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Spread of the Italian language in Europe

As Italians ( Italiani ) is referred to in terms of ethnicity , the whole of the people of Italian mother tongue, sometimes their descendants. Italians are the titular nation of the Italian Republic and the former Kingdom of Italy . In the civic sense, all citizens of Italy are called Italians.

The national population comprises over 56 million people and makes up about 92.5% of the population of Italy. In addition, there are 15 to 30 million people worldwide, and according to some Italian data even 60 to 70 million people of Italian origin, mainly in Latin America and the United States.


The robbery of the Sabine women
as the mythical beginning of the
merging of the Italians

Romanization of the Italian tribes in antiquity

Grave portrait of the Etruscan woman Velia, 4th century BC u. Z., Tomba dell'Orco

In the Bronze Age , Indo-European Italians , Venetians , Etruscans (non-Indo-European), Gauls and Greeks displaced the pre-population (e.g. Ligurians ). While in the southern Italian Magna Graecia Greeks ousted the Italian Sikeler and a Greek minority still lives today, the Italian tribe of the Latins founded in the 12th century BC. u. Currently the city of Alba Longa . The Roman mythology later made the Trojan Aeneas to the legendary founder of the city in order to sippen already of a glorious past. The Venetian city foundation Padua also refers to a Trojan founding father ( Antenor ). The twin brothers Romulus and Remus, who moved out of Alba Longa , are said to have been around 753 BC. u. Z. have founded the city of Rome.

In numerous battles against each other and against the Etruscans, the Latin tribes finally subjugated the other Italian tribes ( Samnite Wars ), against the Greeks and Carthaginians an Italian defensive community arose under the leadership of Rome. After the alliance war , all Italian and Etruscan tribes and finally also the Venetians were granted Roman civil rights. At the latest with the destruction of Carthage and the conquest of Greece, Rome became the center of a mighty empire that conquered and romanised large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa around the Mediterranean . The northern border of the actual Italy was initially the Rubicon , only later did the Roman emperors move their residences to Milan and Ravenna .

Assimilation of Germanic conquerors in the Middle Ages

But in the 5th century of our era at the latest, this empire collapsed during the Great Migration , in Italy the Ostrogoths (in Ravenna) and Lombards (in Papia, today's Pavia) founded Germanic empires. San Marino became independent. The power base of the Germanic Arian-Christian conquerors, however, was limited to a few hundred thousand military and upper class (100,000 Ostrogoths), who faced five to seven million Catholic Romans. Ostrogoths and Lombards were therefore assimilated by Roman civilization and became Catholic, as were the Romanized and Francophone Normans of southern Italy (Naples, Taranto, Palermo) later . Nevertheless, Lombard traces of settlement and linguistic influences can be traced in northern Italy and Norman in southern Italy. Romans and Germanic conquerors merged into Italians (not before the 11th century), but differences remained between Florentines and Neapolitans, between Genoese, Milanese, Turinese and Venetians on the one hand and Romans or Sicilians on the other.

The Lombards were ousted by the Franks in the 8th century , the Frankish conquerors followed after the Frankish divisions in the 9th century, German conquerors who subjugated the last Franconian-Roman emperors and Franconian-Italian national kings in the 10th century . In 1027, Emperor Konrad II separated the diocese of Trento from the Italian part of the empire (the former kingdom of the Lombards) to secure the important Brenner route and incorporated it into the German part of the empire.

The Battle of Legnano has become a national myth

From then on, Roman-German emperors , popes and particular princes, Ghibellines and Guelphs , maritime republics and condottiere fought for power and influence throughout Italy with varying success. The victory of the northern Italian cities, united in the Lombard League, over the emperor in the Battle of Legnano in 1176 was later nationalistically exaggerated in the Risorgimento, but strengthened the bourgeois, if not the national self-confidence of the rival northern Italian city-republics.

