List of personalities of the city of Gütersloh

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Coat of arms of the city of Gütersloh

This list includes people who were born in the German city of Gütersloh or who have a special relationship with this city. The honorary citizens are recorded in the list of honorary citizens of Gütersloh .

sons and daughters of the town

Born in Gütersloh:

image Year of birth Surname Year of death job
1791 Carl Bertelsmann 1850 Printer and publisher
1792 Franz Ludwig Jörgens 1842 Protestant preacher and hymn poet
Fr-Wilh-Stohlmann.jpg 1803 Friedrich Wilhelm Stohlmann 1886 Doctor, local politician and meteorologist
Otto Lüning.jpg 1818 Otto Lüning 1868 Social politician, journalist and doctor for the poor
Carl-Zumwinkel-y.jpg 1821 Carl Zumwinkel 1913 doctor
Adolphbermpohl.jpg 1833 Adolph Bermpohl 1887 Navigation instructor and initiator of the organized sea rescue service
Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen.jpg 1833 Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen 1910 pathologist
1836 Peter Heinrich Brincker 1904 Missionary in German South West Africa
Johann Hermann Jäger.tif 1845 Johann Hermann Hunter 1920 Photographer and bookbinder
Dr Hans Schöttler.JPG 1861 Hans Schöttler 1945 Protestant clergyman
August-Hermann-Franke.jpg 1853 August Hermann Franke 1891 Theologian and hymn poet
1862 Theodor Rumpel 1923 surgeon
1872 Willy Ruhenstroth 1957 Entrepreneur ("Wirus")
1883 Heinrich Jacob Feuerborn 1979 zoologist
Federal Archives Image 183-H30223, Ludwig Müller.jpg 1883 Ludwig Muller 1945 Reich Bishop (1933–1945)
Fritz-Steinhaus.jpg 1883 Fritz Steinhaus 1937 writer
Johannes-Mohn-Familie.jpg 1885 Heinrich Mohn 1955 publisher
Westerfroelke.jpg 1886 Paul Westerfrölke 1975 Landscape painter and ornithologist
1887 Otto Feuerborn 1965 Forester and district administrator
1894 Burghard Vossen 1981 Textile manufacturer
1895 Paul Schürmann 1941 Tuberculosis researcher
Wilhelm Viertmann.jpg 1909 Wilhelm Viertmann 1943 Lutheran theologian
Reinhard Mohn Portrait 2008.jpg 1921 Reinhard Mohn 2009 Entrepreneur
1925 Wilhelm Varnholt 1983 Politician (SPD)
1925 Gerhard Boeden 2010 President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (1987–1991)
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F008277-0008, Cologne, Schloss Brühl, master classes in music.jpg 1926 Hans Werner Henze 2012 composer
1926 Friedrich Deinhardt 1992 Microbiologist and virologist
1926 Kurt-Christian Bull 2016 Violinist and concert master
1929 Rudolf Miele 2004 Entrepreneur
1930 Paul Consbruch 2012 Auxiliary bishop
1935 Werner Gehring Entrepreneur
1937 Axel Hinrich Murken Medical and art historian
1937 Georg Michael Gausling Glass artist
Hilbertz wiki01 447.jpg 1938 Wolf Hilbertz 2007 Architect, inventor and marine scientist
1938 Horst Tappe 2005 photographer
1941 Fritz Gottenströter one of the first two sailors of the Little Mecatina River in Canada
