List of the first division players of the Grazer AK

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GAK Logo 2009.svg

This list of the first division players of the Grazer Athletiksport Klub (short form Grazer AK or GAK ) contains footballers who played for the GAK in the state league, national league or Bundesliga . The period in which the player worked for the Grazer AK, the total number of appearances in the championship, the championship goals scored and the player's personal successes are listed.

Structure of the table

  • Player: Name of the respective player in alphabetical order.
  • Born on: the player's date of birth.
  • Nationality: nationality of the respective player.
  • Playing position: Indicates the playing position within the team on which the player was mainly used.
  • For the Grazer AK from ... to ...: Indicates the playing years in which the player was active for the Grazer AK.
  • Games: Indicates the number of championship games that the player has played for the Grazer AK in the top division.
  • Goals: Indicates the number of goals that the player has scored for the Grazer AK in the top division.
  • Successes: Name the successes that the player has achieved at the Grazer AK. Only cup wins and championship titles are given. The two victories in the Austrian Supercup 2000 and 2002 are not specified .

All columns can be sorted by clicking on the symbol. This means that the players can be ranked not only by their name, but also by their stakes, goals, date of birth, nationality, team membership or their successes.


Most of the championship games were played by Walter Koleznik , who wore the Graz jersey a total of 401 times between 1961 and 1978. Wilhelm Sgerm was the most successful goalscorer of the Grazer AK between 1955 and 1967 with 118 championship goals.

player Born on the nationality Playing
at the GAK
from ... to ...
Games Gates successes
Stevo Adzic December 23, 1937 Yugoslavia A. 1967/68 19th 8th
Herwig Aichholzer 11/25/1959 Austria M. 1984/85, 1985/86 31 3
Karl Aigner 07/14/1931 Austria A. 1952 / 53–1961 / 62 169 47
Eric Akoto 07/20/1980 Togo V 1998 / 99–2000 / 01, 2006/07 72 2 Cup winner 1999/00
Benedict Akwuegbu 11/03/1974 Nigeria A. 1998 / 99–2002 / 03, 2003/04 120 38 Cup winner 1999/00
Franz Almer 09/23/1970 Austria T 1995 / 96-2004 / 05 226 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Ross Aloisi 04/17/1973 Italy, Australia M. 1999 / 00–2000 / 01 24 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Chidi Aluka 09/29/1976 Nigeria A. 1996/97 6th 0
Martin Amerhauser 07/23/1974 Austria M. 1995/96, 1999 / 00-2006 / 07 305 16 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Josef Amreich March 16, 1927 Austria T 1951 / 52-1953 / 54 62 0
Heinrich Anderle ? Austria V 1959/60 26th 0
Michael Anicic October 18, 1974 Yugoslavia M. 1996 / 97-1997 / 98 42 4th
Milan Arnejcic October 18, 1942 Yugoslavia A. 1970/71 12 4th
Hans Arnold 09/19/1933 Austria T 1954 / 55–1957 / 58 74 0
Rene Aufhauser 06/21/1976 Austria M. 2001/02–2005/06 119 17th Cup winner 2001/02
Paul Bajlitz December 26, 1951 Germany M. 1979 / 80-1982 / 83 77 10 Cup winner 1980/81
Alexander Bauer May 28, 1949 Austria M. 1973 / 74–1974 / 75 23 5
Mario Bazina 09/08/1975 Croatia M, A 2001/02–2005/06 130 43 Cup winner 2001/02
Master 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Dietmar Berchtold 08/06/1974 Austria M. 2006/07 11 2
Heinz Binder 01/29/1943 Austria M. 1975 / 76-1976 / 77 67 1
Imants Bleidelis 08/16/1975 Latvia M. 2004 / 05–2005 / 06 28 0
Franz Blizenec 10/30/1966 Austria M. 1995/96 23 0
Engelbert Breiner 03/11/1948 Austria V 1968 / 69–1973 / 74 90 1
Siegfried Breithuber 04/04/1965 Austria T 1987/88 1 0
Ewald Brenner 06/26/1975 Austria A. 1997 / 98-1998 / 99 49 4th
Gustav Brettner ? Austria ? 1962/63 1 0
Stipe Brnas 09/26/1969 Croatia V 1996 / 97-1997 / 98 46 1
Herbert Brod 03/04/1956 Austria T 1976/77 2 0
Ronald Brunmayr 02/17/1975 Austria A. 2000/01/2002/03 92 50 Cup winner 2001/02
Boxwood ? Austria ? 1964/65 1 0
Richard Burger 08/27/1958 Austria A. 1980/81, 1982/83 26th 4th Cup winner 1980/81
Peter Burgstaller 02/13/1964 Austria T 1986/87 1 0
Ales Ceh 04/07/1968 Slovenia M. 1995 / 96-2002 / 03 230 2 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Anton Celestina ? Austria ? 1970/71 4th 0
Andreas Cvetko December 15, 1963 Austria V 1986/87 13 0
Erwin Dampfhofer 08/30/1966 Austria A. 1996/97 12 1
Fritz Denk 06/06/1924 Austria A. 1953 / 54-1958 / 59 64 18th
Angelo Devescovi 05/10/1955 Austria V 1984 / 85-1988 / 88 108 0
Klaus Dietrich 06/27/1974 Austria V 1995 / 96-1997 / 98 21st 2
Johann Dihanich October 24, 1958 Austria V 1987 / 88-1988 / 89 49 7th
Rade Djokic 06/23/1983 Bosnia Herzegovina A. 2006/07 18th 6th
Boban Dmitrovic 04/02/1972 Serbia-Montenegro M. 1996 / 97-2002 / 03 186 12 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Matthias Dollinger 09/12/1979 Austria M. 2003/04/2004/05 43 1 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Herwig Drechsel 09/04/1973 Austria M. 1998/99 20th 3
Christian Drumlic 08/24/1969 Austria A. 1987 / 88-1988 / 89 5 0
Ferdinand Eckhart 11/27/194 Austria A. 1967 / 68–1968 / 69 13 1
Wolfgang Eder 11/28/1976 Austria M. 1996/97 4th 0
Hans Egger 1941 Austria A. 1960 / 61–1964 / 65 58 4th
Anton Ehmann December 17, 1972 Austria V 1997 / 98-2005 / 06 199 23 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Kurt Eigenstiller 04/11/1928 Austria A. 1951 / 52-1960 / 61 202 40
Savo Ekmecic 05/09/1948 Yugoslavia T 1977 / 78-1984 / 85 269 0 Cup winner 1980/81
Dieter Elsneg 02/04/1990 Austria M. 2006/07 1 0
Dominicus angel 10/27/1931 Austria A. 1951 / 52–1955 / 56 68 32
Gerald Erkinger 02/11/1941 Austria V 1961 / 62–1969 / 70 164 2
Robert Fendler 08/20/1947 Austria V 1972 / 73–1973 / 74 46 11
Karl Fink 11/22/1964 Austria V 1982/83 1 0
Günther Fleischhacker 09/16/1944 Austria A. 1964 / 65–1967 / 68 41 15th
Rudolf Fleischhacker 10/12/1939 Austria V 1965 / 66–1966 / 67 20th 1
Saso Fornezzi 12/11/1982 Slovenia T 2006/07 10 0
Günther Fradl 01/20/1956 Austria M. 1975 / 76-1976 / 77 13 0
Gernot Fraydl December 10, 1939 Austria T 1957 / 58-1960 / 61 71 0
