Contents of the publication of cables from US embassies by Wikileaks

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This article deals with the content of the publication of cables from US embassies by WikiLeaks on the Internet platform WikiLeaks .

Countries sorted by content


A 2005 telegram reported that Omar Suleiman , who was vice-president during the 2011 revolution in Egypt , promised Israel to stop democratic elections in the Gaza area. After Amos Gilad, he said: “There will be no elections in January. We take care of this."

A dispatch from May 2008 stated that President Muhammad Husni Mubarak would likely remain in power until his death because of the lack of free and fair elections. He told a US diplomat that one should not withdraw from Iraq, but instead advised to strengthen the Iraqi forces that one should find a "fair dictator" through a coup to govern Iraq.

Another cable from January 2009 describes police violence in Egypt: It is routine against common criminals and the order of the day. It is also an attempt to get confessions. The police are poorly trained and understaffed. Violence against Islamist prisoners is declining overall. Muslim Brotherhood activists are tortured because they pose a political threat. The government denies the existence of torture. Since 2007, 15 police officers have been sentenced to prison terms for torture and homicide.

Furthermore, the Egyptian blogger movement is described in a despatch. This is estimated at 160,000 who write in Arabic and English. The majority of bloggers are male and between 20 and 35 years old.

According to a dispatch from January 2010, Egypt has had emergency laws almost exclusively since 1967, allowing the government to arrest people without charge and detain them indefinitely. The government mainly used these to combat terrorism:

  • In the 1990s, the government arrested thousands of Islamists citing emergency laws when Islamic groups carried out attacks. It is estimated from contacts that 4,000-5,000 prisoners remained in custody. The case is now being heard by a court.
  • In late 2008, emergency laws were used to arrest 28 members of a Hezbollah cell, 18 of whom were Egyptians. The cell allegedly intended to attack US and Israeli ships sailing through the Suez Canal .
  • In July 2009, 25 Egyptians and one Palestinian were arrested under the emergency laws. The group allegedly supports Hamas and helped in a bomb attack on Al-Khalili in Cairo in February 2009, as well as the robbery of a jewelry store. Based on press reports, the prosecutor referred the case to the court on January 4, 2010.

Cases unrelated to terrorism:

  • In December 2007, activist and blogger Musad Abu Fagr was arrested because his posts contained the ill health of the Sinai Bedouin.
  • In October 2008, blogger Hany Nazir was arrested on citing emergency laws because his posts were deemed to be an insult to Christianity and Islam.
  • In addition, a blogger from a heterodox Islamic Koran sect was arrested in 2008 and held captive for 90 days.
  • In the run-up to the 2005 and 2010 parliamentary elections and the 2008 local elections, the government used the emergency laws to arrest members of the Muslim Brotherhood on a massive scale without charge. The inmates were released after a few days or months.
  • The government used emergency laws to prosecute and arrest 49 people in clashes during a strike in April 2008 in Mahalla al-Kubra . In December of the same year, a court convicted 22 people of attacking police officers, robbery and carrying unlicensed weapons.
  • In 2004, 26 men were arrested in connection with the banned Islamic Liberation Party and imprisoned for membership in a banned organization. Several of the defendants alleged that the government tortured them for confessions.


Hamid Karzai in the White House

7,095 of the dispatches published relate to Afghanistan .

In a despatch is reported that former Vice President Ahmed Zia Massoud after a visit to the United Arab Emirates after recognizing the US Drug Enforcement had 52 million in cash while whose legal origin he could not prove. The US embassy in Kabul finally gave the green light that he could keep the money without giving any information about its origin. He himself denies having taken money out of the country.

An administration fee of 15% was due on the loan of 50 million euros, which the German federal government made available to establish the Afghan National Army (ANA). This emerges from a dispatch dated February 3, 2010.

An inquiry to the Foreign Office revealed that the “Corps of Engineers” charged a “project processing fee” for the infrastructure projects “ANA Logistics School Kabul” (Pol-e-Charki) and the “Engineering School” in Mazar-e Sharif . However, these are not administrative fees in the classic sense, but are directly attributable to the respective project.


In a directive from Hillary Clinton to her diplomats, she ordered the acquisition of biometric data on political leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Uganda , Rwanda and Burundi . In addition, certain aspects such as state of health and opinion on the USA should be recorded.


Bolivia's President Evo Morales

On April 16, 2009, Bolivian security forces foiled an alleged murder plot against President Evo Morales . In a secret dispatch, the US embassy suspected that the plot was orchestrated by the Bolivian government to blame the opposition in Santa Cruz Department . Another telegram reported that one of those accused of the plot, Eduardo Rózsa , was accused by the Bolivian public prosecutor of having contacts with the CIA .


3,297 documents refer to China.

A high-ranking Chinese official put into perspective that both public opinion in China and the government are "increasingly critical" of North Korea and that China's influence on North Korea is "often overestimated".

A Chinese man contacted the US embassy in Beijing to inform them that the Communist Party Politburo was responsible for instigating the Google Hacks incident in January 2010, which was part of a broader “coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by parts of the government, private security experts and Internet outlaws "recruited by the Chinese government to attack the US and its Western allies."

