List of castles, palaces, residences and fortified sites in the Sankt Veit an der Glan district

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This list names the castles , palaces , mansions , fortified churches and other fortified sites in the district of Sankt Veit an der Glan in Carinthia .

Explanation of the list

  • Name: Name of the plant.
  • Municipality, location: Indicates the municipality in which the system is located. Displays the geographic coordinates; for systems that can no longer be precisely localized with additions such as "approximate location".
  • Type: The type is specified, such as castle , fortress , palace , manor , fortified church , rampart .
  • History: historical outline.
  • Condition: Description of the current condition or use.
  • Image: Shows a picture of the plant. The symbol Commons-logo.svgleads to further pictures on wikimedia commons.
  • Monument protection: leads, if protected, to an entry in the monument list.

The list is sorted alphabetically according to the names of the systems. Alternatively, you can sort by municipality, type or history (age) by clicking on the column headings.


image Monument protection
Aichhof (Staudacherhof, Neikers Tower) Glödnitz
location Lassenberg 1
grange Tower first mentioned in 1244; Expansion in the 16th century, referred to as a castle by Valvasor in 1688. two-storey farm with external walls made of rubble stones.
Aichhof Lassenberg.jpg
Altdornhof, residential castle Frauenstein
Castle Finds from the 11th to 13th centuries; Masonry partly dated even older. decay; Remnants of the wall and ditches or walls preserved.
Altdornhof Wall Lower Castle 1.jpg
Altdornhof, Vorburg (Upper Castle) Frauenstein
Outer bailey probably built in the early 13th century. decay; Remnants of the wall and ditches or walls preserved.
Altdornhof Upper Tower.jpg
Altenmarkt fortified church Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Fortified church Rare example of a former water fortified church. Defended in Turkish wars in 1478; Fortifications expanded in the 16th century with the involvement of Karner and Pfarrhof. Defensive wall around the cemetery partially preserved, in the area of ​​the Karner still in full height of up to 5 m, with individual key notches. Schießscharte am Karner. Round defense towers on the wall lost.
Weitensfeld Altenmarkt defense wall Karner and parish church hl Aemilian 13062017 9372.jpg
Althaus Castle (Hus, Altenhaus) Hüttenberg
Castle first mentioned in 1247. In 1449 dilapidated, then reconstruction; inhabited until the beginning of the 17th century? Ruins of a four-storey Romanesque building; northwest small double wall. Ruin of old house in Mühlen.jpg 74180f1
Althofen city fortifications Althofen
Fortified hilltop settlement with a tower tower Fortification in the 13th / 14th Erected in the 15th century and expanded in the 15th century. Parts of the fortifications with the massive keep are preserved.
Althofen - Annenturm3.JPG
34155 61340 102031f1
Fronfeste Althofen Althofen
location Althofen, Burgstrasse 12
Castle 953 mentioned curtis et castellum ; today's building former stronghold of the 12th century? Romanesque building preserved and used as a residential building.
AT-61343 Burg, former Fronfeste, Althofen 02.jpg
New Althofen Castle Althofen
lock Seat of the Salzburg archbishops from the 13th century; rebuilt around 1500 (after the Hungarian wars). Historically designed in the middle of the 19th century (stepped gable, corner tower). well preserved; used as a residential building.
Althofen Schlossplatz 2 Neues Schloss SO view 24062015 5191.jpg
34161 68311f1
Burgstall Alt-Hungerbrunn Frauenstein
approx. location
Festivals? According to Kohla there should be slight traces of ramparts and walls. No
Alt-Mannsberg Castle Kappel am Krappfeld
Castle probably built in the 12th century; used until the 16th century. ruin
Altmannsberg ruins.JPG
Bayrdorf (Paierdorf, Baardorf) Sankt Veit an der Glan
approx. location
Festivals A tower mentioned in 1494. got lost; exact location uncertain EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Blumenstein (Plumenstain) Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
near Zweinitz
Festivals Mentioned in a document in 1352. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Festivities Braunsberg Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Lage [15]
Castle (former castle) Built in 1258; according to legend, destroyed by Margarete Maultasch in the 14th century; Castle built in the 16th century instead of the castle ruins, inhabited until the end of the 17th century. dilapidated, large piles of stones and two mighty moats visible.
Braunsberg ruins Panorama.jpg
Breitenstein (Steinbrückenkogel, Altwimitzstein) Frauenstein
Castle Called 1247. gone (in the middle of the 20th century, according to Wiessner, minor remains of the wall were still visible). EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Brenitz Glödnitz
fortified settlement? A Roman settlement is said to have been on the large plateau, which slopes steeply on three sides; Kohla mentioned traces of the wall and the remains of a tower. No
Brückl fortified church Brückl
Fortified church Built around 1520 using an older (partly destroyed?) church with a well-fortified upper floor. Cemetery wall completely renewed later. Shooting window recognizable under the church roof (no longer usable due to high vaults)
Brueckl parish church hl.  Johannes der Taeufer south-view 10092012 222.jpg
Bulldorf (Buldorf, Puelndorf) Strasbourg
approx. Location [22]
Castle Strongholds destroyed in 1292. got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
In the Däber Sankt Veit an der Glan
grange built at the end of the 16th century. neglected; partly used commercially.
Residence in the Däber2.JPG
Dachberg Althofen
Rampart prehistoric ramparts? fortified plateau
Wall system Dachberg Guttaring 01.jpg
Dachberg (Techingen mons) Althofen
approx. Location? [26]
lock Mentioned 1074 (Techingen). according to Kohla fabulous castle. got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Fortification at Deinsberg Guttaring
Attachment? neither time allocation nor purpose of the system clear; a connection with mining cannot be ruled out. The recently made suggestion to connect the complex with Deinsberg Castle, mentioned in the 12th century, cannot be verified. clear traces of a system that cannot be identified.
Fortification Deinsberg 03.jpg
Deinsberg Castle Guttaring
approx. Location?
Castle in the 12th century Deinsberg was mentioned several times as a ministerial seat. got lost. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Deinsberg fortified church Guttaring
Fortified church fortified in the 15th century. Weir systems no longer exist
Guttaring Deinsberg Karner and Filialkirche St. James the Elder and St. Anna 21032017 6770.jpg
Fortified church Deutsch-Griffen German handles
Fortified church Gothic. fortified in the 15th century; defends against Turks. Up to 4 m high defensive wall with loopholes (and bar holes of the worn battlement) partially preserved
Deutsch-Griffen Parish Church of St. James the Elder 24072015 1321.jpg
61494 67904 100953f1
Tower German handles German handles
approx. Location [35]
Festivals "Tower" in the 14./15. Century attested. got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Dobernberg Sankt Georgen am Längsee
approx. location
Festivals? fabulous refuge lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Dobersberg Strasbourg
approx. location
Festivals? in the 17th century referred to as the "desolate castle". lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Dornhof Castle (Neu-Dornhof) Frauenstein
lock built in the late 15th century, expanded in the 16th century. used as a farm.
Frauenstein Dornhof Castle 14092012 011.jpg
Drasenberg Meiselding
approx. location
Grange? in the 14./15. Century mentioned as the seat of the Freyberger. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Eberstein Castle Eberstein
location Eberstein, Schlossberg 1
lock Castle mentioned from 13th century; expanded in the 16th century and converted into a castle in the 19th century. well preserved
Eberstein Schlossberg 1 castle with castle chapel 07032014 107.jpg
Ober-Eberstein Castle (Alt-Eberstein) Eberstein
Castle Castle often mentioned from the 12th to the 14th century; around 1470 partly demolished and abandoned. Was long considered lost, then remains discovered in the 2nd half of the 20th century, but soon afterwards destroyed by a quarry. got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Eberstein dam Eberstein
dam 13th century dam: to the east of the valley a tower secured by a ditch; to the west several rock heads separated by ditches; probably Vorwerk in the valley floor. three trenches recognizable in the west
Dam Eberstein 03.jpg
Egarthof Micheldorf
grange named from 1285. First half of the 20th century replaced by new buildings (Agathenhof). got lost. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Eppersdorf Castle Brückl
grange Country noblemen's seat built in the 17th century. well preserved; used as a residential building.