Arnold Freissegger January 17, 1966 Austria M. 1987 / 88-1988 / 89 45 1
Erich Frisch 09/08/1935 Austria V 1953 / 54–1968 / 69 340 16
Bernd Frühwirth 04/13/1949 Austria V 1968/69, 1975/76 15th 0
Harald Gamauf 05/13/1957 Austria V 1979 / 80-1989 / 90 275 11 Cup winner 1980/81
Felix Gasselich December 21, 1955 Austria M. 1988/89 30th 3
Ottokar Gasteiger 11/27/1925 Austria V 1951/52 7th 0
Johann Geyer 09/12/1942 Austria A. 1967/68 23 2
Stefan Gislason 03/15/1980 Iceland M. 2001/02–2002/03 5 0 Cup winner 2001/02
Michael Glauninger 01/28/1987 Austria M. 2006/07 8th 0
Edi limbs 01/28/1969 Austria A. 1988 / 89-1989 / 90 24 1
Josko Gluis 09/23/1951 Austria A. 1978/79 2 0
Andreas Golombek 08/09/1968 Germany V 1998/99 12 2
Michael Goossens 11/30/1973 Belgium A. 2003/04 13 0 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Slobodan Goracinov 01/20/1963 Yugoslavia M. 1987 / 88-1989 / 90 22nd 6th
Roland Goriupp 04/24/1971 Austria T 1988 / 89-1989 / 90 19th 0
Ernst Gössl 01/11/1956 Austria M. 1976 / 77-1984 / 85 170 12 Cup winner 1980/81
Werner Gregoritsch 03/22/1958 Austria A. 1976 / 77-1980 / 81, 1983/84 63 15th Cup winner 1980/81
Marco Grimm 06/16/1972 Germany V 1998/99 26th 2
Gerhard Griesenauer 11/24/1956 Austria M. 1975 / 76-1976 / 77 14th 0
Giorgo Grubisic 04/22/1940 Yugoslavia V 1969 / 70-1970 / 71 53 2
Pavle Grubjesic 03/12/1953 Yugoslavia A. 1981/82 7th 0
Peter Guggi 09/25/1967 Austria V, M 1987 / 88-1988 / 89 17th 0
Jörg Haase ? Austria V 1962/63–1963/64 17th 0
Paul Halla 04/10/1931 Austria V, A 1951 / 52-1952 / 53 48 25th
Peter Halmosi 09/25/1979 Hungary M. 2002/03 17th 3
Adolf Hammer 06/17/1939 Austria V 1965 / 66–1967 / 68 37 0
Jean Hardt 08/17/1938 Luxembourg M. 1962/63 8th 0
Gert Haring ? Austria ? 1966/67 6th 0
Alois Hartl 06/24/1924 Austria A. 1951/52 13 5
Jürgen Hartmann 08/28/1970 Austria V 1997 / 98-2002 / 03 124 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Ralph Hasenhüttl 08/09/1967 Austria A. 1985 / 86-1988 / 89 62 19th
Dominic Hassler 03/30/1981 Austria A. 2003/04/2006/07 46 7th Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Richard Cory Hastings 05/18/1977 Canada V 2002/03 9 0
Helmut Hauser 11/18/1936 Austria A. 1962/63–1963/64 28 2
Hans Heber ? Austria A. 1952/53 5 2
Erich Hepflinger 05/04/1955 Austria M. 1977 / 78-1988 / 79 49 0
Markus Hiden 02/04/1978 Austria V, M 2006/07 8th 0
Mario Hieblinger 07/05/1977 Austria V 2005/06 19th 1
Wolfgang Hierzer 02/19/1964 Austria A. 1983/84 1 1
Walter Hiesel March 13, 1944 Austria A. 1968/69 23 8th
Gerfried Hodschar March 24, 1945 Austria T 1965 / 66–1969 / 70 73 0
Josef Hofbauer ? Austria V 1969 / 70–1971 / 72 74 1
Erwin Hohenwarter December 01, 1947 Austria V, A 1965 / 66-1968 / 69, 1977 / 78-1982 / 83 259 30th Cup winner 1980/81
Stefan Hohnjec 10/30/1952 Austria A. 1977/78 21st 3
Günter Hödl 01/08/1961 Germany ? 1987/88 1 0
Walter Horak 06/01/1931 Austria A. 1960/61 12 3
Johann Horvath 05/12/1947 Austria A. 1965 / 66–1966 / 67 17th 3
Michael Horvath 02/05/1982 Austria M. 2006/07 9 0
Thomas Hösele 05/09/1965 Austria M. 1986 / 87-1989 / 90 19th 1
Josef Hristic 08/07/1963 Austria M. 1986/87 16 0