The maritime republics made it to great fortune: the Republic of Venice , in particular, flourished extraordinarily thanks to its monopoly on the trade routes into the Byzantine Empire. Genoa and Florence developed into flourishing banking centers and financed wars and expeditions by numerous European ruling families.

Cultural rebirth in the Renaissance

Around 1307 the Florentine poet and philosopher Dante Alighieri created his Divine Comedy, a work that had a similar meaning for Italy as Luther's translation of the Bible did for Germany over 200 years later. Dante, the poet Francesco Petrarca and the author Giovanni Boccaccio created the foundations of the modern Italian language from the Tuscan dialect of Vulgar Latin and Sicilian influences . However, Latin remained the dominant language on the peninsula.

While the Peace of Lodi cemented the fragmentation of Italy and a stable stalemate between the five strongest Italian states at the time (Venice, Milan, Florence, Rome, Naples), a cultural return to art and science, to the fame and greatness of the Greek, began in Florence -Roman Ancient Italy and All of Europe ( Renaissance ).

Economic and political decline

The economic decline of Italy began after the discovery of America , with the relocation of trade to the overseas colonies of Western European states, also in view of the Ottoman control over the Mediterranean. The peninsula had lost its importance as a transshipment point between the west and the east.

Politically, Italy, whose states had been able to successfully defend their independence by then, became the plaything of foreign powers. In the 16th century France and Spain fought for supremacy on the peninsula ( Italian wars ). The Ticino was the already 1512/13 Switzerland fallen and the supremacy of the papacy was by the sack of Rome in 1527 ( Sacco di Roma have been broken). After the Medici died out, Florence became a Franco-Austrian plaything. In the north, the House of Savoy , which ruled Piedmont , gained more and more territories between France and Austria and finally Sardinia and was able to develop into the most powerful state on the peninsula. Genoa sold the island of Corsica to France.

From the 16th to the 19th century, most of Italy was therefore under foreign rule, depending on powers outside of Italy or under the rule of princes who had come to rule as second-born Austrian or Spanish princes through agreements between the major European powers (so-called secondogenitures ). This legacy has led to a deeply rooted distrust of government; it has fueled individualism, indifference and suspicion of the state.

Culturally, Italy's sub-states continued to play a prominent role. Rome, the seat of the papacy, became a center of the baroque , later classicism, with Antonio Canova, had a period of prosperity. In addition, the grand tour of the sons of the European nobility and the upper bourgeoisie also necessarily led through Italy.

Italian national consciousness

National hero Giuseppe Garibaldi embodied the revolutionary-democratic element of the nation

The national idea came into the country with the revolutionary armies of the French Republic . General Napoleon Bonaparte , himself of Corsican origin, founded various subsidiary republics since the Italian campaign . In 1802 he created the Cisalpine Republic for the first time an Italian Republic and in 1805 the Kingdom of Italy , whose office of president and crown he himself took over. Even if this national kingdom did not encompass the entire peninsula and was smashed by Austria in the course of the Congress of Vienna in 1814, the national movement of the Risorgimento grew out of the memory of it and the revolutionary-democratic ideal .


The secret society of the Carbonari organized uprisings in the Italian states in 1820/21, which were suppressed by Austrian troops as well as the effects of the French July Revolution of 1830 . After the defeat of the revolution of 1848/49 , instead of revolutionary republican circles (e.g. Giuseppe Garibaldi ), the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont took the lead in the struggle for national unification. The Italian Wars of Independence in 1861 finally led to the establishment of an all-Italian kingdom under the House of Savoy . With the Peace of Vienna (1866) Veneto and a large part of Friuli also came to Italy. With the annexation of Rome (and the fall of the Pope) in 1871, the national unification movement was initially completed. The areas of Trento , Trieste and Istria populated by Italians (which, together with Dalmatia, belonged to Venice until 1797 and Italy from 1805–1809) remained outside the nation-state and were part of the Habsburg Empire for the time being. In addition, Sardinia-Piedmont had to return Savoy and Nice to France in 1860 . These areas became the target of the Irredenta movement .