Brueckl Eppersdorf 1 Castle 10092012 199.jpg
Flattnitzhof (Fladnitzerhof, Tillerhof) Klein Sankt Paul
location [46] Klein St. Paul, Fladnitzweg 1
grange erected in the 16th century. preserved; inhabited. Fladnitzerhof Klein Sankt Paul.jpg No
Frauenstein Castle Frauenstein
location Frauenstein 1
Wasserburg / castle Castle from 12th century; in the 16th century expanded in several stages to form a stately late Gothic moated castle. receive.
Frauenstein Castle Frauenstein 20062015 4976.jpg
Freiberg Castle, main castle Frauenstein
Castle mentioned in the 12th century; Expanded in the 13th century, decaying from the 15th century. Ruin.
Freiberg castle ruins 17.jpg
Freiberg Castle, outer bailey Frauenstein
location Grassen 7
Outer bailey 12th century chapel; Bailey built in the century. Decay from the 15th century, partially restored at the end of the 20th century. Chapel and a tower restored; otherwise largely lost.
Freiberg via Nebel.JPG
Friendly (Freundsheim) Liebenfels
location at Freundsam 5
Castle 13./14. Century mentioned; in the 17th century referred to as the "desolate castle". former castle chapel, rebuilt, preserved; Fixed house gone. Friendly No. 9 u Church.jpg No
City fortifications Friesach Friesach
City fortifications Circular walls with a fence wall, moat and 18 defense towers built from 1200 to the 15th century. largely preserved
Friesach Grabenring City moat and ring wall with box storage north view 13092017 1055.jpg
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Fürstenhof Friesach Friesach
curtis 860 called curtis; in its place a medieval building (14th century?); rebuilt several times. preserved; used as a municipal office.
Friesach Fürstenhof and Speicher.JPG
34267 34268f1
Füllerhof Eberstein?
north of Eberstein
grange mentioned in the 17th century. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Fortification Galgenbichl Strasbourg
Rampart fortified summit plateau with traces of buildings, northeast neck ditch.
Fortification Galgenbichl Strasbourg 03.jpg
Galgenkogel Frauenstein
Rampart Ramparts No
Gauerstall Frauenstein
Rampart Bronze Age finds. two walls No
Geiersberg Castle Friesach
Castle According to tradition, built in 1131; documented from 1271. decay from the 18th century; Restoration or reconstruction at the beginning of the 20th century. partly rebuilt; inhabited.
Geiersberg Friesach.JPG
Gillitzstein Castle Eberstein
lock first mentioned in the 16th century; Seat of aristocratic trades, expanded in the 17th century. Decay since the 19th century. minor ruins
Eberstein Sankt Oswald Saualpenstrasse Ruin Gillitzstein 21022014 122.jpg
Glandorf manor house Sankt Veit an der Glan
grange Erected at the beginning of the 19th century with a classical-Biedermeier facade. Received renewed, used for residential or administrative purposes.
Manor Funder Glandorf.jpg
Gleinach (Gleinhofen, Gleinerhof) Kappel am Krappfeld
location [61]
grange mentioned in the 17th century. No
Fortified church Glödnitz Glödnitz
Fortified church Gothic. fortified in the third third of the 15th century by a cemetery wall with encircling battlements, including a barn with an upper storey. Karner and 3.80 m high defensive wall with loopholes partially preserved, defensive walkway worn out (beam holes still visible).
Gloednitz parish church hl Margareta fortified cemetery and fortified tower 24072015 6205.jpg
100973 100974f1
Glödnitz Castle (Amthofer) Glödnitz
grange in the core medieval fortification; rebuilt several times. receive; inhabited.
Amthof residence in Glödnitz3.JPG
Görtschacherhof Glödnitz
grange in the 14./15. Century mentioned "courtyard" and "tower". today a mighty farm
Görtschacherhof SO.JPG
Gotthardshof (Pämbsthof, Pfannerhof) Hüttenberg
grange mentioned from the early 16th century; today's building erected in the 18th century. 18th century construction preserved. House in the booklet2.JPG 41409f1
Gradenegg Castle Liebenfels
Castle first mentioned at the end of the 12th century. Expansion in the 14th / 15th / 16th Century. Abandoned at the end of the 18th century. ruin
Gradenegg SO.JPG
Castle of Grades Metnitz
Castle (former castle) Romanesque castle, expanded into a palace in several stages (16th / 17th century). receive.
Metnitz Grades Schlossstrasse 1 Castle S-View 21122016 5809.jpg
Market consolidation degree Metnitz
Market consolidation Market fortification in the 13th century. only the core of a former tower in Haus Hauptplatz 6 has been preserved. No
Graefelhof Friesach
grange Mentioned as an estate in the 19th century. Graefelhof Friesach.jpg No
Tower on the Granglitz Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Tower, manor Tower lost; Successor building (farm) Granglitzhof.jpg No
Granikogel Brückl
Attachment? fortified plateau?
Granikogel west edge from above.jpg
Gratzerkogel (Grazerkogel) Sankt Veit an der Glan
Fort late antique fort (5th / 6th century) expired
Gratzerkogel Stones.JPG
Griesserhof Micheldorf
grange built in the 2nd half of the 19th century. receive; inhabited.
Griesserhof Micheldorf W.JPG
Großkollerhof Hüttenberg
grange mentioned from 1503. receive; inhabited.
Großkollerhof 02.jpg
Grünburg Klein Sankt Paul
Castle Castle built in the early 12th century; expanded up to the 16th century; abandoned in the 17th century. ruin
Grünburg ruins 05.JPG
Vorwerk of the Grünburg Klein Sankt Paul
Vorwerk Vorwerk built in the 13th century. ruin
Vorwerk Grünburg v W.JPG
Gschiegenhof Friesach
grange Mentioned as an estate from the 17th century. No
Gurk military pen Gurk
Military pen Romanesque cathedral, 14th to 16th centuries, fortifications (moats, walls, towers) added. The entire complex was rebuilt in the 17th century. only parts of the fortifications (walls, towers) have been preserved.
Gurk Domplatz 1 Domstift gate tower and cathedral NW view 27032017 7063.jpg
Gurkhofen Castle (Ranitz) Gurk
Castle (former castle) already mentioned at the time of Hemma von Gurk . Seat of the Cheser / Kaiser. Remnants of the wall and chapel still preserved in the 18th century; their stones were used in 1808 after a fire in the reconstruction of the place. got lost Zweinitz ruin Gurkhofen.jpg No
Hardegg Castle Liebenfels
Castle Castle built in the 12th century; decays since the 17th century. ruin
Hardegg from the south.JPG
Hardegg Castle (Upper Hardegg Castle) Liebenfels
Vorwerk Romanesque outwork to the main castle; surrounded by prehistoric ramparts. Ruins of the Romanesque round tower; Wall system recognizable
Watchtower Hardegg v S.JPG
Hardeggerhof (Waldeck) Glödnitz
Festivals / manor mentioned from 12th century; Decay from the 15th century. decay; Today's farm in place of the former estate No
House near St. Johann Glödnitz
location [89]
Castle (next to the church). Legends from Turkish times. was considered lost; but probably the hill secured by a ditch right next to the Hannserkirche.
HannserKirche north.jpg
Castle location not; the church next to it: 68460f1
Hemmaburg Friesach
Castle Castle of the 11th / 12th centuries Century (family seat of the Zeltschach counts?); rebuilt in the late medieval period. Parts worn out during road construction in 1938. expired
Hemmaburg wall remains 01.jpg
Fortified church Hochfeistritz Eberstein
Fortified church The church and fortifications were built during the Turkish wars (2nd half of the 15th century). Well-preserved fortifications around the church with wall (loopholes on the east side; beams of the former battlement), gate tower and corner tower converted into a chapel. iron-studded church door with block lock.
Hochfeistritz gate tower.jpg
Hochosterwitz Castle Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Castle The high medieval castle was expanded around 1575 and 14 gateways were added. largely received; Visit possible.