1942 Helmut Heine Industrial clerk and cultural sponsor
1943 Jürgen Hunke Entrepreneur, author, politician and football official
Hermann Korfmacher.jpg 1943 Hermann Korfmacher Football official
1946 Günter Eichberg Football official
1946 Holger Bertrand Flöttmann Neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist
1946 Rolf Theiss one of the first two sailors of the Little Mecatina River in Canada
1949 Hajo Banzhaf 2009 Author and tarot expert
1951 Heinrich-Wilhelm Johannsmann Show jumper
Guntram Schneider DGB.jpg 1951 Guntram Schneider 2020 Minister for Labor, Integration and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
1953 Joachim Thalmann Musicologist
1954 Reinhard Becker Graphic designer, publisher and author
Rainer Wend 2012.jpg 1954 Rainer Wend Politician (SPD)
Heinz-Günter Bongartz.jpg 1955 Heinz-Günter Bongartz Auxiliary Bishop in Hildesheim
1955 George Kochbeck Rock and fusion musician, film composer
1959 Reinhard Zinkann Entrepreneur (Miele)
BirgitLechtermann.jpg 1960 Birgit Lechtermann TV presenter
1960 Silke-Thora Matthies Pianist and university rector
Bettina Schmidt-Czaia, Historical Archive of the City of Cologne 2012 - 02.jpg 1960 Bettina Schmidt-Czaia Historian and archivist
Claudia Bernhard-4714.jpg 1961 Claudia Bernhard Politician (Die Linke), Member of the Bundestag
1961 Peter Kreutz pianist
1963 Claus Grabke Skateboarders, musicians
1963 Martin Scholz journalist
1965 Constanza Droop Children's book illustrator ("Felix")
1965 Konstantin Graudus actor
1965 Martin Kollenberg Soccer player
1966 or 1967 Brigitte Büscher Journalist
1966 Frank Hoffmann Media manager
1967 Sven Authorsen Figure skater
1967 Hendrik Thoma Sommelier and author
1968 Markus Miele Entrepreneur
1968 Andreas Mohn Author and founder
1968 Uwe Westermann Soccer player
1969 Oliver Piper actor
1970 Jörg Sundermeier publisher
1971 Sascha Demand Musician
1971 Thilo Gosejohann Director
1975 Diana Amft actress
1975 Micha-El Goehre Book author, musician and poetry slammer
1976 Thorsten Drücker Classical guitarist and composer
Simon Gosejohann - Jetix-Award - YOU 2008 Berlin (6855) .jpg 1976 Simon Gosejohann Actor, presenter and comedian
1976 Marco Hagemann Sports commentator
1976 Sandra S. Leonhard actress
1979 Dennis Koeckstadt pianist
Alice Weidel 80-16.jpg 1979 Alice Weidel Management consultant and politician (AfD)
2014-09-10 - Christina Kampmann Member of the Bundestag - 7327.jpg 1980 Christina Kampmann Politician (SPD)
Stuckmann.JPG 1981 Thorsten Stuckmann Soccer player
Laas UNLTD (15) .JPG 1981 Laas Unltd. rapper
Anna-Maria Zimmermann at an appearance in Upper Bavaria by Zeno Bresson.jpg 1988 Anna-Maria Zimmermann singer
1988 MaKss Damage Rapper and Neo-Nazi
1990 Maximilian Oesterhelweg Soccer player
Hunter Annabel 121121 f18 Sverige-Tyskland 0-4 3624.jpg 1994 Annabel Hunter Soccer player
1994 Patrick Mainka Soccer player
1996 Patrick Choroba Soccer player
2000 Vivien Sczesny actress

