Frank Stronach

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Frank Stronach (2008)

Frank Stronach (* 6. September 1932 in Kleinsemmering in Weiz , Styria as Franz Strohsack ) is an Austrian - Canadian industrialist , billionaire and former politicians . He was party chairman of the Stronach team, which he founded .


Stronach learned the trade of toolmaker . After a year in Bern in Switzerland had lived, where he also played football at FC Helvetia, he emigrated in 1954 - by its own account - 200 US dollars in the pocket to Canada from. As a so-called white vintage , he did not have to do military service.

Entrepreneurial activity

After the governments of the United States and Canada had passed the Canada-United States Automotive Products Agreement (Auto Pact or APTA for short) in 1965, which obliged automakers on the part of the state to also set quotas for the production of cars sold in Canada using auto parts produced, the auto parts industry was booming in Canada. Stronach began manufacturing parts for the automotive industry in a rented garage. In 1968 the company he founded, Multimatic, merged with Magna Electronics, a manufacturer of armament electronics, and over the years became Magna International Inc. under his leadership, one of the largest companies in the automotive supply industry in North America. Magna International Inc., headquartered in Aurora, Ontario, is now a leading global auto parts supplier with over $ 20 billion in sales and more than 90,000 employees. In 1986, the subsidiary Magna Europa responsible for the European market was founded, the headquarters of which is Magna Holding AG in Oberwaltersdorf ( Lower Austria ).

With his return to Austria , Stronach caused a sensation in the media and the public. In 1989 he planned to build an amusement park in Ebreichsdorf , the main attraction of which should have been a globe with a diameter of 200 m. The project failed. In 1998 he and his company took over Steyr Daimler Puch AG .

As part of a restructuring of the Magna Group, he founded the Magna Entertainment Corporation in Canada in 1999 under the umbrella of MI Developments Inc. (MI for Magna International) , in which he had merged non-automotive holdings and Magna International Inc. companies (MEC), which, as the owner and operator of several horse racing tracks and provider of horse racing in North America, soon became the market leader in these business areas. Industrial and real estate investments were transferred to the Granite Real Estate company.

The attempted takeover of state shares in Voest Alpine Stahl AG by Stronachs Magna failed in 2003 after public protests. As a company of the MEC, a leisure center and the Magna Racino racecourse opened in Ebreichsdorf on April 4, 2004, which, according to Stronach, was therefore part of the Lower Austrian national holiday . Their operation was obviously unprofitable and in 2007 Stronach announced its closure for the first time. The races were then organized and organized together with the Austrian Racehorse Owners Club (AROC) and with Stronach as the sponsor. After the MEC went bankrupt , Stronach continued to operate the racetrack from 2009, initially with the help of a company structure, based on a mailbox company in Jersey , before finally announcing the end of racing on the facility in November 2014. This has been continued independently by the AROC since spring 2015.

In addition to equestrian sports, Stronach is also involved in football . From 2001 onwards, he primarily supported FK Austria Wien financially , which had transferred its professional operations to Magna's entertainment subsidiary MEC by 2007 by means of an operator contract, but other Austrian clubs are and were also associated with Stronach. Stronach founded the Frank Stronach Football Academy in Hollabrunn in 2000 and served as President of the Austrian Football League from 1999 to 2005 . At the same time as he gave up his presidency, in November 2005, after repeated fan protests, he initiated his withdrawal from Austria Wien. The management contract between Magna and Austria Wien, which had been running since 2000, ended on June 30, 2007; After the 2007/08 season, Magna finally withdrew as the main sponsor of Austria. Stronach headed SC Wiener Neustadt as president from 2008 to 2011 and stayed with the club as a private sponsor. At least in his early days in the football business, he was only partially familiar with the subject. Among other things, he is quoted as saying "The best coach can do nothing if the players are not in shape".

In 2007, Stronach launched the caffeinated drink Frank's Energy-Drink in competition with the energy drink Red Bull , which was initially sold on the horse racing tracks of the Magna Entertainment Corporation.

In early 2009, Magna Entertainment Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy . In the same year, Stronach negotiated with General Motors and the German federal government about the takeover of Opel by Magna, which did not materialize. Magna E-Car Systems was founded in 2010 as a joint subsidiary of Magna International and the Stronach Group, a company that deals with the further development of electric cars .