An October 2008 cable showed China's willingness to use US debt as political leverage over arms sales to Taiwan . China has bought $ 900 billion in promissory notes over the years. After the collapse of Lehman Brothers , Deputy Director Liu Jiahua of the State Foreign Exchange Bureau met with the ambassador. He raised concerns about lending to US banks and the US ability to pay its debts. Selling weapons to Taiwan makes it more difficult for the Chinese government to justify its policies in public.


In an affair involving the transport of CIA prisoners through Denmark, Foreign Minister Stig Møller announced to the public that he was energetically requesting the necessary information from the USA. Unofficially, so dispatches from US Ambassador James Cain, it had been signaled to him that the Danish government was not interested in an answer. It is determined to prevent a parliamentary investigation.

Democratic Republic of Congo

According to a senior diplomat from the Swiss embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, two Geneva-based shipping companies said it was well known that uranium was being smuggled into Iran from the Democratic Republic of the Congo via Tanzania.


The American Embassy on Pariser Platz

Documents 1719 include reports and assessments of the situation from the Berlin embassy . In connection with the 2009 Bundestag election , many assessments of German politicians arose, some of them very negative, which were published very prominently by the German press. The wing battles in the SPD and the violent disputes between the FDP and CSU in 2009/2010 were also reflected in the dispatches.

A dispatch dated June 9, 2006 is a briefing from the diplomat in Berlin and the then Interior Minister Michael Chertoff . Chertoff was supposed to meet the Interior Minister at the time, Wolfgang Schäuble , in Berlin .

The aim of the meeting should be the exchange of information on the fight against terrorism, contrary to the efforts of the European Union. From the point of view of the Americans, Schäuble should help to realize the plans. The diplomat expresses concern about German data protection laws and public attitudes towards privacy, which make information sharing and law enforcement cooperation difficult, and that new EU mechanisms may make this worse. The EU directives on data protection are criticized as "a recipe to stand still". In talks with Schäuble, the diplomat sees an opportunity to sensitize him with the focus on being able to exert “German influence” on the EU.

A number of documents from the Berlin embassy report to the United States concerned about Germany's positions on SWIFT and the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP). Ole von Beust is quoted as saying that Ms. Merkel was very angry that the German representatives in the EPP , although she personally campaigned for it, voted against the SWIFT agreement in the European Parliament .

Furthermore, it is reported how the then Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière (CDU) outvoted Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger , because she abstained from a vote at COREPER to extend the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program.

At a meeting on February 3, 2010, the then Federal Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg ( CSU ) spoke with the ambassador that he would like to send more troops to Afghanistan , whereby the problem is not the SPD, but Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle .

A dispatch dated October 9, 2009 reported that information and documents from the coalition negotiations of the Merkel II cabinet , in particular about Guido Westerwelle's plans to end nuclear participation , had been sent to the US embassy in Berlin. Internal FDP party documents are also said to have been transmitted earlier. The informant was described as a "young, aspiring party supporter" of the FDP. In an interview with Der Spiegel, Ambassador Philip D. Murphy justified this as normal diplomatic work. On December 2, it turned out that the man was Helmut Metzner , Westerwelle's office manager. The FDP stated: “An employee of the FDP federal office responsible for international contacts has been revealed who, at the request of the embassy, ​​was on his own responsibility and as part of his work, like numerous employees of other parties, in conversation with the US embassy and was free provided accessible information. ”Metzner was first suspended from his post and a few days later the end of his employment was announced.

The US put pressure on the German government not to execute the arrest warrants that had already been issued against 13 CIA officers who were involved in the kidnapping and torture of the German citizen Khaled al-Masri , who was later found to be innocent. The German side largely gave in to this pressure.

Details about the HiROS satellite project became known from several dispatches from 2009 . The satellites are to be used for environmental monitoring and disaster control as well as a means of espionage for the German Federal Intelligence Service and the US government. The dispatches show that the Federal Intelligence Service was the main customer for the project. He was assigned 30% of the planned capacity. The US embassy in Berlin even rated the HiROS project as an attempt "to challenge France's dominance on the lucrative and growing world market for satellite data". After the dispatches became known, the federal government did not want to support the project with a three-digit million sum.


5,087 dispatches relate to India .

An April 2005 dispatch reported that the US Embassy in New Delhi had received evidence of systematic torture of detainees in Kashmir by the Indian police and security forces from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (ICRC). ICRC staff had 177 visits to detention centers in Jammu and Kashmir between 2002 and 2004 and met with 1,491 prisoners. This resulted in 1,296 private interviews. In 852 inmates reported what the staff referred to as ill-treatment: 171 people were beaten, the remaining 681 were victims of one or more forms of torture:

  • Electric shock (498 cases)
  • Hang from the ceiling (381 cases)
  • Squeezing the thigh muscle using a special tool ("roller") (294 cases)
  • Extension of the legs by 180 ° (234 cases)
  • Sexual coercion (302 cases).