Sankt Georgen am Längsee Hochosterwitz Castle W-View 02122015 2388.jpg
Hochosterwitz Vorwerk (Engelstor) Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Vorwerk Vorwerk of the 14th century; Included in the gate buildings (Engelstor) around 1575. received heavily rebuilt.
Hochosterwitz Vorwerk Engeltor.jpg
Hochosterwitz Vorwerk am Stein Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Vorwerk Vorwerk of the 14th century. ruin
Hochosterwitz Vorwerk am Stein 04.jpg
Courtly Friesach
grange originated in the 19th century. preserved, inhabited.
Höflgut Friesach 01.jpg
Hohenpressen Hüttenberg
lock called a manor since the 12th century; Castle-like building from the 16th century, somewhat rebuilt in the 17th and 20th centuries. preserved; inhabited.
Hohenpressen Castle 04.jpg
Castle Hohenstein Liebenfels
Castle Castle built in the 16th century including a previous building from the 12th century. Restored in the mid 20th century. receive; inhabited.
Hohenstein Castle b Liebenfels.JPG
Hörbach Castle Hüttenberg
grange 17th century construction. receive; inhabited.
Hüttenberg - Hörbach Castle.JPG
Hochhornburg (Großhornburg) Klein Sankt Paul
Castle 12th century castle; expanded to a castle in the 15th century. decayed in the 17th century. ruin
Hochhornburg KleinSanktPaul 02.jpg
Niederhornburg (Kleinhornburg, Kiesenbrein, Unterstein?) Klein Sankt Paul
Vorwerk Fortifications from the 12th to 14th centuries. ruin
Niederhornburg KleinSanktPaul 06.jpg
Fortified church Hörzendorf Sankt Veit an der Glan
(former) fortified church and manor Church was fortified; here also a Carolingian manor. Attachment not preserved; Lost the estate.
Sankt Veit an der Glan Hörzendorf parish church hl.  Georg SW view 18102012 823.jpg
Hunnenbrunn Palace (Hungerbrunn) Frauenstein
lock Farm remodeled into a small castle at the end of the 16th century; remodeled in the second half of the 17th century; heavily rebuilt in the 20th century. The building is in good condition, but its original character has been lost due to renovations. Use for commercial purposes.
Hunnenbrunn Palace by O.JPG
Fortified church Kappel am Krappfeld Kappel am Krappfeld
Fortified church Church fortified in the 15th century. receive the lower storey of a tower with loopholes at the northeast corner of the cemetery. iron-studded door.
Kappel am Krappfeld - Kappel - Parish Church.jpg
Karlsberg Castle (Upper Castle) Sankt Veit an der Glan
Castle castle built in the 12th century; Destroyed in 1368; rebuilt and reinforced. Decay since 17th century. ruin
Karlsberg Castle South 08.jpg
Karlsberg Vorwerk (Lower Castle) Sankt Veit an der Glan
Vorwerk laid out in the 12th century; early 13th century permanent house. ruin
Vorwerk Burg Karlsberg Südecke.jpg
Karlsberg Castle Sankt Veit an der Glan
lock Castle built in the 17th century. preserved, inhabited.
Sankt Veit an der Glan Karlsberg 1 Karlsberg Castle 16092011 822.jpg
34832 105333f1
Keutschacherhof Sankt Georgen am Längsee
grange mentioned since 15th century; The core of the building dates from the 16th century. receive; inhabited. No
Kölnhof Palace Sankt Veit an der Glan
lock mentioned from 15th century; today's building is an early classicist castle from the 18th century. receive; used as an administration building.
Kölnhof Palace (St Veit) (3) .JPG
Palais Koller Sankt Veit an der Glan
Palace Erected in 1780 as a palace for the ironworks Johann Matthias Koller. then the seat of the district administration. receive; used as an administration building.
Fortified church Kraig (Altburg Kraig?) Frauenstein
Fortified church Here or in the area of ​​the Propsteihof Kraig Location of the Altburg Kraig from the 11th century? A defense tower was built next to the church in the 15th century. Free-standing defensive tower and parts (with a loopholes in the SE) of the largely demolished defensive cemetery wall (which still had battlements in the 17th century). Key notches in the church gable.
Frauenstein Kraig Kirchweg 6 parish church hl Johannes d T 14082017 0358.jpg
Hochkraig (Alt-Kraig; Upper of the Kraiger castles ) Frauenstein
Castle erected in 12./13. Century; uninhabited since the middle of the 17th century. Ruin with largely preserved Romanesque keep
Ruin Hochkraig.JPG
Niederkraig (New Kraig; Lower of the Kraiger castles ) Frauenstein
Castle erected in 12./13. Century; Expansion 14th to 16th century; uninhabited since the middle of the 18th century. A round tower was converted into a chapel in the 18th century. legendary earlier "Plankenstein". extensive ruins with Romanesque keep and hall from the 16th century; Chapel preserved.
Niederkraig overall.JPG
Turmburg Kraig (drop tower; Vorwerk of the Kraig castles ) Frauenstein
Vorwerk erected in the 12th century. Romanesque round tower restored, inhabited.
Front tower at Hochkraig.JPG
Krasta Kappel am Krappfeld
approx. location
Festivals? fabulous facility No
Kremserkogel ramparts (Altosterwitz) Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Rampart early medieval ramparts. well-preserved ramparts
Kremserkogel West Panorama.jpg
Krumfelden Castle Althofen
lock Well named since 11th century. receive; used as a residential building.
Althofen Krumfelden Castle 09102012 111.jpg
Kulmberg (near Liebenfels) Liebenfels
Attachment fortified summit plateau
Fortification Kulmberg Liebenfels 02.jpg
Kulmerberg ramparts (Kulm; near St. Veit) Frauenstein
Rampart Bronze Age ramparts Wall system recognizable Gassing Kulm.jpg No
Labegg Castle Brückl
Castle Castle mentioned around 1200, mentioned around 1430 as "tower". expired No
Landschaden ramparts Brückl
Rampart prehistoric fragments. Wall system clearly recognizable.
Landschaden ramparts 07.jpg
Launsdorf fortified church Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Fortified church probably fortified in the 15th century. Fortifications removed in the 18th century. iron-studded door received.
Church of the Assumption of Mary Launsdorf.JPG
Lavant Castle Friesach
Castle Romanesque castle, expanded in the 14th to 16th centuries; Fire in 1673. partly ruins; partly preserved in poor condition.
Lavant Castle general view.JPG
New Castle Lavant (Dominican Convent) Friesach
lock Propstei erected in 1673. 1781 to the diocese of Lavant, called "New Lavant (er) schloss". 1888 to Dominican Sisters, renovation. receive.
Friesach Conventgasse Dominican Convent 21052009 422.jpg
Gut Lebmach (Wutte estate, Mullehof) Liebenfels
grange mentioned in the 10th century as a royal estate; Second half of the 19th century, a small castle built. receive; inhabited.
Estate Wutte, Lebmach.JPG
Lebmach fortified church Liebenfels
Fortified church Church probably fortified in the 15th century. Loopholes in the tower later walled up. iron-studded door received.
Lebmach Portal.jpg
Liebenfels Castle (Hochliebenfels) Liebenfels
Castle Castle 13./14. Built in the 17th century; initially isolated west tower in the 15th century connected to the main castle by walls. Partly destroyed at the end of the 15th century. extensive ruins, both keep preserved.
Liebenfels ruins NO.JPG
Liebenfels bulwarks Liebenfels


Bulwark Erected by Hungary at the end of the 15th century for siege / shelling of Liebenfels Castle. Ditch and ramparts can be seen Hungarian bulwark Liebenfels.jpg No
Fortified church Lieding Strasbourg
Fortified church Church, charnel house and farmyard fortified in the 15th century. Fortification largely lost.
Strassburg Lieding Parish Church of Saint Margaretha 05092012 885.jpg
Liemberg Castle (Alt-Liemberg) Liebenfels
Castle Castle built in the 12th century; abandoned in the 16th century. ruin
Liebenfels Liemberg Castle ruins Alt-Liemberg S-view 19032006 01.jpg
Liemberg Castle Liebenfels
lock Castle built in the middle of the 16th century. receive; inhabited.
