Autostrada A1 (Italy)

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / IT-A
Autostrada A1 in Italy
Autostrada del Sole

Milano - Napoli

Autostrada A1 (Italy)
 Italian traffic signs - strada europea 35.svg Italian traffic signs - strada europea 45.svg
Course of the A1
Basic data
Start of the street: Milan
( 45 ° 26 ′  N , 9 ° 15 ′  E )
End of street: Naples
( 40 ° 51 ′  N , 14 ° 19 ′  E )
Overall length: 759.4 km

Regions :

Requirement for use: Toll obligation: closed system
toll-free : on the sections Milan - Melegnano and Caserta sud - node A3
Development condition: 2 × 2, 2 × 3, 3 + 2 + 2 and 2 × 4 lanes
Autostrada del Sole - Italy - panoramio.jpg
The A1 at the Cassino junction
Course of the road
region Lombardy
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 6-lane expansion
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty (0)  Transition from the Milan east bypass A51 Symbol: flight
node (0.5)  MA route blank.svg Symbol: leftSymbol: left Milano piazzale Corvetto

MA route blank.svg Symbol: rightSymbol: right S. Donato M.
MA route 1.svg - Via Emilia S. Donato M. via Rogoredo - Milano piazzale Corvetto MA route 2.svg Symbol: Down S9

bridge San Donato ( 853/853 m )
node (1.2)  Symbol: Down San Donato Milanese - Metanopoli

Symbol: Down Access to Piazzale Corvetto A1

Junction (2.8)  San Giuliano Milanese
node (4.4)  West bypass Milan A50 E35
Junction (7.3)  Symbol: Up Melegnano - Binasco
node (8.1)  Symbol: Down Binasco

Symbol: Down Melegnano

Toll booth (8.9)  Toll station " Milano sud"
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 8-lane expansion planned
node Outer east bypass Milan A58
flow Lambro Bridge Lambro ( 146/164 m )
Gas station Rest stop (15)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightRest area " San Zenone "
Junction (22.3)  Lodi
Junction (37.8)  Casalpusterlengo - Ospedaletto Lodigiano
Gas station Rest stop (44)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightService area " Somaglia "
bridge Guardamiglio ( 253/253 m )
Junction (49.7)  Basso Lodigiano
flow Po Bridge Po ( 1,077 / 1,077 m )
Region Emilia-Romagna
node (56.8)  Torino - Brescia A21 E70
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 8-lane expansion planned
Junction (58.1)  Piacenza sud
flow Nure Bridge Nure ( 128/128 m )
flow Riglio
flow Chiavenna
Junction (74)  Fiorenzuola
node (74)  Symbol: DownFiorenzuola junction A21dir
Gas station Rest stop (74)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightService area " Arda "
flow Arda Bridge Arda ( 45/45 m )
parking spot (79.7)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left" Chiaravalle " car park
parking spot (87.3)  Symbol: rightSymbol: rightParking lot " Bastelli "
flow Stirone Bridge Stirone ( 96/96 m )
Junction (91.4)  Fidenza - Salsomaggiore Terme
parking spot (96.7)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left" Fontanellato " car park
node (102.0)  La Spezia - S.Quirico new highwayA15 E33
node (103.0)  La Spezia A15 E33
flow Taro Bridge Taro ( 512/512 m )
flow Parma Bridge Parma ( 160/160 m )
Junction (110.4)  Parma Symbol: flight
flow Naviglio
Gas station Rest stop (115)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right Rest area "San Martino"
tunnel TAV ( 50/50 m )
flow Enza Bridge Enza ( 160/160 m )
Junction (124.3)  Terre di Canossa - Campegine
flow Crostolo
parking spot (132.9)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right Parking lot "Crostolo"
parking spot (135.0)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left Parking lot "Crostolo"
Junction (138.1)  Reggio Emilia
flow Canale di Calvetro
flow Canale di Rubiera
parking spot (152.6)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left "Calvetro" car park
node (156.1)  Brennero - CampogallianoA22 E45
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here 8 lanes
flow Secchia Bridge Secchia ( 140/140 m )
Gas station Rest stop (158)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Secchia " rest stop
Junction (158.6)  Modena north
flow Tiepido Bridge Torrente Tiepido (40/40 m )
Junction (171.8)  Modena sud
flow Panaro Bridge Panaro ( 240/240 m )
parking spot (177.1)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Castelfranco " car park
flow Samoggia Bridge Samoggia (105/105 m )
Junction (185)  Valsamoggia
node (189.9)  Symbol: Up Taranto A14 E45 Symbol: flight
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here 4-lane
node (195.5)  Branch Casalecchio A14

