Tskaltubo Municipality

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Tskaltubo Municipality
coat of arms
coat of arms
Basic data
Country Georgia
region Imereti
Seat Zqaltubo
surface 632 km²
Residents 56,883 (2014)
density 90 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 GE-IM

Coordinates: 42 ° 18 '  N , 42 ° 36'  E

The municipality Zqaltubo ( Georgian წყალტუბოს მუნიციპალიტეტი , Zqaltubos munizipaliteti ) is an administrative unit (roughly equivalent to a district ) in the Imereti region in the central part of Georgia .


The administrative center of the municipality is the eponymous spa town of Zqaltubo . The 632.3 km² municipality borders in the northeast on the municipality of Tqibuli , in the east on the territory of the regionally subordinate city ​​of Kutaisi , in the southeast on the municipality of Baghdati , in the south on the municipality Wani , in the southwest on the municipality Samtredia and in the west on the Municipality of Choni , all also in Imereti. In the north it is bounded by the municipality of Zageri and in the northeast on a short section by the municipality of Ambrolauri , both in the region of Ratscha-Letschchumi and Lower Vanetia .

The southern half of the municipality lies in the area of ​​the Imeretian Plain , which gradually rises from almost 50  m above sea level in the south to around 200  m in the Zqaltubo area. The northern part is occupied by wooded mountainous terrain, which rises to the northern border of the area to the western foothills of the Ratscha Mountains ; this reaches a height of 1769  m in the northeast , west of the river Rioni , which breaks through the mountain ridge , with the Chwomli 1997  m . The Rioni crosses the area of ​​the municipality coming from the north in the eastern part, turns south of Kutaisi to the west and marks the southern border of the municipality there. The right tributary of the Rioni, Gubiszqali, flows on a section along the western border .

Population and administrative division

With 55,883 inhabitants (2014), the population has decreased by more than a fifth compared to the previous census (73,889 inhabitants in 2002), slightly above the national average. The trend that had started in the 1990s thus accelerated. Before that, the population had risen steadily since at least the 1950s.

Population development

Note: census data

The population is almost mono-ethnic Georgian (about 98.6%); there is also a small number of mainly Russians and Armenians (as of 2002).

The largest villages besides the small town of Zqaltubo (11,281 inhabitants) are the villages Geguti , Gumbra , Kwitiri , Maghlaki , Opschkwiti , Parzchanaqanewi and Zqaltubo (not far north of the city, but independent; 2014), each with over 2000 inhabitants .

The municipality is divided into the independent main town Zqaltubo and 16 municipalities (Georgian temi, თემი or simply "village", Georgian sopeli, სოფელი ) with a total of 49 villages, two of which have no permanent residents:

local community Number of
Dghnorissa 4th 524
Geguti 1 5049
Gumbra 3 5532
Splashibi 4th 2819
Kwitiri 2 3357
Maghlaki 2 4464
Mekwena 6th 334
Muchiani 3 2451
Opschkwiti 1 2067
Opurtschcheti 5 1953
Parzchanaqanewi 1 5090
Patriketi 2 2888
Rioni 7 1 2068
Saqulia 1 1869
Zchunkuri 4 1 1569
Zqaltubo 3 3568
1 of which a place without permanent residents


From the collapse of the Kingdom of Georgia in the 15th century until the 19th century, the area belonged virtually continuously to the Kingdom of Imereti . While Georgia was part of the Russian Empire and until the early years of the Soviet Union , it was part of the Ujesds Kutais of the Kutais Governorate ( Kutais was the official form of the city name at that time).

In 1930 the Kutaisi Rajon was formed there. In 1939 the city of Kutaisi and its surrounding area was spun off as an area administered by its city ​​soviet , while the Rajon administration was relocated to the up-and-coming Zqaltubo, which had been developed into a major Soviet spa since the 1920s and increasingly since the 1930s , and the Rajon was renamed accordingly. After the independence of Georgia in 1995, the Rajon was assigned to the newly formed region of Imereti and in 2006 it was converted into a municipality.


Through the southern part of the municipality the main roads of Georgia lost: the there to the Autobahn developed new route of the international highway S1 ( ს 1 ) from Tbilisi to Russian or Abkhaz border (in this section at the same time European route E60 ) and the railway line Poti - Tbilisi (- Baku) .

The old route of the S1 now serves as a western feeder into the center of Kutaisi, the national road Sch104 ( შ 104 ) leading in the other direction through the villages in the south of the area as a southern feeder. The national road Sch16 ( შ 16 ) runs through the municipal area to the north from Kutaisi up the Rioni via the municipal seat of Ambrolauri and Oni in the historical region of Ratscha , as does the Sch15 ( შ 15 ) from Kutaisi via Tqaltubo to Zageri and Lentechi in the historical regions Letschchumi and Svaneti . There is a connection to the neighboring Choni to the west from Zqaltubo via the Sch52 ( შ 52 ), further south from Kutaisi via the Sch12 ( შ 12 ); the Sch112 ( შ 112 ) crosses the latter in a north-south direction and connects Zqaltubo with the old S1.

The Brozeula-Zqaltubo railway via Kutaisi, which branches off the main Poti-Tbilisi line, has existed since 1935 . In the extreme southwest of the municipality lies partly on the territory of the (Kuraissi-) Kopitnari airport (partly, including the airport building, in the municipality of Samtredia).

Web links

Commons : Municipality of Zqaltubo  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Population Census 2014 ( Memento of the original from September 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.geostat.ge
  2. Population Census 2002 ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.geostat.ge