List of Senate Members of the 104th United States Congress

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Each state elects two senators in the Senate of the United States . Until 1913, the senators were determined by the parliaments of the individual states . Beginning in 1913, the 17th Amendment to the American Constitution required that the senators be directly elected by the people of the respective state.

Party system

After the 1994 election , the mandates were distributed among the parties as follows:

Political party
(Coloring indicates the majority)
republican Democrats Vacant
End of the 103rd Congress 47 53 100 0
104th Congress 53 47 100 0
Final distribution of votes 53% 47%
Beginning of the 105th Congress 55 45 100 0


The Vice President of the United States is the ex officio Senate chairman and chairman of all sessions. Even so, the vice-president rarely takes part in the meetings, so the senators elect a president pro tempore (usually the longest-serving senator of the majority party) as the deputy president of the senate. But even this usually passes on his duties to junior senators, since the office is endowed with comparatively little authority.

position Surname Political party Country Term of office
     president Al Gore democrat Tennessee January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
     President pro tempore Strom Thurmond republican South carolina January 3, 1995 - January 3, 2001

Leadership of the majority party

Office Surname State Term of office
Majority leader Bob Dole Kansas January 3, 1995 - June 12, 1996
Majority leader Trent Lott Mississippi June 12, 1996 - January 3, 2001
Majority whip Trent Lott Mississippi January 3, 1995 - June 12, 1996
Majority whip Don Nickles Oklahoma June 12, 1996 - January 3, 2001

Leadership of the minority party

Office Surname State Term of office
Minority leader Tom Daschle South Dakota January 3, 1995 - January 3, 2001
Minority whip Wendell Ford Kentucky January 3, 1995 - January 3, 1999

List of Senate Members

senator Political party Country First elected Seat up
     Richard Shelby republican Alabama 1986 2010
     Jeff Sessions republican 1996 2008
     Ted Stevens republican Alaska 1968 2008
     Frank Murkowski republican 1980 2002
     John McCain republican Arizona 1986 2010
     Jon Kyl republican 1994 2006
     Dale Bumpers democrat Arkansas 1974 1998
     Tim Hutchinson republican 1996 2002
     Wayne Allard republican Colorado 1996 2008
     Ben Nighthorse Campbell Democrat / Republican 1992 2004
     Chris Dodd democrat Connecticut 1980 2010
     Joe Lieberman democrat 1988 2006
     Joe Biden democrat Delaware 1972 2008
     William V. Roth republican 1970 2000
     Connie Mack republican Florida 1988 2000
     Bob Graham democrat 1986 2004
     Max Cleland democrat Georgia 1996 2002
     Paul Coverdell republican 1992 July 18, 2000
     Daniel Inouye democrat Hawaii 1962 2010
     Daniel Akaka democrat 1990 2006
     Larry Craig republican Idaho 1990 2008
     Dirk Kempthorne republican 1992 1998
     Dick Durbin democrat Illinois 1996 2008
     Carol Moseley Brown democrat 1992 2000
     Richard Lugar republican Indiana 1976 2006
     Dan Coats republican 1988 1998
     Chuck Grassley republican Iowa 1980 2010
     Tom Harkin democrat 1984 2008
     Dianne Feinstein democrat California 1992 2006
     Barbara Boxer democrat 1992 2010
     Bob Dole republican Kansas 1968 June 11, 1996
     Sheila Frahm republican June 11, 1996 November 6, 1996
     Sam Brownback republican November 6, 1996 2010
     Pat Roberts republican 1996 2008
     Mitch McConnell republican Kentucky 1984 2008
     Wendell Ford democrat 1974 1998
     Mary Landrieu democrat Louisiana 1996 2008
     John Breaux democrat 1986 2004
     Olympia Snowe republican Maine 1994 2006
     Susan Collins republican 1996 2008
     Paul Sarbanes democrat Maryland 1976 2006
     Barbara Mikulski democrat 1986 2010
     Edward Kennedy democrat Massachusetts 1962 2006
     John Kerry democrat 1984 2008
     Carl Levin democrat Michigan 1978 2008
     Spencer Abraham republican 1994 2000
     Rod Grams republican Minnesota 1994 2000
     Paul Wellstone Democratic Farmer Labor Party 1992 October 25, 2002
     Thad Cochran republican Mississippi 1978 2008
     Trent Lott republican 1988 2006
     Kit Bond republican Missouri 1986 2010
     John Ashcroft republican 1994 2000
     Max Baucus democrat Montana 1978 2008
     Conrad Burns republican 1988 2006
     Chuck Hagel republican Nebraska 1996 2008
     Bob Kerrey democrat 1988 2000
     Harry Reid democrat Nevada 1986 2010
     Richard Bryan democrat 1988 2000
     Judd Gregg republican New Hampshire 1992 2010
     Robert C. Smith republican 1990 2002
     Frank Lautenberg democrat New Jersey 1982 2000
     Robert Torricelli democrat 1996 2002
     Pete Domenici republican New Mexico 1972 2008
     Jeff Bingaman democrat 1982 2006
     Al D'Amato republican new York 1980 1998
     Daniel Patrick Moynihan democrat 1976 2000
     Jesse Helms republican North Carolina 1972 2002
     Leek faircloth republican 1992 2000
     Kent Conrad democrat North Dakota 1986 2006
     Byron Dorgan democrat 1992 2010
     Mike DeWine republican Ohio 1994 2006
     John Glenn democrat 1974 1998
     Jim Inhofe republican Oklahoma 1994 2008
     Don Nickles republican 1980 2004
     Ron Wyden democrat Oregon 1996 2010
     Gordon H. Smith republican 1996 2008
     Arlen Specter republican Pennsylvania 1980 2010
     Rick Santorum republican 1994 2006
     Jack Reed democrat Rhode Island 1996 2008
     John Chafee republican 1976 October 24, 1999
     Strom Thurmond republican South carolina 1956 2002
     Fritz Hollings republican 1966 2004
     Tim Johnson democrat South Dakota 1986 2008
     Tom Daschle democrat 1986 2004
     Bill Deadline republican Tennessee 1994 2006
     Fred Thompson republican 1994 2002
     Kay Bailey Hutchison republican Texas 1993 2006
     Phil Gramm republican 1984 2002
     Orrin Hatch republican Utah 1976 2006
     Bob Bennett republican 1992 2010
     Patrick Leahy democrat Vermont 1974 2010
     Jim Jeffords Independently 1988 2006
     John Warner republican Virginia 1978 2008
     Chuck Robb democrat 1988 2000
     Patty Murray democrat Washington 1992 2010
     Slade Gorton republican 1988 2000
     Robert Byrd democrat West Virginia 1958 2006
     Jay Rockefeller democrat 1984 2008
     Herb cabbage democrat Wisconsin 1988 2006
     Russ Feingold democrat 1992 2010
     Craig L. Thomas republican Wyoming 1994 2006
     Mike Enzi republican 1996 2008

See also

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