House Aspel

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House Aspel from the northeast

Haus Aspel is a castle in the Rees district of Haldern in the Kleve district , which has been owned by the daughters of the Holy Cross since 1850 and is used as a monastery . The facility is located three kilometers northeast of Rees in a damp lowland on the Aspeler Meer , an old Rhine water body that has been designated as a nature reserve since 2010 . It emerged from a high medieval moth whose hill is one of the largest and best preserved on the Lower Rhine .

For almost 100 years, the complex was owned by the von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld family , who had the buildings that were ruined at the time rebuilt in 1722. Expanded and modernized in the 19th and 20th centuries, today's building complex consists of baroque and neo-baroque residential buildings as well as a neo-Gothic monastery church . The buildings cannot be viewed from the inside, but the church and the outside area of ​​the monastery are open to visitors.



The Castle Aspel was one of the earliest plants in the Rhineland . It was first mentioned in De diversitate temporum by the monk Alpert von Metz, written between 1020 and 1024 . The author names a Godizo , Count von Aspel and Heimbach , whose castle in Aspel was unsuccessfully besieged by Adalbald II , Bishop of Utrecht , and Balderich von Drenthe due to family disputes . Godizo was the son of Richizos (also called Richar), a relative of Count Wichmann von Hamaland from the Billunger house , and at the same time nephew of Archbishop Wichfrid of Cologne . After his father's death in 973, he inherited the property in the Lower Rhine area of Richizos. It has not yet been clarified whether the castle on a headland in the Rhine already belonged to the heritage or was only built by Godizo. It was well protected in an inaccessible marshland so that it could hardly be reached. When Godizo died around the year 1011/1012, the guardianship of his two little daughters Irmgard (is) and Irmtrud (is) and the responsibility for the property passed to a relative, Gerhard III. from Metz, "Mosellanus" . But he gave the Aspeler castle to Balderich and sent his ward with their mother to Hengebach Castle in Heimbach. Godizo's widow married the knight Gevehard (Gerhard) von Monterberg for the second time , who then reclaimed Aspel Castle from Balderich. However, he only released the system after it was arrested at Monterberg Castle near Kalkar .

Electoral Cologne state castle

After her mother's death, the eldest daughter Irmgard became the mistress of Aspel. Emperor Heinrich II is said to have visited his relatives at their castle in 1016, as did Irmgard's uncle Pope Leo IX. According to tradition, after 1049 he was a guest in Aspel. When Irmgard died childless before 1064, her younger sister Irmtrud followed her as the castle mistress, whose daughter from her marriage to Rupert I was the saint Irmgard von Süchteln . Around 1075 Irmtrud bequeathed her possessions in Rees, Aspel and Haldern to the Cologne bishopric , making Aspel the northernmost base of Kurköln , which used the complex as a state castle in the fight against the Counts of Kleve . In 1153 there was another distinguished visitor: Archbishop Arnold II von Wied stayed on Aspel that year. The document from which this fact emerges is at the same time the oldest documentary evidence for the Aspeler Castle. Philipp I von Heinsberg had the castle renewed in 1190 and the courtyard buildings built. However, the complex was captured and destroyed only 48 years later by Count Dietrich von Kleve . But this was only possible through betrayal of the castle fort . Archbishop troops were able to recapture the castle for the bishopric and drive out the occupiers. In the subsequent peace agreement, Kleve had to commit to paying for a new building. This was done under the Electoral Cologne bailiff Rupert of Swansbule ( Schwansbell) , the enormous cost of 500  Cologne Mark projecting stretched out of pocket and in return, and for the customs rights of Neuss as well as the castle Volmarstein received and the "island at Rees." The reconstruction was finished in 1243. This castle complex is depicted on a fresco in the Agnes Chapel of Cologne Cathedral , according to which it consisted of a mighty, three-tower crenellated complex, which was protected by a high circular wall with a double tower gate. The representation is probably exaggerated.

Pledges and decline

Aspel in a dike book from 1587

Towards the end of the 13th century, Aspel Castle gradually lost its military importance for Kurköln and was then often used as a pledge. After the lost battle of Worringen , Siegfried von Westerburg had to pledge the complex to Adolf V , Count von Berg . In 1321 it came to Dietrich Luf III as security . von Kleve , from whom Archbishop Heinrich II. von Virneburg had bought the castle and county of Hülchrath . The pledge was redeemed again in 1331, before Aspel to Adolf III in 1392 . von der Mark and thus again pledged to the Klever Counts to secure the exorbitant sum of 70,000  guilders for the purchase of Linn Castle . Despite multiple efforts, Kurköln never again managed to redeem the pledge of 1392. According to the provisions of the pledge agreement, Kleve was actually obliged to maintain the castle adequately, but did not do so, and so the complex began to gradually deteriorate. In 1433 at the latest, the Klevian bailiff Dietrich moved from the Mark von Aspel to the Isselburg and ran the official business from there. The first demolition of the complex in Aspel happened in 1444. More were added in 1470, when Duke Johann I from Kleve allowed the city of Rees to use 200 basalt stones from the ruined castle to build the mill tower of the city wall.

Early modern age

While the Aspeler main castle fell more and more that was Vorburg expanded. From 1405 a stone house was attested there, which was given as a fief . The lords of Töven, Lychendorp, Hasselt, Dugelen and Schriek were among the residents attested between 1470 and 1570 . A strip of land between the Aspeler Meer, the Schmalen Meer and the road between Rees and Wesel, called the Tövener Feld, still reminds of the von Töven family.

Haus Aspel on a cadastral map from 1734 with the Baroque gardens that have now disappeared

During the Eighty Years War , Aspel was besieged, captured and sacked by Spanish soldiers in 1598 . The castle and outer bailey were badly damaged afterwards, only the castle chapel was completely intact. The complex suffered a similar fate in 1682, when French troops set it on fire after new buildings had been built in the outer bailey in 1652/1653. During the French attack, the moth, which had been fairly well preserved, was completely destroyed and plants overgrown the castle island. Engelbert von Schriek sold the ruined buildings including the land in 1686 to Lieutenant General Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld , who also owned the nearby Sonsfeld Castle and who was enfeoffed with Aspel in 1690. From 1722 he had a baroque style castle built on the foundations of the old buildings. At the site of the previously round gate tower , a square tower with two storeys was built, which was equipped with a curved hood and bell cage. To the northwest and south, the new tower was joined by rectangular wings. The palace complex included a spacious baroque garden north of the building, which is no longer preserved today. Its appearance is passed down from a Klevian cadastral map from 1734. This shows that there were no more buildings on Moth Hill at that time. At the foot of the hill there is a small, round building that may have been a garden pavilion .

At the beginning of the 19th century, Aspel came to the Dutch van den Broeck family. In 1831 Johan van den Broeck's widow became the owner of the property. Their daughter Johanna had married Friedrich Heinrich von Bernuth , the first Prussian district administrator of the new Rees district , in 1808 and brought the inheritance to her husband. In 1840 the complex lost its status as a knight seat that was fit for the state assembly .


In 1845 von Bernuth moved with his district office to Wesel and sold Haus Aspel on October 4, 1850 to the Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross, who opened their first German branch there on March 10, 1851. Only a few weeks later, on May 4th, a girls' boarding school and a novitiate opened . In the following years there was a lot of construction activity in Aspel. In the period from 1856 to 1859, a single-nave monastery church with a transept in the neo-Gothic style was built according to plans by the architect Vincenz Statz . The cornerstone was laid on August 14, 1856, and the church was consecrated to the Immaculate Conception and St. Irmgard on August 30, 1859 . The girls' boarding school has enjoyed great popularity since it opened. In 1851 the school started with five students, and after only four years 53 students were already attending the facility. In 1860 a new building was necessary due to the ever increasing number of female students. The so-called boarding school or school wing was built on the foundations of the northwest wing .

Advertising for the Aspeler girls' boarding school

During the Kulturkampf , the order had to leave the monastery because an imperial edict decreed that all religious communities giving school lessons either had to leave Germany by October 1, 1875, or had to submit to all government laws from that date. The sisters therefore closed the boarding school on August 31, 1875 and relocated the school to Zwanenburg in the Netherlands . Later it was continued in the Belgian Spa . The inventory of the monastery was auctioned after the nuns left , and the palace and park were sold in 1881 for 55,000  marks to the landowner Heinrich Holland from Groin (now part of Rees). Due to financial difficulties, he sold some of the land belonging to Aspel and leased the buildings to the Sisters of Notre Dame von Coesfeld. In 1887 the daughters of the Holy Cross succeeded in buying back Haus Aspel. The first six sisters returned there on March 21, 1888 and resumed school on April 26 with 38 girls. Due to a renewed increase in the number of female students, the school wing was expanded between 1891 and 1893 . On their return to Aspel, the sisters first moved into the former novitiate, the building of which had been erected southeast of the other buildings without any direct connection to them. Now this too became too small, so that a new building was built between 1895 and 1898, which closed the previous gap to the monastery church. This created the so-called monastery courtyard in the southeast of the palace complex - albeit in a smaller form than today .

Another lack of space made a further expansion necessary: ​​in 1908 the school wing , gate tower and the castle wing adjoining it to the south were raised by two storeys and mansard roofs were added to the wing structures . In 1915 the novitiate was rebuilt with an adjoining farm building, but the monastery premises were soon too small again, so that between 1925 and 1926 the monastery courtyard was generously converted in the neo-baroque style and according to plans by the Wesel architect Hermann Merl. Merl widened the existing buildings by 1–1.2 meters by raising new outer walls. A courtyard-side arcade was created on the ground floor , which gave the buildings an Italian-inspired aspect. The converted rooms were equipped with the latest technology. So they had central heating and an in-house telephone. Work began on April 15, 1925, and the inauguration took place on October 6. At that time, the so-called economy was built east of the monastery to manage the farm.

When the Aspel Order took over again in 1888, the monastery church was in poor structural condition and was used as a barn . In the meantime repaired, the single-nave building received two low aisles in 1927/1928 - also according to Hermann Merl's plans.

World War II and post-war years

During the Second World War , the order had to give up its property again. The convent and school were closed by the Gestapo on July 13, 1941 and the sisters were forced to leave the building within two hours. This was followed by expropriation on January 30, 1942. The property was first used by the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) and the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM), after which the buildings served as quarters for evacuees and as a hospital , because after Rees was bombed on 14 . and 16 February 1945 had been almost completely destroyed, the still habitable monastery buildings were used as an alternative hospital until 1949. With this, the first daughters of the Holy Cross returned to Aspel, because they mostly provided the staff in the Reeser nursing home. Despite the red cross marking the castle, it was badly damaged by artillery fire towards the end of the war . The reason for this was that the Wehrmacht used the gate tower as an observation post after a captain Huebner occupied the premises and buildings with the remains of a German parachute battalion on March 12th. The church, the boarding house wing , the gate tower and the top floor of the castle wing were badly damaged by the Allied fire and some of them burned down.

On June 12, 1945 the monastery buildings were returned to the Sisters of the Cross. They started school again on May 2, 1946, with boys being admitted to classes for the first time - and for the time being only in that school year. The war-damaged buildings were gradually restored, so in 1948 the Order celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the new roof of the monastery church.

Haus Aspel to this day

In 1950 the upper lyceum was converted into a girls' grammar school and, as in the pre-war years, remained very successful. In 1962, 440 schoolgirls attended the facility, 120 of whom lived in the boarding school . However, the Aspel nuns had to cope with the fact that in 1967 and 1968 the provincial and novitiate were relocated to Düsseldorf. In August 1972 the grammar school changed to municipal sponsorship, but remained at Haus Aspel. Since then it has been operating as the “New-language grammar school for boys and girls of the school association Middle District Rees”, because from the school year 1972/73 the facility was also accessible to boys. In 1975 there was a change to the simpler name “Gymnasium Haus Aspel der Stadt Rees”, which in 1986 was relocated to the newly built municipal school center.

Since 1973 the order has operated a retirement home in part of the monastery. Further renovations were carried out at great financial expense so that Haus Aspel can also be used as a conference and educational facility. In 1990 the sisters gave up the operation of the retirement home in favor of a “spiritual center”, which also brought the provincial and novitiate from Düsseldorf to Aspel. From 1986 to 1998, the former school wing was used by nuns of the French Beatitudes , who had their first German office there. After their departure, the Sisters of the Cross opened the Irmgardis Foundation in this wing in 2001, a residential and care facility for older priests and women religious, especially for members of the Daughters of the Holy Cross in need of care. Since the maintenance of the facility is too expensive in the long run and the buildings have become too big for the 60 nuns, Haus Aspel has been for sale since July 2012. In 2017 the library was sold in advance.


Castle complex

Schematic floor plan of Haus Aspel

Haus Aspel is an irregular building complex, the structure of which gradually emerged over centuries from the increased need for space and increased comfort requirements of the residents. On the west side of the monastery is the Aspeler Meer, which surrounds the complex there like a lake.

Gate tower of Haus Aspel with the two adjoining building wings

From State Road 8, a 270-meter lead long, straight Linden avenue from northeast Coming to the former outer ward of the plant to. At the northern beginning of the driveway is the former gatehouse, which is now used for residential purposes. In the south, the avenue ends on a bridge over the surrounding ditch , which leads to the four-storey gate tower. The sign of the Daughters of the Holy Cross , a black cross with an ivory wreath, can be found in a cartouche above its round archway . In the gate passage there is an old hotplate that comes from a former side building that served as a bakery. It measures 1.27 x 0.61 meters, and shows the initials M. H. C. H. Z. C. I. B. ( M aximilian H einrich C hurfürst Z u C PEP H reared I n B aiern). A tower room with a barrel-vaulted ceiling is located on the first floor above the gateway . In the attic of the onion dome with lantern , which was reconstructed in 1996 , a bell cage carries a bell that was cast in 1793 by Christian Voigt from Isselburg and commissioned by Baron Carl Alexander Theodor Emmanuel von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld. On the facade facing the courtyard, another stone cartouche hangs above the archway. The gate tower is joined by two yellow-plastered building wings with three storeys and mansard roofs at an obtuse angle to the west and south . The western wing now houses the Imrgardis pen. To the north of this is the Irmgardissaal , a rectangular building made of brick , the facade of which was preserved during a thorough renovation in the 1990s. Today it serves as an event hall . The Provincial Office of the Daughters of the Holy Cross is housed in the southern wing, called the Castle Wing. On the ground floor there are three stately visitor rooms with stuccoed ceilings and walls. They used to serve as reception rooms for guests, especially for parents of the girls living in the boarding school, who all came from the upper classes and expected a suitable environment for their daughters. Under the tower and the side wings there are four rooms with barrel vaults. They are perhaps the remains of the stone house that was handed down to us in 1405.

The south end of the palace wing is connected to the building complex that, together with the church, surrounds the so-called monastery courtyard . These are the former monastery buildings, the novitiate and the postulate as well as the former farm buildings. The appearance of the buildings is characterized by a strict objectivity, which is softened somewhat by architectural details based on Italian models. On the ground floor there is an archway with square pillars and round arches. It is about the former cloister , in which there are 14 stations of Christ's Passion designed by the sculptor Joseph Krautwald . The corridor has an attached parapet at the top . Above it, pilasters extend at regular intervals to the windows of the second floor and end in a surrounding cornice that is repeated on the fourth and fifth floors. The premises belonging to the monastery can be found in the north wing and in the north part of the east wing, in the corner of which there is a round tower with a conical roof . The remaining part of the eastern wing is taken up by the very simple novitiate and postulate, while the south wing houses the former utility rooms.

To the west of the former farm building is a pigeon tower , the roof of which bore the coat of arms of the Barons von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld until the early 1970s. The tower is a wooden structure that rests on a stone base.

Monastery church

The three-aisled monastery church in neo-Gothic style originates in the core from the 19th century and has some wall paintings from the time around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. The high, four-bay central nave has a ribbed vault and a 5/8 choir closure . There are round arches between the side pillars that provide access to the aisles. The church was renovated in the 1950s and the chancel was redesigned according to designs by the sculptor Ernst Rasche . The triumphal cross , the tabernacle and the altar candlestick are works by the Cologne artist Hildegard Domizlaff . Four rock crystals , which used to be the feet of the tabernacle, are embedded in the altar cross . This shows the preaching of the message to Mary by the angel Gabriel as a relief on the front . The altar consecration took place on May 30, 1974 and was carried out by auxiliary bishop Ludwig Averkamp . During the ceremony, relics of the early Christian martyrs Clarus and Felix were embedded in the altar stone. The choir is equipped with three ogival windows, which the Cologne artist Peter Hecker created between 1957 and 1962. They show the resurrected Christ crushing the devil's head, Saint Irmgard (is) with Aspel Castle at her feet and Mary with the rosary , a scales, a rose and a tower. Hecker also designed the windows in the central nave. They show Old Testament promise scenes and - opposite on the other side - their New Testament fulfillment.

Low aisles were added to the central nave in 1927/1928. They have fan vaults in the Tudor Gothic style and thus resemble the vaults of Westminster Abbey in London . Due to the low height of the aisles, the original window openings of the central nave could be preserved, so that a lot of light falls into the interior of the church.


Aspel Castle belonged to the high medieval castle type of the Motte (tower hill castle). Your preserved oval castle hill stands in the middle of the Aspeler Sea. It measures around 70 × 105 meters at the foot, is around six meters high and has a plateau with a diameter of around 30 meters at the top. What the castle looked like is unknown. In the 19th century the foundations of a tower wall and a round cistern were still visible. The hill has not yet been explored by excavations and is now densely covered with trees. It is protected as a natural monument.

Gardens and park

Hardly any remains of the baroque park have survived. In its beds, based on the French model, mainly fruit and vegetables were grown. In a small wooded area in the former garden, near the former porter's house, east of the access avenue, is the Irmgardiskapelle. It was built in neo-baroque form in memory of the Rhine flood in winter 1925/26 and was consecrated on June 29, 1928. The small pavilion-like building rises on an octagonal floor plan and has a star vault with a skylight . The monastery cemetery is located south of the chapel in the immediate vicinity.

The area within the trenches up to the Aspeler Meer is designed as an English landscape garden.


  • Paul Clemen (Ed.): The art monuments of the Rees district. (= The Art Monuments of the Rhine Province . Volume 2, Section 1). L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1892, pp. 11-12 ( digitized version) .
  • Stefan Frankewitz : Castles, palaces and mansions in Rees . BOSS, Goch 2006, ISBN 3-933969-57-3 , pp. 22-29.
  • Rüdiger and Monika Gollnick: Haus Aspel . Schröder, Bad Honnef 1988, ISBN 3-926196-09-2 .
  • Gymnasium Haus Aspel of the city of Rees (Hrsg.): Gymnasium Haus Aspel. 1851-1986 . Festschrift for the inauguration of the new building. Rees 1986.
  • Karl-Heinz Hohmann: City of Rees on the Lower Rhine. City center and Haus Aspel (= Rheinische Kunststätten. Issue 440). 1st edition. Neusser Druckerei und Verlag, Neuss 1999, ISBN 3-88094-836-4 , pp. 9-11, 27-30.
  • City of Rees (ed.): Monuments in Rees. House Aspel . Self-published, Rees [2005] ( PDF ; 2.3 MB).
  • Heinrich Rotthauwe, called Löns: Land on the Rhine and Issel and the evil seven . Amt Haldern, Haldern 1975, pp. 156–160.
  • Gregor Spohr, Ele Beuthner: How nice to dream here. Castles on the Lower Rhine . Pomp , Bottrop / Essen 2001, ISBN 3-89355-228-6 , pp. 128-131.
  • Jens Wroblewski, André Wemmers: Theiss-Burgenführer Niederrhein . Konrad Theiss , Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8062-1612-6 , pp. 20-21 .