In total, the cases add up to more than 681, as some victims were repeatedly abused. All branches of the security forces used these forms of abuse and torture, always taking place in the presence of officers or prisoners. The prisoners were seldom militants - these are routinely killed - but people who were in contact with them or who were expected to provide information about the insurgents. Nevertheless, the human rights situation in Kashmir is “much better than it was in the 1990s”, when security forces woke entire villages in the middle of the night and arrested residents at random. Ten years ago there were 300 prisons, today "much less". However, the ICRC never got access to the most notorious detention center “Cargo Building” in Srinagar . The abuse continues because the security forces need the "insurrection" while the militants: "Insurrection has become a business". The ICRC concludes that India “tolerates torture” and that the victims of torture were civilians.


According to a dispatch dated April 7, 2006, Iran is helping Venezuela to search for uranium deposits. For this purpose, 37 mining engineers and 20 other officials are said to be in the country.

According to a telegram on July 23, 2009, Ali Akbar Hāschemi Rafsanjāni would be a “survivor” (of the protests following the Iranian presidential election in 2009 ) and would only act and take over the leadership of the state if he was one hundred percent sure that he would win. According to a dispatch of August 28, 2009, Istanbul was Ali Khamenei to leukemia ill. The source given is a foreign businessman who regularly visits Tehran. He learned from a contact there that, according to former President Rafsanjani, "Khamene'i is suffering from terminal cancer and could die within a few months." Rafsanjani therefore postponed the removal of the revolutionary leader by the Council of Experts (due to allegations of fraud in connection with the Iranian presidential elections in 2009 ).

According to a dispatch dated February 24, 2010, North Korea is said to have delivered 19 R-27 missiles to Iran in 2005 . The North Korean version BM-25 should have a range of 2400 to 4000 km and be able to carry a nuclear warhead.

According to a confidential dispatch from Abu Dhabi , the Iranian secret service is said to have created dossiers on the country's most important footballers. According to this assessment, most of the Iranian national players would “privately support the reform forces”, but were “careful not to cross any political boundaries”.

According to a dispatch from Beirut in 2009, General David Petraeus described the Iranian nuclear program as “the best recruiting tool” for CENTCOM . The number of partnerships and agreements for military support between the US and its Arab partners in the Gulf has increased significantly.

A cable reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was slapped by the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard , Mohammad Ali Jafari , at a meeting of the Supreme Council for National Security in the summer of 2009 . The Iranian government denied it.


15,365 dispatches relate to Iraq .

The documents found 303 cases of torture by foreign units in 2010 alone.


Ehud Barak (2009)

9,520 dispatches relate to Israel.

A dispatch reported on a meeting on May 25, 2009, in which Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak named 2010 as the time to attack a nuclear-armed Iran.

According to a dispatch from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv , the thanking Mossad boss Meir Dagan for the assurance of the United States toward Israel for security support in the amount of 30 billion US dollars in the period from 2008 to the 2018th

Several sources tell the US embassy in Jerusalem that Hamas had liquidity problems in the spring of 2010. According to the embassy, ​​Hamas has 34,000 employees on its payroll, including security guards with a monthly salary of $ 16 million.

The telegram also indicates that Hamas was in default and that salaries were not paid in full. They are said to be heavily dependent on foreign aid to support their household. The financial problems are believed to be due to the Egyptian anti-smuggling efforts.


According to three documents from the Ambassador in Rome Ronald Spogli in 2008, the US expressed concern about alleged protection payments by the Italian government to the Taliban . So it should avoid fighting and pay ransom and bribes. This is said to have happened both under the Romano Prodi government and through the Silvio Berlusconi cabinet . In 2009 the rumors were dispelled.


6722 dispatches relate to Japan .

One of them mentions at the end of 2008 that the International Atomic Energy Agency warned the Japanese government in 2008 that Japanese nuclear power plants could not cope with strong earthquakes. The government reacted to the warning, but the power plants were only designed for earthquakes with a maximum magnitude of 7. The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake , which caused damage and incidents in the Fukushima I and Fukushima II nuclear power plants , had a magnitude of 9.


Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister Abdulkarim Al-Arhabi said in a cable that if the US attacked al-Qaeda camps in Yemen, he would tell his people that the Yemeni military carried out the attacks, not the US. He also joked that he had "lied" to Parliament about US involvement.

A cable from 2010 reported about human trafficking in Yemen. There is no reliable statistical data on human trafficking, but the government is planning to document further cases in 2010. The Saleh Foundation - which is closely related to the government - maintains a register for recording children returning from Saudi Arabia, but only records these a fraction of the total human trafficking victims in the country. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor found that fewer children (602) were abducted to Saudi Arabia in 2009 than in 2008 (900). The numbers are inaccurate and show only a few victims who found their way to one of two child rehabilitation centers in Yemen. In a joint study by UNICEF and the ministry, security forces prevented child trafficking in 1,500 cases between 2004 and 2009. Children are either sexually exploited or used for drug smuggling. The traffickers are both individuals and, less often, organized gangs. It is claimed that most of the gangs are led by Saudis. Some traffickers have been former victims of human trafficking themselves. Many victims were sold by their families in exchange for a monthly referral they promised. Victims are often girls who go into “temporary marriages” with Saudi tourists (note: in Saudi Arabia sexual intercourse is only legal in marriage). Sometimes traffickers promise families that a wealthy Gulf Sheikh will support their disabled child with special education or physical rehabilitation.