The young Kingdom of Italy was also confronted with economic and social difficulties, the north-south contrast and the brigands in the south. It was neglected to improve conditions, especially in the south, through land reform and fair taxation. The country was also not linguistically united: just 2.5% of the population were able to speak the standard Italian written language. The politician Massimo d'Azeglio described the situation with the saying: “Fatta l'Italia bisogna fare gli italiani” (Italy has come into being, the Italians have yet to be created).

Irredentism and Colonialism

The defeat of Adua resulted in national trauma

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Battle of Legnano, a society for the liberation and annexation of the unredeemed Italy (Italia irredenta) was established in 1876 . From then on the Italian governments tended to flee from internal crises again and again for propaganda purposes in the irredenta politics. The associated confrontation with Austria-Hungary (and later Yugoslavia) became a national question and a major element of Italian nationalism.

Because of the late emergence of a sufficiently powerful nation state, Italy came too late or too short when it came to acquiring colonies and was now striving, like Germany, Japan and the USA, to redistribute the world . France had anticipated the occupation of Tunisia in 1881, although Italian settlers and Italian capital had already begun to spread there. Italy then allied itself with France's enemies Germany and Austria-Hungary to form the Triple Alliance , which blocked the Irredenta movement for the time being and was even suppressed at times by Prime Minister Crispi . Bismarck, but also Great Britain, instead pushed Italy into colonial adventures. From 1882 Italy began to establish itself in East Africa ( Eritrea , Somalia ), Germany renounced and gave up its claims to the Somali coast . First attempts to conquer Ethiopia failed in 1887 and 1896.

The defeat in the Battle of Adua was just as formative for the Italian national consciousness as it was for the Ethiopian national consciousness. On the one hand, public opinion was influenced for decades by nationalist- revanchist demands for vengeance, which overshadowed republican-democratic and proletarian-socialist demands. On the other hand, the defeat had shown the impotence and inadequacy of Italian colonial policy. Crispi was overthrown, his successors turned back to the obvious Irredenta. Italy recognized French rule in Tunisia, France in turn recognized Italy's claims to Tripolitania (Libya), which had to be ceded by the Ottomans in the Italo-Turkish War .

World wars and fascism

Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini

On the eve of the First World War , the liberalism of Giovanni Giolitti lost its mass influence compared to the integral nationalism of Gabriele D'Annunzio . After Italy had been promised the Irredenta Territories by the Entente Powers, it entered the war in 1915 and in the 1919 Treaty of Saint-Germain actually received Trentino, Trieste and Istria as well as the Dalmatian city of Zadar . However, the rest of Dalmatia fell to Yugoslavia and Italy could not acquire the city of Fiume , Albania or colonial possessions at first. The German-speaking South Tyrol was also given, but the disappointment about the mutilated victory ( vittoria mutilata ) was great. These steered Benito Mussolini's fascists into nationalist channels, which they finally brought to power in 1922. After the smashing of Austria, Mussolini's irredenta policy extended to Ticino and led to conflicts with Switzerland and its "Latin sister" France. At that time there were 850,000 Italians in France and another 100,000 in French Tunisia. The German and the Slovenian-Croatian minorities fell victim to a ruthless policy of Italianization, as did the non-Italian minorities of the Alpine Romans .

But Mussolini's overheated nationalism continued. From an exaggeration of history and based on elements of ancient Roman tradition, he developed a supranational claim to rule over a large Mediterranean empire ( Mare Nostrum ). To this end, a totalitarian leader state was created that was militaristic, centralistic and clerical-fascist ( 1929 reconciliation with the papacy ). Each individual Italian had a value only within the community and in action for the state, regionalist or sub-state structures (such as the mafia ) were fought. The nation understood Mussolini as a community of fate and partnership between the interests of the dispossessed and the haves.

