Lock dates

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360 ° - Panorama Schleuse Datteln Show
as a spherical panorama
Large Datteln lock, seen from the headwater
Location of the lock group on the canal

The Datteln locks belong - from the Rhine - to the last of the six canal stages of the Wesel-Datteln Canal (WDK) at canal kilometer 59.28 in Datteln- Natrop. One kilometer above the Wesel-Datteln Canal joins the Dortmund-Ems Canal at the Datteln Canal Cross ( Dattelner Meer ) .

The large Datteln lock was built in 1928 and opened together with the canal in 1931. It has a length of 222 m, a width of 12 m, the height of fall is 7.5 m and the water consumption per lock is 20,000 m³. Ships with a draft of up to 2.8 m can be locked. This lock is closed by lifting gates on the upstream and downstream sides. These lock gates were renewed in November 1993.

The small Datteln lock directly next to it has a length of 112 m and a width of 12 m. The lock was built in 1964. It has a lifting gate on the upstream side and a sliding gate on the downstream side. The suspended sliding gate is a safeguard against possible subsidence , as its function is not impaired by slopes in the terrain.

A double lock, i.e. an ascent and descent together, takes about 40 minutes. An average of 90 ships pass through the two locks every day.

The return pumping station, which has existed since the canal was commissioned in 1931, is initially used to pump the lock water that has drained into the lower water back into the upper water. In addition, Rhine water can be pumped in the direction of the Dattelner Meer along the entire pumping station chain of the WDK to feed the Herne / Datteln-Münster apex section of the West German canal network . The four pumps have a delivery rate of 4300 liters per second each.

The Datteln lock group is part of the Route of Industrial Culture .


  • DIN 4054, hydraulic engineering, terms, September 1977

Web links

Commons : Schleuse Datteln  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 40 ′ 6.5 ″  N , 7 ° 21 ′ 26.7 ″  E