Political situation after the municipal council elections in Carinthia 2015

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The table Political conditions after the municipal council elections in Carinthia 2015 shows the political conditions in all municipalities of the Province of Carinthia after the municipal council elections of March 1, 2015 .

The 2015 municipal council elections resulted in a clear loser and otherwise only winners. The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), which in 2009 because of the split from the mother party as Freedom Party in Carinthia (FPK), as well as FPÖ'09 Alliance for Austria's Future was begun (BZÖ), lost nearly half of its voters. While they achieved a total of 33.06 percent in 2009, this time they had to be satisfied with 17.96 percent. The loss of mandates was not quite as dramatic; previously 817 mandates are now compared to 450 mandates. They only have an absolute majority in six communities - in Mölbling , in Arriach , in St. Urban , in Deutsch-Griffen , in Hüttenberg and in Großkirchheim . In another twelve municipalities it was enough to achieve relative majorities.

The biggest winners were the lists, which increased their share from 6.58 to 13.71 percent. In terms of mandates, this corresponds to a jump from 210 to 377 mandates (+167). In six municipalities - in Heiligenblut am Großglockner , in Grafenstein , in Frauenstein , in Bad Bleiberg , in Flattach and in Althofen - lists achieved an absolute majority and in eleven other municipalities the relative majority. The Greens increased their share from 3.30 to 5.59 percent and thus more than doubled the number of their mandates from 26 to 65 (+39). However, they did not achieve an absolute or relative majority in any municipality.

The two major parties were also able to increase the number of their mandates. The Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) increased from 36.65 to 40.23 percent and in terms of mandates from 922 to 984 mandates. They now have an absolute majority in 26 municipalities and a relative majority in 38 other municipalities. The Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) increased its share from 20.41 to 22.51 percent, increasing its municipal council seats from 577 to 624 mandates. They have an absolute majority in 11 municipalities and the relative majority in 23 municipalities.

Local council election on March 1, 2015

local community Working
Logo SPÖ.svg
Logo of Freedom Party of Austria.svg
Logo Die Gruenen.svg
NEOS - The New Austria logo.svg

Afritz am See VL 997 80.34 37.47 16.84 45.69 - - - - - -
Albeck FE 757 85.63 16.94 38.63 44.43 - - - - - -
Althofen SV 3,105 79.72 21.93 - - 17.52 - - 51.93 8.62 -
Arnoldstein VL 3,734 65.82 67.30 15.74 16.96 - - - - - -
Arriach VL 1,033 85.51 26.29 16.83 56.87 - - - - - -

Bad Bleiberg VL 1,632 80.00 35.64 - 5.79 5.98 - - 52.58 - -
Bad Kleinkirchheim SP 1,136 77.44 16.10 24.48 - - - - 38.89 20.53 -
Bad St. Leonhard in Lavanttal WHERE 2,935 79.22 48.17 18.38 - 6.28 - - 27.17 - -
Baldramsdorf SP 1,177 76.03 48.62 - 21.60 - - - 29.78 - -
Berg im Drautal SP 944 85.82 16.54 39.36 - - - - 23.93 20.18 -
Bleiburg VK 2,648 80.44 35.78 40.98 3.73 - - - 18.01 1.51 -
Brueckl SV 1,813 76.18 41.88 - 19.61 - - - 16.24 12.58 9.69

Dellach in the Drautal SP 1,113 78.82 36.49 63.51 - - - - - - -
Dellach in the Gail Valley HE 936 89.14 22.11 50.39 23.43 4.07 - - - - -
German handles SV 664 81.17 15.54 28.04 56.41 - - - - - -
Diex VK 627 92.21 28.03 39.67 32.30 - - - - - -

Ebenthal in Carinthia KL 4,462 69.09 58.80 - 14.48 5.30 - - 13.62 7.80 -
Eberndorf VK 3,671 74.89 47.85 21.90 12.24 - - 2.08 15.92 - -
Eberstein SV 842 74.51 18.58 64.63 16.79 - - - - - -
Eisenkappel-Vellach VK 1,751 89.15 35.88 12.76 7.29 - - 1.06 36.59 3.88 2.53