Other personalities

Not born in Gütersloh, but who work or have worked in the city are:

Year of birth Surname Year of death job Relation to Gütersloh
1941 Erhard Ahmann 2005 Soccer player lived in Gütersloh
1900 Heinz Beck 1981 painter lived in Gütersloh
1970 Oliver Beerhenke Comedian lives in Gütersloh
1949 Klaus Brandner MP, member of the board of the SPD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag 1998 to 2007 1st authorized representative of IG Metall Gütersloh
1981 Wibke brake MdL lives in Gütersloh
1912 Matthias Büchel 1999 Singer and conductor was the head of the municipal music association Gütersloh and municipal music director
1984 Josef Çınar Soccer player grew up in Gütersloh
1933 Klaus Dörner psychiatrist was the medical director of the Westphalian Clinic
1912 Martin Eichler 1992 mathematician was a boarding school student in Gütersloh from 1923 to 1930
1807 Friedrich Hermann Eickhoff 1886 Teacher and organist lived in Gütersloh from 1829
1805 Friedrich David Groneweg 1886 Politician was head of the city council
1909 Wilhelm Hahn 1996 Protestant theologian and Minister of Culture of Baden-Württemberg was a student at the Evangelisch Stiftisches Gymnasium
1902 Martin Harlinghausen 1986 Officer, member of the Condor Legion, Lieutenant General of the Air Force died in Gütersloh
1926 Carl Theodor Hütterott composer was a music teacher at the ESG in Gütersloh, composed a. a. two Gütersloh musicals
1939 Jürgen Jentsch Politician was a member of the city council from 1975 to 2004, and from 1985 to 2005 a member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia
1905 Karl John 1977 actor died in Gütersloh
1959 Rolf Kalb Sports journalist lives in Gütersloh
1846 Jan Karafiát 1929 Pastor and writer was a student at the Evangelisch Stiftisches Gymnasium
1925 Manfred Köhnlechner 2002 Manager and naturopath was General Manager of the Bertelsmann Group (1957 to 1970)
1984 Thiemo Kraas Composer and conductor lives in Gütersloh, head of the youth music corps Avenwedde
1931 Hermann Kreutz Church musician in Gütersloh 1956–1990, church music director, conductor of the Bach choir
1856 Johannes Kuhlo 1941 "Trombone Choir Pioneer" initiated the high school trombone choir Gütersloh
1918 Dieter Mauritz 1988 Table tennis player and official worked as a lawyer in Gütersloh
1890 Artur Mahraun 1950 "Grand Master" of the Young German Order lived and died in Gütersloh
1835 August Meyer 1908 Mediciners opened a practice in Gütersloh in 1863
1953 Thomas Middelhoff Manager from 1986 to 2002 at Bertelsmann
1869 Carl Miele 1938 Entrepreneur Founder of Miele , relocated the company to Gütersloh
1941 Liz Poppy Entrepreneur lives in Gütersloh
1934 Hans-Dieter Musch Journalist and author Gütersloh chronicler, inventor of the "Gütersloher Fuhrmann" and the "Gütersloh ham market"
1871 Gottlieb Redecker 1945 Civil engineer died in Gütersloh
1888 Gerhard Ritter 1967 historian attended the Evangelisch Stiftisches Gymnasium
1970 Uwe Rosenberg Game designer has lived in Gütersloh since January 2006
1965 Stephan Rürup Cartoonist graduated from the ESG in 1985, did community service in the Hermann-Geibel-Haus
1859 August Schatzlein 1930 Teacher, homeland researcher directed the Catholic community school in Gütersloh
1924 Hans Richard Schittny 2009 Pharmacist, author lived in Gütersloh
1867 Hermann Simon 1947 psychiatrist Headed the Provincial Sanatorium and Nursing Home in Gütersloh
1952 Lena Strothmann Member of the Bundestag and President of the Chamber of Crafts Ostwestfalen-Lippe zu Bielefeld runs a fashion studio in Gütersloh-Isselhorst (Kleegräfe and Strothmann "Die Couturiers").
1947 Karin Struck 2006 Writer lived in Gütersloh for a few years
1942 Gunter Thielen Manager Chairman of the Executive Board of the Bertelsmann Foundation
1796 Johann H. Volkening 1877 theologian worked as a pastor in Gütersloh from 1827 to 1838
1966 Oliver Welke Comedian graduated from ESG in 1985 and worked at Westfalen-Blatt in Gütersloh from 1987 to 1994
1901 Otto Winkelstrater 1955 painter lived and worked in Gütersloh between 1934 and 1946
1914 Walter Th. Winkler 1984 psychiatrist headed the Gütersloh State Hospital in the 1960s
1902 Woldemar Winkler 2004 Painter and sculptor lived in Niehorst for several decades
1938 Mark Woessner Manager from 1968 to 2000 at Bertelsmann

Coordinates: 51 ° 54 ′ 22.4 "  N , 8 ° 23 ′ 32.5"  E