Avranches arrondissement

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Avranches arrondissement
region Normandy
Department Some
Sub-prefecture Avranches
Residents 134,504 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 71 inhabitants / km²
surface 1,888.23 km²
Communities 134
INSEE code 501

Location of the Avranches arrondissement
in the Normandy region

The Arrondissement Avranches is an administrative unit of the French departments Some within the region Normandy . The administrative seat ( sub-prefecture ) is Avranches .


There are eight cantons (constituencies) in the arrondissement:


The municipalities of the Arrondissement of Avranches are:

1. Anctoville-sur-Boscq (50008) 2. Aucey-la-Plaine (50019) 3. Avranches (50025) 4. Bacilly (50027)
5. Barenton (50029) 6. Beauchamps (50038) 7. Beauficel (50040) 8. Beauvoir (50042)
9. Boisyvon (50062) 10. Brécey (50074) 11. Bréhal (50076) 12. Bréville-sur-Mer (50081)
13. Bricqueville-sur-Mer (50085) 14. Brouains (50088) 15. Buais-les-Monts (50090) 16. Carolles (50102)
17. Céaux (50108) 18. Cérences (50109) 19. La Chaise-Baudouin (50112) 20. Champeaux (50117)
21. Chanteloup (50120) 22. La Chapelle-Cécelin (50121) 23. La Chapelle-Urée (50124) 24. Chaulieu (50514)
25. Chavoy (50126) 26. Coudeville-sur-Mer (50143) 27. Coulouvray-Boisbenâtre (50144) 28. Courtils (50146)
29 Les Cresnays (50152) 30. Crollon (50155) 31. Cuves (50158) 32. Donville-les-Bains (50165)
33. Dragey-Ronthon (50167) 34. Ducey-les-Chéris (50168) 35. Equilly (50174) 36. Folligny (50188)
37. Le Fresne-Poret (50193) 38. Gathemo (50195) 39. Genêts (50199) 40th Ger (50200)
41. La Godefroy (50205) 42. Le Grand-Celland (50217) 43. Grandparigny (50391) 44. Granville (50218)
45. Le Grippon (50115) 46. Hamelin (50229) 47. La Haye-Pesnel (50237) 48. Hocquigny (50247)
49. Hudimesnil (50252) 50. Huisnes-sur-Mer (50253) 51. Isigny-le-Buat (50256) 52. Juilley (50259)
53rd Jullouville (50066) 54. Juvigny les Vallées (50260) 55. Lapenty (50263) 56. Lingeard (50271)
57. Les Loges-Marchis (50274) 58. Les Loges-sur-Brécey (50275) 59. Lolif (50276) 60. Longueville (50277)
61. Le Loreur (50278) 62. La Lucerne-d'Outremer (50281) 63. Le Luot (50282) 64. Marcey-les-Grèves (50288)
65. Marcilly (50290) 66. Le Mesnil-Adelée (50300) 67. Le Mesnil-Aubert (50304) 68. Le Mesnil-Gilbert (50312)
69. Le Mesnillard (50315) 70. Le Mesnil-Ozenne (50317) 71. La Meurdraquière (50327) 72. Montjoie-Saint-Martin (50347)
73. Le Mont-Saint-Michel (50353) 74. Mortain-Bocage (50359) 75. La Mouche (50361) 76. Moulines (50362)
77. Muneville-sur-Mer (50365) 78. Le Neufbourg (50371) 79. Notre-Dame-de-Livoye (50379) 80. Le Parc (50535)
81. Perriers-en-Beauficel (50397) 82. Le Petit-Celland (50399) 83. Poilley (50407) 84. Pontaubault (50408)
85. Pontorson (50410) 86. Ponts (50411) 87. Précey (50413) 88. Reffuveille (50428)
89. Romagny Fontenay (50436) 90. Sacey (50443) 91. Saint-Aubin-des-Préaux (50447) 92nd Saint-Aubin-de-Terregatte (50448)
93. Saint-Barthélemy (50450) 94. Saint-Brice (50451) 95. Saint-Brice-de-Landelles (50452) 96. Saint-Clément-Rancoudray (50456)
97. Saint-Cyr-du-Bailleul (50462) 98. Saint-Georges-de-Livoye (50472) 99. Saint-Georges-de-Rouelley (50474) 100. Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët (50484)
101. Saint-James (50487) 102. Saint-Jean-de-la-Haize (50489) 103. Saint-Jean-des-Champs (50493) 104. Saint-Jean-du-Corail-des-Bois (50495)
105. Saint-Jean-le-Thomas (50496) 106. Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves (50499) 107th Saint-Laurent-de-Terregatte (50500) 108. Saint-Loup (50505)
109. Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant (50518) 110. Saint-Maur-des-Bois (50521) 111. Saint-Michel-de-Montjoie (50525) 112. Saint-Nicolas-des-Bois (50529)
113. Saint-Ovin (50531) 114. Saint-Pair-sur-Mer (50532) 115. Saint-Pierre-Langers (50540) 116. Saint-Planchers (50541)
117. Saint-Pois (50542) 118. Saint-Quentin-sur-le-Homme (50543) 119. Saint-Sauveur-la-Pommeraye (50549) 120. Saint-Senier-de-Beuvron (50553)
121. Saint-Senier-sous-Avranches (50554) 122. Sartilly-Baie-Bocage (50565) 123. Savigny-le-Vieux (50570) 124. Servon (50574)
125th Sourdeval (50582) 126. Subligny (50584) 127. Tanis (50589) 128. Le Tanu (50590)
129. Le Teilleul (50591) 130. Tirepied-sur-Sée (50597) 131. Vains (50612) 132. Le Val-Saint-Père (50616)
133. Vernix (50628) 134. Yquelon (50647)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the area of ​​the 14 municipalities of Anctoville-sur-Boscq , Bréhal , Bréville-sur-Mer , Bricqueville-sur-Mer , Cérences , Chanteloup , Coudeville-sur-Mer , Hudimesnil , Longueville , Le Loreur , Le Mesnil-Aubert , La Meurdraquière , Muneville-sur-Mer and Saint-Sauveur-la-Pommeraye from the Arrondissement Coutances to the Arrondissement Avranches.

Former churches since 2015

until 2015: Angey , Bion , Braffais , Buais , Les Chambres , Champcervon , Champcey , Les Chéris , Chèvreville , Ducey , Ferrières , Fontenay , Heussé , Husson , Macey , Martigny , Milly , Montviron , Mortain , Notre-Dame-du-Touchet , Parigny , Plomb , La Rochelle-Normande , Romagny , Saint-Jean-du-Corail , Saint-Martin-de-Landelles , Saint-Symphorien-des-Monts , Sainte-Marie-du-Bois , Sainte-Pience , Sartilly , Vengeons , Vessey , Villechien , Virey

until 2016: Argouges , La Bazoge , Bellefontaine , Carnet , Chasseguey , Chérencé-le-Roussel , La Croix-Avranchin , Juvigny-le-Tertre , Le Mesnil-Rainfray , Le Mesnil-Tôve , Montanel , Vergoncey , Villiers-le-Pré

until 2018: La Gohannière , Saint-Martin-des-Champs , Tirepied