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Vineta (emphasis on the second syllable) is the name of a fabulous city ​​on the West Pomeranian Baltic coast . The historical core of the legend probably goes back to the tradition of the high medieval early town, which is also known under the names Jumne, Jomsburg , Julin or the like.

Different possible locations of Vineta

The legend

According to legend, Vineta went down during a storm flood . The reason was the moral decline of the city, the "arrogance and waste of the residents". In one of the numerous variants of the legend there was a warning: three months, three weeks and three days before the fall of the city, it appeared over the sea with all the houses, towers and walls as a colored light structure. The elders then advised all people to leave the city, because if you see cities, ships or people twice, that always means doom. But the people of Vineta, in their lack of humility, did not care. Nobody heeded the very last warning: a few weeks later a water woman emerged from the sea just outside the city and called three times in a high, horrible voice:

"Vineta, Vineta, you smart city, Vineta sall unnergahn, wieldeß se het väl evil dahn"
"Vineta, Vineta, you rich city, Vineta is supposed to perish because it has done a lot of evil."

Bells can still be heard from the depths of the sea today.

Historical sources

  • Around 965 Ibrahim ibn Jaqub reports of a wealthy city whose name in Arabic was something like Weltaba .
  • In 1075/80 Adam von Bremen wrote of a sea trading center on an island at the mouth of the Oder in the Baltic Sea, east of the diocesan area claimed by the Archdiocese of Hamburg, where Slavs, barbarians and Greeks lived and Saxons traded and where Harald Blauzahn once found refuge. According to the oldest manuscript of this tradition (11th century), its name was vimne or uimne, the second oldest copy from around 1200 speaks of uimne and iumne or jumne (in handwritten Latin no differentiation between v and u or . i and j). More recent copies usually give the name in the latter variant ( Jumne ), an early modern print also as Julinum and Juminem.
  • Between 1140 and 1159, three vitae of Otto von Bamberg were created , using the name Julin for the early town, which is certainly located on the site of today's Wollin (in the south of the island of the same name ).
  • In 1163/1168 Helmold von Bosau copied almost literally the passages of Adam von Bremen about this place. The oldest surviving manuscript of Helmold's Slavonic Chronicle (around 1300) contains the spelling uineta, which was corrected by the scribe to iuḿta (short for iumenta or iumneta ). Jumneta can be found in more recent copies, but Vinneta in the chapter heading of all the manuscripts that have survived.
  • Around 1170 the Nordic Knýtlinga saga reports on the siege of Jomsburg by the Danish-Norwegian king Magnus (1043) and a campaign against this place by the Danish king Waldemar I (1170).
  • Around 1190 Saxo Grammaticus writes about the same campaign (1170) as well as about Harald Blauzahn's stay there, but names the place Julin.



In 1937 and 1938, as part of the Germanic and Viking research of the National Socialists, investigations were carried out on the Arkonariff . The reason for this was the information in the Lubin map that a city is said to have sunk near Cape Arkona . At the same time, a coin was found in the Hamburg museum, the so-called Dithmarscher gold bracteate , on which a port plan could be seen that was supposed to represent the Jomsburg / Vineta. Both pieces of information led to research on the Arkona reef in 1937/38 by the research ship Meteor of the Reichsmarine , whose team carried out measurements, aerial photographs, diving and rescue work there. Stone piers, border walls and individual pieces such as four stone balls from slingshot machines and a rune stone with the name "Ulf", which should also be read on the gold coin, were found. In connection with the Jaromarsburg , Jomsburg / Vineta was assumed here.

Vinetariff in front of Koserow / Damerow

The historian David Chyträus settles in his Chronicon Saxoniae Vineta in the 16th century "on the other side of the Peene River near the village of Damerow ". Damerow is a Vorwerk of Koserow. For Chyträus the land of the Vineter ( Veneter ) was Usedom , while Julin on Wollin was inhabited by the Pomorans . It is now known that the north-west of Usedom was rarely inhabited by Slavs, archaeological finds are not known, so that this theory is no longer relevant today.

According to legend, Vineta sank in front of Koserow ( Usedom Island ). The historian Wilhelm Ferdinand Gadebusch from Świnoujście derived his thesis for the coordinates of Vineta from this and from further considerations. Gadebusch was of the opinion that a relatively distant Baltic Sea town Vineta (near Wollin) on the flat Dievenow - an estuary of the Oder - could not have been approached for larger ships. For this reason he looked for Vineta elsewhere.

