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Coordinates: 58 ° 53 '  N , 22 ° 24'  E

Map: Estonia

Mardihansu is a village ( Estonian küla ) in the rural community Hiiumaa (2013 to 2017: rural community Hiiu , before that rural community Kõrgessaare ) on the second largest Estonian island Hiiumaa (German Dagö ).

Description and history

Mardihansu has a resident (as of December 31, 2011) after being completely deserted for a long time.

The village is located on the Baltic Sea bay of the same name ( Mardihansu laht , historical German name Hundswiek ) on the west coast of Hiiumaas. In the history of Hiiumaa, numerous ships have stranded in the shallow bay with its numerous shoals and reefs .

Web links

Individual evidence

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