Arrondissement of Saumur

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Arrondissement of Saumur
region Pays de la Loire
Department Maine-et-Loire
Sub-prefecture Saumur
Residents 134,943 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 69 inhabitants / km²
surface 1,967.91 km²
Communities 52
INSEE code 493

Location of the Saumur arrondissement in the Maine-et-Loire department

The Arrondissement Saumur is an administrative unit of the Maine-et-Loire department in the French region of Pays de la Loire . Saumur is the sub-prefecture .

It comprises 52 municipalities from five cantons .



The municipalities of the Arrondissement of Angers are:

1. Allonnes (49002) 2. Antoigné (49009) 3. Artannes-sur-Thouet (49011) 4. Baugé-en-Anjou (49018)
5. Beaufort-en-Anjou (49021) 6. Bellevigne-les-Châteaux (49060) 7. Blou (49030) 8. Brain-sur-Allonnes (49041)
9. Brossay (49053) 10. Cizay-la-Madeleine (49100) 11. Courchamps (49113) 12. Courléon (49114)
13. Dénezé-sous-Doué (49121) 14. Distré (49123) 15. Doué-en-Anjou (49125) 16. Épieds (49131)
17. Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49140) 18. Gennes-Val-de-Loire (49261) 19. La Breille-les-Pins (49045) 20. La Lande-Chasles (49171)
21. La Ménitré (49201) 22. La Pellerine (49237) 23. Le Coudray-Macouard (49112) 24. Le Puy-Notre-Dame (49253)
25. Les Bois d'Anjou (49138) 26. Les Ulmes (49359) 27. Longué-Jumelles (49180) 28. Louresse-Rochemenier (49182)
29. Mazé-Milon (49194) 30. Montreuil-Bellay (49215) 31. Montsoreau (49219) 32. Mouliherne (49221)
33. Neuillé (49224) 34. Noyant-Villages (49228) 35. Parnay (49235) 36. Rou-Marson (49262)
37. Saint-Clément-des-Levées (49272) 38. Saint-Just-sur-Dive (49291) 39. Saint-Macaire-du-Bois (49302) 40. Saint-Philbert-du-Peuple (49311)
41. Saumur (49328) 42. Souzay-Champigny (49341) 43. Tuffalun (49003) 44. Turquant (49358)
45. Varennes-sur-Loire (49361) 46. Varrains (49362) 47. Vaudelnay (49364) 48. Vernantes (49368)
49. Vernoil-le-Fourrier (49369) 50. Verrie (49370) 51. Villebernier (49374) 52. Vivy (49378)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

The reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017 made the Saumur arrondissement the area of ​​the two former municipalities Chemellier and Coutures the Arrondissement Angers and the area of ​​the nine municipalities Cernusson , Cléré-sur-Layon , Coron , La Plaine , Lys-Haut-Layon , Montilliers , Passavant-sur-Layon , Saint-Paul-du-Bois and Somloire as well as the area of ​​the former commune of La Salle-de-Vihiers assigned to the Arrondissement of Cholet .

Instead, the area of ​​the four municipalities of Beaufort-en-Anjou , La Ménitré , Les Bois d'Anjou and Mazé-Milon changed from the Arrondissement of Angers to the Arrondissement of Saumur.

Former parishes since the nationwide reorganization of the arrondissements

until 2018: Chacé , Brézé , Saint-Cyr-en-Bourg

until 2017: Les Rosiers-sur-Loire , Saint-Martin-de-la-Place

until 2016: Ambillou-Château , Auverse , Beaufort-en-Vallée , Bocé , Breil , Brigné , Brion , Broc , Chalonnes-sous-le-Lude , Chartrené , Chavaignes , Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault , Cheviré-le-Rouge , Chigné , Clefs-Val-d'Anjou , Concourson-sur-Layon , Cuon , Dénezé-sous-le-Lude , Doué-la-Fontaine , Échemiré , Fontaine-Guérin , Fontaine-Milon , Forges , Fougeré , Gée , Gennes , Genneteil , Grézillé , Lasse , Le Guédeniau , Le Thoureil , Les Verchers-sur-Layon , Linières-Bouton , Louerre , Mazé , Meigné-le-Vicomte , Méon , Montfort , Noyant , Noyant-la-Plaine , Parçay-les-Pins , Saint-Georges-des-Sept-Voies , Saint-Georges-du-Bois , Saint-Georges-sur-Layon , Saint-Quentin-lès-Beaurepaire