The information about the Vineta reef off Koserow was important for a long time because of the old map signatures as location markings and the vast amount of large stones. These stones were visited and examined by several scientists who even wanted to have recognized that they were stored in orderly formations, e.g. B. Moles could be. But after the stones on the reef were plucked in considerable quantities after 1818, it was clear that they were of natural origin from the Ice Age and showed no signs of processing. The stones were used to line the jetties in Swinoujscie.

Ruden / Peenemünder hook

A good dozen maps between 1633 and 1700 show the sunken "Wineta" east near the island of Ruden in front of the Peene estuary . The theologian Bernhard Walther Marperger describes it around 1700 in the same place. The number of cards is, however, without evidential value, since at that time cards were largely drawn from one another. The origin of this idea is likely to be in the All Saints Flood of 1304, to which most of the Rudens and the connection to Mönchgut on Rügen, which existed at that time, fell victim.

The area between Ruden and Peenemünder Haken was considered to have been Jomsburg / Vineta because of older information. The old forms of the coast before the flushing of the years after 1936 also allowed such assumptions. This thesis gained additional momentum after the Viking gold discovery at Peenemünder Haken in 1905 and 1908. However, this theory was then dropped due to the lack of further evidence.


Rudolf Virchow was convinced: “Vineta is Wollin !” Based on the sources in 1931/32, Adolf Hofmeister formulated the thesis generally accepted today in Pomeranian historiography that Vineta, Jumne, Julin, Jomsborg etc. with the Frühstadt at the place of the today's Wollin is identical. Excavations by German and Polish archaeologists since the 1930s in the city of Wollin and related Polish excavations since the 1950s seem to support this thesis. They proved that there was an important maritime trading center with a correspondingly large multi-ethnic settlement near today's town of Wollin from the 10th to the 12th century.

According to Baltic studies , there were extensive investigations into the location of Vineta as early as 1828 with the mapping of Steffen and in 1847 by Robert Klempin . They focused on the interpretation of all written evidence, but also the topographical, geological and geographical possibilities. Klempin, with the many previous authors cited there, sees Wollin as the only possible location variant for Vineta.

In 1868, the regional historian Heinrich Berghaus also reported on the correspondence between Wollin and Vineta; among other things, he showed the extensive finds of Arabic and other foreign coins in Wollin and its surroundings, such as on the Silberberg, the Schlossberg and in the area of ​​the old town, but also in the wider area.

Rudolf Virchow then carried out excavations near Wollin on Galgenberg in 1872. At that time there were still nearly 100 almost untouched barrows. In 1892/93 E. Walter and Ulrich Jahn undertook further excavations at the burial ground on the Galgenberg, of which there are no records. In 1897, Adolf Stubenrauch , the prehistorian and restorer in the Szczecin Museum, and the geologist Müller examined all the possible places that were reported about Vineta. At the end of the sightseeing tour they undertook extensive excavations in Wollin. This also affected the burial ground and especially the Silberberg. A late Schwedenschanze was found superficially on Silberberg. The layers below showed a Slavic castle wall and a settlement belonging to it. In the direction of Dievenow there was a larger Slavic burial ground, but it was badly destroyed by an extensive sand pit. According to the reports of the local authorities, considerable hoards of coins and jewelry had been recovered in the area; these finds gave the site and hill the name "Silberberg". During the investigations, vast quantities of household appliances, shards and tools from the Slavic-Viking era were recovered. Limited excavations were also carried out on the Mühlenberg and Schlossberg. Stubenrauch writes literally: "The only place where one could look for Vineta in a way that is useful for science is the area around the city of Wollin." Between the city and the Silberberg was and is an area called "Gardens", because there were many gardens on the boggy ground that was used for peat extraction until the 19th century. However, then as now, the area was severely disturbed by traffic structures (railroad, roads and paths). It extends over an area of ​​4,000 m² and goes 500 m deep into the country from the Dievenow. The authorities reported that around 1870 a clinker-built longboat was partially salvaged there while cutting peat and that sturdy masonry came to light close to the river bank. Stubenrauch therefore suspected that this area must have been the legendary port of Jomsburg. He also carried out additional excavations, especially at the designated point of the boat find. But nothing could be determined anymore. He then had to stop the excavations because the pits were immediately full of water (compare later 2002).