In June 2010 Stronach announced that he wanted to reduce his voting rights majority from 66% in the Magna Group to 7.4% and thus in fact give up control of the group he had founded. In the Magna general meeting on June 28, 2010, the exit of Stronach was resolved, for which he should receive a severance payment of 983 million dollars. However, there is still a legal dispute over the actual amount with the other shareholders who consider this amount to be too high.

In 2011, the Magna Group , led by his daughter Belinda Stronach , acquired the horse racing and gaming divisions of MI Developments Inc. In May 2011, he resigned as President of Magna International. In the same year he entered into a cooperation with the German gaming company Gauselmann Group in order to obtain a casino concession for Austria and licenses to operate slot machines in Lower and Upper Austria with the Merkur Entertainment AG, which was founded for this purpose. The then chairman of the finance committee of the Austrian parliament, Günter Stummvoll , became chairman of the supervisory board of Merkur Entertainment AG . Since the finance committee was responsible for legislation in the area of ​​gaming and a possible conflict of interest soon became known, Stummvoll resigned as chairman of the supervisory board at Stronach and Gauselmann at the beginning of December of the same year.

The vending machine manufacturer Novomatic and its subsidiary Admiral ultimately won the bid as the best bidder for the award procedure for the machine licenses in both federal states . The competitors, including Merkur Entertainment AG, then announced that they would lodge complaints with the Independent Administrative Senate and take legal action before the constitutional and administrative courts. These steps were justified with the statement that the documents for the award procedure and the Gambling Act are not constitutional from Merkur's point of view. In the summer of 2012, the Gauselmann Group announced that it would apply to be granted machine licenses for Burgenland. One hopes for a "fair award procedure", said the spokesman for Merkur International. Merkur Entertainment AG with partner Frank Stronach will keep in the background with this tender.

In addition to his residence in Austria, Stronach also has a residence in the Swiss canton of Zug , where he founded the limited partnership Stronach & Co. in order to save taxes there with the help of a financial structure . The Swiss magazine Bilanz lists him every year in the list of the richest Swiss, in 2011 he was 83rd with a fortune of 1.75 billion Swiss francs . In 2012, the business magazine Forbes listed him on The World's Billionaires list with 1.2 billion US dollars , ranking him 1015th worldwide and for Canada 22nd place. In 2015, Forbes estimated his fortune at 1.4 billion US dollars (1324th place the Forbes list). He ranks 8th on the list of the richest Austrians .

In January 2016, Stronach proposed a new horse race, the Pegasus World Cup , at the Thoroughbred Owners Conference in Gulfstream .

Further engagements

Frank Stronach is also an art patron. He financed the construction of the four new concert halls in the Vienna Musikverein .

In 2003 he founded the Frank Stronach Institute (FSI) as part of a public-private partnership between the Magna Group and the Graz University of Technology . Organizationally, the FSI is part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economics. A long-term research collaboration, the expansion of competence in vehicle technology on the part of the university and the training of future employees on the part of Magna were named as goals. On November 22nd, 2004 he was appointed honorary professor by the Graz University of Technology “for special achievements in the field of business management” , whereby he received the license to teach the subject practical business management.


Stronach made his first attempt to gain a foothold in politics in Canada in 1988 when he ran for the Liberal Party of Canada , but it failed. His daughter Belinda Stronach, from 1988 to 2004 on the board of directors and from February 2001 chairman of the board of Magna International, ran for chairmanship of the Conservative Party of Canada in 2004 and came in second. In the same year she moved to the lower house as a member of the Conservative Party . In 2005 she switched to the Liberal Party, initially retaining her lower house mandate. Under Prime Minister Paul Martin she became Minister for State Personnel (Ministry of Human Resources and Skills Development) and Minister for Democratic Reform (Ministry for Democratic Reform) . In 2007 she returned to the board of directors of the Magna Group.