Feistritz on the Gail VL 483 91.83 28.88 63.15 7.97 - - - - - -
Feistritz in the Rosental KL 1,781 84.29 56.18 13.46 14.10 4.12 - - 12.13 - -
Feistritz ob Bleiburg VK 1,540 88.76 41.55 - - - - - 28.82 27.41 2.21
Field by the lake VL 791 81.21 38.20 24.12 37.68 - - - - - -
Feldkirchen in Carinthia FE 8,058 67.39 41.23 29.55 11.56 8.45 1.65 - 7.56 - -
Ferlach KL 4,261 70.35 53.64 17.65 7.98 7.16 1.84 - 10.94 0.80 -
Ferndorf VL 1,470 77.49 53.93 9.26 36.81 - - - - - -
Finkenstein am Faaker See VL 4,959 68.61 39.98 22.95 16.36 7.21 - - 8.23 5.27 -
Flat flat SP 847 85.04 12.01 - 11.65 - - - 52.55 23.79 -
Frantschach-St. Gertraud WHERE 1,753 78.65 43.87 16.71 12.02 - - - 27.40 - -
Frauenstein SV 2,458 81.50 31.91 - - - - - 54.24 13.86 -
Fresach VL 964 87.16 36.17 21.42 42.40 - - - - - -
Friesach SV 3,177 73.02 48.70 22.52 22.35 - - - 6.44 - -

Gallicia VK 1,282 84.84 40.37 36.88 12.75 - - - 9.99 - -
Gitschtal HE 969 88.41 34.09 24.62 41.29 - - - - - -
Glanegg FE 1,239 75.46 53.42 10.79 20.63 - - - 15.15 - -
Globasnitz VK 1,203 88.59 41.77 14.24 - - - 43.99 - -
Glödnitz SV 628 86.38 23.74 48.32 27.95 - - - - - -
Gmuend SP 1,721 78.51 36.21 24.49 39.31 - - - - - -
Gnesau FE 759 84.24 - 31.84 22.59 - - - 36.46 9.12 -
Grafenstein KL 1,899 80.98 18.59 - 9.71 - - - 56.98 14.73 -
Greifenburg SP 1,251 84.58 27.92 43.90 28.17 - - - - - -
Handles VK 2,318 79.74 20.27 67.09 8.61 - - - 4.04 - -
Großkirchheim SP 987 84.14 13.15 36.54 50.31 - - - - - -
Cucumber SV 960 89.80 24.89 21.65 - 8.26 - - 45.20 - -
Guttaring SV 1,055 84.94 31.67 26.88 41.45 - - - - - -

Heiligenblut SP 723 80.33 - - - - - - 75.15 24.85 -
Hermagor-Pressegger See HE 4,809 80.67 39.58 30.73 14.52 5.28 - - 9.89 - -
Himmelberg FE 1,618 81.63 49.74 30.76 14.77 4.73 - - - - -
Hohenthurn VL 623 87.62 26.26 46.30 10.61 - - - 16.84 - -
Huettenberg SV 1,159 88.14 39.46 5.95 54.59 - - - - - -

Irschen SP 1,424 83.96 50.25 35.65 14.10 - - - - - -

Kappel am Krappfeld SV 1,424 85.99 38.75 49.59 11.66 - - - - - -
Keutschach am See KL 1,735 82.70 36.31 18.57 8.52 - - - 22.95 9.46 4.20
Kirchbach HE 1,842 83.50 33.10 30.82 36.08 - - - - - -
Klagenfurt am Wörthersee K 79,318 57.13 30.66 18.78 24.85 14.05 3.51 - 3.47 1.38 3.30
Kleblach-Lind SP 913 91.76 33.82 52.38 13.80 - - - - - -
Little St. Paul SV 1,275 80.34 38.68 20.00 16.28 - - - 25.04 - -
Kötschach-Mauthen HE 2,499 85.79 53.95 29.03 5.01 - - - 12.01 - -
Köttmannsdorf KL 1,869 76.63 50.68 27.36 14.81 - - - 7.15 - -
Krems in Carinthia SP 1,171 75.65 36.71 33.48 11.91 - - - 17.91 - -
Krumpendorf KL 1.991 69.06 30.37 37.23 9.76 16.82 5.82 - - - -

Lavamünd WHERE 2,086 80.57 50.51 33.35 16.14 - - - - - -
Lendorf SP 1,209 84.02 46.50 32.87 20.63 - - - - - -
Lesachtal HE 1,070 93.78 35.40 54.93 1.55 - - - 8.12 - -
Liebenfels SV 2,171 80.35 54.03 19.77 15.57 - - - 10.64 - -
Ludmannsdorf KL 1,372 89.56 27.47 - 7.04 - - - 48.28 17.21 -
Lurnfeld SP 1,680 76.36 45.92 - 26.17 - - - 27.91 - -