Research by Carl Schuchhardt followed in 1926 . He visited or looked for Arkona, Rethra and Vineta on his excavation and research trip . However, he only carried out very limited excavations in favor of the evaluation and evaluation of the excavation reports of his predecessors. He was also for Wollin as Vineta, but spoke out in favor of the Jomsburg in Peenemünder Haken.

From 1934 to 1938 extensive excavations and research in Wollin followed, especially under the direction of Dr. Karl August Wilde. The following focal points were worked out:

  1. Dievenow-Ufer from the old town to the Schützenhaus in the undeveloped strip. Thereby, jetties made of wood with adjoining warehouses and residential buildings as well as craft shacks were found almost along the entire route. These were equipped with well-preserved wood and pile work and thousands of finds of all categories. That was actually proof of the trading city.
  2. Mapping from 1828 by Steffen of the northern part of Wollin with Mühlenberg (top right), Silberberg (bottom) and the alleged port (left)
    Extensive excavations were also carried out on the Silberberg. This area was already explored by the older excavations by Steffen in 1828 with mapping and Stubenrauchs from 1897. The body burial ground was confirmed (considerably disturbed by the sand pit), the Slavic castle wall including the settlement and the modern Swedish hill above it. The rampart was cut in several places and the profiles and the chronological sequence were precisely determined.
  3. Grave field on Galgenberg Wollin
    The burial ground on Galgenberg was extensively examined. The unusual barrows had contents from the funnel beaker culture (Neolithic) to the Slav period. Every burial mound is completely examined and documented. On the cliff edge of the mountain to the south was a small Slavic settlement, which, without fortifications, served as an observation point for the Dievenow's southward journey.
  4. There were no excavations on the Schlossberg (location imprecise), as everything was built over there.
  5. On the southwestern Mühlenberg (modern cemetery) there were limited selective excavations, there were only a few Bronze Age finds.
  6. At the same time as the wall excavations on the Silberberg, emergency rescues of Wilde were carried out at the nearby Mühlenberg (Johanneshof), as burials occurred there during work in the fields, but these are not documented.
  7. Because of the redesign of the central market square, the area could be extensively investigated by Wilde, there too there were plenty of finds from different epochs. Excavations were carried out there to a depth of 6 meters. Wooden structures of various types (rod, wicker and block structures) were found in several layers. They were compared with the almost simultaneous finds of almost complete house buildings on Schlossberg von Gützkow, which were also carried out by Wilde and published by Wilhelm Petzsch in 1935.

In Wollin, strong layers of fire could also be found during the stratifications, which were attributed to the historically transmitted destruction by the Danes. This enabled the stratifications to be dated. The settlement was repeatedly leveled over the layer of fire and then rebuilt, hence the unusual depth of the excavation.

The war prevented further excavations and research.

In 1952, under the direction of Prof. Władysław Filipowiak from the Szczecin Museum, extensive excavations and investigations began, particularly in the old town area of ​​Wollins (Wolin). These extensive excavations were made possible by the war damage in the old town, to which the areas between the church and down to the Dievenow fell victim and which were not built on again so shortly after the war and are still not today. Intensive excavations were carried out there in those areas that were still built on in 1934/38. Relics of a bridge over the Dievenow from the Slavic era have been found on the east bank. As in the actions from 1934 to 1938, the other areas were also examined selectively and their results confirmed and expanded with over 50,000 finds. Today the finds can be seen in the Museum of Wollin (Polish Wolin) next to the town hall. The Silberberg and the burial ground on the Galgenberg were declared archaeological reserves. The Viking settlement on Plage Island shows the life, construction and craft of this era. Some original finds from the excavations are also exhibited there.

In 2002 a large group of archaeologists from Western Pomerania visited Wolin in Poland and was led by a student of Filipowiak, who was now the excavation manager in Wolin. He showed the excavation areas from 1934/38 and 1952 and the city museum and also led the group to the Silberberg. Finally, he showed the new excavation site in the area of ​​the "gardens" described above. The bypass road, which has now been completed, was to be built there with a new parallel railway bridge. The archaeological investigations were scheduled beforehand. The preservationists were able to visit the excavation sites and then the finds in the archaeologists' building, where they had been collected, cleaned and cataloged. In the pits of the excavation, which were full of groundwater from the moor (as described for Stubenrauch), extensive and well-preserved pile works could be seen.

Unfortunately, no detailed, extensive excavation reports from the years 1952 to 2002 are known.

