John S. Tanner

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John S. Tanner

John S. Tanner (born September 22, 1944 in Halls , Lauderdale County , Tennessee ) is an American politician . Between 1989 and 2011 he represented the state of Tennessee in the US House of Representatives .


John Tanner attended Union City High School until 1962 and then studied law until 1968 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, among other things. Tanner served in the US Navy between 1968 and 1972 ; from 1974 to 2000 he was a member of the national guard of his home state. His main job was as a lawyer. At the same time he began a political career as a member of the Democratic Party . Between 1976 and 1986 he was a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives .

In the 1988 congressional election , Tanner was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , in the eighth constituency of Tennessee , where he succeeded Ed Jones on January 3, 1989 . After ten re-elections, he was able to complete eleven legislative terms in Congress by January 3, 2011 . These were shaped by the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and the subsequent Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan . In 2008, Tanner initially supported Hillary Clinton in his party's presidential campaign . Tanner was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Committee on Ways and Means as well as a total of four sub-committees. From 2008 to 2010 he was the successor to the Portuguese José Lello as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO .

Already on December 1, 2009, John Tanner announced that he would not run again in 2010. Roy Herron, who was nominated in his place by the Democrats, was defeated by Republican Stephen Fincher . Tanner is married and lives in Union City with his wife .

Web links

Commons : John S. Tanner  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
  • John S. Tanner in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)