Wilhelm Huberts 02/22/1938 Austria A. 1955 / 56–1960 / 61, 1971 / 72–1973 / 74 202 29
Michael Huebler December 15, 1978 Austria M. 1999 / 00–2000 / 01 13 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Barry Hülfshoff 09/30/1946 Netherlands V 1982/83 2 0
Adi Hütter 02/11/1970 Austria M. 1988/89, 2000 / 01-2001 / 02 32 2 Cup winner 2001/02
Gunter Iberer March 28, 1940 Austria A. 1961/62, 1964/65 23 7th
Gordon Igesund 07/22/1956 South Africa A. 1980/81 5 1
Patrik Isabella 01/25/1971 Switzerland A. 2000/01 6th 2
Johannes Jank 07/21/1936 Austria A. 1958 / 59–1963 / 64 120 66
Klaus Janson 02/22/1951 Germany A. 1972 / 73–1973 / 74 21st 2
Jaroslaw Jedynak 08/24/1965 Poland A. 1985 / 86-1986 / 87 50 19th
Tino Jessenitschnig 08/02/1965 Austria A. 1988 / 89-1989 / 90 21st 3
Zlatko Junuzovic 09/26/1987 Austria M. 2004 / 05–2006 / 07 74 9
Ante Juric 02/01/1934 Yugoslavia T 1964/65 11 0
Bernd Kaintz March 27, 1980 Austria M. 1999 / 00–2001 / 02 10 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Ivica Kalinic 03/26/1956 Yugoslavia V 1989/90 7th 0
Friedrich Kandler 01/14/1926 Austria A. 1951 / 52-1953 / 54, 1954 / 55-1956 / 57 148 17th
Oskar Kauzil 04/22/1940 Austria ? 1964/65 5 0
Matjaz Kek 09.09.1961 Yugoslavia V 1989 / 90-1994 / 95 16 0
Hermann Kern 09/22/1966 Austria V 1985 / 86-1987 / 88 2 0
Daniel Kimoni January 18, 1971 Belgium V 2001/02 3 0 Cup winner 2001/02
Helmut Kirisits 05/12/1954 Austria M. 1973 / 74-1975 / 76, 1984/85 53 9
Josef Kirisits 01/20/1951 Austria M. 1974/75, 1978/79 6th 0
Johann Klug 03/01/1936 Austria V 1964 / 65–1968 / 69 125 5
Andreas Koch 09/11/1966 Austria T 1995/96 1 0
Johann Kogler 05/12/1968 Austria M. 1989/90 19th 2
Alfred Kölly 09/28/1929 Austria A. 1951 / 52–1964 / 65 286 5
Stefan Kölly 03/14/1928 Austria A. 1951 / 52-1954 / 55 70 35
Walter Koleznik 10/17/1942 Austria A. 1961 / 62–1977 / 78 401 85
Roland Kollmann 10/08/1976 Austria A. 2001/02–2006/07 140 63 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Günther Koschak 09/11/1962 Austria A. 1980 / 81-1987 / 88 168 44
Zeljko Kovacs 06/01/1944 Austria A. 1972/73 22nd 10
Hugo Kotzmuth 03/26/1929 Austria V 1951/52 4th 0
Herbert Krammer 06/10/1960 Austria T 1986/87 2 0
Mario Krassnitzer 07/25/1975 Austria T 1997/98 9 0
Michael Krenn 04/16/1956 Austria T 1982/83 1 0
Gernot Krinner 04/01/1967 Austria A. 1988 / 89-1989 / 90 51 10
Gerhard Krois October 13, 1945 Austria A. 1968/69 9 4th
Franz Kropf 12/22/1952 Austria A. 1971 / 72–1973 / 74 33 6th
Pa Saikou Kujabi 12/10/1986 Gambia V 2004 / 05–2006 / 07 56 0
Enrico Kulovits December 29, 1974 Austria M. 1996 / 97-2001 / 02, 2003/04 146 10 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Walter Kupfinger December 17, 1943 Austria V 1968/69 6th 1
Jones Kusi-Asars May 21, 1980 Sweden A. 2001/02–2002/03 24 6th Cup winner 2001/02
Gottfried Lamprecht 10/08/1948 Austria V 1970 / 71-1980 / 81 236 5 Cup winner 1980/81
Roberto Lanckohr 08/06/1969 Netherlands M. 2000/01 7th 0
Anton Landauf January 11, 1924 Austria M. 1951 / 52-1954 / 55 46 2
Rolf Martin Landerl October 24, 1975 Austria M. 2006/07 23 1