Since his return to Austria, Stronach has repeatedly engaged representatives from various Austrian parties for management positions in his group. Franz Vranitzky ( SPÖ ), from 1986 to 1997 Federal Chancellor of Austria, immediately afterwards became a member of the board of Magna International. Karl-Heinz Grasser (then FPÖ ), Deputy Governor of the Carinthian Provincial Government Zernatto II from 1994 to 1998 , then became Vice President for Human Resources and Public Relations at Magna International and, from 1999, Managing Director of Sport Management International (SMI), which is part of the Magna Group. before he moved to the ÖVP / FPÖ Federal Government, Schüssel I , as Minister of Finance in 2000 . Mathias Reichhold (FPÖ), temporarily Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology in the Schüssel government in 2002 and for a short time Federal Party Chairman of the FPÖ, was subsequently engaged in the management of Magna Steyr . Peter Westenthaler ( BZÖ ), member of the FPÖ's National Council until the split of the FPÖ after the Knittelfelder party meeting in 2002 , was then also employed by Magna Steyr and then head of the Austrian Bundesliga, of which Stronach was president at the time. The Styrian Provincial Councilor Herbert Paierl (ÖVP) worked for the Magna Group from 2004 to 2005 and since 2009. The former governor of Styria from 1996 to 2005, Waltraud Klasnic (ÖVP), became a “consultant for socio-economic issues” at Magna in 2007. As chairman of the supervisory board of Merkur Entertainment AG, which was founded in 2011, Stronach brought in Günter Stummvoll, member of the ÖVP national council . However, he resigned from this position after criticizing the fact that as chairman of the parliamentary finance committee he was responsible for gaming, but at the same time wanted to work for a gaming company.

In November 2011, Stronach founded the association "Frank Stronach Institute for Socio-Economic Justice", based in Oberwaltersdorf, in whose statutes he presented several political demands for reforming Austria, including those for a " debt brake ", a flat tax and the dismantling of state administration. Solutions to this would have to be found “outside party politics”. Another key point of his agenda is turning away from the European Union , in which he sees the danger of a “centralized EU”, whereas he wants to promote “sovereignty [of the nation states], market economy, competition and entrepreneurship”. To this end, Stronach gave lectures in which he promoted his proposals and initially sought cooperation with universities. The University of Innsbruck , he donated 150,000 euros for example, establishing an "Frank Stronach research group" and a "Frank Stronach Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship" at the Institute of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism. The advisory board of the “Frank Stronach Institute for Socio-Economic Justice” includes Barbara Kolm , FPÖ councilor in Innsbruck from 1994 to 2000 and from 2003 to 2006, and since 2000 general secretary of the economically liberal Friedrich A. v. Hayek Instituts , Christian Jauk , board member of the investment bank Capital Bank AG - Grawe Gruppe AG and the business journalist Christian Ortner . In the tabloid Kronen Zeitung and heute he placed advertisements containing his portrait photo and the institute's logo, in which he called for a “revolution for Austria”. Since the beginning of 2012, Frank's World has been published in the Sunday supplement of the Kronen Zeitung .

This political commitment since the beginning of 2012 was seen as an indication that Stronach himself would like to join Austrian politics. Allianz for Austria was being discussed as the name for the party . He held talks about a possible cooperation with representatives of Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ) or its chairman Josef Bucher and representatives of the Liberal Forum (LIF), with whom, according to Federal Spokesman Michael Pock, the cooperation had failed due to Stronach's European-critical standpoint, while one agreed on economic policy and administrative reform. However, in response to repeated inquiries in the media, he repeatedly decidedly ruled out the establishment of a party under his leadership. He described his own candidacy for the next National Council election , which will take place regularly in 2013 , as “not tempting”.

Team Stronach

In August 2012, in an interview, he announced the founding of a new party, whose program and staff he would officially present at the end of September. He named "truth, transparency and fairness" as the basic principles of the party. The party program is basically ready, with "the final touches" still being worked on. As a central first point of the program, he stated that the countries of the EU that use the euro should return to individual national currencies . After he had named Siegfried Wolf , who was President of Magna Europa AG until 2001, as a very good potential Federal Chancellor in previous interviews , he has now announced to the newspaper Die Presse that he himself wants to run as a top candidate. The aim is to achieve at least ten percent of the vote in the 2013 National Council election, and 20 to 30 percent according to an interview with the newspaper a few days later. In addition to the abolition of the euro as soon as possible, he named the demands he had already made for a simplification of the tax system towards a flat tax and the downsizing of state administrative bodies, especially in the area of social security and federalism, as further items on the agenda .

