Giulio Basletta

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Giulio Basletta medal table


Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Italy
Olympic rings Olympic games
bronze Paris 1924 Epee team
gold Amsterdam 1928 Epee team

Giulio Basletta (born May 5, 1890 in Vigevano ; † February 5, 1975 ibid) was an Italian sword fencer .


Giulio Basletta took part in two Olympic Games : in 1924 he moved into the final round with the team in Paris , which he finished in bronze with Giovanni Canova , Marcello Bertinetti , Virgilio Mantegazza , Vincenzo Cuccia and Oreste Moricca behind France and Belgium . At the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928 , he again reached the finals in the team competition with the Italian team and finished in first place. Together with Carlo Agostoni , Marcello Bertinetti, Giancarlo Cornaggia-Medici , Renzo Minoli and Franco Riccardi , Basletta became Olympic champion .

From 1940 to 1943 he was President of the Italian Fencing Federation .

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