Somali pirates benefit from the instability in the Horn of Africa to smuggle people into Yemen via the Gulf of Aden . Piracy, human trafficking and smuggling are the order of the day.

Human trafficking is a big problem for the government and it is taking action to combat it, but Yemen has problems with corruption.

According to a cable, a senior government official warned US diplomats that a lack of security in the state's main storage facility for radioactive products allows dangerous material to fall into the hands of terrorists. The material could be used to build a dirty bomb .


On the Manas airport , the Manas Air Base located

In a dispatch it is reported that the Kyrgyz have a “very positive relationship with the US military”. A dossier shows how crucial the Manas air cross is in Central Asia: "In 2009, the transit center channeled an average of 24,000 soldiers and around 450 tons of cargo through it per month."

The US is concerned that Kyrgyzstan could end cooperation. One ambassador recommends that the Kyrgyz people should not be taken seriously because they "would lose the advantages they would have from working together". There is “no doubt that they will resume negotiations” - which is what happens then. According to a dispatch dated February 13, 2009, a US diplomat from the government of Kyrgyzstan was told that China is said to have pledged 3 billion US dollars to the government if Kyrgyzstan bans the US from using Manas Air Base .


The US advocacy group in Havana

Several dispatches - sent from the US embassy in Venezuela - deal with the Cubans present there. There are over 40,000 Cuban helpers in Venezuela, including around 30,000 doctors and medical staff, 1,400 agricultural technicians, 6,000 physical education teachers and up to 4,000 other helpers. Although the Cuban secret service is hardly present in the Venezuelan military, it otherwise has a great influence and direct access to President Hugo Chávez . In addition, Chavez is ready, in the event of a possible civil conflict in Cuba, Cuba's longstanding and charismatic head of state Fidel Castro was seriously ill at this time, to provide military support to the current regime if necessary.

Regarding Fidel Castro himself, the dispatches report that after the intestinal bleeding that occurred for the first time on a flight from Holguín to Havana on July 26, 2006, he initially refused to have an operation so as not to endanger his public appearances. The US mission in Cuba assessed Castro's state of health as "serious", but Fidel's immediate death was not to be expected.

In addition, the reports from the US mission from Cuba deal with the opposition there . This is less concerned with replacing the ruling regime than with securing their standard of living. Most of them are over 60 years old and have little contact with Cuban youth. As a result, the opposition groups are deeply divided among themselves and also fear the competition from Cubans in exile . According to an April 2009 report, the Cuban dissidents are largely unknown to the Cubans who went to the US advocacy group for an entry visa for the US. They also know nothing of their political goals. The Cuban youth, which includes independent bloggers like Yoani Sánchez , musicians and plastic artists, on the other hand, is disillusioned with the ruling regime. However, according to the reports, this group is also heavily controlled and labeled “ dissident ” by the state , so that no initiatives to overthrow are to be expected from them. Overall, the youth within the Communist Party of Cuba are seen as having the greatest potential for changing the regime in Cuba.

A dispatch dated January 31, 2008 dealt with the Cuban health system. It quoted Cuban citizens who reported the poor condition of local hospitals. The hospital shown in Michael Moore's documentary Sicko , in which victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 were treated free of charge, was also discussed. According to Depesche, this is a modern department reserved exclusively for tourists and patients of Operation Milagro who pay in foreign currency, mainly from Venezuela. “Normal” Cubans could only be treated if they paid a bribe. A supposed fact that the film Sicko could not be shown in Cuba turned out to be wrong. Allegedly, the Cuban authorities were afraid that the Cubans would ask questions given the unusually good equipment of the hospital shown. Michael Moore denied this alleged ban shortly afterwards on his blog. The film was shown in numerous cinemas across the country and was also shown on Cuban television. The British Guardian , which published the original report, corrected the article a short time later.


An October 2009 message from the US Embassy in Mexico City mentioned that the then Mexican State Secretary for the Interior, Gerónimo Gutiérrez Fernández , suggested that efforts in the drug war should be concentrated in three major cities, including Ciudad Juárez and Tijuana , around to be able to show successes quickly. He expressed serious concern about the possibility of "losing" certain regions, which would damage Mexico's international reputation, reduce foreign investment and create the impression of a helpless government. As a result of the publications, the relationship between the Mexican President Felipe Calderón and the American Ambassador Carlos Pascual deteriorated so much that Pascual resigned from his office in March 2011.


Daniel Ortega (2008)

Several dispatches from the US Ambassador in Nicaragua suggest a connection between Daniel Ortega or the Sandinista Liberation Front (FSLN) and international drug cartels. Accordingly, they financed Ortega's election campaigns from the start. In 1984 he gave the Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar shelter in Nicaragua for several months after he had murdered the Colombian Minister of Justice. During the same period, Nicaragua was used as the base for Escobar's cocaine flights to the United States. The FSLN also regularly received large amounts of money for its election campaigns from other drug gangs. In return, Sandinista judges released captured drug traffickers.