Liebenfels - Castle Liemberg.JPG
Liemberg fortified church Liebenfels
Fortified church Church attached in front of or at the same time as the lock; according to the illustration from 1688 surrounded by a battlement wall. today's battlements probably lower than the original.
Liebenfels Liemberg parish church hl Jakobus major 17052015 3781.jpg
Lind Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
approx. location
Castle? Unrest called the extinct family of the Lind in the Gurktal. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Lojatz Frauenstein
Rampart Migration period (?) system. fortified dome
Lojatz 01.jpg
Lölling Castle (Zechnerhof, Dickmann-Schlössl) Hüttenberg
grange built at the beginning of the 18th century; Used by Archduke Franz Ferdinand as a hunting lodge at the end of the 19th century. receive; inhabited.
Lölling - Zechnerhof2.JPG
Lorberhof Liebenfels
grange Mentioned in a document from 1571. received heavily rebuilt; inhabited.
Lorberhof former estate 01.jpg
Lorenzenberg (Lorenziberg) Micheldorf
Rampart late antique or early medieval fortifications. extensive ramparts recognizable; the festival itself got away, small church since the 11th century.
Micheldorf Lorenzenberg 68 Filialkirche St. Laurentius 07082014 097.jpg
City on the Magdalensberg Sankt Georgen am Längsee
fortified city Late Celtic-early Roman city, secured by ramparts. Ramparts
Wall systems Magdalensberg north side 02.jpg
Mailänderhof Sankt Veit an der Glan
Raised hide Construction (agricultural property) from the end of the 18th century. preserved, inhabited.
Mailänderhof SanktVeit.jpg
Fortification at Mailsberg Liebenfels
Attachment fortified dome with stone building fortified hilltop, remains of buildings
Fixing at Mailsberg 01.jpg
Mannsberg Castle Kappel am Krappfeld
Castle first mentioned 11th century; expanded until the 16th century. Partly restored at the end of the 19th century. receive; inhabited.
Kappel am Krappfeld Mannsberg 1 Mannsberg Castle 18102012 012.jpg
Mayerhofen Castle Friesach
lock Good since 12th century; today's castle built at the end of the 17th century. receive; inhabited.
Mayerhofen Castle SW.jpg
Fortified church Meiselding Mölbling
Fortified church fortified in the 15th century. Sacristy on the north side still with a strong defensive character (keyhole notches).
Meiselding church weir system 03.jpg
Metnitz Tower Metnitz
tower 1370 (perhaps also mentioned as early as 1285). 1420 bad. A late Gothic rectory was built on the remains of the tower. The walls in the southwest part of the rectory have been preserved.
Metnitz - Pfarrhof2.JPG
Metnitz ramparts Metnitz
Metnitz shady side
Rampart prehistoric (?) ramparts. No
Metnitz fortified church Metnitz
Fortified church Church fortified in the last third of the 15th century. only small parts of the fortifications (lower rest of the wall with loopholes) have been preserved.
Metnitz parish church hl Leonhard SW-view 22072007 01.jpg
Micheldorf fortified church Micheldorf
Fortified church Fixing gone.
Micheldorf 41 Parish Church St. Veit NE-view 13092017 1098.jpg
Möselhof (Mösslhof, Möselhofen, Ansitz Voitsch) Klein Sankt Paul
grange late medieval construction. Demolished in 1978 and replaced by new buildings. got lost. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Muraunberg Sankt Veit an der Glan
Rampart prehistoric? late antiquity? early medieval? oval earth wall
Muraunberg northern ramparts 04.jpg
Muraunberg Sankt Veit an der Glan
Rampart prehistoric? late antiquity? early medieval? Earth fortification, south sickle wall, north-east three trenches
Muraunberg southern ramparts 01.jpg
Niederdorf Castle Sankt Veit an der Glan
lock residence in the 14th century; today's building erected in 1534. southern tract demolished in the early 20th century. partially preserved; inhabited.
Sankt Veit an der Glan Niederdorf renaissance castle entrance 14102010 055.jpg
Niederosterwitz Castle (Afftendorf) Sankt Georgen am Längsee
lock small manor house in the 16th century; expanded in the 17th century; A wing was added around 1800. receive; inhabited.
Sankt Georgen am Laengsee Niederosterwitz Castle 12032013 888.jpg
Nussberg Castle Frauenstein
Castle Castle built in the early 12th century and expanded until the 16th century; in decline since the end of the 17th century. partly ruinous, partly used as a residential building.
Frauenstein Nussberg castle ruins N-view 21082017 5423.jpg
Oberhof hunting lodge Metnitz
Hunting lodge Built around 1880 as a hunting lodge for Count Schlick. receive. No
Fortified church Obermühlbach with rectory Frauenstein
Fortified church with rectory Called the residence from 1134. Today's parsonage with a medieval core, rebuilt and expanded several times. Rebuilt rectory preserved; Cemetery wall with loopholes only up to 3 m high.
Frauenstein Obermühlbach 70 Parish Church of St. George NNW view 21082017 0469.jpg
Ödenvest Castle (Ehrenvest, Odnfels) Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Castle Age unclear; 1612 referred to as a desolate castle. Abandoned by quarry in the 2nd half of the 20th century. got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Odwinskogel Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Rampart prehistoric finds. Rampart No
Little Odwinskogel Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Rampart prehistoric finds. Rampart No
Ottilienkogel hilltop settlement Liebenfels
Festivals prehistoric hilltop settlement; The summit area was fortified by ramparts in the 10th and 15th centuries (Turkish wars). Wall systems partially preserved. Liebenfels Glantschach Ottilien-ballon 17062012 444.jpg 68160f1
Petersberg Castle Friesach
Castle founded in the 11th century; continuously expanded until the end of the 15th century. decay from 17th century; Security work from the end of the 19th century. partly preserved, partly ruins.
Petersberg Friesach.JPG
34264 61723f1
Pfannhof Frauenstein
lock Castle built in the 15th century, expanded as a Renaissance castle at the end of the 16th century. 1930 fire, decay. decaying ruin 34260f1
Pirkerhof (am Krappfeld) (Rasolnighof) Althofen
Lage Althofen, Undsdorfer Str. 21
grange inhabited.
Pirkerhof Undsdorf Althofen.jpg
Fortification at Pirkerhof (Gde. Weitensfeld) Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Attachment medieval (?) fortification. Formed terrain structures (dilapidated buildings?) recognizable. Fortification b Pirkerhof Weitensfeld 07.jpg No
Fortified church Pisweg Gurk
Fortified church built in the 12th century; rebuilt several times. Fixing gone.
Gurk Pisweg cemetery with parish church St. Lambert and Karner SW-view 31102017 1831.jpg
Plaggowitzhof (Plukowitzhof) Hüttenberg
grange Erected at the end of the 16th century, with an older core. receive; inhabited
Plaggowitzhof (6) .JPG
Plamberg Friesach
location [173]
Castle The Plamberger family had already lost their way in the 15th century. Remnants of fortifications (double ditch, fortified dome)
Plamberg ruins 03.jpg
Pöckstein Castle (Böckstein, Alt-Pöckstein) Althofen
location [175]
Castle built in the 12th century by Gurk bishops. destroyed early. dilapidated, parts of two walls carved into rock visible; surrounded by mighty walls
Pöckstein ruin Panorama.jpg
Pöckstein Castle (intermediate waters ) Strasbourg
Location Pöckstein 1
lock from the early 17th century trade headquarters; it was replaced around 1780 by a uniformly classicist castle (built as a bishop's residence). received, guided tours possible.
Strasbourg Poeckstein 1 Poeckstein Castle SO-View 28102016 5181.jpg
Pörlinghof Frauenstein
grange Court named from 1269. inhabited.
Pörlinghof v SO.JPG
Prailing ramparts Klein Sankt Paul
Rampart Wall system clearly recognizable. No
Preishof (Preussenhof, Pressenhof) Hüttenberg
grange detectable from the 18th century. receive; vacant.