The propagated goal was the re-establishment of the Roman Empire ( Renovatio Imperii Romanorum ). Just like France or Great Britain, Italy saw itself as a cultural nation and a bringer of civilization. The gradually indoctrinated and fascized masses were mobilized in 1931 for the "pacification" of Libya , in 1935/36 for the conquest of Ethiopia (which had never belonged to the Roman Empire) and in 1939 for the occupation of Albania, but Italian settlers hardly wanted to settle in the colonies , and between 1941 and 1943 the empire collapsed. The colonies were all lost after the war.

Italian Republic

The Italian Republic, which emerged from the kingdom in 1946, has over 60 million inhabitants today, around 4 million of whom are foreigners.

The determining principle of Italian citizenship law is the principle of descent: If the mother or father is Italian, the child also acquires citizenship at birth. The acquisition of citizenship through naturalization is linked to a four-year legal residence for EU citizens or a ten-year legal residence for non-EU citizens. Multiple citizenship is generally possible.


The Italian language as well as the other Romance languages ​​in southern and western Europe
The languages ​​and dialects of Italy

Even after the unification of 1861, supporters of the Bourbons expelled from Naples continued the resistance against Rome for a while with the help of regionalist and separatist forces, in return Rome neglected the economic uplift of the recalcitrant regions for a long time. The Sicilians in particular claimed a special position in the nation and were given a statute of autonomy immediately after the Second World War , due to the strong tendencies towards separatism , even before the all-Italian constitution came into force. This was followed by Sardinia, where one of the first parties in Europe was founded to advocate regional federalism.

In the north, at the end of the 1980s, the Lega Nord campaigned for the autonomist efforts of the local population. In the meantime, the party even advocated the secession of the economically developed and rich regions of northern Italy. For this purpose, the idea of ​​a nation of its own, called Padania , was created, which should underpin the historical and linguistic features of the Po Valley compared to the rest of Italy under the rule of "thieving Rome" ( Roma ladrona ).

Historical events such as the Battle of Legnano are celebrated as a symbol of the northern Italian resistance. The Lega Nord even has the freedom fighter Alberto da Giussano in its party coat of arms. She also emphasizes that state structures such as the Venetian Maritime Republic remained independent for centuries.

Linguistically, however, the supposed special role of the Po valley is not well founded. The northern Italian , especially Galloital dialects , are in contrast to the other Eastern Romanic dialects south of the La Spezia Rimini line of Western Roman origin and show a Celtic substrate. However, whether they can be viewed as languages ​​in their own right is disputed. They are reinforced and fused with the standard Italian. The Art term Padania was also extended by the Lega Nord to areas south of the line and thus Eastern Romano-Italian Marche and Tuscany (from whose Eastern Romanian Florentine dialect the standard Italian language was developed in the first place).

Language minorities

In Italy there are Germanic, Romance and Slavic language minorities.

The Germanic minorities include around 320,000 German-speaking South Tyroleans , 2,000 heelers and 1,000 Zimbri in Trentino and 1,000 Walser Germans in the Aosta Valley and the Verbania province. Another 2,500 German speakers populate the language islands of Zahre and Tischelwang as well as the Canal Valley in Friuli and Pladen in Veneto.

Romance language minorities are the 1,000,000 Sardinian- speaking Sardinians on the island of Sardinia, the 500,000 Friulians in north-eastern Italy, the 90,000 Franco-Provençals in the Aosta Valley, Piedmont and two southern Italian- speaking islands, the 30,000 Ladins in the provinces of Bolzano, Trento and Belluno, and the 18,000 Catalans in the Sardinian Alghero . Occitans are a recognized minority in Piedmont and in the Guardia Piemontese in Calabria .

60,000 Slovenes in Friuli Venezia Giulia and 2,400 Molisecroats belong to the Slavic minorities in Italy.

100,000 Albanians and 12,000 Greeks in southern Italy are also recognized minorities.

