List of Senate Members of the 111th United States Congress

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Senatorial Party Membership by State in 111th Congress

Each state elects two senators in the Senate of the United States . Until 1913, the senators were determined by the parliaments of the individual states . Beginning in 1913, the 17th Amendment to the American Constitution required that the senators be directly elected by the people of the respective state.

The term of office of the Senate of the 111th Congress, a third of which had emerged from the Senate election on November 4, 2008 , began on January 3, 2009; it met on January 6, 2009 for its constituent meeting.

Party system

After the 2008 election, the Democratic parliamentary group initially consisted of 58 and the Republican parliamentary group 41 members of the Senate. On April 28, 2009, the former Republican Senator Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania publicly announced his move to the Democrats. One of the two seats from Minnesota was vacant for half a year, as the validity of votes was still being litigated after a close result. The Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed Norm Coleman's lawsuit , whereupon Governor Tim Pawlenty signed the bill of appointment for Al Franken , who was sworn in on July 7, 2009. The ratio between the factions was now 60:40 in favor of the Democrats. This meant that the Democrats, with a closed vote of all parliamentary group members, could prevent the Republicans from preventing a resolution by filibusters , for which a three-fifths majority ( super majority ) is required.

With the death of Senator Edward Kennedy , the number of Senate seats in the Democratic Group was reduced to 59; after the appointment of Paul G. Kirk as successor to Kennedy, it was in the meantime again 60. Since the Republican Scott Brown then won the necessary by-election on January 19, 2010 in Massachusetts against the Democratic candidate Martha Coakley and was sworn in on February 4, 2010, With this seat in the Senate, the Democrats also lost their "super majority". Due to the death of Robert Byrd in June 2010, the number of Senate members was again reduced to 99 for a short time and the number of members of the Democratic Group to 58. His successor, the Democrat Carte Goodwin , was sworn in on July 20, 2010. As part of the election on November 2, 2010, the official election took place for the former seats of Joe Biden - the senator from Delaware had his seat after his election as US vice president resigned - and Robert Byrd instead. Since with Chris Coons and Joe Manchin two Democrats won these seats, nothing changed in the strength of the faction in the Senate. Furthermore, a new senator for the former headquarters was Barack Obama elected: For who had taken office in January 2009, US president was Roland Burris under dubious circumstances by Governor Rod Blagojevich senator for Illinois appointed. Burris did not run in the by-election, which Republican Mark Kirk won. After he took office on November 29, 2010, the ratio of the parliamentary groups to the end of the session was 58:42.

Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont did not belong to any party but was a member of the Democratic Group. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut withdrew in 2008 as an independent candidate in the Senate one, after he had lost the internal party Democratic primary in his state, but remained a member of the Democratic Party and also belonged to the faction of the Democrats.

Important positions

position Surname Political party Country since
     president Joe Biden (until January 20, 2009: Dick Cheney ) democrat Delaware 2009
     President pro tempore Daniel Inouye (until June 28, 2010: Robert Byrd ) democrat Hawaii 2010
     Majority Leader Harry Reid democrat Nevada 2007
     Minority Leader Mitch McConnell republican Kentucky 2007
     Majority Whip Dick Durbin democrat Illinois 2007
     Minority Whip Jon Kyl republican Arizona 2007
     Democratic Conference Chairman Harry Reid democrat Nevada 2005
     Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander republican Tennessee 2007
     Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer democrat new York 2009
     Republican Conference Vice Chairman Lisa Murkowski (until June 25, 2009: John Thune ) republican Alaska 2009
     Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Byron Dorgan democrat North Dakota 1999
     Republican Policy Committee Chairman John Thune (until June 17, 2009: John Ensign ) republican South Dakota 2009
     Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Bob Menendez democrat New Jersey 2009
     National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn republican Texas 2009