Preishof Hüttenberg 01.jpg
Rectory Projern Sankt Veit an der Glan
Defense construction medieval fortification; rebuilt several times. preserved; inhabited. Sankt Veit an der Glan Projern 1 rectory 16092011 133.jpg 62720f1
Propsthof Friesach Friesach
Aristocratic residence Erected in the 15th century as an aristocratic seat of the Thanhausen over an older core. from 1653 monastery property; expanded. Facade designed around 1770. receive.
Propsthof Friesach.JPG
Prosenstein Castle (Reichenhaus) Gurk
Castle Mentioned 12th to 14th century. completely dilapidated; two low ditches or walls around the castle hill (remnants of the wall and tower can still be seen in the middle of the 20th century).
Ruin Prosenstein Graben 01.jpg
Pulst fortified church and rectory Liebenfels
Fortified church and former aristocratic seat Ministerial seat mentioned from 1105; from 1262 Johanniter / Maltese comers. This courtyard with a tower-like reinforcement at that time was integrated into the late Gothic churchyard fortifications. Occupied by Hungary for several years around 1490. Defense systems largely worn out; Church and converted courtyard preserved.
Church u Karner Pulst.JPG
Putzenhof (Buzzenhof) Strasbourg
Location Strasbourg, 19 main square
grange Mentioned 13th to the beginning of the 15th century as the seat of the Buzzo (Puzzo) family, chief seat of the bishops. No
Rabenstein Castle Althofen
approx. location
Castle mentioned from 11th century; Destroyed in 1292 and 1307. got lost No
Rabensteinerhof Althofen
grange late medieval core; Recorded on maps as a castle in 1612 and 1650. receive; inhabited No
Bike path (Ilmitzerhof) Sankt Veit an der Glan
grange Manor named from 1431; later also referred to as the castle. today's castle is a new building. Castle cycle path St Veit an der Glan.jpg No
Rahmschüsselhof (Ramschißlhof, Unterstein, Gösslhof) Kappel am Krappfeld
grange mentioned in a document from the early 15th century (at that time the seat of von Hornberg); Courtyard with a Romanesque core, after Brand (1531) 16./17. Rebuilt in the 19th century. preserved; inhabited. No
Ranftlhof (Rrachtelhof) Sankt Veit an der Glan
grange since the 17th century manor. preserved; inhabited. No
Rasperg (Rabensberg, Reinsberg) Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
approx. location
Castle? Already dilapidated at the beginning of the 18th century. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Rastenfeld Castle Mölbling
Castle (former castle) castle built in the 13th century; in the 15th / 16th Century completely redesigned to a castle. receive; inhabited.
Rastenfeld Castle.JPG
Rasting fortified church Liebenfels
Fortified church Church from at least 1200 onwards. Abandoned at the end of the 18th century, converted into a residential building. abandoned in the 20th century. got lost. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Defense tower Reidenau Liebenfels
Festivals Romanesque fortification; converted into a church in the 15th century; Profaned at the beginning of the 19th century. receive. Reidenau - Former Church.jpg 47185f1
Rosenbichl (Munzenbach) Liebenfels
lock Late Gothic noble seat built around 1535. Expanded in 1566. 1935 rebuilt and extended. received heavily rebuilt; inhabited
Rosenbichl Castle, JPG
Rottenberg (Ratenburg) Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Castle Already lost in the 16th century got lost Location of the former Rottenberg Castle 01.jpg No
Rottenstein Castle Sankt Georgen am Längsee
lock Castle built in historical style in 1868 (in place of a former trade headquarters). receive; inhabited.
Sankt Georgen Rottenstein 1 Castle 15102006 251.jpg
Rotturm (Rothenthurn) Friesach
castle-like part of the city fortifications a defense tower erected in 1140; Included in the city fortifications at the end of the 13th / beginning of the 14th century. Ruins of three defense towers
Rotturm Friesach.JPG
Fortified church of Saint Donat Sankt Veit an der Glan
Fortified church Defense walls demolished in the 18th century
St Veit St Donat parish church St. Donatus south-view 18102015 8144.jpg
Saint Florian Kappel am Krappfeld
approx. location
Festivals? Wall remains on a narrow rock ridge No
Wehrstift Sankt Georgen am Längsee Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Military pen The monastery was founded in 1010. The invasion of Hungary in 1259, the invasion of the Turks in 1473. The north wing was built in 1546, most of the rest in the 17th century. Abbey abolished in 1782. Fortifications gone; Got pen.
St Georgen Abbey on the Längsee.jpg
Fortified church Sankt Georgen under Strasbourg Strasbourg
Fortified church (and festivals?) 1044 called church and courtyard. Was there a small medieval castle on the plateau west of it? Fortifications gone; Church preserved. Church of St. Georgen under Strasbourg (A-9341) .jpg 63019f1
Fortified church Sankt Klementen Kappel am Krappfeld
Fortified church Church attached; besieged in Turkish wars (15th century). small parts of the attachment preserved
Filial church hl.  Klemens am Krappfeld (K) .jpeg
Fortified church of Saint Kosmas Mölbling
Fortified church Church conquered in the 15th century; re-fortified in the 16th century. small parts of the attachment preserved
Mölbling St. Kosmas Filial and pilgrimage church hll.  Cosmas and Damian 18102012 577.jpg
Fortified church Sankt Martin am Krappfeld and vicarage Kappel am Krappfeld
Fortified church / ensemble Church built in the late 11th century; next to it, in the core, a former defense structure from the High Middle Ages (today the vicarage); Church conquered by the Turks in the 15th century. Weir systems removed during renovation; Preserved Baroque style rectory.
Kappel am Krappfeld Sankt Martin Parish Church of Saint Martin 18102012 133.jpg
63136 63134f1f1
Fortified church Sankt Martin am Silberberg Hüttenberg
Fortified church 15th century fortified church. Defensive systems gone.
Sankt Martin am Silberberg.JPG
Fortified church Sankt Oswald ob Hornburg Eberstein
Fortified church Stripped of fortifications.
Eberstein parish church Sankt Oswald 25122006 05.jpg
Saint Salvator Castle Friesach
lock the core of the medieval building (identical to the seat of the regional court in the early 17th century?); converted into a Biedermeier villa around 1820. received completely rebuilt Episcopal hunting lodge in St Salvator near Friesach.JPG 34813f1
Fortified church of Saint Sebastian Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Fortified church 15th century fortified church. Defensive systems gone.
Sankt Georgen am Laengsee Sankt Sebastian parish church hl Sebastian 02122015 9333.jpg
Fortified church Sankt Stefan am Krappfeld Mölbling
Fortified church Church fortified in Turkish times; conquered by Hungary. Defense systems largely worn out.
St Stefan am Krappfeld by W.JPG
Herzogburg Sankt Veit Sankt Veit an der Glan
Castle built in the 13th century; expanded in the 16th century as a princely armory. partially preserved; partially inhabited.
Sankt Veit an der Glan Burggasse 9 Herzogsburg NO-View 14122016 5683.jpg
City fortifications Sankt Veit an der Glan Sankt Veit an der Glan
City fortifications City fortified since the early 13th century; "Today's" fortification dates largely from the 14th and 15th centuries. around 10 m high city wall around 1 km long preserved; Weir moat still partially visible; Basteiturm received.
St. Veit an der Glan - city fortifications - south side1.JPG
34817 67865 129086f1
Fortified church Sankt Walburgen Eberstein
Fortified church Gothic fortification. Defense wall demolished around 1900. Fixing gone.
Eberstein Sankt Walburgen parish church hl Walburga SW-view 11032014 022.jpg
Fortified Church of St. Wolfgang [218] Metnitz
Fortified church Attached in the 2nd half of the 15th century. Up to 7 m high defensive wall largely preserved
Wehrkirchhof St Wolfgang ob Grades O.jpg
Scharffenberg Gurktal Castle? mentioned around 1300; Already dilapidated at the beginning of the 18th century. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Schaumburg (Rhünacher Thurn) Frauenstein
Castle Romanesque castle from the 12th century, expanded in the 14th century, fell into disrepair early. Up to 6 m high wall remains preserved.