Stronach had been trying for a long time to poach politicians from other parties for his party, which was being established. The mayor of Spittal an der Drau and member of the National Council Gerhard Köfer announced on August 14, 2012 that he would leave the SPÖ and join Stronach. Köfer was followed by four other Spittal councilors from the SPÖ and the former FPÖ politician Waltraud Dietrich . Karin Prokop , daughter of the former Interior Minister Liese Prokop (ÖVP) and councilor in Maria Enzersdorf , left the ÖVP and switched to Stronach to help build his party. A few days after Köfer's change, it became known that the two "wild", so currently non-party MPs Erich Tadler (formerly FPÖ, entered the National Council in 2008 with the BZÖ, excluded from the party in 2010) and Robert Lugar (formerly FPÖ, 2008 with the BZÖ joined the National Council, left the party in 2011) want to join Stronach. Stronach had met the legal requirements for nationwide running of a party in accordance with the National Council election regulations - either a fixed number of declarations of support per federal state (2,600 in total) or the support of at least three members of the National Council - Stronach had met the three members. As a next step, he aimed to win at least five MPs for his party, which was still being planned, in order to reach the minimum number for founding a parliamentary club . Such a club has various parliamentary rights (initiative motions, urgent questions, etc.) as well as financial support from the parliamentary budget. On August 29th, Elisabeth Kaufmann-Bruckberger , who has been a BZÖ member of the National Council since December 2011, announced that she would be joining Stronach's team. The day before it became known that Stronach and Köfer would run as the top candidate for the election of the Carinthian state parliament , which will take place at the beginning of 2013 at the latest .

The new party was officially founded on September 25, 2012 as Team Stronach for Austria . Stronach is party chairman and as such represents “the party only externally” according to the statutes. On September 27, a preliminary “policy program” and the team were presented.

Participation in elections

In February 2013, the party announced its intention to run in the other state elections after participating in the state elections in Carinthia and Lower Austria .

In the 2013 National Council election on September 29, 2013, the Stronach team received 5.7% of the votes and moved into the National Council with 11 members. The result was well below our own expectations. In the media, this was mainly attributed to Frank Stronach's TV appearances, who was absent-minded and also showed no clue about essential points. Among other things, the advocacy of the reintroduction of the death penalty for professional killers caused a stir. Disappointed with the result, Stronach announced his withdrawal from politics in October 2013. Stronach resigned his mandate from the National Council at the end of January 2014, and it was transferred to the Burgenlander Rouven Ertlschweiger . Stronach had only attended two meetings of the National Council.

On June 3, 2016, Stronach announced that, for reasons of age, he no longer wanted to run the next National Council election. His name will also no longer appear in this election. As chairman of the Stronach team, he is still available until the election.

Dealing with the media

Especially after founding his party, Stronach drew attention to himself through his behavior towards journalists and his views on political reporting. His request, which became known in November 2012, that journalists undertake to submit the entire text, including the title and introduction, to Stronach for inspection, correction and written approval before publication of the conversations and interviews held with him , for the purpose of inspection, correction and written approval, became known - in the event of failure of the same should not even be reported about this fact or that an interview took place at all - perceived as inappropriate and criticized. After the Austrian Journalists Club had therefore called for an “interview boycott” against the billionaire, the Stronach team reacted with a press release and the publication of a slightly changed text of the still required obligation.

Two weeks later, an interview with Stronach in the news program Zeit im Bild caused another sensation , which moderator Armin Wolf almost broke off several times. Instead of answering the opening question about a possible involvement of Stronach's group in the Eurofighter affair, Stronach repeatedly and vehemently tried to read out a five-minute statement at the beginning (the same one he had made in 2007 in the committee of inquiry), as he had this right before the shipment had assured. An interview in the same place half a year earlier turned out to be similarly turbulent, in which the moderator was only able to formulate her first question to Stronach two and a half minutes after the start of the conversation, because Stronach had initially taken the floor, in order to, since one “was only very brief Have time "to explain in detail what is" the main topic "; he has the right to explain what he has to "deliver" - he can be invited again to answer questions. For such appearances in the media, the term “Frankschämen” (a modification of the new word “fremdschämen”) was chosen as Word of the Year 2013 by the Austrian German Research Center at the University of Graz . In the opinion of the expert jury, it describes "in aptly succinct way the alienation of many citizens about the behavior of a party founder who was appointed late at his public appearances".

Stronach's statement "I have to buy the media to get to the public" also evoked irritation, which he formulated in the course of a report about him that was broadcast by the Italian television station TGR in early December 2012.

Private life

Frank Stronach is married to Elfriede (maiden name: Sallmutter), who is eleven years younger and who also comes from the Weiz district. However, his wife does not appear in public. They have two children together. In 1966 the daughter Belinda was born, their son Andrew was born in 1968.