Thomas Lechner 10/22/1985 Austria V 2003/04/2006/07 23 0 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Bernhard Leitner 08/29/1960 Austria V 1982/83 8th 0
Harald Leitner 07/06/1954 Austria A. 1975 / 76-1988 / 79 51 4th
Peter Lerant 01/30/1977 Austria V 2001/02 7th 0 Cup winner 2001/02
Christian Leuchtmann 03/13/1981 Austria A. 1999/00 1 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Josef Liendl 02/07/1967 Austria M. 1986 / 87-1989 / 90 53 1
Andreas Lienhart 01/28/1986 Austria A. 2005 / 06–2006 / 07 21st 1
Andreas Lipa 04/26/1971 Austria V 1997 / 98-2001 / 02 106 10 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Werner Losch 07/11/1950 Austria A. 1975 / 76-1976 / 77 51 13
Helmut Loske 09/30/1936 Germany A. 1960 / 61–1963 / 64 39 8th
Walter Loske 08/24/1942 Germany A. 1962/63 21st 4th
Ljubomir Luhovy March 31, 1967 Slovakia A. 1998/99 21st 3
Erich Luttenberger ? Austria V 1966 / 67–1971 / 72 39 0
Anton Maier March 29, 1931 Austria V 1954 / 55–1961 / 62 181 33
Werner Maier 11/10/1949 Austria V 1969 / 70-1981 / 82 324 2 Cup winner 1980/81
Mario Majstorovic 03/01/1977 Austria V 2004 / 05–2006 / 07 66 0
Alois Malleg ? Austria V 1956 / 57-1960 / 61 38 0
Alexander Manninger 06/04/1977 Austria T 1996/97 23 0
Wilfried Marchl 04/01/1959 Austria V 1979 / 80-1986 / 87 132 5 Cup winner 1980/81
Erich Marko 01/27/1955 Austria V 1975 / 76-1986 / 87 280 2 Cup winner 1980/81
Vitomir Markovic 08/24/1934 Austria A. 1965/66 6th 1
Helmut Menzel 06/26/1935 Austria ? 1967 / 68–1969 / 70 13 0
Manfred Mertel 08/25/1954 Austria M. 1975 / 76-1988 / 79 68 9
Nikola Milinković 03/19/1968 Serbia M. 2001/02–2003/04 63 10 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Zeljko Milinovic 01/12/1969 Slovenia V 2000/01 19th 1
Zoran Misic 08/22/1937 Yugoslavia T 1969 / 70–1971 / 72 63 0
Josef Moder 09/19/1947 CSSR M. 1980 / 81-1981 / 82 60 9 Cup winner 1980/81
Mario Mohapp 04/14/1961 Austria M. 1980 / 81-1984 / 85 50 3 Cup winner 1980/81
Avan Mohiden 08/18/1986 Austria M. 2006/07 4th 0
Josef Muik 01/02/1965 Austria ? 1984/85 2 0
Lothar Müller 02/05/1940 Germany A. 1961 / 62–1962 / 63 7th 0
Samir Muratovic 02/25/1976 Serbia M. 2003/04/2006/07 104 5 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Alfred Murlasits 11/20/1941 Austria A. 1971/72 11 1
Damir Muzek 04/08/1967 Croatia M. 1995 / 96-1997 / 98 79 0
Ilco Naumoski 07/29/1983 Macedonia A. 2002/03–2003/04 22nd 8th Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Manfred Nekola 01/24/1963 Austria ? 1982/83 7th 1
Kurt Nessl 07/12/1962 Austria A. 1985 / 86-1988 / 89 84 19th
Johann Neusiedler 09/14/1951 Austria A. 1975/76 12 1
Johann Neuwirth 04/03/1946 Austria A. 1969/70 20th 2
Roger Nilsen 08/08/1969 Norway V 1999/00 13 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Erwin Ninaus May 23, 1940 Austria A. 1959 / 60-1970 / 71 234 10
Herbert Ninaus March 31, 1937 Austria A. 1954 / 55-1958 / 59 98 55
Byung Joon Noh 29.09.1979 South Korea A. 2006/07 8th 3
Mikloš Orsag ? Yugoslavia M. 1978/79 4th 1
Raimund Padrun September 18, 1955 Austria A. 1977/78 8th 0
Erich Painsi March 16, 1966 Austria M. 1989/90 19th 0