Tangent to Bologna RA1 Symbol: flight

flow Lavino
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here on 6 lanes
tunnel Ceretolo ( 155/155 m ) (noise protection tunnel )
tunnel Symbol: leftSymbol: leftCalzavecchio ( 435 / --- m ) (noise protection tunnel )
Gas station Rest stop (199)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Cantagallo " rest area
Junction (200)  Symbol: Up Sasso Marconi north
flow Reno Bridge Reno ( 718/670 m )
tunnel Monte Mario ( 2,254 / 2,254 m )
Junction (210)  Sasso Marconi
flow Setta bridge Lama di Setta (360/373 m)
tunnel Allocco ( 1,750 / 1,690 m )
bridge Vado ( 88/88 m )
tunnel Vado ( 1,129 / 1,138 m )
bridge Campolungo ( 248/313 m )
tunnel Campolungo ( 220/217 m )
tunnel Gardelletta Art. ( 840/840 m )
node (221)  Symbol: Up Firenze direttissima A1var
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here 4-lane
flow Setta Bridge Quercia Setta ( 1,054 / 1,045 m )
Junction (223)  Rioveggio
bridge Polverara ( 60/60 m )
flow Sambro Bridge Sambro ( 340/340 m )
bridge Torre ( 244/244 m )
bridge Bosco ( 190/190 m )
bridge Rio Belvedere ( 128/128 m )
bridge Le Rovine ( 153/153 m )
tunnel Le Rovine ( 129/127 m )
tunnel Serra Ripoli ( 442/442 m )
bridge Rio Vallardino ( 214/214 m )
tunnel Serrucce ( 129/208 m )
bridge Piazza ( 304/236 m )
bridge Rio Serra ( 99/99 m )
tunnel Banzole ( 1,216 / 1,290 m )
bridge Pattano ( 59/41 m )
bridge Gamberi ( 96/64 m )
bridge Faldo ( 86/86 m )
parking spot (233)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left Car park "Cà Nova"
flow Rio Voglio Bridge Rio Voglio ( 503/533 m )
bridge Cavallette ( 170/170 m )
bridge Crocette ( 64/64 m )
Junction (237)  Pian del Voglio
bridge Olmeta ( 254/212 m )
Tuscany region
bridge Cerreta ( 89/89 m )
tunnel Sospara ( 472/420 m )
bridge Val Mezzana ( 108/72 m )
bridge Santina ( 36/36 m )
bridge Madonnina ( 372/372 m )
bridge Biscione ( 296/296 m )
tunnel Albagino ( 147/147 m )
Region Emilia-Romagna
bridge Cà Pugliese I ( 192/192 m )
bridge Cà Pugliese II ( 72/75 m )
bridge Rio Torto ( 421/421 m )
Junction (242)  Roncobilaccio
Gas station Rest stop (242)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Roncobilaccio " service area
bridge Merizzano ( 418/418 m )
bridge Gambellato ( 267/267 m )
bridge Volpe ( 140/140 m )
tunnel Poggettone ( 124/101 m )
bridge Poggettone e Pecora Vecchia ( 455/455 m )
Tuscany region
tunnel Citerna ( 680/668 m )
bridge Poggiolino ( 209/255 m )
tunnel Symbol: leftSymbol: leftMonte Spicchio ( 394 / --- m )
tunnel Symbol: rightSymbol: rightMonte Spicchio 1 ( --- / 172 m )
tunnel Symbol: rightSymbol: rightMonte Spicchio 2 ( --- / 121 m )
tunnel Settefonti ( 470/474 m )
bridge Sette Fonti ( 312/298 m )
tunnel Castagna ( 354/351 m )
bridge Macinaie ( 317/367 m )
tunnel Poggio Palina ( 186/144 m )