Long-established Italian-speaking minorities

Long-established Italian-speaking minorities in Europe can be found in Switzerland (520,000), France (200,000), Croatia (19,636) and Slovenia (2,258). Most of the Italians (200,000 to 350,000) in the historical region of Venezia Giulia , which today largely belongs to Croatia and Slovenia, were expelled after the Second World War.

Also Monegasques and San Marinesen are of Italian origin and speak Italian dialects. Ethnically they are Italians, and legally they have non-Italian citizenships. However, 16–19% of the population of Monaco and 12–13% of the population of San Marino are immigrants with Italian citizenship. Most of the almost 1,000 inhabitants of the Vatican State are Italians.

At the beginning of the 20th century, more than 100,000 Italians lived in the French colony of Tunisia , more than the French, especially in the cities of Tunis , Biserta , La Goulette and Sfax . After independence, most of them left the country. Around 3,000 Italians still live in Tunisia today.

Italian diaspora

Up to 70 million people living outside of Italy are said to have Italian roots.

Due to the poor economic situation, Italy was affected by a massive wave of emigration between 1876 and 1915. An estimated 14 million Italians left their homeland at that time. 1913 was the year with the highest recorded emigration: over 870,000 people emigrated at that time.

The main destinations were Brazil and Argentina as well as the USA . There they and their descendants as Italian-Americans make up around 5.8% of the population with 17,749,800, but only 789,800 Italian-Americans speak Italian as their mother tongue (0.3% of the total population). In turn, only 28.2% of these native speakers have a command of English.

After the Second World War, immigration increasingly turned towards Western Europe, with many Italians emigrating to Germany, Switzerland and France in particular.

Italian people worldwide

States with the largest number of people of Italian origin proof
ArgentinaArgentina Argentina 25 million (approx. 60%)
BrazilBrazil Brazil 25 million (approx. 13-14% of the population)
United StatesUnited States United States 17.8 million (approx. 6%)
FranceFrance France 3.5 million (approx. 5%)
VenezuelaVenezuela Venezuela 1.7 million (approx. 6%)
CanadaCanada Canada 1.5 million (approx. 4.5%)
UruguayUruguay Uruguay 1 million (approx. 29%)
AustraliaAustralia Australia 850,000 (approx. 4%)
ChileChile Chile 800,000 (<5%)
GermanyGermany Germany 650,000 - 700,000 (<1%)
SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland 550,000 - 700,000 (approx. 8%)
PeruPeru Peru 500,000 (approx. 3%)
United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom 300,000 - 500,000 (<1%)
BelgiumBelgium Belgium 290,000 (approx. 3%)
Costa RicaCosta Rica Costa Rica 120,000 (approx. 3%)
ParaguayParaguay Paraguay 100,000 (approx. 1.5%)

Italian citizens worldwide

There are still 4,106,640 citizens registered in the consular register of persons.

States with the largest number of Italian nationals
ArgentinaArgentina Argentina 659,655
GermanyGermany Germany 648.453
SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland 533.821
FranceFrance France 343.197
BrazilBrazil Brazil 297.137
BelgiumBelgium Belgium 251.466
United StatesUnited States United States 199.284
United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom 187.363
VenezuelaVenezuela Venezuela 124.133
AustraliaAustralia Australia 122,863
CanadaCanada Canada 121,465
SpainSpain Spain 104,637
UruguayUruguay Uruguay 90.231
ChileChile Chile 48,966
NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 32,730
United NationsU.N. other states 341.239
Source: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The state with the most passport Italians outside of Italy is Argentina. Most Italians living abroad, however, live in Europe (2,236,326), especially in Germany and Switzerland. In Germany they make up the second largest group of foreigners after the Turks. According to the Federal Statistical Office , there were 619,100 people with an Italian migration background in Germany in 2005 . According to the Italian Foreign Ministry, 648,453 Italian citizens are in Germany, and a further 533,821 Italians live in Switzerland. Many of the Italians living in Switzerland have dual citizenship thanks to a bilateral agreement, so the Swiss authorities only count 290,000 Italians. 17,086 people with Italian citizenship live in Austria.

