Literature year 1824
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Literature year 1824 | |
Title page to Forberg's De figuris Veneris by Édouard-Henri Avril
The manuscript of the De Doctrina Christiana of John Milton is found in a London State Archives. Two years later, a bilingual edition, Latin and English, was published under the title A treatise on Christian doctrine compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone .
New releases
- January 24th : The Westminster Revue , organ of the Philosophical Radicals , a wing of the Liberal Party , appears for the first time in London. The newspaper's founder is the social reformer Jeremy Bentham , and the philosopher and economist James Mill , father of John Stuart Mill , who also wrote for the magazine , played a key role in the political orientation of the quarterly . The Westminister Review ceased publication in 1914.
- The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences are published by the New York science publisher Wiley-Blackwell. The annals are still published today by the New York Academy of Sciences , making them one of the oldest still existing organs of an academy of sciences worldwide.
- The Mercure du XIXe siècle , a French literary magazine, is published in Paris by the poet and writer Henri de Latouche . The paper takes an explicit position against Romanticism and uses the term realism for the first time in relation to literature . The paper stopped appearing just two years later.
- Victor Hugo and Émile Deschamps found the literary magazine La Muse française .
- Honoré de Balzac publishes the novel Le Centenaire ou les Deux Beringheld under the pseudonym d'Horace de Saint-Aubin, bachelier es-lettres and the novel Annette et le criminel under the pseudonym Horace de Saint-Aubin
- James Fenimore Cooper : Die Ansiedler (Original title: The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanna , 1823), first volume of the five-part leather stocking romance cycle, appears in German translation; The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea
- Friedrich Karl Forberg : De figuris Veneris (Antonii Panormitae Hermaphroditus) . Forberg published a collection of obscene and satirical epigrams in Coburg in 1824 with the title "Hermaphroditus" by the Italian Renaissance author Antonio Beccadelli and added his text "De Figuris Veneris" for understanding. This manual of classical erotology, written in Latin, gathers and classifies ancient as well as early modern text passages, which in their entirety realistically describe the diversity of sexual behavior.
- James Hoggs The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner appears anonymously
- James McHenry: The Wilderness , historical novel
- Alexander Pushkin : The Gypsies , Romance.
- Walter Scott : Redgauntlet ; Peveril of the Peak , Quentin Durward , novels
- Mary Shelley : Valperga, or the Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca , historical novel
- Friedrich Tieck : Novellas, First Part , 1824
- Alfred de Vigny : Éloa, ou La sœur des Anges
- Franz Grillparzer : King Ottokar's Glück und Ende is finished, but is banned by the censors and cannot be performed until February 19, 1825 at the Burgtheater.
- Alexander Sergejewitsch Gribojedow : Mind creates suffering , comedy
- William Tennant : Cardinal Beaton , historical drama in five acts
- Clemens Brentano : Spring scream of a servant from the depths
- Joseph von Eichendorff : Longing
- Heinrich Heine : The Lore-Ley
- Alphonse de Lamartine : Nouvelles Méditations , Poems
- Thomas Moore : The Love of Angels
- Jean-François Champollion : Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens
- Robert Watts Bibliotheca Britannica Or General Index to British and Foreign Literature is published posthumously by Constable in Edinburgh. The first two volumes list over 40,000 authors alphabetically, the other two volumes contain a subject index.
- November 17th : Mizzimadetha Ayedawbon a chronicle of the Kingdom of Burma until 1785 written by Ne Myo Zeya Kyawhtin is printed in Burma. The chronicle covers the period from 1795 to 1811.
In 1824 and 1825 the J. Max & Comp publishing house in Breslau published an eight-volume translation of Thousand and One Nights - supposedly based on a Tunisian manuscript - from the French version by Galland, translated into German by Maximilian Habicht , Fr. H. von der Hagen and Karl Schall , with title vignettes by Moritz von Schwind and an Arabic title page. This translation saw several new editions in the course of the 19th century.
Date of birth saved
- January 8 : Wilkie Collins , British novelist, († 1889 )
- February 28 : Karl Maria Kertbeny , Austrian journalist and human rights activist († 1882 )
- March 7th : Otto von Heinemann , German librarian and historian († 1904 )
- March 13 : Rudolf Hildebrand , German Germanist, teacher, educator and linguist († 1894 )
- March 14 : John Robson , Canadian politician and journalist († 1892 )
- March 15 : Jules Chevalier , French priest and author († 1907 )
- March 23 : Jan Carel Juta , Dutch publisher and bookseller, brother-in-law of Karl Marx († 1886 )
- March 29 : Ludwig Büchner , German philosopher and writer († 1899 )
- April 29 : Albert Emil Brachvogel , German writer († 1878 )
- April 29 : Francisco Pi i Margall , Spanish politician and writer († 1901 )
- May 24th : August Sohlmann , Swedish publicist († 1874 )
- July 6 : Adolphe van Soust de Borckenfeldt , Belgian poet and art historian († 1877 )
- July 27 : Alexandre Dumas the Younger , French novelist and playwright († 1895 )
- September 4 : Phoebe Cary , American poet († 1871 )
- September 7th : Claes Adolf Adelsköld , Swedish railroad builder , architect, major, member of the Reichstag and writer († 1907 )
- September 11 : Jakob Bernays , German philologist and philosophical writer († 1881 )
- December 9th : Auguste Arens von Braunrasch , German writer († 1901 )
- December 10 : George MacDonald , Scottish writer, poet and pastor († 1905 )
- December 12 : Heinrich Rudolf Genée , German writer († 1914 )
- December 26 : Paul Botten-Hansen , Norwegian literary critic and librarian († 1869 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Thomas Rhodes Armitage , British medic († 1890 )
- Pasquale Brignoli , Italian opera tenor († 1884 )
- Francesco Malipiero , Italian composer († 1887 )
- Aleksander Niewiarowski , Polish writer and columnist († 1892 )
- Heinrich Weidt , German composer, conductor and choir director († 1901 )
- January 10 : Thomas Edward Bowdich , British adventurer, author and zoologist (* 1791 )
- January 29 : Joachim Nettelbeck , navigator and writer (* 1738 )
- March 2 : Susanna Rowson , American writer and actress (* 1762 )
- March 15 : Carl Poppo Fröbel , German educator and printer (* 1786 )
- March 30 : Per Ulrik Kernell , Swedish romantic writer (* 1797 )
- April 19 : George Gordon Byron , English poet (* 1788 )
- May 4th : Joseph Joubert , French moralist and essayist (* 1754 )
- August 8 : Friedrich August Wolf , German philologist and ancient scholar (* 1759 )
- August 15 : Carl Arnold Kortum , German doctor and writer (* 1745 )
- August 16 : Charles Thomson , American writer and politician (* 1729 )
- August 21 : Gustav von Schlabrendorf , German writer (* 1750 )
- August 27 : Johann Christian Woyzeck , model for the main character in Georg Büchner's drama "Woyzeck" (* 1780 )
- September 16 : Georg Friedrich Rebmann , German publicist (* 1768 )
- October 7th : Friedrich Karl Rumpf , German literary scholar, rhetorician, Protestant theologian and classical philologist (* 1772 )
- December 24th : Johann Christoph von Aretin , German publicist, historian, librarian and lawyer (* 1772 )