Frauenstein Schaumboden ruin Schaumburg 14092012 388.jpg
Schletterhof (Pandigorhof, Lindenbaumerhof) Sankt Veit an der Glan
grange called Pandigorhof in the 14th century; today's building erected in the 17th century (above the older core: walled round tower with loopholes). receive; inhabited.
St Veit St Donat Donatusweg 2 Schletterhof mansion 18102015 8143.jpg
Scharlitzerhof (Scherlitzerhof) Friesach
grange No
Wall system lock bolt Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Rampart early medieval Rampart
Altenmarkt lock bolt 03.jpg
Schmaritzenhof Strasbourg
grange small late medieval late Gothic fortification; redesigned during the renaissance period and decorated with graffiti (1586); Burned down in 2009. ruin
Schmaritzenhof 08.jpg
Schöttlhof (Schettelhof) Kappel am Krappfeld
grange erected in the 16th century. received several times rebuilt; inhabited. Schöttlhof, Krappfeld.jpg No
Gut Seebichl Frauenstein
grange mentioned from the beginning of the 17th century; also known as a castle. rebuilt, modernized; Replaced by a new building in the 2nd half of the 20th century. replaced by a new building EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Seebichl ramparts Frauenstein
Rampart prehistoric No
Sichelhof Guttaring
location Deinsberg 5
grange Deinsberg mentioned from 1121; the Sichelhof itself was only mentioned beyond doubt in the 17th century. inhabited (= successor building?) Deinsberg Church u Sichelhof.jpg No
Siebenaicherhof (Doktorhof) Frauenstein
location Siebenaich 1
grange The residence mentioned from the 12th century; hammer mill in the 17th century. inhabited (= successor building?) Siebeneich, Frauenstein.jpg No
Silberberg Castle Hüttenberg
Castle mentioned from 13th century; Inhabited at least until the end of the 17th century. ruin
Hüttenberg - Silberberg ruins2.JPG
Silberberg farmyard Hüttenberg
grange Late medieval farmyard, expanded to defend it during the Renaissance. in 1800 already in disrepair. expired No
Silberegg Castle Kappel am Krappfeld
Castle Mentioned in 1274; Built in 1292. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Silberegg Castle Kappel am Krappfeld
lock built in the 16th century; rebuilt several times. rebuilt, well preserved; inhabited.
Silberegg - Castle.JPG
Fortified church in Sörg Liebenfels
Fortified church late Gothic fortifications around the church and defense tower. Fastening partially preserved.
Liebenfels Soerg Church 19042007 02.jpg
Pointed meadows German handles
Rampart mighty moats and ramparts protect the triangular plateau from the southwest; also protected to the northeast by two moats.
Wall system Spitzwiesen 04.jpg
Stadelhof Palace (Stadlhof, Pach) Sankt Veit an der Glan
lock Manor from the end of the 16th century; expanded into a castle in the second half of the 18th century. preserved, inhabited.
Sankt Donat Stadlhof Castle 18102006 03.jpg
Stadelhof ramparts (Türkenschanze) Sankt Veit an der Glan
Rampart Bronze Age fortification. Wall system recognizable
Stadlhof ramparts.jpg
Stammersdorf Frauenstein
approx. Location?
Castle? Megiser mentioned an extinct knight family Czemerstorffer on the Stainpuchuel. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Staudachhof (in Metnitztal) (Gut Weilern) Friesach
grange Well called Weilern (Wilar) from the beginning of the 12th century. today's building built in the 2nd half of the 16th century. receive; used as a residential building.
Staudachhof - Gut Weilern.JPG
Staudachhof (Staudacherhof, Staudahof, Mannhof, Hof Übersberg) Guttaring
grange built in the 16th century. receive; inhabited. Staudachhof Guttaring 02.jpg No
Steinbichl (Steinpüchl) Frauenstein
approx. Location?
lock mentioned in the 13th century. lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Stone bridge slab Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Festivals fortified storage area, with wall; Hardly datable fragments (2nd-9th centuries?). Plateau naturally protected on three sides by a steep drop; delimited on the east side by a moat or wall. Steinbrücken-Platte.jpg No
Stögerhof (Stegerhof) Metnitz
grange essentially medieval building; former nobleman seat. received rebuilt.
Zwatzhof Nr4.jpg
Stranighof (Stranghof) Liebenfels
grange former Meierhof of Hardegg Castle? heavily rebuilt. Stranghof Zweikirchen.jpg No
Strasbourg Castle Strasbourg
Castle (former castle) Castle built in the 12th century; expanded several times. In the 17th century it was expanded into a baroque palace, but it fell into disrepair from the middle of the 18th century. Rebuilt in the 2nd half of the 20th century. largely restored; Visit possible.
Strasbourg Castle 2017 12.jpg
City fortifications of Strasbourg Strasbourg
City fortifications around 1200 the city was fortified with walls (with 5 towers); Reinforced walls in the 16th century. Parts of the city wall preserved; a former defense tower integrated into the Gasthaus Koller.
Strasbourg (Carinthia) - City Walls.JPG
23749 68207f1
Süßenstein Castle Hüttenberg
Castle Destroyed in 1297; rebuilt. rebuilt several times, used for agriculture in the last few centuries, now in disrepair
Castle builder Zosen 25 01.jpg
Süßenstein Castle Hüttenberg
Castle (former castle) Gothic core; expanded in the 17th century; renovated and expanded in the 1970s. modernized rebuilt received; inhabited. Süßenstein Castle, Hüttenberg.JPG 104528f1
Taggenbrunn Castle Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Castle Castle built in the early 12th century; expanded around 1500. Decay from the 18th century. in reconstruction
Taggenbrunn by W.JPG
Taggenbrunn manor house Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Mansion Manor house built in the 2nd half of the 19th century. (In this area, already abandoned mansion from the 16th century with partly preserved farm buildings.) preserved, inhabited.
Taggenbrunn manor house by N 01.JPG
Tanzenberg Castle (Weißenstein) German handles
approx. location
fabulous castle Mentioned 13th century. lost. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Tanzenberg Castle Sankt Veit an der Glan
Castle (former castle) Castle from the 13th / 14th centuries Century expanded to a castle; rebuilt into a huge renaissance castle in the 16th century. Decay in the 19th century; from 1898 reconstruction / conversion as a monastery. rebuilt; used as a school building.
Sankt Veit an der Glan Tanzenberg arcade courtyard of the castle 22062012 377 DxO.jpg
Gut Teichental Glödnitz
approx. location
grange mentioned around 1400. got lost. EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Thurnhof Palace (Thurn, Pregern, Prägrad) Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
lock a residence here since the 12th century. Construction of the castle in the 16th century, including a fortified tower from the 14th century; somewhat redesigned in the 18th century. well preserved, inhabited.
Weitensfeld Zweinitz Thurnhof Castle 11042016 3015.jpg
New Thurnhof Palace Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Castle / mansion in the 17th century renaissance castle next to the "old" Thurnhof Castle. got lost; from 1995 replaced by a new building. dealt with / new building based on the old illustration.
Zweinitz Thurnhof Castle 26112006 03.jpg
Thurnhof (in Micheldorf) Micheldorf
tower Mentioned around 1250 and in the 16th century tower. Later it was converted into a trade headquarters, then converted into a school. When the building was partially demolished in 2015, the 13th century core was discovered. received rebuilt.
Thurnhof Micheldorf 02.jpg
Töscheldorf Castle Althofen
lock Manor from the 14th century. today's castle built in the 17th century as a trade center. receive; used as a school.
