Online Film Critics Society Awards / Best Editing

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The Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Editing has been presented every year since 1998, except 2001 and 2003.

Most honored editor Lee Smith (2 wins)
Most nominated editor Lee Smith (5 nominations)
Most nominated editor without a win Angus Wall (4 nominations)

Winners and nominees

All nominees for a year are listed, the winner is always on top.

1998 to 1999


Saving Private Ryan - Michael Kahn

Out of Sight - Anne V. Coates
Pleasantville - Too good to be true (Pleasantville) - William Goldenberg
The Truman Show - William M. Anderson and Lee Smith


Lola runs - Mathilde Bonnefoy

American Beauty - Tariq Anwar and Christopher Greenbury
Fight Club - Jim Haygood
The Limey - Sarah Flack
Three Kings - It's nice to be a king - Robert K. Lambert

2000 to 2009


Requiem for a Dream - Jay Rabinowitz

Tiger and Dragon - Tim Squyres
Dancer in the Dark - François Gédigier and Molly Marlene Stensgaard
Gladiator - Pietro Scalia
Traffic - Power of the Cartel - Stephen Mirrione


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Michael Horton and Jabez Olssen

Adaptation - The Orchid Thief - Eric Zumbrunnen
Chicago - Martin Walsh
Minority Report - Michael Kahn
Panic Room - James Haygood and Angus Wall


Forget Me Not! - Valdís Óskarsdóttir

Aviator - Thelma Schoonmaker
Hero - Angie Lam , Vincent Lee and Ru Zhai
House of Flying Daggers - Long Cheng
Kill Bill - Volume 2 - Sally Menke


Sin City - Robert Rodriguez

Munich - Michael Kahn
Good Night, and Good Luck. - Stephen Mirrione
A History of Violence - Ronald Sanders
The Eternal Gardener - Claire Simpson


Flight 93 - Clare Douglas , Richard Pearson and Christopher Rouse

Babel - Douglas Crise and Stephen Mirrione
Children of Men - Alex Rodríguez
Departed - Among enemies - Thelma Schoonmaker
The Fountain - Jay Rabinowitz


No Country for Old Men - Roderick Jaynes

Atonement - Paul Tothill
The Bourne Ultimatum - Christopher Rouse
There Will Be Blood - Dylan Tichenor
Zodiac - The Killer Trail - Angus Wall


Slumdog Millionaire - Christopher Dickens

The Strange Case of Benjamin Button - Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall
The Dark Knight - Lee Smith
Milk - Elliot Graham
WALL · E - The last one is cleaning up the earth - Stephen Schaffer


Fatal Command - The Hurt Locker - Chris Innis and Bob Murawski

(500) Days of Summer - Alan Edward Bell
Avatar - Departure for Pandora - John Refoua and Stephen E. Rivkin
District 9 - Julian Clarke
Inglourious Basterds - Sally Menke

2010 to 2019


Inception - Lee Smith

127 Hours - Jon Harris
Black Swan - Andrew Weisblum
Scott Pilgrim versus the rest of the world - Jonathan Amos and Paul Machliss
The Social Network - Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall


The Tree of Life - Mark Yoshikawa , Hank Corwin , Daniel Rezende , Jay Rabinowitz, and Billy Weber

Queen, King, Ace, Spy - Dino Jonsäter
Martha Marcy May Marlene - Zachary Stuart-Pontier
Drive - Matthew Newman
We Need to Talk About Kevin - Joe Bini


Cloud Atlas - Alexander Berner

Argo - William Goldenberg
The Master - Leslie Jones and Peter McNulty
James Bond 007: Skyfall - Stuart Baird
Zero Dark Thirty - William Goldenberg and Dylan Tichenor


Gravity - Alfonso Cuarón and Mark Sanger
12 Years a Slave - Joe Walker
Drug War - Allen Leung and David M. Richardson
Her - Jeff Buchanan and Eric Zumbrunnen
Inside Llewyn Davis - Roderick Jaynes


Birdman or (The Unexpected Power of Cluelessness) - Douglas Crise and Stephen Mirrione

Boyhood - Sandra Adair
Gone Girl - Kirk Baxter
Grand Budapest Hotel - Barney Pilling
Whiplash - Tom Cross


Mad Max: Fury Road - Margaret Sixel

The Martian - Save Mark Watney (The Martian) - Pietro Scalia
The Revenant - The returnees (The Revenant) - Stephen Mirrione
Sicario - Joe Walker
Steve Jobs - Elliot Graham


La La Land - Tom Cross

Arrival - Joe Walker
Cameraperson - Nels Bangerter
Jackie: The First Lady - Sebastian Sepulveda
Moonlight - Joi McMillon and Nat Sanders


Dunkirk - Lee Smith

Baby Driver - Paul Machliss and Jonathan Amos
Good Time - Benny Safdie and Ronald Bronstein
I, Tonya - Tatiana S. Riegel
Shape of Water - The whisper of water - Sidney Wolinsky


Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Eddie Hamilton

The Favorite - intrigue and madness - Yorgos Mavropsaridis
Departure to the Moon (First Man) - Tom Cross
Roma - Alfonso Cuarón and Adam Gough
Widows - Fatal Widows - Joe Walker


Parasite - Yang Jin-mo

Le Mans 66 - Against Every Chance (Ford v Ferrari) - Andrew Buckland and Michael McCusker
The Irishman - Thelma Schoonmaker
1917 - Lee Smith
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Fred Raskin