Igor Pamic 11/19/1969 Croatia A. 1998 / 99-2001 / 02 66 24 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Antonio Paulinho 09/12/1937 Brazil A. 1964/65 15th 1
Rene Pauritsch 02/04/1964 Austria A. 1983 / 84-1985 / 86 15th 0
Othmar Pekovsek 08/13/1952 Austria V 1976/77 8th 0
Marek Penksa 08/04/1973 Slovakia A. 1995/96 16 6th
Marco Perchtold 09/21/1988 Austria M. 2006/07 12 1
Alfred Pestitschek October 19, 1922 Austria M. 1951 / 52-1954 / 55 69 1
Thomas pillar 05/11/1960 Austria A. 1988/89 2 0
Markus Pentecost January 15, 1979 Austria V 1999/00, 2000/01 3 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Karl Philipp 02/05/1950 Austria V 1968 / 69–1979 / 80 270 30th
Hans Pigel 11/14/1956 Austria A. 1978 / 79-1988 / 89 270 51 Cup winner 1980/81
Kurt Pilz ? Austria ? 1965 / 66–1966 / 67 2 0
Daniel Pirker 12/02/1986 Austria M. 2004 / 05–2006 / 07 9 0
Franz Plank ? Austria ? 1970/71 4th 0
Gernot Plassnegger 03/23/1978 Austria M. 2004 / 05–2005 / 06 60 3
Gregor Poetscher 03/26/1973 Austria V 1995 / 96-2006 / 07 241 2 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Emanuel Pogatetz 01/16/1983 Austria V 2003/04/2004/05 53 2 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Franz Polanz 12/29/1961 Austria A. 1986/87 12 0
David Preiss 05/18/1978 Austria M. 1999/2000 1 0
Manfred Preschern 11/19/1965 Austria M. 1989/90 18th 2
Hans-Jürgen Prexl December 04, 1939 Austria T 1957 / 58–1963 / 64 50 0
Walter Prügger 08/23/1969 Austria M. 1988/89 1 0
Martin Puza 01/23/1970 Austria V 1995 / 96-1996 / 97 39 0
Roman Raczynski 07.09.1962 Austria M. 1987 / 88-1988 / 89 32 3
Wolfgang Rader March 24, 1979 Austria A. 1999/00 1 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Thomas Radlspeck 11/16/1972 Germany M. 1998 / 99-1999 / 00 32 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Josef Radostic 02/19/1956 Austria A. 1981/82 1 0
Zeljko Radovic 04/06/1974 Austria A. 1997 / 98-1999 / 00 71 18th Cup winner 1999/00
Stojadin Rajkovic 05/26/1963 Austria V 1995 / 96-1996 / 97 55 1
Dieter Ramusch 10/31/1969 Austria M. 1995 / 96-2004 / 05 289 27 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Ewald Ratschnig 09/15/1953 Austria M. 1978 / 79-1981 / 82 97 8th Cup winner 1980/81
Eugene Ravnic 05/21/1933 Yugoslavia T 1962 / 63-1965 / 66 41 0
Andreas Rauscher 01/25/1978 Austria V 1997/98 1 0
Harald Rebernig 10/06/1943 Austria M. 1969 / 70-1975 / 76 148 29
Wolfgang Rebernig 04/17/1966 Austria M. 1984 / 85-1985 / 86 4th 0
Falk Reheis March 24, 1937 Austria A. 1957 / 58-1960 / 61 26th 1
Ludwig Reiner 10/26/1971 Austria V 1989/90, 1995/96 2 0
Herbert Reinprecht 05/01/1940 Austria T 1964 / 65-1965 / 66 9 0
Franz Reiterer 09/19/1968 Austria A. 1989/90 5 1
Alfred Reitmaier ? Austria V 1958 / 59-1959 / 60 20th 0
Hermann Repitsch 09/12/1942 Austria A. 1970 / 71-1973 / 74 101 15th
Wael Riyadh 08/02/1982 Egypt A. 2007 5 0
Alfred Riedl 11/02/1949 Austria A. 1980 / 81-1981 / 82 42 19th Cup winner 1980/81
Oswald Robin ? ? ? 1971/72 1 0
Rohrbacher ? Austria ? 1969/70 1 0
Gerhard Rossbacher 01/08/1949 Austria V 1968 / 69-1970 / 71 18th 0