Töscheldorf Castle south side.jpg
Treibach Castle Althofen
lock built in the 17th century as a trade center; largely rebuilt / modernized in the 19th century. preserved; used as a management building (Treibacher Industrie). No
Triebenberg Castle (Trübenberg), tower near the Teuchl, Metnitz tower Metnitz
Castle Destroyed in 1302; rebuilt; ruin in the 17th century. small remains of the wall preserved; Calvary No
northern Türkenschanze Glödnitz
Rampart Wall system visible
Türkenschanze Glödnitz 13.jpg
Übersberg Castle Guttaring
Castle Mentioned 14th to early 16th century. minor ruins preserved. (also possible: was the St. Gertruds Church in the north the former castle chapel with fortifications?) Übersberg Guttaring ruins.jpg No
Plateau near Untermühlbach Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Attachment? fortified plateau? No
Propsteiburg Virgilienberg Friesach
Propsteiburg built around 1200. minor ruins preserved.
Friesach church ruins Virgilienberg west view 04092017 0753.jpg
Wall system at Voitsch Klein Sankt Paul
Rampart two distinctive but strongly overgrown trenches.
Wall system at Mösel 05.jpg
Maria Waitschach fortified church Guttaring
Fortified church Church built with fortifications in the 15th century. in the 19th century the gate tower and defensive wall largely demolished. in the north part of the approx. 3.5 m high defensive wall with loopholes has been preserved. Fortified door leaves with shooting holes on the north portal and on the Karner. Wooden bay window with cast holes in the choir.
Guttaring Waitschach Parish Church Our Lady and Karner N-View 21032017 6830.jpg
Walischhof (Wällischhof) Kappel am Krappfeld
grange got lost EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Wappenberg ramparts Kappel am Krappfeld
Rampart Wall system clearly recognizable
Wappenberg Wallanlage 03.jpg
Weitensfeld fortified church Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Fortified church In the 16th century fortifications (defensive wall, defensive tower) were built around the church. Defense tower and parts of the wall preserved
Weitensfeld Wehrkirchhof Karner and parish church hl.  John the Evangelist 27032017 6994.jpg
Welsbach Castle Mölbling
lock Late historic castle built in 1898 for Carl Auer-Welsbach. receive; inhabited.
Moelbling Rastenfeld Castle Welsbach 2012-10-18 CLX.jpg
Weyer Castle (Wayer) Sankt Veit an der Glan
lock evidence of an estate since the 14th century; expanded in the second half of the 16th century to a renaissance castle with drawbridge and moat. receive; inhabited.
Sankt Veit Wayer Strasse 19 Weyer Castle West view 14122016 5614.jpg
Wieting ministerial headquarters (Propsthof?) Klein Sankt Paul
Raised hide Headquarters of the Salzburg Ministerial. possibly absorbed in the provost yard built in the 15th century? abandoned (according to Wiessner possibly core of the Propsthof)
Wieting - Amtswirschafthaus.jpg
Wieting Abbey (Propstei) Klein Sankt Paul
Military pen Defense post with moat; burned down by Hungary in the 15th century; rebuilt in baroque style. greatly changed; Defensive systems gone.
Klein Sankt Paul Wieting Propstei 02072012 022.jpg
Wimitzstein (Kumitschhof, Thurn) Frauenstein
tower Gothic residential tower; named early 16th century; Manor / trade headquarters; Decline; 1928 reconstruction. restored; inhabited
Frauenstein Wimitzstein 1 Castle 21102018 5085.jpg
Wörnhof Castle (Wernhof) Mölbling
lock Mentioned as a trade headquarters from 1590. Abandoned after 1945. expired No
Wuchererschlössl (Drasendorf Castle, Gut Grub) Sankt Georgen am Längsee
grange ministerial seat in the 13th century; Tower construction in the 15th / 16th Century rebuilt more homely; in the 16th century a hook-shaped wing was added. receive; used as a farm.
Wucherschlössl Drasendorf.jpg
Wullross Castle (Wuldrieß) Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Castle First mentioned around 1200, used until the 16th century. Ruin: Remains of a tower and the chapel can be seen
Weitensfeld Wullross castle ruins north view 17042016 1495.jpg
Wullross Castle Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
lock castle built in the 15th, expansion in the 16th century; destroyed by fire in 1818. minor ruin 18436f1
Wurz (Zagratz) Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Attachment fabulous castle stable; Mentioned as Zagratz at the beginning of the 14th century . 1995 archaeologically examined. Remnants of the wall demolished in the 1930s to use the stones for the construction of a barn. distinctive trenches preserved
Ovens Steindorf 02.jpg
Zammelsberg fortified church Weitensfeld in the Gurktal
Fortified church At the end of the 15th century a defensive wall with a defensive tower was built around the church. Defense tower preserved
Weitensfeld Zammelsberg military cemetery with parish church St. Georg 19072017 0196.jpg
Zeltschach Castle Friesach
approx. location
Castle presumably an important Romanesque fortification (ancestral castle of the Zeltschachers?); late Gothic converted into a rectory. received completely rebuilt; Rectory.
Parsonage Zeltschach by W.jpg
Zeltschach tower (barren castle, Thurnhof, tower builder) Friesach
Festivals Called the "tower" from the end of the 13th to the end of the 14th century. Renaissance renovation after the decline. completely rebuilt preserved (farm, medieval core); inhabited. No
Zempnikhof (Schoberhof) Liebenfels
grange mentioned in the 17th century. preserved; inhabited. Schoberhof.JPG No
Zennegenhof Sankt Veit an der Glan
grange named from 1603. canceled (demolished in 2004). EheObjektDenkmal.svg No
Zennegerhof (Rohrbacherhof) Friesach
grange baroque building. receive; inhabited. No
Zosenegg (Lattachhof, Höfl) Hüttenberg
grange Late Gothic / Early Renaissance residence; was the seat of a trade family ennobled in 1604. receive; inhabited
Lattachhof Zosen 01.JPG


  • Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified sites. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973.


  1. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 6.
  2. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 15-16.
  3. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 15-16.
  4. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 26-27.
  5. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 17ff.
  6. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 7-9.
  7. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 9-12.
  8. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 9-12.
  9. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 12.
  10. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. P. 12, 139.
  11. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 84.
  12. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 20.
  13. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 22.
  14. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 24.
  15. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. pp. 134–135.
  16. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 138.
  17. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 24.
  18. The description of the plateau fits the given coordinates better - where the name Brenitz is also entered in the Franziszeischen cadastre - than to the north-east lying Brenitzberg. However, apart from the Türkenschanze on the eastern edge of the plateau, there are no more traces of fortification to be seen.
  19. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 25.
  20. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 29ff.
  21. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 25.
  22. ↑ In the 20th century, the castle was believed by some to be on the top of the hill on which Pöckstein Castle is located; so southeast of Pöckstein. However, according to descriptions from the 19th century, the remains of the now-lost castle “west of Zwischenwässern” (J. Wagner, V. Hartmann: Der Führer durch Kärnten, Klagenfurt 1861, p. 172) could still be seen. This also agrees with the place name still used there today.
  23. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 110-111.
  24. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Publishing house of the History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. p. 138.
  25. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 30.
  26. The coordinates refer to the Dachberg settlement; There are no more precise indications for the location.
  27. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. pp. 138–140.
  28. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 15.
  29. It is usually assumed that the castle was near the Deinsberg church, perhaps in the area of ​​the Sichelhof.
  30. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 33.
  31. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 32.
  32. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 34–36.
  33. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 32f.
  34. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 33.
  35. Coordinates point to the Turner farm, which is probably derived from the tower. According to legend, there was a castle in this area. (Katrin Ortner: The settlement and field names of the municipality of Deutsch-Griffen in the Gurktal. Vienna, 2009.)
  36. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 35.
  37. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 389.
  38. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 16-17.
  39. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 36.
  40. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 18-22.
  41. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 18-22.
  42. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 20-21.
  43. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 86-87.
  44. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 22.
  45. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 22-23.
  46. Kohla called the noblemen's seat as "worn out", "near Eberstein." But the farm is marked in the Franziszeischen Cadastre at Klein Sankt Paul and is still essentially present today, also mentioned in the Dehio.
  47. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 23-25.
  48. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 23-25.
  49. There are also traces of another building on a hill almost 200 m northwest of the ruins of the double castle - not described in the literature.
  50. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 23-25.
  51. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 28.
  52. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 34.
  53. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 30.
  54. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 394.