bridge Symbol: rightSymbol: rightPoggio Palina ( --- / 70 m )
bridge Coretta ( 214/214 m )
bridge Castellare ( 66/94 m )
tunnel Massa ( 151/138 m )
bridge Massa ( 122/144 m )
tunnel Castello ( 363/293 m )
bridge Villanecchio ( 94/72 m )
tunnel Symbol: leftSymbol: leftMonte Frassino 1 ( 131 / --- m )
tunnel Symbol: leftSymbol: leftMonte Frassino 2 ( 390 / --- m )
tunnel Casarsa ( 264/296 m )
bridge Fiumicello ( 288/288 m )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty together with A1var
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here 7 lanes (3 lanes in FR Naples; 2 lanes each 2 lanes in FR Milan)
node (255)  Symbol: Down Bologna direttissima only departureA1var
bridge Aglio ( 600/440/440 m )
tunnel Symbol: leftSymbol: leftPuliana ( 1,305 / --- / --- m )
bridge Symbol: rightSymbol: rightBue Morto ( --- / 126/126 m )
bridge Lora ( 420/286/286 m )
tunnel Symbol: rightSymbol: rightManganaccia ( 2278 / --- / --- m )
flow Sieve
Junction (262)  Barberino di Mugello
node (263)  Symbol: Down Bologna direttissima only drivewayA1var
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 6-lane expansion by 2021
bridge Rio Mulianaccia ( 206/206 m )
Gas station Rest stop (265)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Bellosguardo" service area
bridge Bellosguardo ( 206/206 m )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 7-lane expansion by 2021 (3-lane in FR Naples; 2 lanes each 2-lane in FR Milan)
tunnel Bellosguardo ( 144/144 m )
bridge Baccheraia ( 234/234 m )
tunnel Poderuzzo ( 216/217 m )
tunnel Croci di Calenzano ( 842/834 m )
bridge Goccioloni I ( 315/325 m )
bridge Goccioloni II ( 206/206 m )
bridge Fosso Olmi ( 75/75 m )
bridge Symbol: leftSymbol: leftBivio Olmi ( 45 / --- m )
bridge Bivio ( 105/60 m )
bridge Valletta ( 116/116 m )
bridge Corzanello ( 190/190 m )
parking spot (269)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Corzano" car park
bridge Cassiana ( 235/235 m )
bridge Formicaio ( 165/149 m )
bridge Podore Vicchio ( 235/235 m )
bridge Torraccia ( 165/150 m )
bridge Rignaia ( 211/211 m )
tunnel Ragnaia 1 ( 63/61 m )
tunnel Ragnaia 2 ( 128/131 m )
parking spot (273.5)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left "Marinella" car park
bridge Marinella ( 545/545 m )
bridge Symbol: leftSymbol: leftLa Chiusa ( 140 / --- m )
bridge Vergine Maria ( 150/130 m )
tunnel Colle ( 169/169 m )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here on 6 lanes
Junction (278)  Calenzano - Sesto Fiorentino
Gas station Rest stop (279)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Bisenzio " service area
node (280)  Pisa A11 E76

Firenze northSymbol: flight

flow Canale Fosso Macinante
flow Arno Bridge Arno ( 320/320 m )
node (286)  Firenze - Scandicci