Rudolf Roth 09/14/1948 Austria T 1972 / 73-1976 / 77 72 0
Werner Rumpf 02/22/1947 Austria T 1968/69 18th 0
Herfried Sabitzer October 19, 1969 Austria A. 1995 / 96-1997 / 98 77 32
Erich Sajko 06/16/1925 Austria A. 1953 / 54–1961 / 62 143 15th
Gerhard Sauper ? Austria ? 1958/59 2 0
Helmut Sauseng 07/06/1966 Austria V 1986 / 87-1989 / 90 89 6th
Lenko Savic 06/22/1940 Yugoslavia ? 1966/67 14th 0
Gerhard Schaffer ? Austria ? 1966/67 3 0
Johann Scharmann 02/25/1949 Austria M. 1967 / 68–1971 / 72 48 2
Dieter Schatzschneider 04/26/1958 Germany A. 1987/88 27 4th
Klaus Scheucher 08/15/1962 Austria A. 1988/89 6th 0
Heinz Schilcher 04/14/1947 Austria V 1965 / 66–1968 / 69 88 1
Kurt Schink 03/14/1929 Austria V 1951 / 52-1952 / 53 33 1
Günther Schittnik ? Austria ? 1954/55 1 0
Gerhard Schlatzer 04/30/1966 Austria M. 1989/90 3 0
Erich Schneider 11/06/1952 Austria M. 1975 / 76-1988 / 79 77 6th
Herbert Schneider ? Austria ? 1969/70 4th 0
August Schober 09/16/1946 Austria ? 1972 / 73–1973 / 74 27 0
Andreas Schranz 05/02/1979 Austria T 1998 / 99-2006 / 07 161 0 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Andreas scrap 08/24/1981 Austria V 2005/06 26th 1
Bernhard Schuiteman 10/03/1973 Netherlands V 1999/00 7th 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Alois Schursch 1940 Austria V 1958 / 59–1961 / 62 13 2
Wolfgang Schwicker 06/06/1962 Austria A. 1981 / 82-1984 / 85 65 7th
Saleh Selim 09/11/1930 Egypt A. 1962/63 6th 2
David Sencar 01/29/1984 Austria M. 2003/04 2 0 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Gerhard Sencic ? Austria ? 1959/60 1 0
Wilhelm Sgerm March 24, 1937 Austria A. 1955 / 56-1966 / 67 256 118
Gernot Sick 10/31/1978 Austria M. 1996 / 97–2000 / 01, 2002 / 03–2005 / 06 148 5 Cup winner 1999/00
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Adolf Sigmund 07/27/1928 Austria M. 1951 / 52–1955 / 56 92 12
Thomas Silberberger 06/03/1973 Austria M. 1996/97 3 0
Libor Sionko 02/01/1977 Czech Republic M. 2003/04 15th 2 Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Martin Six 08/25/1985 Austria A. 2004/05 2 0
Alen Skoro 03/30/1981 Bosnia Herzegovina A. 2004 / 05–2006 / 07 63 17th
Rado Slovic 07/06/1940 Austria A. 1967 / 68–1968 / 69 33 5
Walter Sobl 03/27/1959 Austria M. 1989/90 19th 1
Hans Sommer ? Austria ? 1980/81 1 0
Mario Sonnleitner 10/08/1986 Austria V 2004 / 05–2006 / 07 46 1
Niels Soersen 11/22/1951 Denmark M. 1978 / 79–1979 / 80 65 4th
Albert Sorger ? Austria ? 1967/68 1 0
Gregor Spraiz 04/09/1938 Austria ? 1956 / 57-1959 / 60 26th 5
Klaus Spirk December 18, 1960 Austria M. 1978 / 79-1989 / 90 231 6th
Joachim Standfest 05/30/1980 Austria V, M 1998 / 99-2004 / 05, 2006/07 216 13 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Fritz Stanek ? Austria ? 1969/70 6th 0
Günter Stangl January 17, 1941 Austria M. 1961 / 62–1962 / 63 14th 0
Johann Steigenberger 11/06/1947 Austria T 1968 / 69–1976 / 77 97 0
Rudolf Steinbauer 09.09.1959 Austria M. 1979/80, 1982 / 83-1985 / 86 126 10
Gerhard Steinkogler 09/29/1959 Austria A. 1977 / 78–1979 / 80, 1983/84 53 15th