For some years now, Ortega's election campaigns have also been financed by Hugo Chávez , who regularly sends “suitcases full of money”.

The documents also reveal other cases of alleged corruption on the part of Ortega: For example, boxer Ricardo Mayorga , who is said to have raped a young person in a hotel in Managua , was blackmailed. Ortega and the FSLN promised to protect him against the rape allegation in the courts. In return, Mayorga was supposed to give up part of his boxing match income.

North Korea

Several dispatches (2009-2010) reported that some high-ranking Chinese were considering the possibility of a unification of North Korea and South Korea . This should take place under the leadership of South Korea. The instability on the North Korean peninsula is to be dealt with by the influx of refugees. The possibility of the country's collapse, for example after the death of Kim Jong-il , was also considered in China.

"It is very troublesome," said a Chinese ambassador, calling North Korea's nuclear activity a "threat to global security."


The United States Embassy in Vienna

1,700 dispatches come from the United States Embassy in Vienna . The documents published by WikiLeaks to date contain assessments of an Austrian diplomat about Iran . Another dispatch reports on the "calm" in Austria's foreign policy. Federal Chancellor Faymann, Foreign Minister Spindelegger and Defense Minister Darabos are sharply criticized. Heinz-Christian Strache , head of the right-wing populist opposition party FPÖ , is described as a “national-conservative and cynical politician”.

In addition, the Austrian bank Raiffeisen Investment Holding AG is said to have a business relationship with the Eastern European mafia boss Semjon Mogilewitsch . Also since 2007 UniCredit Group is part of Bank Austria to suspicious transactions in favor of North Korea and the Hamas ready or almost ready organization " Palestinian Association in Austria " have performed. In addition, there are said to have been high payments to the Iranian National Bank at periodic intervals, which are associated with the Iranian nuclear program.

Austrian companies, above all a 24-year-old entrepreneur from Styria, are also said to have supplied Iran with weapons and sensitive high-tech components (so-called dual-use goods ) for the Iranian missile and nuclear program . However, domestic ministry employees had cooperated with the British foreign intelligence service and the US authorities and "secretly informed the US embassy about arms exports that had already been applied for".


Destroyed Georgian military base near Gori

6999 dispatches refer to Russia.

Russia is described in the dispatches as "highly centralized, sometimes brutal and invariably cynical and corrupt". Robert Gates is quoted as saying that Russian democracy has disappeared and the government is "an oligarchy led by the security authorities ". In January 2011 Russia expelled the British "Guardian" journalist Luke Harding, who had previously reported on the oligarchy and the WikiLeaks cables from London.

The statements of various states on the 2008 Caucasus War are also mentioned in the dispatches . Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, the Baltic States, Slovenia, Slovakia and Bulgaria pushed for a strong position, and Sweden suggested excluding Russia from the Council of Europe . Germany, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Malta and Cyprus were against the proposal.

Saudi Arabia

Abdullah ibn Abd al-Aziz (2002)

The former King and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah ibn Abd al-Aziz , suggested, according to a report, that all Guantanamo Bay inmates be implanted with radio chips, as is done with "horses and hawks". Furthermore, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah, is said to have urged the USA to launch a military attack on Iran several times during a meeting with US diplomats. The rulers of Bahrain and Jordan also pushed for a military conflict with Tehran.

Several dispatches report that Saudi Arabia may not be able to produce enough oil reserves to keep the oil price stable. The dispatches contain a warning from a Saudi government official that oil reserves are overestimated by 300 million barrels - that is 40%. According to al-Husseini, the problems are twofold: it is possible that Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are not as generous as they are sometimes described and the schedule for their production is nothing more than what Saudi Aramco and “unrestrained” energy optimists believe would like to represent. In a presentation, Abdallah al-Saif, current Senior Vice President of Exploration, reported that Saudi Aramco has 716 million barrels of total reserves, 51% of which are eligible. Saudi Aramco has another 900 million barrels of reserves over the next 20 years. In two further dispatches the question of how much influence the Saudis can exert on the crude oil markets to keep the price the same is discussed.

A fourth dispatch from October 2009 claims that the escalating demand for electricity will further restrict oil exports.


In the dispatches, Sweden's official freedom of association is described as a " lie " because of the close cooperation between the military and the secret service .


In dispatches it is now clear that the Libya affair over the two Swiss hostages, which was held in Libya for almost two years, was far more explosive than previously assumed. Switzerland wanted to use its veto right as a Schengen member and thus deny members of the Libyan regime entry to Europe. However, states such as Portugal and Italy rejected the political use of the veto and hardly any help to the Swiss. When Libya, in return, refused entry to all Schengen citizens, the Swiss-Libyan affair threatened to turn into a pan-European affair. The US ambassador to Switzerland spoke of a “high-profile crisis” and that Germany was the only EU country that was still behind Switzerland.