Pisa Livorno Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg Strada di Grande Comunicazione, Italia.svg

tunnel Casellina ( 463/441 m ) (noise protection tunnel)
Junction (289.4)  Parcheggio Villa Costanza - tram Firenze centro Italian traffic signs - parcheggio di scambio con tram.svg
parking spot (291.5)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left "Vingone" car park
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here 7 lanes (3 lanes in FR Naples; 2 lanes each 2 lanes in FR Milan)
tunnel Melarancio ( 1,144/580/580 m )
tunnel Symbol: leftSymbol: leftGall. Art. Melarancio 2 ( 150 / --- / --- m )
tunnel Lastrone ( 80/80/80 m )
Junction (295)  Firenze - Impruneta -

Motorway slip road to Siena RA3

flow Greve
tunnel Symbol: rightSymbol: rightBrancolano ( --- / 483/483 m )
tunnel Pozzolatico ( 2,420/230/230 m )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here on 6 lanes
Junction (301)  Firenze sud
bridge Erna ( 410/410 m )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 6-lane expansion by 2023
Gas station Rest stop (305)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Chianti " rest stop
bridge Symbol: leftSymbol: leftSan Giorgio ( 296 / --- m )
tunnel San Donato ( 937/937 m )
parking spot (313)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightParking lot " Rignano "
flow Arno Bridge Arno ( 236/236 m )
tunnel Bruscheto ( 313/313 m )
Junction (320)  Incisa
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here 4-lane
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 6-lane expansion planned
Gas station Rest stop (321)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left" Arno " service area
parking spot (321)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right "Vallombrosa" car park
Gas station Rest stop (331.1)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right" Arno " service area
parking spot (332.1)  Symbol: leftSymbol: leftParking lot " San Giovanni "
Junction (336)  Valdarno
bridge Case Santo Stefano ( 368/370 m )
bridge Caprenne ( 197/200 m )
parking spot (344.4)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left "Romita" car park
flow Arno bridge Romita ( 404/404 m )
parking spot (345.1)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right "Romita" car park
bridge Campora ( 116/120 m )
bridge Rimaggio ( 197/197 m )
parking spot (350)  Symbol: leftSymbol: leftParking lot " Laterina "
bridge Ganascione ( 133/133 m )
parking spot (354)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right "Civitella" car park
parking spot (355)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left "Crocina" car park
tunnel Crocina ( 139/153 m )
Junction (358)  Arezzo
Gas station Rest stop (362.1)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Badia al Pino" rest area
Junction (372)  Monte San Savino
Gas station Rest stop (381)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Lucignano " service area
Junction (385)  Val di Chiana - Bettolle - Sinalunga

Perugia motorway slip road RA6

Gas station Rest stop (395)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Montepulciano " service area
tunnel Querce al Pino ( 285/285 m )
Junction (410)  Chiusi - Chianciano Terme
parking spot (413)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left "Astrone" car park
Umbria region
Junction (428)  Fabro
Gas station Rest stop (428)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Fabro " service area
bridge Fossatara ( 105/105 m )
bridge Scarcia ( 284/284 m )
parking spot (438.8)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right "Ritorto" car park
flow Paglia Bridge Paglia ( 236/236 m )
Junction (451)  Orvieto
flow Paglia Bridge Paglia ( 157/157 m )
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere I ( 171/171 m )
bridge Rosciano ( 102/102 m )
bridge Pantano ( 234/70 m )
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere II ( 342/336 m )
Lazio region
Gas station Rest stop (465)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightService area " Tevere "
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere III ( 201/201 m )
Umbria region
Junction (479)  Attigliano
Gas station Rest stop (481)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightService area " Giove "
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere IV ( 160/160 m )
Lazio region
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere V ( 205/205 m )
bridge Sassone ( 102/102 m )
Junction (491)  places

