List of German members of the EU Parliament (1999-2004)

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The list of German members of the EU Parliament (1999-2004) lists all German members of the 5th European Parliament after the European elections in Germany in 1999 .

Mandate strength of the parties at the end of the electoral term

National party fraction Mandates
Christian Democratic Union of Germany
  • EPP-ED
  • 43
    Social Democratic Party of Germany
  • SPE
  • 35
    Christian-Social Union in Bavaria
  • EPP-ED
  • 10
    Alliance 90 / The Greens
  • G – EFA
  • 04th
    Democratic Socialism Party
  • GUE / NGL
  • 06th
  • GUE / NGL
  • 01
    TOTAL 99


    image Surname born Constituency Political party fraction comment
    Rolf Berend.jpg
    Rolf Berend 1943 Thuringia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Christian von Boetticher.jpg
    Christian von Boetticher 1970 Schleswig-Holstein CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Reimer Böge - Appen musiziert 2014 01.jpg
    Reimer Böge 1951 Schleswig-Holstein CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • 14-02-06-hiltrud-breyer-RalfR-1.jpg
    Hiltrud Breyer 1957 Federal territory GREEN
  • G – EFA
  • 2016-08-29 BSPCAndré Brie by Olaf Kosinsky-7.jpg
    André Brie 1950 Federal territory PDS
  • GUE / NGL
  • Maischberger - 2018-06-20-6582.jpg
    Elmar Brok 1946 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • 2018-12-09 Udo Bullmann SPD European delegates conference 2843.jpg
    Udo Bullmann 1956 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Maischberger - 2017-04-26-3005.jpg
    Ozan Ceyhun 1960 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Elected for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , on October 22, 2000 conversion to the SPD and the SPE parliamentary group
    Awarding of the European Craftsman Prize to Cardinal Karl Lehmann-2073.jpg
    Garrelt Duin 1968 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • On October 2, 2000, Günter Lüttge moved up
    Ferber, Markus-1305.jpg
    Markus Ferber 1965 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Christel Fiebiger 1946 Federal territory PDS
  • GUE / NGL
  • Florence, Karl-Heinz-9485.jpg
    Karl-Heinz Florence 1947 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Ingo friedrich.jpg
    Ingo Friedrich 1942 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Michael Gahler MEP 2.jpg
    Michael Gahler 1960 Hesse CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Evelyne Gebhardt 2009.png
    Evelyne Gebhardt 1954 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Norbert Glante 1952 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Anne-Karin Glase 1954 Brandenburg CDU
  • EPP-ED
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    Lutz Goepel 1942 Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Willi Görlach 1940 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Alfred Gomolka (retouche) .png
    Alfred Gomolka 1942 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf 1942 Federal territory GREEN
  • G – EFA
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Lissy Gröner 1954 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Hänsch EP portrait (cropped) .jpg
    Klaus Hänsch 1938 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Jutta Haug.jpg
    Jutta Haug 1951 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • KAS-Hieronymi, Ruth-Bild-21850-1.jpg
    Ruth Hieronymi 1947 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Magdalene Hoff 1940 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Georg Jarzembowski 1947 Hamburg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Bregenz Landhaus JEF-Seminar 20190426-15ASD.jpg
    Elisabeth Jeggle 1947 Baden-Württemberg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Karin Jöns 2009-06-03.jpg
    Karin Jöns 1953 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Karin Junker (cropped) .jpg
    Karin Junker 1940 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Kastler, Martin-2230.jpg
    Martin Kastler 1974 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • On 14 November 2003, Emilia Müller nachgerückt
    Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann.jpg
    Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann 1955 Federal territory PDS
  • GUE / NGL
  • KAS-Keppelhoff-Wiechert, Hedwig-Bild-14060-1.jpg
    Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert 1939 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Margot Kessler 1948 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Heinz Kindermann 1942 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Ewa Klamt 2010.jpg
    Ewa Klamt 1950 Lower Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Klass Christa 2014-02-05 2.jpg
    Christa Klaß 1951 Rhineland-Palatinate CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Karsten Knolle 1939 Saxony-Anhalt CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Koch, Dieter-Lebrecht-2446.jpg
    Dieter-Lebrecht Koch 1953 Thuringia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Christoph Konrad 1957 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Constanze Krehl photo Susie-Knoll.jpg
    Constanze Krehl 1956 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler 1950 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Elected for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , on October 25, 2000 transfer to the SPD and the SPE parliamentary group
    Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Wilfried Kuckelkorn 1943 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Helmut Kuhne 1949 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Lange, Bernd-9242.jpg
    Bernd Lange 1955 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Werner Langen.png
    Werner Langen 1949 Rhineland-Palatinate CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Brigitte Langenhagen 1939 Lower Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • 2017-09-24 Armin Laschet by Sandro Halank.jpg
    Armin Laschet 1961 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Kurt Lechner 1942 Rhineland-Palatinate CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • K.-H.  Backrest (cropped) .jpg
