Music year 1696

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Overview of the music years
Further events

Music year 1696
Giovanni Battista Bononcini
Giovanni Battista Bononcini's operas Il trionfo di Camilla regina de Volsci , L'amore eroica fra pastori and Amor per amore will be premiered.
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber's operas Alfonsus hujus nominis decimus Hisparniarum rex ... and Boni corvinon dissimilia ... are performed for the first time.


World premieres

Stage works

Title page of the libretto of the opera Tito Manlio

Instrumental music

Chamber music

  • Henrico Albicastro - "Il giardino armonico sacro-profano di dodici suonate in due parti, parte I dell'opera terza continente VI suonate a tre stromenti col basso per l'organo" (Bruges)
  • Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber - Harmonia Artificioso-Ariosa Diversimodè accordata et In septem Partes vel Partias distributa à 3rd instrum:, thus " Artful , melodious echo in different moods and arranged in seven parts or parts for three instruments"
  • Dieterich Buxtehude - VII suonate , op.2
  • Johann Paul von Westhoff - 6 suites for violin alone (Dresden)


The oldest preserved harpsichord built in Vienna in 1696, labeled "HN 1696" (probably owner's monogram)


Vocal music

Instrument making

  • In Antonio Stradivari's workshop , the violas known today as Archinto and Viola des Cuarteto Real are produced, as well as the cellos Bonjour , Prince Gursky and Lord Aylesford .


Date of birth saved

Exact date of birth unknown


Michel Lambert
Lambert Pietkin

See also

Portal: Music  - Overview of Wikipedia content on music

Web links

Commons : Music 1696  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
Commons : Opera Libretti 1696  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Almansorre in Alimena (Carlo Francesco Pollarolo) in the Corago information system of the University of Bologna .