  55. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. pp. 136–137.
  56. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 65-66.
  57. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 36-37.
  58. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 37-38.
  59. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 111.
  60. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 395.
  61. The courtyard that Kohla describes as "not yet identified" can probably be equated with the Gleinerhof , which is marked as a mighty stone building in the Franziszeischen cadastre at the given coordinates .
  62. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 69-71.
  63. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 55f.
  64. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 38.
  65. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 39.
  66. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 39.
  67. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 40-41.
  68. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 41-42.
  69. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 42.
  70. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 88.
  71. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 89.
  72. a b c The summit plateau has been artificially straightened, but is not mentioned in the literature.
  73. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 90.
  74. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 44.
  75. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 45.
  76. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 45-49.
  77. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 7f4f.
  78. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 45-49.
  79. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 43.
  80. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 49-51.
  81. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 76ff.
  82. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 51.
  83. according to Joseph Mitterdorfer ( The old county of Friesach and Zeltschach in Carinthia. Carinthia, October 4, 1817) "northwest, about 100 paces above today's monastery building, on Antonibichl".
  84. ^ Joseph Mitterdorfer: The old county of Friesach and Zeltschach in Carinthia. Carinthia, October 4, 1817.
  85. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 51-53.
  86. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 52-53.
  87. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 53.
  88. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 115.
  89. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. pp. 131–133.
  90. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 54.
  91. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 103-105.
  92. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 80ff.
  93. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 54-60.
  94. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 59.
  95. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 59.
  96. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 60-61.
  97. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 103-104.
  98. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 61.
  99. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 62.
  100. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 62-65.
  101. Kiesenbrein was undisputedly in the Görtschitztal, not far from Eberstein. Kohla called Kiesenbrein lost, but a comparison of the surviving remains of Niederhornburg with Pernhart's drawing of Kiesenbrein shows that the two names are equated.
  102. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 65.
  103. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 138-139.
  104. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 65-66.
  105. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 120–122.
  106. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 89f.
  107. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 68-70.
  108. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 68-70.
  109. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 70-71.
  110. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 71.
  111. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 71-72.
  112. ^ Gustav Adolf von Metnitz: Nobility and bourgeoisie in Carinthia. in Carinthia I , vol. 158, 1968. p. 618.
  113. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 72-73.
  114. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 100ff.
  115. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 72-74.
  116. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 72-73.
  117. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 74.
  118. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 169.
  119. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 169–170.
  120. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 75.
  121. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 172–173.
  122. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 173.
  123. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 175–176.
  124. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 179.
  125. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 110f.
  126. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 32-33.
  127. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 34.
  128. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 75.
  129. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 111f.
  130. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 76-78.
  131. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 138–140.
  132. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 112f.
  133. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 78-79.
  134. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 78-79.
  135. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 113f.
  136. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 408.
  137. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 192–193.
  138. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 79-80.
  139. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 80.
  140. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 193–194.
  141. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 196–198.
  142. not mentioned in literature.
  143. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 82-84.
  144. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 81.
  145. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 151–152.
  146. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 86.
  147. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 211.
  148. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 212.
  149. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 8f.
  150. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 156–157.
  151. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 9.
  152. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 87.
  153. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 225.
  154. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 225.
  155. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 87-89.
  156. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 89.
  157. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 89-91.
  158. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 90-92.
  159. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 92.
  160. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. pp. 13f.
  161. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 92.
  162. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 235.
  163. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 235.
  164. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 238.
  165. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 30-32.
  166. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 92-93.
  167. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 12-13.
  168. ^ Stefan Eichert: An archaeological search for traces in the municipality of Weitensfeld , in: Weitensfeld, a market town in the heart of the Gurktal. Klagenfurt 2008.
  169. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 245.
  170. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 23.
  171. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 94.
  172. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 414.
  173. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. pp. 137-138.
  174. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 22–23.
  175. Identification of the castle ruins visible at this point is not undisputed: some suspect that it is Rabenstein Castle and therefore consider Pöckstein Castle to be lost (according to Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Burgen und Schlösser um Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2 . Erw. Aufl., 1977. pp. 13, 96-97).
  176. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 13-14.
  177. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 95-96.
  178. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 253.
  179. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 95.
  180. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 95.
  181. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 34.
  182. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 95.
  183. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 96.
  184. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. p. 24ff.
  185. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 125.
  186. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 259.
  187. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 97.
  188. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 97.
  189. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 133-134.
  190. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 97-98.
  191. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 417.
  192. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 98-99.
  193. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 28.
  194. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 99.
  195. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 99-100.
  196. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 265, 279, 417.
  197. noted on maps in the 17th century south-southeast of Hochosterwitz; this location is also supported by the local farm name Radbauer .
  198. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 100-101.
  199. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 33, 35.
  200. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 36.
  201. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 53–54.
  202. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 102-103.
  203. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 101-102.
  204. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 159.
  205. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 161.
  206. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 104-105.
  207. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 210.
  208. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 237.
  209. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 105-106.
  210. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 289.
  211. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 60.
  212. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 302.
  213. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 60.
  214. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 110.
  215. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 108-110.
  216. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 353.
  217. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. pp. 68f.
  218. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 42.
  219. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Carinthia II. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1972. p. 70ff.
  220. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 420–421.
  221. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 111-112.
  222. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 112-113.
  223. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 421.
  224. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 113-114.
  225. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 114.
  226. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 114.
  227. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 290.
  228. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 15.
  229. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 114-115.
  230. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 115-117.
  231. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 117.
  232. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 117.
  233. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 117-118. (wrongly equated with Wällischhof there )
  234. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 227–229.
  235. Nicodemus Löffelmann: In search of castle ruins and ramparts in the north of the Sankt Veit an der Glan district. in: Carinthia I. Journal for historical regional studies of Carinthia. Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 209th year, 2019. pp. 129–131.
  236. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 118-120.
  237. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 300.
  238. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 425.
  239. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 134-135.
  240. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 119-120.
  241. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 308, 425.
  242. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 307.
  243. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 120.
  244. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 120.
  245. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 127.
  246. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 124.
  247. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 67.
  248. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 68.
  249. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 125-127.
  250. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 127.
  251. on ÖK 1: 50,000 with a lock symbol
  252. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 318, 426.
  253. In the middle of the 19th century traces were still visible.
  254. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 127-130.
  255. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 320.
  256. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 130-131.
  257. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 131.
  258. Werner Sabitzer: Thurnhof Castle: Jewel of the Gurktal , on
  259. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 87.
  260. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 131-132.
  261. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 132.
  262. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably ed., History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 211–212.
  263. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 334.
  264. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 133.
  265. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probably edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 348.
  266. Not mentioned in the literature.
  267. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 253-257.
  268. ^ Karl Kafka: Wehrkirchen Kärnten I. Birken-Verlag, Vienna. 1971. pp. 133ff.
  269. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 356.
  270. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. pp. 356–357.
  271. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 258–260.
  272. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 135.
  273. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 135-137.
  274. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 137.
  275. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 137.
  276. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 137-138.
  277. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 138.
  278. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 17-18.
  279. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 138-140.
  280. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 140.
  281. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd probable edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 376.
  282. Stefan Eichert: An archaeological search for traces in the municipality of Weitensfeld , in: Weitensfeld, a market town in the heart of the Gurktal , Klagenfurt 2008.
  283. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: The district of St. Veit an der Glan. His works of art, historical forms of life and settlement. (= Volume VIII of: Österreichische Kunstmonographie. ) St. Peter, Salzburg, 1977. pp. 267–269.
  284. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 54, 141.
  285. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 141.
  286. ^ Franz X. Kohla: Carinthia's castles, palaces, residences and well-fortified places. A contribution to the topography of the settlement. 2nd presumed edition, History Association for Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1973. p. 379.
  287. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. p. 111.
  288. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 43-44.
  289. ^ Hermann Wiessner, Gerhard Seebach: Castles and palaces around Friesach, St. Veit, Wolfsberg. Birken-Verlag, Vienna, 2nd ext. Ed., 1977. pp. 141-142.