    Klaus-Heiner backrest 1957 Rhineland-Palatinate CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Jo Linen MEP.jpg
    Jo linen 1948 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Peter Liese 2018.jpg
    Peter Liese 1965 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Rolf Linkohr 1941 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Erika Mann 1950 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Mann, Thomas-1274.jpg
    Thomas Mann 1946 Hesse CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Helmuth Markov.jpg
    Helmuth Markov 1952 Federal territory PDS
  • GUE / NGL
  • KAS-Mayer, Hans-Peter-Bild-25859-1.jpg
    Hans-Peter Mayer 1944 Lower Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Xaver Mayer 1938 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Winfried Menrad 1939 Baden-Württemberg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • 2018-06-09 Federal Party Conference Die Linke 2018 in Leipzig by Sandro Halank – 157.jpg
    Hans Modrow 1928 Federal territory PDS
  • GUE / NGL
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Peter Mombaur 1938 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Rosemarie Müller 1949 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Hartmut Nassauer.jpg
    Hartmut Nassauer 1942 Lower Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Niebler, Angelika-1257.jpg
    Angelika Niebler 1963 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Doris Pack 01.JPG
    Doris Pack 1942 Saarland CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Willi Piecyk 1948 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Bernd Posselt 2013.jpg
    Bernd Posselt 1956 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • 2019-05-30 Hans-Gert Pöttering Charlemagne Prize 2019-5842.jpg
    Hans-Gert Poettering 1945 Lower Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Group leader
    Dr.  Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl.jpg
    Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl 1947 Lower Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Radwan, Alexander-0074.jpg
    Alexander Radwan 1964 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Christa Randzio-Plath.JPG
    Christa Randzio-Plath 1940 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Bernhard Rapkay 1951 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Dagmar Roth-Behrendt 1953 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Mechthild Rothe 1947 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Willi Rothley 1943 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Heide Rühle - Brussels - 20041201.jpg
    Heide Rühle 1948 Federal territory GREEN
  • G – EFA
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Jannis Sakellariou 1939 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Ursula Schleicher 1933 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Gerhard Schmid 1946 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • KAS-Schmitt, Ingo-Bild-19006-1.jpg
    Ingo Schmitt 1957 Berlin CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Schnellhardt, Horst-2220.jpg
    Horst Schnellhardt 1946 Saxony-Anhalt CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Ilka Schröder 1978 Federal territory Non-party
  • GUE / NGL
  • Elected for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , resigned from the party on August 31, 2000 and from the parliamentary group on September 27, 2001 ; afterwards non-party member of the GUE / NGL parliamentary group
    Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Jürgen Schröder 1940 Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Elisabeth Schroedter 2008-02-14 1826.jpg
    Elisabeth Schroedter 1959 Federal territory GREEN
  • G – EFA
  • Martinus Schulz the 6 Martii 2013.jpg
    Martin Schulz 1955 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Group leader
    Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Konrad Schwaiger 1935 Baden-Württemberg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Renate Sommer 01.JPG
    Renate Sommer 1958 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Stauner, Gabriele-1588.jpg
    Gabriele Stauner 1948 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Ulrich Wahlkampfhalle.JPG
    Ulrich Stockmann 1951 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • 48th partnership meeting Vertus - Bammental - Diemut Theato.jpg
    Diemut Theato 1937 Baden-Württemberg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Feleknas Uca.jpg
    Feleknas Uca 1976 Federal territory PDS
  • GUE / NGL
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Ralf Walter 1958 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Barbara Weiler 1946 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Brigitte Wenzel-Perillo 1949 Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • On November 27, 1999, Stanislaw Tillich moved up
    Rainer Wieland 2018.jpg
    Rainer Wieland 1957 Baden-Württemberg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • KAS-Wogau, Karl von-Bild-13970-1.jpg
    Karl von Wogau 1941 Baden-Württemberg CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • 2017-09-20 Prof Dr Joachim Wuermeling 1413.JPG
    Joachim Wuermeling 1960 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Jürgen Zimmerling 1952 North Rhine-Westphalia CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Silver - replace this image female.svg
    Sabine Zissener 1970 Rhineland-Palatinate CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Retired MPs

    image Surname born Constituency Political party fraction comment
    Silver - replace this image male.svg
    Günter Lüttge 1938 Federal territory SPD
  • SPE
  • † September 7, 2000
    Photo State Minister Emilia Müller CSU Fraktion.jpg
    Emilia Müller 1951 Bavaria CSU
  • EPP-ED
  • Retired on November 5, 2003
    SAXONY CDU 06/13/20130123 - Portrait.jpg
    Stanislaw Tillich 1959 Saxony CDU
  • EPP-ED
  • Retired on October 26, 1999

    Web links

    Commons : Members of the European Parliament from Germany (1999-2004)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files