List of Senators

senator Political party Country First elected Seat until (beginning of January, unless otherwise noted) * Remarks
     Richard Shelby republican Alabama 1986 2011
     Jeff Sessions republican 1996 2015
     Mark Begich democrat Alaska 2008 2015
     Lisa Murkowski republican 2002 2011 (lost to the internal party primary; started as a write-in candidate in November 2010 and won the election)
     John McCain republican Arizona 1986 2011
     Jon Kyl republican 1994 2013
     Blanche Lincoln democrat Arkansas 1998 2011
     Mark Pryor democrat 2002 2015
     Mark Udall democrat Colorado 2008 2015
     Ken Salazar democrat 2004 2009 (Resignation January 20, 2009 due to appointment as Secretary of the Interior)
     Michael Bennet democrat 2010 2017 ( Appointed to succeed Ken Salazar on January 21, 2009 ; won the November 2010 election)
     Chris Dodd democrat Connecticut 1980 2011
     Joe Lieberman More independent 1988 2013
     Joe Biden democrat Delaware 1972 2009 (Resignation January 15, 2009 before taking office as Vice President of the USA)
     Ted Kaufman democrat 2009 2010 (Appointed to succeed Joe Biden on January 16, 2009; resignation on November 15, 2010 following the election of Chris Coons)
     Chris Coons democrat 2010 2015 (won the by-election for the former Joe Biden seat in November 2010)
     Tom Carper democrat 2000 2013
     Bill Nelson democrat Florida 2000 2013
     Mel Martinez republican 2004 2009 (resigned September 9, 2009)
     George LeMieux republican Appointed in 2009 2011 (appointed as successor to Mel Martínez on September 10, 2009)
     Saxby Chambliss republican Georgia 2002 2015
     Johnny Isakson republican 2004 2011
     Daniel Inouye democrat Hawaii 1962 2011
     Daniel Akaka democrat 1990 2013
     Jim Risch republican Idaho 2008 2015
     Mike Crapo republican 1998 2011
     Dick Durbin democrat Illinois 1996 2015
     Roland Burris democrat 2009 2010 (Already appointed on December 30, 2008, during the 110th Congress, under controversial circumstances as the successor to the retired Barack Obama , who was elected President of the USA , but was not sworn in until January 15, 2009; resigned on November 29, 2010)
     Mark Kirk republican 2010 2017 (won the election on November 2, 2010 and was sworn in on November 29, 2010 for the remainder of his predecessor's term in office, Roland Burris)
     Richard Lugar republican Indiana 1976 2013
     Evan Bayh democrat 1998 2011
     Chuck Grassley republican Iowa 1980 2011
     Tom Harkin democrat 1984 2015
     Dianne Feinstein democrat California 1992 2013
     Barbara Boxer democrat 1992 2011
     Sam Brownback republican Kansas 1996 2011
     Pat Roberts republican 1996 2015
     Mitch McConnell republican Kentucky 1984 2015
     Jim Bunning republican 1998 2011
     Mary Landrieu democrat Louisiana 1996 2015
     David Vitter republican 2004 2011
     Olympia Snowe republican Maine 1994 2013
     Susan Collins republican 1996 2015
     Ben Cardin democrat Maryland 2006 2013
     Barbara Mikulski democrat 1986 2011
     Edward Kennedy democrat Massachusetts 1962 2009 (died on August 25, 2009)
     Paul G. Kirk democrat 2009 (appointed) 2010 (Appointed after Edward Kennedy's death on September 24, 2009 and sworn in on September 25; in office until February 4, 2010)
     Scott Brown republican 2009 2013 (won by-election for the former seat of Edward Kennedy in November 2009)
     John Kerry democrat 1984 2015
     Carl Levin democrat Michigan 1978 2015
     Debbie Stabenow democrat 2000 2013
     Amy Klobuchar democrat Minnesota 2006 2013
     Al Franks democrat 2008 2015 (sworn in on July 7, 2009, after the Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed Norm Coleman's lawsuit against a narrow victory for Francs after a recount)
     Thad Cochran republican Mississippi 1978 2015
     Roger Wicker republican 2008 2013 (Appointed to succeed Trent Lott on December 31, 2007 ; won by-election in November 2008)
     Kit Bond republican Missouri 1986 2011
     Claire McCaskill democrat 2006 2013
     Max Baucus democrat Montana 1978 2015
     Jon Tester democrat 2006 2013
     Mike Johanns republican Nebraska 2008 2015
     Ben Nelson democrat 2000 2013
     Harry Reid democrat Nevada 1986 2011
     John Ensign republican 2000 2013
     Judd Gregg republican New Hampshire 1992 2011
     Jeanne Shaheen democrat 2008 2015
     Bob Menendez democrat New Jersey 2006 2013 ( Appointed to succeed Jon Corzine in January 2006 ; won the election in November 2006)
     Frank Lautenberg democrat 2002 2015
     Tom Udall democrat New Mexico 2008 2015
     Jeff Bingaman democrat 1982 2013
     Charles Schumer democrat new York 1998 2011
     Hillary Clinton democrat 2000 2009 (Resignation on January 21, 2009 when appointed Secretary of State)
     Kirsten Gillibrand democrat Appointed in 2009 2013 (sworn in on January 27, 2009 as appointed successor to Hillary Clinton; won by-election on November 2, 2010)
     Kay Hagan democrat North Carolina 2008 2015
     Richard Burr republican 2004 2011
     Kent Conrad democrat North Dakota 1986 2013
     Byron Dorgan democrat 1992 2011
     Sherrod Brown democrat Ohio 2006 2013
     George Voinovich republican 1998 2011
     Jim Inhofe republican Oklahoma 1994 2015
     Tom Coburn republican 2004 2011
     Ron Wyden democrat Oregon 1996 2011
     Jeff Merkley democrat 2008 2015
     Arlen Specter democrat Pennsylvania 1980 2011 (elected Republican, declared converting to Democrats on April 28, 2009)
     Bob Casey democrat 2006 2013
     Jack Reed democrat Rhode Island 1996 2015
     Sheldon Whitehouse democrat 2006 2013
     Lindsey Graham republican South carolina 2002 2015
     Jim DeMint republican 2004 2011
     Tim Johnson democrat South Dakota 1996 2015
     John Thune republican 2004 2011
     Bob Corker republican Tennessee 2006 2013
     Lamar Alexander republican 2002 2015
     Kay Bailey Hutchison republican Texas 1993 2013
     John Cornyn republican 2002 2015
     Orrin Hatch republican Utah 1976 2013
     Bob Bennett republican 1992 2011
     Patrick Leahy democrat Vermont 1974 2011
     Bernie Sanders More independent 2006 2013
     Mark Warner democrat Virginia 2008 2015
     Jim Webb democrat 2006 2013
     Patty Murray democrat Washington 1992 2011
     Maria Cantwell democrat 2000 2013
     Robert Byrd democrat West Virginia 1958 2010 (died on June 28, 2010)
     Goodwin card democrat 2010 2010 (appointed on June 28, 2010 to succeed the late Robert Byrd; resignation on November 15, 2010)
     Joe Manchin democrat 2010 2013 (won the by-election for the former seat of Robert Byrd in November 2010)
     Jay Rockefeller democrat 1984 2015
     Herb cabbage democrat Wisconsin 1988 2013
     Russ Feingold democrat 1992 2011
     John Barrasso republican Wyoming 2008 2013 (Appointed in 2007)
     Mike Enzi republican 1996 2015

* In each case the end of the current term of office, without taking into account later re-elections.

See also

Individual evidence

Web links