See also


  • Diercke Länderlexikon , 1989, ISBN 3-89350-211-4 .
  • Harald Haarmann : Small encyclopedia of peoples: from Aborigines to Zapotecs .
  • Detlev Wahl: Lexicon of the peoples of Europe and the Caucasus . Rostock 1999, pages 94-101.
  • Dietmar Stübler: Italy - 1789 to the present . Berlin 1987.

Web links

Commons : Italians  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Italian  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Willi Stegner: Pocket Atlas Völker und Sprachen , page 62. Klett-Perthes, Gotha and Stuttgart 2006
  2. Detlev Wahl, page 94
  3. A panorama of migration - Italian and German experiences - A comparison in 10 theses (PDF) p. 3
  4. How many are Italians abroad? , Italian Bishops' Conference
  5. Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo 2009 (PDF; 125 kB) Migrantes Foundation
  6. Harald Haarmann : The Indo-Europeans. Origin, languages, cultures. Beck, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-60682-3 , p. 66.
  7. Rigobert Günther: From the fall of West Rome to the empire of the Merovingians . Dietz, Berlin 1987, page 136.
  8. How does Italy work? If we wanted, we could ... In: Die Zeit , No. 13/2010.
  9. Anna Laura Lepschy, Giulio C. Lepschy: The Italian language , page 38
  10. Richard Mohr: Then my king will probably ride over my grave . ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 819 kB) Staging of Nation using the example of the Monumento Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome, p. 3 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. ^ Kinder, Hilgemann: dtv-Atlas zur Weltgeschichte , Volume 2, Pages 73 and 119. Munich / Cologne 1989
  12. Golo Mann : The Fischer Lexicon foreign policy , pages 121-126. Frankfurt / Hamburg 1958
  13. Fraenkel, Bracher: The Fischer Lexicon State and Politics , page 64f. Frankfurt / Hamburg 1959
  14. ^ Autonomous region Trentino - South Tyrol, language minorities in Italy
  15. ^ Celle di San Vito and Faeto in the province of Foggia
  16. ^ Population by Ethnicity, by Towns / Municipalities, Census 2001 . 2001. Retrieved May 9, 2007.
  17. ^ Population by ethnic affiliation, Slovenia, Census 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2002
  18. Source: Processing of data from ISTAT, in Gianfausto Rosoli, Un secolo di emigrazione italiana 1876–1976, Roma, Cser, 1978
  19. ^ Sarah Janssen (Ed.): New York Times The World Almanac and book of facts 2010, p. 625
  20. ^ New York Times The World Almanac and book of facts 2009, page 596
  21. Guillermo Spina: Historias de inmigrantes italianos en Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, November 14, 2011, accessed on July 15, 2015 (Spanish): "al menos 25 millones están relacionados con algún inmigrante de Italia."
  22. a b c ( Memento of the original from February 27, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  23. ^ Italian Embassy in Brazil
  24. ( Memento of the original dated February 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  25. US Census Bureau - Selected Population Profile in the United States
  27. "... el diplomático calcula que 5% o 6% de la población venezolana actual tiene origen italiano. "
  28. Statistics Canada: Ethnic origins, 2006 counts, for Canada, provinces and territories - 20% sample data ( Memento from June 3, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  30. ( Memento of the original from May 15, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  31. ( Memento of the original from January 26th, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  32. Statistical Yearbook 2009, pp. 121–129 (PDF; 367 kB)
  33. Population and employment. Population with a migration background - Results of the 2005 Microcensus ( Memento from June 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Federal Statistical Office Germany, published on May 4, 2007, accessed on May 28, 2008
  34. For the first time over a million EU and EFTA members in Switzerland . In: NZZ Online