Excavation pit in the "Gardens" of Wollin with stilts in 2002

As a result of the investigations and excavations from 1828 and 1847 to the present day, an extensive early-town trading settlement 4.5 km long, up to 800 m wide and 6 m deep (excavation depth) including the burial fields at both ends (north - Silberberg and Mühlenberg as well as Süd - Galgenberg). In the reporting period from 1654 to 1931, the prehistoric coin finds were listed. From larger concentrations of coin and hacked silver treasures one can infer the existence of trading centers and markets. This report covers all areas of what was then Pomerania. The finds from the Germanic era (Roman coins) show larger finds (around 20 pieces) in the Wolgast area and in Western Pomerania (Stolp - Lauenburg area). Otherwise, with a total of 170, there are only individual stray finds distributed over the entire area with final coins of a maximum of 550. The situation is different with the coin and silver jewelry finds from the Viking and Slavic times, with pure coin finds from a period between 700 and 1000 recorded and later up to the 13th century more hacked silver finds. In the latter, however, the coins are often contained intact, because they are so small. Byzantine, Arabic, German and Wendish (mostly German pieces overprinted) coins that illustrate the extensive trade routes. The flight of the Wollins from the Danish invasions to Kammin is also documented by a complex treasure trove of 140–150 Arabic coins.

As trading and market places are to be emphasized: Ralswiek , Menzlin , Wollin, Stettin , Treptow an der Rega and Kolberg .

Ralswiek on Rügen (only after excavations around 1970) and Wollin (report 1931) stand out as concentrations of the coin and treasure finds. Since the coin finds in Wollin from the 17th and 18th centuries were only counted in exceptional cases, only 433 are recorded exactly up to 1882, but since the other information with “large number and large amount” indicates considerably more, it is well over 1000 Arab and early German coins. The areas around the other Vineta suspect points, especially Barth (see below), are totally devoid of resources with regard to these coins as indications for early urban trading and market locations.

For more than 350 years it has been known that Vineta / Jumne and Wollin / Julin were two different places, as the following quotations show: Thomas Kantzow (around 1505–1542) writes in his Pomeranian Chronicle : "Because although Wollin at the time" ( when the Danish king Harald Blauzahn died in Vineta) "became a mighty city and therefore it can be assumed that as soon as he had refuge in Wineta when to Wollyn, and that Wineta was subsequently destroyed." Johann Micraelius writes in Another Book of the Old Wendish Pommerlandes : "... that can be seen in the previously beautiful and powerful, but now disturbed and corrupted cities, Wineta, Julin, Arckon, Carentz, Großwein and the like." Adam Greschovius wrote in 1670 in the Historical and Geographical Description of All Disturbed Cities , Castles ... of the whole Pomeranian region : “Adam Bremensis writes of this city Julin that it was especially after the fall of the mighty and famous city of Vine ta was the largest city in Europe. "


According to a thesis published as early as 1933, Vineta is said to have been with Barth . Independently of this, Klaus Goldmann and Günter Wermusch have been researching the supposed situation of Vineta since 1994 and went public with their research results on the Vineta-Barth thesis in 1999. According to their opinion, it can be assumed that the Oder flowed directly into the Saaler Bodden to the Baltic Sea via an estuary that no longer exists today.

This explains why the location "Vineta on the Oder estuary" described in the ancient writings does not correspond to the current geographic position of the estuaries. In addition, an attempt is made to track down misinterpretations of the chronicles handed down and to correct them on the basis of exact investigations, such as the meaning of Adam's short rowing trip from "Vineta" to Demmin. Several scientists, among them Professors Joachim Herrmann , Wilfried Menghin and Friedrich Lüth , characterized this work as a promising theory or even called it a very well documented approach.

The Barther Heimatmuseum was named "Vineta-Museum", and the city patented the name "Vineta-Stadt". However, since no targeted archaeological investigations have been carried out in the Barther area to date (as of August 2016) and the objective evidence is therefore only based on the different interpretations of chance finds, this thesis remains controversial among some scientists. In the most recently presented publication on the “Vineta Barth Theory”, the key points of the theses are presented in a more stringent version and supplementary facts are introduced. For example, that the "Sea Trading Place Wollin" (Wolin) found is a refuge of the actual W u olin = Barth = Vineta. What is overlooked in this case is that the flow direction of the Peene and thus the Oder during the Pomeranian season of the Ice Age around 12,000 BC. To the west, i.e. in the direction of Ribnitz , but no later than 8,000 BC. Chr. Changed in today's direction to the east, since the ice no longer obstructed the Oder estuary. The glacial valley silted up and silted up, today there are only ditches, mostly artificial, to the northwest of Tribsees in the direction of the Recknitz . Could this "waterway" have been navigable around 1,000 years ago if it began to silt up 10,000 years ago? Even if this direction of flow was still possible around 1000, Ribnitz or Damgarten would be more suitable for settlement , because the Recknitz had four active outflows to the Baltic Sea in 1761 according to the Fischland-Darß-Zingst map with the open loop before Barth.

