Altai region

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Subject of the Russian Federation
Altai region
Алтайский край
flag coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Siberia
surface 167,996  km²
population 2,419,755 inhabitants
(as of October 14, 2010)
Population density 14 inhabitants / km²
Administrative center Barnaul
Official language Russian
Russians (92.0%)
Germans (3.0%)
Ukrainians (2.0%)
(as of 2002)
governor Viktor Tomenko
Founded September 28, 1937
Time zone UTC + 7
Telephone prefixes (+7) 385xx
Postcodes 656000-659999
License Plate 22nd
ISO 3166-2 RU-ALT
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About this picture

Coordinates: 52 ° 30 '  N , 82 ° 30'  E

The Altai region ( Russian Алтайский край Altaiski krai ) - not to be confused with the smaller, autonomous Altai Republic in the southeast - is an administrative region ( krai ) in Russia .


The region is located in southern Siberia on the upper reaches of the Ob . It borders on Kazakhstan in the south and the Altai Republic in the southeast . It encompasses the western foothills of the Altai Mountains and extends to the west into the West Siberian lowlands .


The history of Russian settlement in the region began in the second half of the 17th century. The Russians make up the vast majority of the population today. The German National Circle of Halbstadt was founded in 1991 in the Kulunda steppe, near the border with Kazakhstan, to offer the predominantly German population there an alternative to emigrating to Germany. Today, however, most of the Russian Germans, whose ancestors had founded several German settlements here around 1900 or were forcibly resettled from the Volga regions during the Second World War , emigrated from the National District to Germany. They were only partially replaced by resettlers of German origin, most of whom no longer speak German, from other regions of the former Soviet Union.


There are numerous mineral resources such as lead, iron ore and manganese in the region. Important branches of industry are metal processing, the chemical and the food industry. Attempts are being made to give tourism in the region a higher priority.

Administrative divisions and cities

The Altai region is divided into 60 Rajons and 12 cities or urban-type settlements directly subordinate to the regional administration .

The administrative center is Barnaul , other large cities are Bijsk and Rubzowsk . The historical mining center of Smeinogorsk and the spa town of Belokuricha are also well-known nationwide . There are a total of twelve cities and six urban-type settlements in the region .

Area administration building in Barnaul
Biggest cities
Surname Russian Residents
(October 14, 2010)
Barnaul Барнаул 612.401
Biysk Бийск 210.115
Rubtsovsk Рубцовск 147.002
Novoaltaysk Новоалтайск 70,437
Sarinsk Заринск 48,461
Came on the Ob Камень-на-Оби 43,888
Slavgorod Славгород 32,389

Web links

Commons : Altai Region  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Administrativno-territorialʹnoe delenie po subʺektam Rossijskoj Federacii na 1 janvarja 2010 goda (administrative-territorial division according to subjects of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2010). ( Download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. a b Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)