Terni Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg S675 E45

Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from here on 6 lanes
flow Nera Bridge Nera ( 128/128 m )
Umbria region
bridge Sassofreddo (485/485 m )
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere VI (200/200 m )
Lazio region
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere VII ( 301/301 m )
parking spot (499)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Sabina " car park
Junction (501)  Magliano Sabina
bridge Foglia ( 163/163 m )
bridge Festa ( 163/165 m )
bridge Della Valle ( 213/213 m )
bridge Fascina ( 108/108 m )
bridge Aia ( 223/223 m )
Gas station Rest stop (509)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Flaminia " service area
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere VIII (200/200 m )
Junction (516)  Ponzano Romano - Soratte
bridge Valle Lucola ( 133/133 m )
bridge Marisano ( 166/166 m )
tunnel Nazzano ( 337/337 m )
bridge Prato ( 90/90 m )
tunnel Pileggi ( 280/230 m )
bridge San Giuliano ( 380/380 m )
bridge Doria ( 120/120 m )
node (531)  Junction Roma north A1dir E35 Symbol: flight
bridge Passo Corese ( 600/600 m )
Gas station Rest stop (536)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Mascherone" service area
flow Tevere Bridge Tevere IX ( 262/262 m )
bridge FS Roma - Firenze ( 100/100 m )
bridge Fosso Fiora ( 100/100 m )
bridge Rio Pozzo ( 100/100 m )
tunnel Il Barco ( 562/562 m )
bridge Santa Lucia ( 140/140 m )
bridge Della Moletta ( 180/180 m )
bridge Fosso Vittorio ( 164/164 m )
bridge Fosso Cataldo ( 630/630 m )
Junction (556)  Guidonia Montecelio
bridge Acqua Marcia ( 650/650 m )
bridge FS Roma - Pescara ( 280/280 m )
flow Aniene Bridge Aniene ( 354/354 m )
bridge Freghizia ( 777/777 m )
node (562)  Roma - Teramo A24 E80 Symbol: flight
Gas station Rest stop (566)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightRest area " Prenestina "
bridge Prenestina ( 260/260 m )
bridge San Cesareo ( 630/630 m )
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 8-lane expansion planned
node (576)  Junction Roma sud A1dir E821 Symbol: flight
Junction (585)  Valmontone
Junction (593)  Colleferro
Junction (611)  Anagni - Fiuggi Terme
Gas station Rest stop (613)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "La Macchia" rest stop
Junction (619)  Ferentino
Junction (624)  Frosinone
flow Cosa Bridge Fiume Cosa ( 31/31 m )
bridge ( 240/240 m )
tunnel (633)  Arnara ( 142/142 m )
Junction (644)  Ceprano
flow Liri
flow Melfa Bridge Melfa (134/134 m )
Junction (659)  Pontecorvo - Castrocielo
Gas station Rest stop (660)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Casilina" rest stop
tunnel ( 90/90 m )
Junction (670)  Cassino
flow Gari
flow Faio
Junction (679)  San Vittore
Campania region
flow Peccia Bridge Peccia II ( 103/103 m )
bridge Ariani ( 100/100 m )
bridge Varo dei Lupi ( 248/248 m )
bridge Formanera ( 100/100 m )
bridge Caranci ( 134/134 m )
Junction (701)  Caianello
bridge Pescara ( 100/100 m )
bridge Ponticelli ( 200/200 m )
Gas station Rest stop (708)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right" Teano " service area
bridge Savone ( 162/162 m )
bridge Pezza Secca ( 80/80 m )
bridge Lanzo ( 167/167 m )
Junction (720)  Capua
flow Volturno Bridge Volturno ( 153/153 m )
Junction (729)  Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Junction (734)  Caserta north
Gas station Rest stop (737)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightRest area " San Nicola "
node (739)  Salerno A30
Toll booth (740)  Toll booth " Napoli north"
Junction (741)  Caserta sud - Marcianise
bridge Regi Lagni ( 101/101 m )
node (743)  Pomigliano - Villa Literno Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg S7bis
node (749)  Acerra - Afragola Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg S162NC
node (753)  Bari Pescara A16 E842
Junction (754)  Casoria
node (755)  Branch Capodichino A1 Symbol: flight
Gas station Rest stop (755)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left Right "Masseria" service area
node (758)  Centro Direzionale Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg S162dir
node (760)  Salerno A3 E45
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • The Autostrada A1 (also Autostrada Milano - Napoli or Autostrada del Sole ) ( Italian for 'Motorway A1') is a motorway in northern and central Italy that runs from Milan ( Lombardy ) via Rome to Naples ( Campania ). It is part of the European route 35 between Milan and Rome and of the European route 45 between Modena ( A22 ) and Bologna ( A14 ) and Orte and Naples .