Magdalensberg KL 2.191 79.10 59.52 19.38 13.57 7.52 - - - - -
Mallnitz SP 619 84.91 44.57 - - 7.51 - - 47.91 - -
Malta SP 1,392 80.14 21.52 - 27.17 - - - 32.43 18.89 -
Maria Rain KL 1,615 80.99 55.76 22.71 15.22 6.31 - - - - -
Maria Hall KL 2,520 77.28 29.02 38.02 13.12 19.84 - - - - -
Maria Wörth KL 1,044 78.38 20.77 32.52 17.22 - - - 29.48 - -
Metnitz SV 1,515 86.18 28.63 41.67 17.72 - - - 11.98 - -
Micheldorf SV 693 75.57 67.55 - 13.51 - - - 18.94 - -
Millstatt SP 2,227 77.27 26.84 30.40 8.24 21.92 - - 10.96 1.64 -
Mölbling SV 922 82.17 35.87 - 64.13 - - - - - -
Moosburg KL 2,818 76.12 18.11 43.12 11.40 6.75 - - 20.62 - -
Mortschach SP 597 88.18 - 37.87 27.23 - - - 34.90 - -
Mühldorf SP 687 83.07 34.04 - 40.73 - - - 25.23 - -

Neuhaus VK 773 84.76 39.51 24.55 13.31 - - - 22.63 - -
Nötsch in the Gail Valley VL 1,583 82.88 35.80 36.68 10.36 12.99 - - 4.17 - -

Oberdrauburg SP 888 88.45 27.96 43.01 - - - - 29.03 - -
Obervellach SP 1,502 76.13 15.23 36.48 12.37 - - - 35.92 - -
Ossiach FE 505 80.54 13.22 19.21 48.97 18.60 - - - - -

Paternion VL 3,728 74.78 57.81 - 14.57 7.34 - - 20.27 - -
Poggersdorf KL 2.128 83.00 61.61 34.79 - - - 3.59 - - -
Pörtschach KL 1,631 71.66 19.73 37.81 30.17 12.29 - - - - -
Preitenegg WHERE 709 85.73 38.00 41.29 20.71 - - - - - -

Radenthein SP 3,936 75.91 37.22 - 10.94 5.70 - - 38.43 7.71 -
Rangersdorf SP 1,141 80.41 28.44 46.42 25.14 - - - - -
Reichenau FE 1,251 79.28 44.86 23.53 31.61 - - - - - -
Reichenfels WHERE 1,260 80.98 37.54 43.52 18.94 - - - - - -
Reisseck SP 1,616 84.17 50.99 - 12.25 - - - 33.08 3.68 -
Rennweg on Katschberg SP 1,281 85.29 40.47 40.15 19.38 - - - - -
Rosegg VL 1,227 79.11 23.47 - 12.73 4.21 - - 49.53 10.06 -
Ruden VK 1,045 80.88 57.02 28.95 14.03 - - - - - -

Sachsenburg SP 811 76.08 33.16 22.79 - - - - 44.05 - -
Schiefling on Lake Wörthersee KL 1,644 74.59 19.43 57.99 7.99 6.86 - - 7.74 - -
Seeboden on Lake Millstatt SP 3,746 69.65 25.73 51.57 22.71 - - - - -
Sittersdorf VK 1,474 83.18 45.33 - - - - - 29.66 25.02 -
Spittal an der Drau SP 8.105 63.84 44.86 17.33 13.59 5.85 5.49 - 12.88 - -
St. Andrä WHERE 8,512 66.45 50.11 15.25 30.11 4.53 - - - - -
St. Georgen am Längsee SV 2,284 75.53 48.19 22.03 24.16 - - - 5.62 - -
St. Georgen in the Lavant Valley WHERE 1,498 88.17 32.23 20.12 - - - - 28.05 19.61 -
St. Jakob im Rosental VL 2,814 77.29 49.42 - 7.71 4.24 - - 25.35 13.29 -
St. Kanzian am Klopeiner See VK 2,863 79.57 51.66 22.54 5.89 3.07 - - 11.83 2.97 2.04
St. Margareten in the Rosental KL 773 84.57 52.48 30.44 10.19 - - - 6.89 - -
St. Paul in the Lavant Valley WHERE 2,460 86.47 46.23 11.82 13.00 - - - 28.94 - -
St. Stefan in the Gailtal HE 1,183 84.08 59.56 27.42 13.01 - - - - - -
St. Urban FE 1,136 90.30 21.77 21.49 56.74 - - - - - -
St. Veit an der Glan SV 6,914 66.17 49.42 25.85 16.46 8.26 - - - - -
barn SP 1,259 92.85 44.62 - 18.52 - - - 36.87 - -
Steindorf am Ossiacher See FE 2,356 75.37 21.97 23.64 28.73 9.23 - - 16.43 - -
Steinfeld SP 1,466 85.58 48.36 13.02 14.21 - - - 24.42 - -
Steuerberg FE 1,177 85.54 15.65 48.95 26.72 8.69 - - - - -
Stockenboi VL 1,216 87.92 29.17 34.77 36.06 - - - - - -
Strasbourg SV 1,383 79.67 20.48 - 48.07 - - - 24.41 7.03 -

