He Yan (* 190 , † 249 )
B235.2 Wang Bi (* 226 , † 249 )
B235.3 Xi Kang (* 224 , † 263 )
B235.4 Yang Quan (杨泉)
B235.5 Pei Wei (裴 頠)
B235.6 Guo Xiang (郭象, * 252 , † 312 )
B235.7 Ge Hong (* 284 , † 364 )
B235.8 Fan Zhen (范缜, * 450 , † 510 )
B235.9 u. a.
  • B3 Philosophy in Asia
  • B4 Philosophy in Africa
  • B5 Philosophy in Europe
  • B6 Philosophy in Australia
  • B7 Philosophy in America
  • B8 Cognitive Science
B91 Analysis and Research of Religion
B911 Religion and Social Policy
B913 Religion and Science
B917 Liberation from Superstition
B92 Theory of Religion and Overview
B920 Theory and Thoughts of Religion
B921 Natural theology, religious theology
B922 Religious Organization and Education
B925 Religious Literature and Culture
B93 Mythology and Prehistoric Religion
B94 Buddhism
B95 Daoism
B96 Islam
B961 Quran
B963 Doctrine, Sharia
B964 hadith
B965 ceremony and rite
B966 denomination
B966.1 Sunnis
B966.2 Schia
B966.3 New denomination of modernity
B967 organization and mosque
B968 Analysis and Research
B969 History of Islam
B969.9 biography
B97 Christianity
B971 Bible
B971.1 Old Testament
B971.2 New Testament
B972 Teaching and Theology
B975 Mission , evangelization , liturgy
B976 denomination
B976.1 Roman Catholic Church
B976.2 Orthodox churches
B976.3 Evangelical Church
B977 Organization of the Church and Church Construction
B978 Analysis and Research
B979 Church History
B979.9 biography
B98 Other religion
B981 Shinto
B982 Brahmanism , Hinduism , Jainism , Sikhism
B983 Zoroastrianism and Persian Religion
B985 Judaism
B986 Greek and Roman Religions
B987 Voodoo
B989.1 Other historical religion
B989.2 Local religion
B989.3 New religion
B99 Mystery Knowledge and Superstition
B991 worldwide
B992 China
B992.1 Yin and Yang , five-element theory
B992.2 fortune telling
B992.3 Physiognomy
B992.4 Feng Shui
B992.5 magic
B993 / 997 and a.


Social sciences

  • C0 Theory and Methodology of Social Sciences
C01 Principles, guidelines and elaborations of scientific research
C02 Philosophy of the Social Sciences
C03 Methodology of the Social Sciences


Languages and scripts

H01 phonetics
H019 recitation and art of speaking
H02 Philology
H03 semantics , vocabulary
H033 phrase
H034 motto
H04 syntax
H05 Writing theory and rhetoric
H059 translation theory
H06 Lexicography
H061 dictionary
H102 Language Standardization and Dissemination of Standard Chinese
H109.2 Old Chinese
H109.4 Standard Chinese
H11 Chinese speech sound ( phonology )
H12 Chinese Philology
H125.4 issues with pinyin
H126 special font
H13 Theory of meaning , vocabulary , meaning of the word (Xungu)
H131 Old Chinese vocabulary
H136 Standard Chinese vocabulary
H136.3 Chinese proverbs
H136.4 motto
H139 etymology
H14 grammar
H141 Grammar of Old Chinese
H146 Grammar of Standard Chinese
H15 Writing and Rhetoric
H151 style
H152 stylistics
H155 punctuation (punctuation)
H159 translation
H16 Character Dictionary, Dictionary, Character Dictionary of Old Chinese
H161 Shuowen jiezi
H162 Other ancient Chinese character lexicons
H163 Character Lexicon
H164 dictionary
H17 dialect
H19 Chinese teaching
H194 extract
H194.1 Excerpt from Old Chinese
H194.3 Excerpt from standard Chinese
H194.4 Extract for elementary school
H194.5 Extract for middle school
  • H2 Languages ​​of the Chinese Ethnic Minority
  • H3 Frequently used foreign languages
H31 English language
H310.1 Non-Standard English
H310.4 English placement test
H310.41 Worldwide
H310.42 China
H311 speech sound
H312 font
H313 Meaning, vocabulary and literal sense
H314 grammar
H315 Rhetoric for Writing
H316 English dictionary
H317 dialect
H319 English lessons
H319.4 Excerpt in English
H319.6 Exercises and Tests
H319.9 conversation
H32 French language
H33 German language
H34 Spanish language
H35 Russian language
H36 Japanese language
H366 Japanese Dictionary
H37 Arabic language
H4 Sino- Tibetan languages
H5 Altaic languages
H61 Austro-Asian languages
H62 Dravidian languages
H63 Austronesian languages
H64 Northeast Asian languages
H65 Caucasian languages
H66 Ural languages
H67 Afro-Asian languages
H81 African languages
H83 American languages
H84 Oceanic Languages
  • H9 World auxiliary language



J01 Aesthetics of Art
J02 Basic Problems of Art Theory
J03 artist
J04 Methodology and experience of art work
J05 Critique and Reception of Art
  • J1 Overview of Art
J11 world art
J12 Chinese art
J120.9 Chinese art history
  • J2 painting
J2-61 Artistic Dictionary
J20 Theory of Painting
J201 Aesthetics of Painting
J202 Basic problems of the art theory of painting
J203 painter
J204 Methodology and experience of painting
J205 Criticism and Reception of Painting
J21 painting technique
J211 General painting technique
J212 Technique of Chinese Painting
J213 Oil painting technique
J214 technique of drawing
J215 Technique of pastel and wax painting
J217 technique of graphics
J218 Technique of different paintings

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