    With a length of 754 kilometers, the A1 is the longest motorway in Italy and is fully toll road .


    A1 in Emilia-Romagna

    The realization of the Autostrada del Sole resulted primarily from the will of the Italian government to revive the national economy in the 1950s . At the same time, the motorway was supposed to interlink the diverging economic areas of Italy more closely and, like a powerful bracket, promote Italy's contradicting standardization process. The emphatic name of the transport connection alludes to this socio-political and economic component as well as to the tourist promises of modern mobility.

    Before this motorway was built, it took around two days to transport goods from Milan to Naples. The construction of a route that allowed driving at high speeds (by the standards of the time) significantly shortened the journey time.

    The Autostrada del Sole was built in several stages. The releases of the individual sections looked as follows:

    • Milan – Bologna on July 15, 1959
    • Bologna – Florence on December 3, 1960
    • Florence – Rome on October 4, 1964
    • Rome – Naples on September 22, 1962

    The laying of the foundation stone goes back to May 19, 1956. The inauguration of the first section, from Milan to Parma , was celebrated on December 7, 1958. The opening of the route from Bologna to Florence took place on December 3, 1960, that from Rome to Naples on September 22, 1962. All the work was completed with the opening of the section between Chiusi and Orvieto on October 4, 1964: up to this point At that time, all vehicles had to leave the motorway between Chiusi and Orvieto and use the former Strada statale 71 Umbro Casentinese Romagnola .

    The completed Autostrada del Sole was inaugurated by Antonio Segni on October 4, 1964, on board the Lancia Flaminia 335 presidenziale.

    The following work was carried out:

    • a total of 15 million working days
    • 52 million cubic meters of earth and rock; excavated on the construction site outdoors
    • 1.8 million cubic meters of earth and rock; excavated from the tunnel construction sites
    • five million cubic meters of concrete and masonry
    • 16 million square meters of floor
    • 853 bridges, viaducts and similar works
    • 2500 shafts
    • 572 flyovers
    • 35 tunnels with 2 tubes
    • 3 tunnels with one tube

    The construction of the A1 was led by Fedele Cova.

    Milan – Bologna section

    This section leads through the two Italian regions Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.

    Starting point of the A1

    A1 near Modena

    The A1 had its origin at San Donato Milanese south of Milan . Nowadays, however, the extension of the eastern bypass motorway of Milan ( A51 ; tangenziale est di Milano ) is considered the starting point of the A1, which is therefore located in the southeast of Milan. These two sections run parallel to each other until they meet in the area of ​​San Donato Milanese.

    Further course

    In the vicinity of San Giuliano Milanese , the western bypass motorway from Milan ( A50 ; tangenziale ovest di Milano ) joins the A1. It crosses the Po Valley and, parallel to State Road 9 , runs six lanes past the cities of Lodi , Piacenza , Parma , Reggio nell'Emilia and Modena . Between Milano-Sud and Lodi (14.6 km) and between Piacenza Sud and Modena (length: 97.9 km) the eight-lane (four lanes in each direction) expansion of the A1 is being planned.

    Modena – Bologna

    The Modena - Bologna section is the busiest section in all of Italy, which is why it has already been expanded to eight lanes and in some cases ten lanes near Bologna. In the north of Modena, the A1 has a connection to the Brenner motorway , which is a tributary from northern and central Europe. The Bologna bypass motorway and the A14 , which leads to the Adriatic coast, branch off in Bologna . From Bologna, the A13 branches off towards Padua and Venice .