  • 2018: The question of all questions: where do we come from, where are we going? , Verlag Frank & Frei, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-903236-13-4


Web links

Commons : Frank Stronach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frank Stronach - Austrian-Canadian entrepreneur; Patron. Entry in the Munzinger database
  2. Stronach took Canadian citizenship around 1962 and lost Austrian citizenship in the process. He got it again in 1995. Information in Lit. Mappes-Niediek: Let's be Frank , pp. 45/46 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. a b Tages-Anzeiger : The revolutionary with tax domicile Zug , May 9, 2012.
  4. Kleine Zeitung: Politicians in the Armed Forces - Unfit, unwilling, indispensable . Article from January 17, 2013, accessed October 25, 2015.
  5. ^ Canadian Broadcasting Corporation : A continental auto industry
  6. Wolfgang Zwander in Falter 28/2012: Stronach's state affairs - Frank Stronach grumbles at politics, although he was saved by them several times
  7. ^ Granite Real Estate
  8. Since it opened, the racetrack has not come out of the red. . On August 10, 2007 on
  9. At the end of the year . On August 10, 2007 on
  10. AN ASSOCIATION INTRODUCES ITSELF ( Memento of the original from June 19, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . On:  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Magna Racino: Galloped . On April 19, 2014 on kurier .at.
  12. Stronach turns off the tap for Magna Racino . On November 30, 2014 on .
  13. Race ( Memento of the original from June 19, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . On November 30, 2014 on  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  14. Magna Racino opens its doors . On March 19, 2015 on
  15. 11 Friends, June 15, 2009 ( Memento of the original from October 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  16. News : Stronach on the trail of Mateschitz: "Frank's" energy drink is set to conquer Canada , March 23, 2007.
  17. ^ Kurtzman Carson Consulting: Magna Entertainment Corp., et al.
  18. ^ Die Presse : Stronach and the Moscow Connection , May 19, 2009.
  19. ^ Magna: About Magna E-Car Systems
  20. Canada Newswire : The Stronach Group acquires MI Developments' racing and gaming assets ( Memento of the original from June 8, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , June 30, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  21. ORF : Stronach wants to get into gambling , August 25, 2011.
  22. na press portal: New alliance on the Austrian gaming market , August 26, 2011.
  23. Die Presse: Frank Stronach makes a big entry into the casino business , August 25, 2011.
  24. Günther Oswald: The crux of the incompatibility . On August 28, 2011 on
  25. Dumbly: “Don't let me drag in the dirt” . On November 9, 2011 on
  26. OÖ Nachrichten : Novomatic receives machine license, and the losers want to sue , April 3, 2012.
  27. : Gambling: Resistance to Licensing , March 13, 2012.
  28. Wirtschaftsblatt : Gauselmann tries his luck in Burgenland ( memento from June 11, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), November 22, 2012.
  29. Bernhard Odehnal: The revolutionary with tax domicile Zug . On May 9, 2012 on
  30. ^ Frank's big show ( Memento from June 19, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). On August 20, 2013 on .
  31. Bernhard Odehnal: Frank Stronach hides his Swiss assets . On August 30, 2013 on
  32. Der Standard: Stronach announces disclosure of its finances , August 18, 2012.
  33. Balance: The 300 richest Swiss: Frank Stronach  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , 2011.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  34. ^ Forbes Magazine: The World's Billionaires: Frank Stronach. Retrieved August 14, 2012.
  35. - Mateschitz richest Austrian, Stronach wins . APA notification dated March 3, 2015, accessed March 3, 2015.
  36. Charlie McCarthy: Stronach Indicates $ 12M Race Plan Still Alive . The BloodHorse. April 1, 2016. Retrieved May 11, 2016.
  37. Graz University of Technology : FSI Frank Stronach Institute
  38. APA : Frank Stronach - toolmaker becomes election campaigner ( memento of the original from October 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , August 13, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  39. Die Zeit : Who is Frank Stronach? June 1, 2009.
  40. ^ Die Presse: Former Governor Klasnic becomes an advisor at Magna , October 12, 2007.
  41. Der Standard: Stummvoll wants to test the gambling law, which he helped to develop, in practice. August 31, 2011.
  42. Wirtschaftsblatt: Stummvoll puts aside a supervisory job at a gaming company. ( Memento of January 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) September 9, 2011.
