List of the offices of Hersfeld Abbey

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This list contains the offices (administrative and judicial districts) of the Hersfeld Abbey , which from 1648 as the Principality of Hersfeld was part of the Landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel .


Hersfeld Abbey had received a large number of donations since the time of Charlemagne . Up to the 11th century these were splintered property, after which larger coherent domains emerged. To manage were bailiffs used. Since the second half of the 11th century, these bailiffs were predominantly counts and a hierarchy prevailed in many places in which several bailiffs were subordinate to a senior bailiff. In fact, the bailiwicks now became hereditary. In this way, dominions alienated from Hersfeld were created. The Landgraviate of Hesse also managed to acquire significant Hersfeld assets.

As part of the territorialization , the offices named in the list emerged from the remaining bailiwicks.

In 1432, the Hersfeld monastery had to place itself under the protection of Hessen-Kassel by contract. In 1525, during the Peasants' War , Landgrave Philipp I came to the aid of the distressed Hersfeld Monastery and put down the uprising. To cover his expenses, the landgrave occupied large parts of the imperial abbey, namely the city of Hersfeld, the offices of Landeck, Frauensee and Berka and the monasteries of Kornberg and Blankenheim. In 1550 it was contractually agreed between Hersfeld and Hesse that the abbot should get back half of the city of Hersfeld and the Landeck office (the other half should remain with Hesse for another 10 years). The Hausbreitenbach office fell back to the monastery, Frauensee office and Kornberg monastery were pledged elsewhere. In 1557 and 1571 further agreements were made that strengthened the role of Hesse. In 1648 the Hersfeld Abbey was dissolved due to the Peace of Westphalia and, as the Principality of Hersfeld, part of the Landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel. With that the Hersfeld offices had all become Hessian.

In the Landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel some changes in the composition of the offices took place in the following centuries. With the end of the Landgraviate after the formation of the Rhine Confederation in 1806, the offices of the Principality of Hersfeld came to the Kingdom of Westphalia . There they were dissolved and replaced by cantons based on the French model. In 1813 the Kingdom of Westphalia went under and the Electorate of Hesse was rebuilt. The offices were re-created in their old form.

In 1821/22 the separation of jurisdiction from administration was introduced in Kurhessen . The administrative tasks went to newly created districts, the judicial function to the judicial offices. The old offices were finally abolished.

List of offices

Office Official seat places Incorporated into Remarks
City of Hersfeld Herfeld Hersfeld
Oak Castle Eichhof Castle Eichhof Castle and two mills Office of Hersfeld Eichhof Palace was a separate administrative district with its own bailiff. In the second half of the 18th century it was dissolved and came to the office of Hersfeld
Office Hersfeld (Dechaneigericht Hersfeld) Hersfeld Friedlos , Reilos , Heenes , Kalkobes , Allmershausen , Bingartes (yard), Meisebach (yard), Hählgans , Ludwigsaumühle, Kupfermühle District Court of Hersfeld , District of Hersfeld Eichen Castle was added later
Amt (Ober) -Geis Obergeis Ober- and Untergeis , Gittersdorf , Biedebach , Aua , the Eisenberg and Erzebach farms and the Röhrichsmühle and the Liedermühle District Court of Hersfeld, District of Hersfeld
Office Niederaula formerly: Office Hattenbach Niederaula Hattenbach Castle , Reckerode , Reimboldshausen , Goßmannsrode , Kirchheim , Heddersdorf , Frielingen , Gersdorf , Willingshain , Heddersdorf , Allendorf in the desert , Ambirterode (desert), Heiligenborn (desert), Keudelbach (desert), Gundeshausen (desert), Niederjossa , Scheidhof District Court of Hersfeld, District of Hersfeld In 1787 the offices of Niederaula and Holzheim were merged; after the death of bailiff Heuser in 1803 the offices were separated again
Johannesberg Court Johannesberg Johannesberg, Oberhaun , Unterhaun , Hilperhausen , Kohlhausen , Hof Roßbach, paper mill near Oberhaun and the desert areas of Kreuzberg, Lauf and Withof District Court of Hersfeld, District of Hersfeld In the second half of the 18th century, the court was with the Office Hauneck merged
Court shield blow Eitra , Fischbach , Sieglos , Wippershain as well as the betzenmühle and the stone mill District Court of Hersfeld, District of Hersfeld In the second half of the 18th century, the court was with the Office Hauneck merged
Petersberg Court Petersberg Petersberg, Sorga , Niedernsolz (Sölzerhöfe), Oberrode , Kathus and Rotensee District Court of Hersfeld, District of Hersfeld
Landeck Office Landeck Castle Dinkelrode , Ehrenthal, Heimboldshausen , Hillartshausen, Hilmes , Kahl Hausen, Konrode , Lampert field , Lander Hausen , Malkomes , Motzfeld , Upper Lengsfeld , Ransbach , Rimmrode, Schenklengsfeld , Schenksolz , Thalhausen, sub Weisenborn , Wehrshausen , Wüst field , Heckhausen (now deserted ), room Justice Office Friedewald , Hersfeld district
Bailiwick of Kreuzberg Kreuzberg Kreuzberg Hillartshausen and Oberzella and the farms Gethsemane , Harnrode , Nippe (to Röhrigshof), Röhrigshof , Thalhausen, Untersteurode Justice Office Friedewald, Hersfeld district
Office Frauensee Frauensee Monastery Frauensee , Dönges , Gospenroda (until 1733 to the office Hausbreitenbach) and the farms Albertshof, Auenheim (exclave in the office Hausbreitenbach), Dachsgrube, Hetzeberg , Josthof , Knottenhof (upper and lower farm ), Lindigshof , Möllersgrund , Rohnhöfe ( Unterrohn ), Rienau ( Exclave in the office of Hausbreitenbach), Schergeshof , Springen , Weißendiez 1816 to the district of Eisenach in the Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach
Office Hausbreitenbach (and Berka) Breitenbach Castle Berka / Werra , Hausbreitenbach , Fernbreitenbach , Herda , Horschlitt , Wünschensuhl ; Villages that became part of Hessen during the division: Dippach , Gospenroda , Abteroda , Gasteroda Vitzeroda Eisenach administrative district (Thuringian part), Friedewald office and Frauensee office (Hessian part) Condominium with the Landgraves of Thuringia and Saxony (-Weimar) -Eisenach. The division took place in 1733
Bailiwick of Blankenheim Blankenheim Monastery Blankenheim Abbey and two courtyards In the second half of the 18th century, the Bailiwick was with the Office Rotenburg merged The Bailiwick of Blankenheim was free float and not assigned to any office
Göllingen Monastery Göllingen Monastery Blankenheim monastery as well as a courtyard and a mill 1816 to Prussia The Göllingen monastery was a free float and not assigned to any office
Eisenach Collection Eisenach A farm in Eisenach Received during the 18th century.

See also


  • Elisabeth Ziegler: The territory of the Reichsabtei Hersfeld from its beginnings to 1821. 1939.