Use of the name and the legend

Poems, songs, pieces of music

  • Vineta . Poem by Wilhelm Müller (1794–1827), contained in the cycle Shells from the island of Rügen (1825)
    • Setting by Johannes Brahms for 6-part choir a cappella, op.42 no.2 (1860)
    • Setting to music by Hugo Kaun Symphonic poem for large orchestra, op.16 (1888)
    • Setting by Achim Reichel , for his album Wilder Wassermann (2002)
  • Vineta . Poem by Volker von Törne , contained in the cycle Time of Fairy Tales (in the poetry volumes Kopfüberhals or Im Lande Vogelfrei )
  • Sea ghost . Poem by Heinrich Heine (1797–1856), included in the cycle Die Nordsee. 1st department (1826)
  • Two texts by Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810–1876): poem Meerfahrt (1838); Wilhelm Muller. A ghost voice (1872)
  • Vineta bells. Valse Boston (1920s) by John Lindsay-Theimer (pseudonym for the Carinthian Johann Theimer )
  • Vineta (1994). Concert piece and suite for solo zither by Peter Kiesewetter
  • Vineta (2001). Symphonic poem by Urs Joseph Flury
  • Vineta . Song of the Puhdys ( Puhdys 1 , 4th title)
  • Vineta . Song by Michael Heck
  • Vineta . Song by De Plattfööt CD Ierst mol very slowly
  • Vineta . Planned 3rd volume of the long poem Nautilus by Uwe Tellkamp
  • Vineta . Collection of poems by Uwe Kolbe , Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1998
  • Vineta . Song by Josef Seiler (text) and Ignaz Heim (music)
  • Vineta (2011). Song of the group Transit (album Übers Meer , track 6)
  • A thirty-first August . Poem by Christian Morgenstern

Plays and operas

  • Wineta. Opera by Heinrich Frankenburger. Premiere Sondershausen 1851
  • Vineta, or on the beach. Opera by Richard Wüerst . Premiere Berlin 1863
  • Vineta. Opera by Jan Nepomuk Škroup . Premiere Prague before 1870
  • Vineta. Opera by Artur Könnemann, revised as The Sunken City, premiered in Leipzig 1895
  • Vineta. Play. In: Too late. Four one-act plays by Marie Eugenie delle Grazie. 1902
  • Vineta. Opera by Friedrich Oskar Wermann (1840–1906)
  • Legenda Bałtyku . Opera by Feliks Nowowiejski , UA Posen 1924, German EA under the title Vineta in Rostock on June 19, 1959.
  • Vineta. The sunken city. Play by Jura Soyfer . 1937
  • Vineta. Opera by Rudolf Mors (text and music). Made 1960–1967, premiered 1968 Bielefeld
  • Vineta Festival. Open-air theater spectacle of the Vorpommerschen Landesbühne Anklam on the Ostseebühne Zinnowitz . Since 1997
  • Republic of Vineta. Play by Moritz Rinke . 2000
  • Vineta (or dropsy). Play by Armin Petras (under the pseudonym Fritz Kater). WP 2001 Leipzig