    Bologna– Florence section

    This partly four-lane, partly six-lane (sometimes even seven-lane) section, which is also known as the " Apennine section" ( tratto appenninico ), crosses the Tosco-Emiliano-Apennine and therefore has many bridges and tunnels on its course .

    Casalecchio di Reno-Sasso Marconi

    Between Casalecchio di Reno and Sasso Marconi , the 4.1 kilometer route has already been expanded to include six lanes (lot 0). The construction work ended in November 2009 and, in addition to the six-lane expansion, also included the construction of numerous bridges and underpasses as well as the erection of noise barriers in the Casalecchio area. The total cost was 79.8 million euros.

    Sasso Marconi – La Quercia

    In this section, the existing route was expanded to six lanes over around 20 kilometers. The Sasso Marconi junction was also rebuilt. On June 9, 2007, the route including the newly built Galleria Gardelletta (840 meters, heading north) was opened.

    La Quercia-Barberino

    Planning for this section began in 1985. In August 2001, the Council of Ministers approved the new establishment. The construction work took place from March 2004 to December 2015, on December 23, 2015 the new route was opened to traffic. The 43-kilometer section has been redesigned as follows:

    • New construction of the alternative route "Variant di Valico" between La Quercia and Aglio with a base tunnel, in addition to the existing motorway route. Both lines will remain in operation.
    • Between Aglio and Barberino a new motorway route was built in two tunnels with three lanes for traffic to the south, the old existing route was redesigned and now runs four lanes northwards in the direction of Bologna.

    Six-lane expansion Barberino – Incisa

    This section connects directly to the variant di Valico . There is an average traffic volume of 111,000 vehicles , including 32,000 trucks. In addition to transit traffic, there is also city traffic between the Firenze Nord and Firenze Sud junctions , as the A1 forms a tangenziale (city bypass) from Florence here. An expansion of at least six lanes (3 lanes in each direction) is planned here. The construction work on the 58.5-kilometer-long section includes the construction of 16 new tunnels and 40 kilometers of noise barriers. The total costs of this construction project amount to almost two billion euros.

    This section can in turn be broken down into three smaller sections:

    Barberino – Firenze Nord

    In this section, a new route to the south with three lanes is under construction. Four lanes will be available for traffic to the north on the current route. The completion date is set for the end of 2021 in 2019.

    Firenze Nord – Firenze Sud

    Departure Firenze / Scandicci

    In this 22-kilometer section, which is heavily affected by traffic jams, the motorway was expanded to three (towards Rome) or three or four lanes from 2005 to 2013.

    Between March 2002 and July 2004, the ANAS examined and approved the project. The Firenze Nord-Firenze Scandicci section was opened to traffic to the south on December 21, 2006, and to the north on April 5, 2007. The new section Firenze Scandicci-Firenze Sud was opened on August 3, 2011. The route to the south is a new one A three-lane route was created, the old motorway is used as a four-lane road to the north.

    Firenze Sud-Incisa

    An extension to three lanes in each direction is under construction on this 19-kilometer section.

    Florence-Rome section

    The A1 near Florence, expanded to two lanes
    Near Arezzo

    The motorway has four lanes as far as Orte ( Lazio ), although expansion measures for a third lane in each direction between Florence and Incisa have already been initiated. These are currently in the planning phase. The A1 was expanded to six lanes between Orte and the Roma / Nord junction, including the construction of a new tunnel (Galleria di Nazzano, 337 m). The construction work was completed in 2002, and the Galleria di Nazzano opened in 2007. In addition, 4 kilometers of noise barriers were built. The total costs for this 37.8 kilometer section are 191.0 million euros.