As can be seen from other dispatches, Switzerland interfered in US Iran policy for months in 2006 and 2007. Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey urged the Confederation to play an active role. Switzerland wanted to act as a mediator. However, this behavior was annoying to the US government.

A telegram from July 2009 shows that the then Minister of Economic Affairs, Doris Leuthard, is campaigning for the admission of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay and the closure of the Swedish company Colenco, which had ties to the Iranian nuclear program. The prisoners were two Uyghurs and one Uzbeks. In August 2009, Switzerland reached a settlement with the USA over the UBS affair. Switzerland undertook to check in 4,450 cases of UBS clients whether administrative assistance can be provided due to tax offenses . After it became known, Leuthard denied: "There is no direct connection between the UBS dossier and the admission of prisoners from Guantánamo and the Swedish company Colenco."


5555 dispatches refer to Sudan .


In a dispatch from Tunisia , the government there under Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali is described as " mafia-like ". The media, trade unions and the opposition would be suppressed. The consequence of this are social tensions due to social injustices. The question is occasionally raised whether the 2010/2011 revolution in Tunisia was partly caused by publications by WikiLeaks. This thesis was advanced by the Times but rejected by the American government. After Tunisia blocked access to WikiLeaks, Operation Payback , called Operation Tunisia , launched attacks on Tunisian websites and in support of Tunisians who were critical of the government. The website of the Tunisian Prime Minister temporarily showed an open letter to the government of Tunisia.


Ahmet Davutoğlu (2009)

11,086 dispatches relate to Turkey .

US diplomats have great doubts about Turkey's reliability. The US is concerned that the country is moving further and further from the west. The then Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu exercised an Islamist influence on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , who obtained information almost exclusively from Islamist newspapers.

In addition, the former ambassador to Turkey, Eric Edelman, claims that Erdogan has eight bank accounts in Switzerland.

A 2006 telegram reported that from 2002 to February 2006 Turkey gave permission to use Incirlik Air Base as a refueling stop for Operation Fundamental Justice prisoner transport operations . Turkey had always officially denied that.

United Arab Emirates

Abdullah II on April 6, 2001

In 2005, Zayid spoke out in favor of war against Iran with the words “this year or next”.

In another dispatch, diplomats make it clear that Muhammad ibn Zayid Al Nahyan, Abdullah II of Jordan and Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor, Duke of York are “close friends” who “often hunt - in Morocco and Tanzania ”.

United Kingdom

Numerous cables relate to the United Kingdom . Among other things, it became known that the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown had unsuccessfully campaigned for the hacker Gary McKinnon . Since 2003 McKinnon was supposed to be extradited to the USA for a computer misdemeanor. In October 2012, the extradition request was finally rejected by Interior Minister Theresa May .

It also became known that massive pressure was exerted on Britain from Libya in relation to the release of the alleged Lockerbie attacker , Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi , in January 2009 . Libya had threatened to shut down all economic relations and no longer guarantee the well-being of British citizens in Libya. The then State Secretary in the State Department, Bill Rammell , informed the Libyan government in October 2008, shortly after the announcement that al-Megrahi was suffering from cancer, of the possibility of his release.

United States of America

According to several dispatches, the Anti-Drug Administration (DEA) has evolved into a global organization whose work is increasingly similar to traditional intelligence services. In August 2009, the Panamanian head of state Ricardo Martinelli sent a message to the US ambassador to his country. "I need help tapping phones," wrote Martinelli, asking the DEA for assistance in cracking down on his political rivals.

The government of Paraguay made a similar request for help at the beginning of 2010. The targets were members of the armed guerrilla organization Paraguayan People's Army (EPP). In both cases support was refused.

After an embassy telegram in October 2009, Mexican army representatives asked the US drug authorities in private talks for closer cooperation because they did not trust the Mexican police.

DEA informants from Burma report how the military government enriches itself with drug money and how it acts against the opposition.

A dispatch from May 2008 reported the close relationship between drugs and politics: In the West African country of Guinea, the country's greatest drug lord was also the son of the then president and confiscated drugs were replaced by flour before they were destroyed.

In a cable from Sierra Leone in March 2009 , the DEA reported that the country's Justice Minister had demanded $ 2.5 million in bribes from defendants in drug trafficking proceedings.

Large parts of West Africa have now become a central base for South American drug cartels . The fight against drug smuggling forced them to look for alternative routes to Europe and the USA. Countries like Guinea-Bissau are literally "in the hands of criminal organizations".


BAE Systems

According to a dispatch from March 2007, the armaments company BAE Systems bribed representatives in Saudi Arabia to get orders. The UK Anti-Fraud Authority (SFO) presented evidence at a closed OECD meeting in 2007 that more than £ 70 million in bribes had been paid to a Saudi prince. There was talk of further considerable payments at the time.

The content was not expressly rejected in a statement. So far, no allegations of bribery or corruption have been made, the statement said.