Josef Stering 03/06/1949 Austria M, A 1968 / 69-1971 / 72, 1980 / 81-1985 / 86 296 46 Cup winner 1980/81
Hermann Stessl 09/03/1940 Austria V 1957 / 58–1968 / 69 204 25th
Gerald Strafner 06/03/1973 Austria V, A 1995 / 96-1997 / 98 56 9
Rudolf Strobl 05/05/1960 Austria ? 1989/90 7th 0
Walter Strohmayer 01/01/1931 Austria V 1952 / 53-1953 / 54 8th 0
Christoph Stückler May 27, 1980 Austria V 1998 / 99-1999 / 00 7th 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Bela Subosits 05.10.1934 Hungary ? 1957 / 58-1958 / 59 14th 3
Sweet Kurt 03/29/1953 Austria A. 1973 / 74-1975 / 76 14th 4th
Gerhard Techt 05/02/1952 Austria A. 1970 / 71-1971 / 72 3 0
Kurt Temm 07/30/1967 Austria V 1995 / 96-1996 / 97 38 2
Mario Tokic 07/23/1975 Croatia V 2001/02–2004/05 133 4th Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Tomas Tomic 01/10/1977 Germany T 1998 / 99-1999 / 00 4th 0 Cup winner 1999/00
Gert Trafella 06/23/1955 Austria V 1971 / 72–1973 / 74 72 1
Alfred Traxler 04/24/1948 Austria V 1969/70 24 5
Manfred Trost 02/11/1963 Austria T 1984 / 85-1988 / 89 93 0
Josip Turcik 11/23/1952 Yugoslavia V 1982 / 83-1983 / 84 41 4th
Skelley Adu tutu 08/10/1979 Ghana A. 1999 / 00–2003 / 04 83 11 Cup winner 1999/00
Cup winner 2001/02
Champion 2003/04
Cup winner 2003/04
Gerhard Urdl 09/23/1956 Austria V 1976 / 77-1977 / 78 12 0
Tuomas Uusimäki 07/09/1977 Finland M. 2006/07 11 0
Peter Vidalli 03/09/1955 Austria A. 1975 / 76–1979 / 80 128 22nd
Zelimir Vidovic 11/17/1953 Yugoslavia M. 1983 / 84-1988 / 89 167 16
Oswald Virzl ? Austria A. 1959 / 60-1960 / 61 15th 3
Željko Vuković 02/09/1962 Yugoslavia V 1995 / 96-1998 / 99 138 10
Bernard Vukas 05/01/1927 Yugoslavia M. 1963/64–1964/65 23 1
Helmut Weber January 18, 1943 Germany ? 1966/67 3 0
... Weber II ? Austria ? 1966/67 1 0
Franz Wehr 01/28/1955 Austria V 1975 / 76-1977 / 78 48 1
Andreas White 04/09/1941 Austria ? 1963 / 64–1968 / 69 57 0
Leo white 04/10/1954 Austria A. 1975 / 76-1988 / 79, 1980 / 81-1981 / 82 126 22nd Cup winner 1980/81
Erich Welk 04/06/1939 Austria T 1961 / 62–1964 / 65 36 0
Kurt Welzl 11/06/1954 Austria A. 1986/87 12 3
Ernst Wenzelmaier 1943 Austria ? 1961 / 62–1964 / 65 25th 3
Herbert Wieger 02/07/1972 Austria A. 1995 / 96-2000 / 01 96 10 Cup winner 1999/00
Franz Witzmann ? Hungary ? 1961/62 1 0
Josef Wohry 05/12/1945 Austria V 1964 / 65–1968 / 69 15th 1
Albert Yobo 05/05/1979 Nigeria V 2002/03 2 0
Christian Ziegler December 07, 1961 Austria A. 1983 / 84-1984 / 85 4th 0
Michael Zisser 05.10.1966 Austria V 1985 / 86-1989 / 90, 1995 / 96-1997 / 98 137 8th
Goran Zivanovic 08/18/1960 Yugoslavia T 1988 / 89-1989 / 90 49 0
Franz Zrinsky 09/22/1930 Austria T 1951 / 52–1955 / 56 25th 0
Manfred Zsak December 22, 1964 Austria M. 1996/97 3 1
Mario Zuenelli 09/04/1954 Austria V, M 1973 / 74-1986 / 87 344 70 Cup winner 1980/81


  • Anton Egger: Austrian Football Championship 1945–1974 , Verlag Anton Egger, Wasendorf-Fohnsdorf, 1998, ISBN 3-9500332-2-X
  • Anton Egger and Kurt Kaiser: Austria's Bundesliga from A – Z, chronicle from 1974 , Verlag Anton Egger, Wasendorf-Fohnsdorf, 1995, ISBN 3-9500332-1-1

Web links
