Autostrada A1dir

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / IT-A
Autostrada A1dir in Italy
Diramazione Roma north

(Junction Roma north)

Autostrada A1dir
 Italian traffic signs - strada europea 35.svg
Course of the A 1dir
Basic data
Start of the street: Fiano Romano
( 42 ° 9 ′  N , 12 ° 37 ′  E )
End of street: Rome
( 41 ° 59 ′  N , 12 ° 32 ′  E )
Overall length: 23.1 km

Regions :

Requirement for use: Toll obligation: Toll obligation: open system in the direction of Rome

Toll-free in the direction of travel A1

Development condition: 3 + 2 and 2 × 3 lanes
Casello A1 di Fiano Romano.png
Drive onto the A1dir at the Fiano Romano junction
Course of the road
Lazio region
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 5-lane expansion (3-lane in FR Rome; 2-lane in FR Florence)
node (0)  Milano - Napoli A1 E35 E45
Toll booth Toll booth "Roma nord"
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here on 6 lanes
Gas station Rest stop (4)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Feronia " service area
Junction (4)  Fiano Romano
Junction (9)  Castelnuovo di Porto
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere ( 193/193 m )
Junction (19)  Settebagni
bridge Malpasso ( 239/239 m )
Gas station Rest stop (21)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Salaria " service area
node (23)  Grande Raccordo Anulare A90 Symbol: flight
Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / IT-A
Autostrada A1dir in Italy
Diramazione Roma sud

(Junction Roma sud)

Autostrada A1dir
 Italian traffic signs - strada europea 821.svg
Course of the A 1dir
Basic data
Start of the street: San Cesareo
( 41 ° 49 ′  N , 12 ° 48 ′  E )
End of street: Rome
( 41 ° 51 ′  N , 12 ° 36 ′  E )
Overall length: 20.0 km

Regions :

Requirement for use: Toll obligation: closed system
toll-free : on the Torrenova section - GRA node
Development condition: 2 × 2 lanes
Course of the road
Lazio region
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 4-lane expansion
node (0)  Milano - Napoli A1 E45
Junction (5)  San Cesareo
Junction (10)  Monte Porzio Catone
Gas station Rest stop (14)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Frascati " service area
Toll booth Toll station "Roma sud"
Junction (17)  Torrenova
Gas station Rest stop (19)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Tuscolana" rest stop
node (20.0)  Grande Raccordo Anulare A90 E80 Symbol: flight
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • The Autostrada A1dir , also called Diramazione Roma Nord and Diramazione Roma Sud ( Italian for junction Roma Nord and junction Roma Sud ), are two motorway junctions that connect the A1 and GRA motorways.

    Junction Roma north (Fiano Romano-GRA)

    The junction (Italian: Diramazione Roma nord) is 23.1 kilometers long and connects the A1 with the Roman city motorway A90 , better known under the name GRA ( Grande Raccordo Anulare ).

    Until 1988, when the A1 was extended southwards, this section was part of the A1, as it ended at the GRA. This branch of the motorway is managed by Autostrade per l'Italia , which also looks after the rest of the A1.

    On 16 kilometers between Settebagni and the junction with the A1 (Roma Nord), the motorway was expanded to six lanes by 2011 and the new Castelnuovo di Porto junction was built. The total cost of the project was 141 million euros and also envisaged the construction of 3.1 kilometers of noise barriers and the construction of 6 new road crossings.

    The name D18 also exists within Autostrade per l'Italia

    Junction Roma sud (San Cesareo-GRA)

    This motorway junction is in the south of the city of Rome and connects the A1 with the A90. It represents a connection between the A1 south of Rome and Rome's city motorway.

    Until 1988 this section was the beginning of the A2 . Since the connection between Roma Nord and Roma Sud was established, this section became a motorway branch.

    It is managed by Autostrade per l'Italia . There is also the designation D19 for the motorway branch.

    Web links

    Commons : Autostrada A1 (Italy)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

    Individual evidence

    1. Project information on the expansion of Settebagni-Roma Nord ( Memento of the original from September 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /