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Coordinates: 58 ° 47 '  N , 22 ° 31'  E

Map: Estonia

Leisu is a village ( Estonian küla ) in the rural municipality of Hiiumaa (until 2017: rural municipality Emmaste ). It is located on the second largest Estonian island Hiiumaa (German Dagö ).


Leisu (German Leiso ) has 16 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2011). The place was first mentioned in a document in 1564 as an infeed point .


The Leisu schoolhouse was one of the largest primary schools on the island before World War II . With the Soviet occupation of Estonia, Hiiumaa was declared a restricted area. More and more Estonians left the island, so that the building now looks oversized. Later, in addition to the school and library, a small museum of local history moved into the classrooms. The house is a listed building.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://pub.stat.ee/
  2. Baltic historical local dictionary. Part 1: Estonia (including Northern Livonia). Started by Hans Feldmann . Published by Heinz von zur Mühlen . Edited by Gertrud Westermann . Cologne, Vienna 1985 (= sources and studies on Baltic history. Volume 8/1), ISBN 3-412-07183-8 , p. 300.
  3. http://register.muinas.ee/?menuID=monument&action=view&id=23352