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Coordinates: 58 ° 54 '  N , 22 ° 13'  E

Map: Estonia

Ülendi is a village ( Estonian küla ) on the second largest Estonian island Hiiumaa (German Dagö ). It belongs to the rural community of Hiiumaa , from October 2013 to 2017 to the rural community of Hiiu , before that to the rural community of Kõrgessaare .

Description and history

Ülendi has five residents (as of December 31, 2011). The place is located in the south of the Kõpu peninsula ( Kõpu poolsaar ).

At the Ristipõllu talu farm belonging to Ülendi , archaeologists located the remains of a Stone Age settlement in 1994 , the oldest known settlement in Hiiumaa.

The landmark of the village of Ülendi is a linden tree at the gate of the farm of the same name ( Ülendi talu ). It is also known as the "sacrificial linden tree". The popular belief says to her miraculous powers. The tree is under nature protection. He was badly affected in an arson attack in September 1989.

Near the farm with its rock gardens grow junipers up to eight meters high .


  • Riho Saard, Külli Saard: Kolme küla lugu: Kaleste, Ojaküla, Ülendi. Tallinn 2009, ISBN 9789949184576 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://pub.stat.ee/