Reflections in narrative prose

Films / documentaries

TV series

Road sign in Ahlbeck on Usedom



  • Carl Friedrich von Rumohr : About the relationship between the long common notions of a splendid Wineta and our positive knowledge of the culture and art of the German Baltic slaves. In: Collection for Art and History. Perthes & Besser, Hamburg, first volume, first issue. 1816. Digitized version of the Saxon State and University Library
  • Erich Rackwitz : Secret about Vineta. Legend and reality of a sunken city. The children's book publisher Berlin, 4th edition 1969.
  • Ingrid Lange, P. Werner Lange: Vineta, Atlantis of the North. Urania-Verlag, Leipzig 1988, ISBN 3-332-00197-3
  • Käthe Papke : The cross on Usedom. - Stuttgart: Christl. Publishing house, 1991. - ISBN 3-7675-3153-4
  • Klaus Goldmann , Günter Wermusch : Vineta. The rediscovery of a sunken city. Bergisch Gladbach 1999.
  • Dietrich Schumacher: A new thesis in the search for the legendary Vineta. In: Heimathefte für Mecklenburg und Vorpommern , issue 3/2001
  • Dietrich Schumacher: Specification of the location of the Jomsburg. In: Heimathefte für Mecklenburg und Vorpommern , issue 2/2007
  • Franz Wegener: New Vineta. The racial settlement plans of the Ariosophers for the Darß and Zingst peninsulas. KFVR 2010, ISBN 978-3-931300-26-5
  • Lutz Mohr : Dragon ships in the Pomeranian Bay. The Jomswikinger, their Jomsburg and the Gau Jom . Edition rostock maritim. Edited by Robert Rosentreter . Rostock: Ingo Koch Verlag 2013. ISBN 978-3-86436-069-5
  • Martina Krüger: Vineta Mirages. A search in chronicles and sagas, with a spade and brush, in literature and in the theater. , Nordlicht Verlag, 2016. ISBN 978-3-00-053241-2

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e f Schmidt, Roderich: The historic Pommern. People, places, events (publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania, Series V, Research Vol. 41), Cologne / Weimar 2007, pp. 70–72.
  2. Busch / Ramlow, Deutsche Seekriegsgeschichte, Bertelsmann Gütersloh, 1940, p. 62 ff
  3. ^ Wilhelm Ferdinand Gadebusch, Chronik der Insel Usedom, Anklam, 1863, pp. 20-27
  4. Robert Klempin, Die Lage der Jomsburg, Baltic Studies No. 13 from 1847, pp. 1 to 107
  5. ^ Berghaus, Landbuch von Pommern, Part II - Volume 1, Anklam 1865, pp. 419 and 597 ff
  6. ^ Adolf Stubenrauch, in: Baltische Studien, 1898, pp. 65 to 134
  7. Carl Schuchhardt, Arkona / Rethra / Vineta, Verlag Schoetz, Berlin 1926, pp. 74 to 101
  8. Karl August Wilde, The status of the Wall investigation on the Silberberg near Wollin, in communications from the University of Greifswald, issue 11/12, Greifswald 1940, pp. 187 ff
  9. ^ "Baltic Studies", the short find reports to the bookers, years 1934 to 1938
  10. ^ Wilhelm Petzsch, The prehistoric coin finds in Pomerania, in communications from the collection of the University of Greifswald, Greifswald 1931, pp. 1-79 with maps
  11. Joachim Hermann, Slawen in Deutschland, Akademie-Verlag Berlin, 1985 p. 127 ff and p. 233
  12. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels : The rediscovered Vineta-Rethra and the Aryan-Christian original religion of electricity and race. (= Ariomantische Bücherei, Letter No. 4. ) Zurich 1933, printed as handwriting; Hertesburg-Versand, Prerow-Pommern 1934, pp. 1-16. OCLC 72594279
  13. Franz Wegener: Neu-Vineta: the race settlement plans of the Ariosophers for the Darss and Zingst peninsulas. (= Political Religion of National Socialism, 7. ) KFVR, Gladbeck 2010, p. 75f. ISBN 978-3-931300-26-5 .
  14. ^ Adam of Bremen: Bishop history of the Hamburg church. In: Selected sources on German history in the Middle Ages. (= Sources of the 9th and 11th centuries on the history of the Hamburg Church and the Reich. Darmstadt 1978, pp. 135–503.) Volume XI. Freiherr vom Stein memorial edition. Darmstadt / Berlin 1961. OCLC 830689523 .
  15. Dietmar Wetzel: Riedegost the secret of the abandoned castle. Kunsthaus-Verlag, Boddin 2013, p. 100. ISBN 978-3-933274-83-0 .
  16. Vineta at Barth on
  17. ^ Günter Wermusch: The Vineta riddle. Chapter 17. Kunsthaus-Verlag, Boddin 2011, ISBN 978-3-933274-80-9 .
  18. Heinrich Frankenberger: Wineta. Digitized libretto from the Munich Digitization Center .
  19. ^ Richard Wüerst: Vineta, or on the beach. Digitized libretto from the Munich Digitization Center .
  20. Constantin von Wurzbach : Škroup, Johann Nepomuk . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 35th part. Imperial-Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1877, p. 106 ( digital copy ).
  21. Karel Steinmet: Hudební kultura ostravského a olomouckého regionu (PDF). Olomuc 2014, p. 41.

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