    In this section the motorway passes Arezzo , passes the Chiana Valley and crosses the Tiber several times . Near the town of Fiano Romano , a four-lane branch branches off to the ring road around Rome ( A90 / GRA , Grande Raccordo Anulare ), while the A1 itself continues six-lane past the capital towards Naples . The Guidonia Montecelio junction was put into operation at the end of 2011 between the Roma nord junction and the junction with the A24 .

    Section Rome – Naples

    In San Cesareo , a place south of Rome, the A1 joins again with another four-lane branch coming from Rome and continues to Naples. This six-lane section, which leads past the towns of Frosinone and Caserta , is characterized by an extremely straight route. It was called A2 until 1988 because it was not directly connected to the rest of the A1 until then. In the north of Naples, the A1 finally changes into the A3 . Since December 2016, the number of the A2 has been transferred to the route of the former A3 Salerno - Reggio Calabria.

    In this section, the eight-lane expansion between San Cesareo and Colleferro (16.6 km) and between Colleferro and Frosinone (31.3 km) is planned. These are currently in the planning phase.

    Shuttle A1 - Piazzale Corvetto

    Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / IT-A
    Autostrada A1 in Italy
    Raccordo Piazzale Corvetto

    (Access to Piazzale Corvetto)

    Autostrada A1 (Italy)
    Basic data
    Start of the street: Milan
    ( 45 ° 25 ′  N , 9 ° 15 ′  E )
    End of street: San Donato Milanese
    ( 45 ° 24 ′  N , 9 ° 16 ′  E )
    Overall length: 2.5 km

    Regions :

    Requirement for use: toll-free
    Development condition: 2 × 2 lanes
    Course of the road
    region Lombardy
    Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 4-lane expansion
    Street (0)  as Raccordo Autostrada del Sole
    Autobahn beginning Start of the motorway
    Gas station Rest stop (-1.0)  Icon: Left RightIcon: Left RightRest area " San Donato "
    Junction (0)  San Donato Milanese Poasco
    node (1.0)  Napoli A1 E35
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • The A1-Piazzale Corvetto feeder is the original section of the A1, which began in the local area of ​​Milan at Corvetto Square and was downgraded after the construction of the variant that seamlessly directs traffic to and from Bologna into Tangenziale Est. It runs parallel to the new section of the A1 and leads back into it at San Donato Milanese .

    Branch Capodichino

    Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / IT-A
    Autostrada A1 in Italy
    Ramo Capodichino

    (Branch Capodichino)

    Autostrada A1 (Italy)
    Basic data
    Start of the street: Casoria
    ( 40 ° 53 ′  N , 14 ° 19 ′  E )
    End of street: Naples
    ( 40 ° 53 ′  N , 14 ° 17 ′  E )
    Overall length: 3.0 km

    Regions :

    Requirement for use: toll-free
    Development condition: 2 × 3 lanes
    Course of the road
    Campania region
    Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty 6-lane expansion
    node (0)  Milano - SalernoA1 E45 A3 E45
    Gas station Rest stop (0)  Symbol: rightSymbol: rightRest area "Cittadella" only in FR Salerno
    Junction (0.8)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right Casoria
    Gas station Rest stop (1.5)  Symbol: leftSymbol: leftService area " San Pietro "
    Junction (3.0)  MA route 1.svg Symbol: Up aeroporto civile Symbol: flight
    (3.0)  Continue on the Tangente Naples A56 Symbol: flight
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • The Capodichino junction , although classified as A1, is the uninterrupted continuation of the tangent from Naples towards the A1 motorway. It was once the last section of the entire A1 motorway.


    Web links

    Commons : Autostrada A1 (Italy)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

    Individual evidence

    1. a b c Planned projects
    2. Autostrade newsletter on the completion of construction lot 0 ( Memento from September 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 637 kB)
    3. Project information variant di Valico
    4. Barberino-Florence North pronta tra due anni. In: Il Sole 24 Ore . November 25, 2019, accessed February 12, 2020 .
    5. ^ Project information Barberino-Incisa
    6. ^ Project information Orte-Roma
    7. New connection points
    8. ^ Structures along the A1