Web links

Commons : Haus Aspel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. a b J. Wroblewski, A. Wemmers: Theiss Burgenführer Niederrhein. 2001, p. 21.
  2. a b c d J. Wroblewski, A. Wemmers: Theiss Burgenführer Niederrhein. 2001, p. 20.
  3. a b c d e f g h City of Rees: Monuments in Rees. House Aspel. [2005], no p.
  4. ^ R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 4.
  5. ^ Gymnasium Haus Aspel: Gymnasium Haus Aspel. 1851-1986. 1986, p. 15.
  6. K.-H. Hohmann: City of Rees on the Lower Rhine. City center and house Aspel. 1999, p. 9.
  7. ^ Theodor Joseph Lacomblet: Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine. Volume 1. Wolf, Düsseldorf 1840, pp. 260-261, no. 377 ( digitized version) .
  8. ^ Richard Knipping: The Regest of the Archbishops of Cologne in the Middle Ages (REK). Volume 2. Hanstein, Bonn 1901, p. 94, no. 563 ( digitized version) .
  9. Georg Heinrich Pertz (Ed.): Annales aevi Suevici (= Monumenta Germaniae Historica . Scriptores (MGH SS). Volume 17). Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hanover 1861, p. 847 ( digitized version) .
  10. ^ Theodor Joseph Lacomblet : Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine . Volume 2. Wolf'sche Buchdruckerei, Düsseldorf 1846, p. 145, No. 279 ( digitized version) .
  11. ^ S. Frankewitz: Castles, palaces and mansions in Rees. 2006, p. 27.
  12. ^ Theodor Joseph Lacomblet: Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine . Volume 2. Wolf'sche Buchdruckerei, Düsseldorf 1846, pp. 508-511, No. 865 ( digitized version) .
  13. ^ Theodor Joseph Lacomblet: Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine . Volume 3. Schaub'sche Buchhandlung, Düsseldorf 1853, pp. 160-163, No. 188 ( digitized version) .
  14. ^ Theodor Joseph Lacomblet: Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine . Volume 3. Schaub'sche Buchhandlung, Düsseldorf 1853, p. 209, no. 258 ( digitized version) .
  15. ^ Theodor Joseph Lacomblet: Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine . Volume 3. Schaub'sche Buchhandlung, Düsseldorf 1853, p. 851, No. 968, note 3 ( digitized version) .
  16. ^ R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 5.
  17. a b c R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 10.
  18. a b Entry by Jens Wroblewski about Haus Aspel in the scientific database " EBIDAT " of the European Castle Institute
  19. a b S. Frankewitz: Castles, palaces and mansions in Rees. 2006, p. 26.
  20. a b c d e f g R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 6.
  21. ^ A b Gymnasium Haus Aspel: Gymnasium Haus Aspel. 1851-1986. 1986, p. 4.
  22. a b R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 7.
  23. a b c d Gymnasium Haus Aspel: Gymnasium Haus Aspel. 1851-1986. 1986, p. 6.
  24. a b c d R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 8.
  25. a b K.-H. Hohmann: City of Rees on the Lower Rhine. City center and house Aspel. 1999, p. 11.
  26. Haus Aspel is for sale . In: Rheinische Post . Online edition from July 2, 2012.
  27. Information according to the cadastral map for Aspel available online at
  28. a b c P. Clemen: The art monuments of the Rees district. 1892, p. 12.
  29. a b R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 14.
  30. a b c R. and M. Gollnick: Haus Aspel. 1988, p. 13.
  31. Michael Müller-Wille: Medieval castle mounds ("Motten") in the northern Rhineland. In: Bonner Jahrbücher . Booklets . Volume 16. Böhlau, Cologne et al. 1966, p. 22.
  32. Information according to S. Frankewitz: Castles, palaces and mansions in Rees. 2006, p. 27. The literature also gives heights of about nine and ten meters.
  33. Information about the moth hill on the Aspel website , accessed on January 4, 2020.
  34. Isabella Benninghoff-Lühl: Baroque gardens on the lower right Lower Rhine. In: Jutta Prieur (ed.): Maps and gardens on the Lower Rhine (= studies and sources on the history of Wesel . Volume 18). Stadtarchiv Wesel, Wesel 1995, ISBN 3-924380-12-0 .
  35. ^ Gymnasium Haus Aspel: Gymnasium Haus Aspel. 1851-1986. 1986, p. 18.

Coordinates: 51 ° 46 ′ 22.8 "  N , 6 ° 25 ′ 58.5"  E