Techelsberg am Wörther See KL 1,404 76.43 24.98 55.25 8.83 - - - 10.94 - -
Trebesing SP 862 84.51 41.01 35.73 23.26 - - - - - -
Meeting at Lake Ossiach VL 2,621 70.36 42.32 20.23 30.78 6.66 - - - - -

Velden am Wörther See VL 5,154 67.51 55.70 23.08 14.37 6.85 - - - - -
Villach VI 29,592 60.72 48.74 20.50 14.48 7.94 2.39 1.39 3.60 0.95 -
Völkermarkt VK 6,708 73.74 49.43 18.50 22.01 7.31 - - 1.87 0.87 -

Weissensee SP 601 91.76 20.38 32.19 20.72 - - - 26.71 - -
Weissenstein VL 2.003 79.64 51.43 23.85 24.72 - - - - - -
Weitensfeld in the Gurktal SV 1,578 87.38 17.95 53.26 28.79 - - - - - -
Wernberg VL 3,317 73.58 49.18 16.36 17.81 8.15 - 2.70 5.80 - -
Winklern SP 832 80.93 45.73 23.82 30.45 - - - - - -
Wolfsberg WHERE 13,564 65.06 54.02 13.75 15.12 6.15 8.69 - 2.25 - -

Cell KL 503 95.09 52.41 11.45 - - - - 36.14 - -

Candidate lists

Majorities in the municipalities after the municipal council elections in Carinthia in 2015
  1. LFA (list for all)
  2. LA (Wilma Warmuth - "Livable Althofen")
  3. ULB (Independent List Bleiberger Tal)
  4. BKK (list Bad Kleinkirchheim)
  5. BLBKK (list of citizens for Bad Kleinkirchheim)
  6. DOHR (List Dieter Dohr)
  7. LFB (list for Baldramsdorf)
  8. BfB (Berger for Mountain)
  9. UBL (Independent Citizens List Mountain)
  10. EL ( Enotna Lista )
  11. DMÖ ( Modern Austria )
  12. REAL (genuine list for Brückl)
  13. SU (Citizen List Brückl)
  14. NUT (Nuart and Team)
  15. WE (Citizen List "We" - Ing. Manfred Tengg)
  16. YOU (The Independents - Johann Archer)
  17. TeamK (TeamKramer)
  18. EL ( Enotna Lista )
  19. GESK (jointly Skupno)
  20. FLORE (List Florian Schupanz)
  21. VS / WG ( Volilna Skupnost Borovlje / Wahlgemeinschaft )
  22. REgi (Regional List Feistritz - regionalna lista Bistrica)
  23. LFA (list for all)
  24. DMÖ ( Modern Austria )
  25. FePlus (Independent List Heinz Breschan)
  26. VS / WG ( Volilna Skupnost Borovlje / Wahlgemeinschaft Ferlach - List Dr. Franz Wutti )
  27. UF (Independent Freedom Party)
  28. FLS (Free List Sitter)
  29. EL ( Enotna Lista )
  30. ULF (Independent List Flattach)
  31. TAFF (Team Alternative for Flattach)
  32. LH (Hirzbauer list)
  33. GLF (community list Frauenstein list Harald Jannach)
  34. GFF (Together for Frauenstein)
  35. BFF (Citizens' Forum Friesach)
  36. EL ( Enotna Lista )
  37. STROM (List Gerald Stromberger)
  38. EL ( Enotna Lista )
  39. MFG (Together for Gnesau)
  40. ULG (Independent List Gnesau)
  41. LD (List Deutschmann)
  42. BA ("Citizens' Alliance Grafenstein" - List of Helmut Nikel)
  43. TS ( Team Stronach )
  44. LSK (Die Freiheitlichen - List of Mayor Siegfried Kampl)
  45. HBL (Heiligenblut List)
  46. FBL (Free Citizen List Heiligenblut)
  47. TILL (Karl Tillian - Pro Hermagor)
  48. WG / VS ( Volilna Skupnost Borovlje / Wahlgemeinschaft )
  49. NOVAK (The Freedom Party and Party Free - List Dr Johannes Novak)
  50. ^ PLO (Party-Free List Gerhard Oleschko)
  51. GEL (Green Unit List Keutschach / Hodiše)
  52. NOW (Now for Keutschach / Hodiše / Andrea Aichholzer)
  53. BA (Citizen Alliance List Albert Gunzer)
  54. YOU (The Independents - Haslitzer - Twenties)
