Maurice Huet

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Maurice Huet medal table


FranceFrance France
Olympic rings Olympic games
gold London 1948 Epee team
fencing World championships
silver Monte Carlo 1950 Epee team
silver Brussels 1953 Epee team
bronze Luxembourg 1954 Epee team
silver Rome 1955 Epee team
bronze Philadelphia 1958 Epee team

Maurice Fernand Huet (born December 1, 1918 in Paris , † June 8, 1991 in Tours ) was a French sword fencer .


Maurice Huet was vice world champion with the team in Monte Carlo in 1950 , in Brussels in 1953 and in Rome in 1955 . He also won bronze with her in Luxembourg in 1954 and in Philadelphia in 1958 . At the Olympic Games in London in 1948 he reached the final round with the French team in the team competition, which France finished undefeated in first place. Besides Huet were Édouard Artigas , Henri Lepage , Marcel Desprets , Henri Guerin and Michel Pécheux thus Olympic champion .

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