  43. ortner online - The central organ of neoliberalism: Frank Stronach: A European spring from Austria. ( Memento of the original from April 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. 4th December 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  44. Frank Stronach Institute for Socio-Economic Justice: This is what we stand for. ( Memento of the original from August 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved August 14, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  45. ^ Frank Stronach: No centralized EU. ( Memento of the original from August 6, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. February 20, 2012. Retrieved August 14, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  46. Wirtschaftsblatt: Stronach donates € 150,000 to the University of Innsbruck. ( Memento of March 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) March 19, 2012.
  47. ^ Die Presse: The Stronach-BZÖ-Connection. March 30, 2012.
  48. The standard: Stronach revolts in small format. May 2, 2012.
  49. David Krutzler, Fabian Schmid: Six fists for a Haceluja . In: The Standard . December 13, 2019, p. 2 ( Online [accessed December 13, 2019]).
  50. ^ R. Kromp, T. Prager, H. Wachter: Stronach goes into the race . In: News . No. 19 , May 10, 2012, p. 20–26 ( online [accessed December 13, 2019]).
  51. ^ ORF : Stronach: Cooperation with LIF failed. August 13, 2012.
  52. The Standard: Stronach: "I will not found a party". May 16, 2012.
  53. Die Presse: Why Stronach does it himself - and what to expect. August 12, 2012.
  54. ^ ORF : Stronach: party founding is fixed. August 10, 2012.
  55. ^ Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten : Frank Stronach: "There will be a new party in Austria". August 10, 2012.
  56. Die Presse: Stronach wants to provide 30 percent and the Federal Chancellor. August 17, 2012. Retrieved August 18, 2012.
  57. Die Presse: Frank Stronach: "Euro exit the earlier the better". August 11, 2012.
  58. The standard: Spittal SPÖ mayor changes to Stronach. August 14, 2012.
  59. Der Standard: "There are still prominent names to follow." August 24, 2012.
  60. Der Standard: Stronach brings in Robert Lugar third MPs. 23rd August 2012.
  61. Der Standard: Stronachpartei presents Kaufmann: “Are on the way to founding a club” . 29th August 2012.
  62. Der Standard: Stronach party competes in Carinthia, Köfer becomes the top candidate. August 28, 2012.
  63. Austria now officially has a Stronach party. In: , September 25, 2012. Retrieved September 25, 2012.
  64. ^ Björn Hengst: Election campaign in Austria: A lot of agitation and a letter to the afterlife. Spiegel Online, February 11, 2013
  65. - Stronach wants the death penalty for professional killers . Article dated September 4, 2013, accessed November 22, 2014.
  66. ^ Austrian politician Stronach: The billionaire no longer wants., October 23, 2013, accessed on October 23, 2013 .
  67. - Frank Stronach resigns from his mandate., January 28, 2014, accessed on November 21, 2014 .
  68. "Name 'Stronach' will not appear". In: June 3, 2016, accessed June 4, 2016 .
  69. Hubert Patterer , Eva Weissenberger : "The Wolf is a Schulerbua". On December 1, 2012 on the small newspaper .at.
  70. Stronach and Wolf continue to argue on Twitter. On November 30, 2012 on
  71. a b Rosemarie Schwaiger: Frank Stronach: I was, uh, invited here. On December 22nd, 2012 on profil .at.
  72. The freedom he means. ( Memento of the original from March 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. On November 16, 2012 to date .at.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  73. ^ Frank Stronach and the muzzle form. On November 17th, 2012 on kurier .at.
  74. Journalists Club calls for an interview boycott from Stronach. On November 17th, 2012 on .
  75. Rouven Ertlschweiger : Team Stronach: Statement on the discussion about the authorization of interviews. On November 17, 2012 on ots .at.
  76. Roaring Stronach in the ZiB2. On November 29, 2012 on diepresse .com.
  77. Stronach and Wolf continue to argue on Twitter. . On November 30, 2012 on
  78. TV interview with Stronach was about to be canceled - impulsive “ZIB2” appearance: Stronach denies profit in Eurofighter case. On November 29, 2012 on
  79. The archived interview, conducted by Armin Wolf, from November 29, 2012 in the ORF media library ( memento of the original from June 19, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ( MP4 , approx. 69 MB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  80. Interview with Frank Stronach in the ORF program ZIB2 on July 3, 2012, archived on YouTube
  81. ^ "Frankschämen" is the word of the year 2013. Kleine Zeitung , December 5, 2013
  82. Stronach: “I have to buy the media for me”. On December 3, 2012 on
  83. ^ The archived edition of the Estovest program from December 2, 2012 in the RAI media library . On rai .tv (MP4, approx. 135 MB; approx. 8.03 min. To 8.20 min.)
  84. This is Ms. Stronach! In: WOMAN on August 29, 2012.
  85. Frank Stronach of the Republic "gilded". ORF of September 8, 2010, accessed on September 8, 2010.
  86. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)