  55. LINX (non-party and KPÖ, 1.05%) + TS ( Team Stronach , 0.77%) + DMÖ ( Modern Austria , 0.55%) + LMW (List Mayerhofer Wilhemine, 0.39%) + TK ( Team Carinthia, 0.28%) + DB (The Brut, 0.26%)
  56. GUT (list Siegfried Gaber and team)
  57. Thurner (list of names Thurner)
  58. ^ KL ( Köttmannsdorfer list / Kotmirška Enotna lista )
  59. KREMS (List Krems)
  60. UBL (Independent Citizens List Lesachtal)
  61. AL (alternative for Liebenfels)
  62. GL (community list)
  63. EL ( Enotna Lista )
  64. LFL (list for Lurnfeld)
  65. GFM (together for Mallnitz)
  66. LIM (list for Malta)
  67. GUM (Greens and Independents for Malta)
  68. BLG (Citizen List Maria Wörth Livable)
  69. MHL (Metnitz home list)
  70. WE (We Micheldorfer)
  71. ^ NHK (list of names Hofer Cooperative)
  72. BZM (Alliance Future Millstatt)
  73. GEMA (List Georg Malle)
  74. LGM (list for a common Mört chess)
  75. LWM (Lovable Mühldorf)
  76. LNS (list Neuhaus / Suha)
  77. FUN (Free Independent Nötsch in Gailtal)
  78. IAO (Upswing Initiative Oberdrauburg)
  79. MUT (with one another, independent, energetic)
  80. BL (Citizen List Market Community Paternion, People's Party, Freedom and Independence)
  81. MAIER (Team Michael Maier - People's Party and Party Free)
  82. WACKER (List Martin Wacker - Die Freiheitlichen)
  83. FLR (Free List Reißeck)
  84. LSTG (list Stefan Gradnitzer)
  85. BGM (community of citizens)
  86. RL ( Rosegger List - Rozeska Lista )
  87. ^ AG (action group market community Sachsenburg)
  88. SGL ( Joint List Schiefling / Skupna lista Škofiče )
  89. ^ AFS (Alliance for Sittersdorf - ÖVP, FPÖ and EL)
  90. WUTTE (List Willibald Wutte)
  91. TS ( Team Stronach )
  92. ERNST (Citizens' Forum Längsee-Hochosterwitz)
  93. TS ( Team Stronach )
  94. ULL (Independent List Leschirnig-Reichel and Freedom)
  95. ABS (active citizens of St. Jakob)
  96. SGS ( regional list SGS Šentjakob St. Jakob Together Skupno )
  97. GWL ( Gospodarska lista Škocjan / Economic List St. Kanzian )
  98. WWW (W 3 - Economy, Prosperity, Values ​​- Karl-Heinz Nadasdy List)
  99. BGL (Alliance 2015)
  100. VS / WG ( Volilna Skupnost Borovlje / Wahlgemeinschaft )
  101. ZAS (future of St. Paul - Adi Streit)
  102. STALL (List Stall - ULS and ÖVP)
  103. LKAVE (List Kavalar)
  104. TA (Team Aufwind)
  105. SVPUU (Strasbourg People's Party and Independents)
  106. BLS (Citizens List Strasbourg Ewald Stoderschnig)
  107. BLT (Citizens List Techelsberg)
  108. EARTH (responsibility earth)
  109. DMÖ ( Modern Austria )
  110. BÜFO (Citizens' Forum Völkermarkt)
  111. DMÖ ( Modern Austria )
  112. FOAG (White Lake Citizens List)
  113. ^ WGW (community of voters of the municipality of Wernberg)
  114. TS ( Team Stronach )
  115. EL ( Enotna Lista )

Web links

  • Province of Carinthia: Elections (accessed on April 5, 2015)

Individual evidence

  1. Province of Carinthia: Municipal council election March 1, 2015 ( Memento of the original from August 15, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed on April 5, 2015) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ktn.gv.at