A series of dispatches shows how US diplomats and high-ranking politicians are helping to boost sales of Boeing aircraft. In a dispatch it is said that in 2006 the Saudi Arabian King Abdallah responded positively to the request of then US President George W. Bush to purchase 43 Boeing aircraft for Saudi Arabian Airlines and 13 more for the royal air fleet. The condition, however, was that the king's personal aircraft had to be equipped with the most modern technology, as is also available in Air Force One . Then he will be "very satisfied", it says further in the dispatch. In November 2010, a contract was signed to buy 12 Boeing 777-300ERs valued at $ 3.3 billion, state-owned Saudi Arabian Airlines announced.

Another dispatch from 2009 stated that the head of government of Bangladesh , Sheikh Hasina, is demanding landing rights at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport for her national airline in return for a contract with Boeing. The contract was concluded, but the airline still has no landing rights.

Chevron Corporation

On the authority of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki , the Chevron Corporation has entered into negotiations with Iran over an oil field on the border between Iraq and Iran, despite UN sanctions against Iran. These talks were never concluded in a contract.


In a telegram on June 24, 2009, Afghan Interior Minister Hanif Atmar warns that this article could "endanger human life". His wish was that the US withhold the article and video. Atmar reveals the arrest of two Afghan National Police (ANP) officers and nine other Afghans (including foreign language assistants). The crime that was prosecuted was "buying a service from a child," which is illegal in Afghanistan under Sharia law , the Civil Code and the ANP Police Code of Conduct. The incident took place at a Baccha Baazi party. Baccha Baazi is an early Islamic tradition that was banned by the Taliban. Baccha boys are between 8 and 15 years old. They use make-up, wear ties and bells on their feet, and slip into sparse women's clothing. They sing and dance seductively in front of older men.

Atmar said he would apply the civil code in this case as the ANP would then be protected. However, he was concerned about the image of foreign mentors. Atmar said President Karzai had told him that Atmar's "reputation" was at stake in leading the Kunduz DynCorp matter and another recent incident in which Blackwater falsely killed several Afghan citizens. The President asked him, "Where is the justice?"


Several dispatches reported on the Airbus parent company EADS . After the former French EADS co-boss Noel Forgeard was forced to resign in 2006, high-ranking German EADS managers met at the Munich consulate. From the point of view of the German managers, he was not a loss, but an “over-ambitious lunatic”, with whom one could never judge whether he was following his will or that of the French government. The managers commented on the exit of the shareholder BAE Systems by saying that the British "were already a schizophrenic partner". After a meeting with a representative of EADS shareholder DaimlerChrysler, the US consulate in Munich wrote: "The gloomy atmosphere [...] was palpable, one can easily get the impression of a company under siege". The personnel raids were mocked in the despatch in a subheading as "Trip to Jerusalem in the boardroom". EADS shareholder Arnaud Largardère complained at lunch with the ambassador in 2005 about the then French President Jacques Chirac . Chirac "mixes up everything he interferes with," Largadère is quoted as saying. If Chirac is re-elected president in 2007, he will quit EADS faster than if Nicolas Sarkozy, with whom he has good relations, wins.

The Airbus austerity program Power8 is described at one point by diplomats as a "golden opportunity for US suppliers".

In response to the dispatches, EADS replied: "If WikiLeaks has nothing more to offer than five-year-old dispatches, we are not particularly concerned".


Several dispatches concern the Russian company Gazprom . One diplomat describes Gazprom with the words: "Gazprom is as one imagines a state monopoly sitting on immense wealth, inefficient, politically determined and corrupt". Outdated infrastructure and falling demand for gas are to blame. The diplomats conclude: "Gazprom must act for the interests of its political masters, even if that is at the expense of good business decisions." Furthermore, the group has "many private accounts" and "dirty business" that provide capital. However, the diplomats do not provide any evidence of this. Gazprom has always resisted allegations of corruption.


The Russian company Itera presented the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow with a yacht worth 60 million euros.

Lockheed Martin

Dispatches show that US officials the export of Raytheon - radar delayed to increase the chances for Sweden's Saab Gripen NG to undermine in Norway until the country in December 2008 to purchase several Lockheed Martin F-35 decided.

US officials, including Assistant Secretary of Defense Gordon England, warned the Norwegian government that "the choice of aircraft will affect bilateral relations" - in the second order, the US government asked Norway's Department of Defense to deny that political pressure had been applied .

MC Donalds

McDonald’s pressured the US government to delay the implementation of the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement until El Salvador assigned the case to a different judge in January 2006. It was about a $ 24 million legal battle.


A dispatch dated September 22, 2006 reported from the "Microsoft Government Leaders Forum" which took place from July 11 to 12, 2006 in South Africa . There the government of Tunisia and Microsoft signed an agreement in which Microsoft agreed to invest in training, research and development and the government of Tunisia committed itself in return to using licensed Microsoft software. Although the agreement was signed in July, the final version was not signed until September 2006. In the dispatch, Salwa Smaoui, Microsoft Tunisia's General Director, names the most important points:

Microsoft should create an innovation center for training and consulting software developers. For the government of Tunisia, expanding the IT sector was a priority in order to reduce the number of unemployed with university degrees. Microsoft also agreed to provide training for disabled Tunisians who should telework in the IT industry. Furthermore, Microsoft should help the government of Tunisia to modernize and improve its computer systems and network resources. In return, the Tunisian government agreed to buy 12,000 Microsoft licenses to convert government computers to legal Windows licenses instead of using black copies , as a Microsoft employee claimed.

In 2001, the Tunisian government adopted an open source policy. The agreement also stipulated that all future government tenders for IT equipment must be compatible with Microsoft, which contradicted the country's open source policy.

As a comment, the ambassador employee points out that this can be celebrated as a triumph for intellectual property, and estimates the planned training of Tunisian IT experts to combat cybercrime and support for e-government as theoretically positive, but the company does Government also have the ability to monitor their citizens. The comment ends by saying that for Microsoft, the benefits outweigh the costs.


Several dispatches deal with the ban on the transgenic maize variety MON 810 in some countries of the European Union. In a dispatch from Paris on December 14, 2007, a punishment for countries that reject genetically modified products is discussed. Exactly what action is to be taken is not mentioned, it is just: "We recommend that we draw up a retaliatory list that causes some pain in the EU".

A 2008 telegram from the Vatican shows that the US government believes it could get approval for genetically modified maize in different cultures with the help of the Pope, but regrets that the Pope is unwilling to support it. To this end, the US State Department uses special advisers on biotechnology and government advisers on biotechnology in Kenya to lobby Vatican members and thereby get the support of the Pope.

Furthermore, a dispatch from Madrid makes it clear that the USA and Spain have worked closely together in order not to persuade the EU to tighten the genetic engineering laws. The dispatch reads: "If Spain falls, the rest of Europe will follow."

Another cable also shows that the Spanish government asked the US government to put pressure on Brussels and that the US knew how Spain would vote before the Spanish Biotechnology Commission reported.

OHB-System AG

In January 2011, Berry Smutny, CEO of OHB-System AG, a subsidiary of Bremen-based OHB Technology, was dismissed after WikiLeaks published details of a conversation Smutny had with American embassy staff via the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten . Smutny is said to have described the Galileo satellite project , which OHB had been commissioned to implement, as a “stupid idea” that is wasting European taxpayers' money. Smutny also reported in the dispatches of plans by OHB-System AG to penetrate the US market “when the time is right”.


The pharmaceutical company Pfizer hired a private investigator to find evidence of pressure against Nigerian Attorney General Michael Aondoakaa because Pfizer was sued but refused to pay for child deaths in drug trials in Nigeria.

Royal Dutch Shell

Royal Dutch Shell logo

Ann Pickard, Royal Dutch Shell's Vice President for Sub-Saharan Africa , claims in a dispatch that she has "officials in all relevant ministries" and that she is informed of all key decisions.

VISA and Mastercard

According to a dispatch dated February 1, 2010, the companies VISA and Mastercard urged the US embassy in Moscow to lobby against an unpopular law. In Russia, a national credit card system (NPCS) is to be introduced under the leadership of Russian state banks. The NPCS is supposed to handle all domestic payment flows of the member companies and collect fees of around 4 million dollars per year.

The new law prohibits credit card companies from transferring domestic payment flows abroad. For VISA and Mastercard this would mean:

  • Accession of the NPCS, combined with the loss of their monopoly position, since the NPCS processes the payments.
  • Establishment of a double infrastructure for foreign and domestic payment flows with additional costs and no joining of the NPCS.



In a telegram on January 4, 2010, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, expressed doubts about the war in Afghanistan. “Nobody in Europe believes in Afghanistan anymore. Out of respect for the Americans, we're staying for 2010, that's it, ”van Rompuy is quoted further. They also wanted to “see results by the end of 2010”. "But this is the last chance."

Catholic Church

The Holy See reportedly refused to investigate abuse cases and responded "angrily" to requests from the Murphy Commission .


The NATO negotiations for the election of a new Secretary General ( Anders Fogh Rasmussen ) almost failed in April 2009 because of Turkey's veto . The reason for this was Denmark's role in the dispute over the Mohammed cartoons in 2006. In a dispatch it becomes clear that the sudden agreement came about through a deal. In return, Rasmussen promised to have the Kurdish TV broadcaster Roj TV banned. He also wanted to hire a Turk as deputy chief.

The publication also made known the regional defense plan in the event of a Russian attack on Poland and the Baltic States.


In a directive of Hillary Clinton at their diplomats assigns them obtaining the DNA of the UN - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on. In addition, details of the telecommunications infrastructure, passwords, encryption keys for VPNs that UN employees use for official communication, as well as credit card and frequent flyer numbers should be obtained.

In the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009, agreements were made between the United States and China to prevent the model of binding greenhouse gas reduction proposed by the Europeans and to promote the non-binding Copenhagen Accord instead . In May 2009 John Kerry reportedly announced in Beijing that Washington could "understand China's resistance to accepting binding targets at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen".

A dispatch from January 2010 reported that UN peacekeepers traded food for sex with underage girls in Ivory Coast . The dispatch focuses on Benin soldiers from the city of Toulépleu . In a random poll by Save the Children UK , eight out of ten girls said they had a sexual relationship with a soldier in exchange for shelter or food.

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