Magdeburg Streets / M

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In the following, the meanings and circumstances of naming Magdeburg streets and their history are shown. Currently valid street names are given in bold , names that are no longer valid after renaming or building over are given in italics . As far as possible, existing or former institutions, monuments, special buildings or well-known residents are listed.

The list does not initially claim to be complete.

Maassstrasse ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

This street was possibly named after the botanist and local researcher Gustav Friedrich Hermann Maass .

Magdalenenberg ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

Formerly: Lazarettberg (until 1853)
Today: unnamed
Until 1720, no name can be found for the elevation on the banks of the Elbe . The Mariae Magdalenae monastery had existed in the immediate vicinity since the 13th century . In 1722, at the instigation of the governor, Prince Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau, a military hospital was set up on the eastern side of the mountain in the old monastery church , which is why it was named Lazarettberg. The military hospital was later moved to Domplatz No. 6. The old buildings were demolished in 1848. Following on from the Magdalenenstift, which had existed in the former monastery since 1687, and the nearby Magdalenenkapelle , the street was called Magdalenenberg since 1853.
In the course of the socialist reconstruction of the city after the destruction of the Second World War , which did not adhere to the grown urban structure , the street name disappeared. At the same place there is still a footpath, namely between Stephansbrücke and Knochenhauerufer in a direct extension of today's Julius-Bremer-Straße towards the Elbe.

Magdeburger Chaussee ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130, (at that time 3108 Olvenstedt, Wolmirstedt district)

At a time when Olvenstedt did not yet belong to Magdeburg , this street was named after the city east of the village.
Today: Since the incorporation of Olvenstedts into the city of Magdeburg, it has been called Olvenstedter Chaussee.
Magdeburg Ring

Magdeburg Ring ; Districts Sülzegrund , Kannenstieg , Neustädter See , Neue Neustadt , Neustädter Feld , Northwest , Alte Neustadt , Stadtfeld Ost , Altstadt , Sudenburg , Leipziger Strasse , Lemsdorf , Reform , Ottersleben and Beyendorfer Grund ; ZIP 39128, 39126, 39124, 39106, 39108, 39104, 39112, 39118, 39116

The Magdeburger Ring is the city's urban motorway built in the 1970s and runs through the city west of the Elbe from north to south. The city center is affected on the west side, which is where the popular name Tangente or Westtangente comes from. The name "ring" is of historical origin. As early as the 19th century, a ring road existed as a kind of early bypass to the west of the fortifications in a semicircle around the city. Parts of this old street layout are still there. The names of these streets, some of which are intersected by the Magdeburger Ring and railway lines, are called ... ring . So the Sachsenring , Adelheidring , Editharing , Kaiser-Otto-Ring and Hohenstaufenring .

Magdeburger Strasse ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130

Today: part of the Olvenstedter Chaussee (see Magdeburger Chaussee)
At a time when Olvenstedt did not yet belong to Magdeburg , this street was named after the city east of the village.

Magdeburger Strasse ; District of Diesdorf ; ZIP 39110

This street was named after the city of Magdeburg east of Diesdorf .

Magdeburger Strasse ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

This street led from the center of the village of Ottersleben in the direction of Magdeburg and is therefore likely to have received this name.

Mahrenholtzstrasse ; District Fermersleben ; ZIP 39122

The name of the street should be reminiscent of the Mahrenholtz family , who had played a decisive role in Fermersleben since the Middle Ages . In addition to the Förster family , she ran one of the two saddle farms in the town as an independent farmer and was therefore obliged to do mounted military service. The family courtyard, which is still preserved today, is located near the Martin-Gallus-Kirche (Mansfelder Straße 20). There are eight old tombstones of the Mahrenholtz family in the church's cemetery.

Maienhof ; District reform ; ZIP 39118


Cockchafer path ; Hopfengarten district ; ZIP 39120

Named after the species of insect cockchafer .

Maikowskistraße ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130

During the Nazi era, this street was named after the SA man Hans Maikowski, who was shot on the day of the seizure of power in 1933 .

Mayakowskistraße ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

Formerly: Elbinger Strasse
Today: Fritz-Reuter-Strasse
During the GDR era, the street was named after the Russian poet Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky .

Malmedyer Street ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

Today: Siedlerweg
This street was named after the town of Malmedy , located in what is now eastern Belgium . It was renamed during the GDR era . Names of places from which the German population had been expelled after the Second World War or which, like Malmedy, no longer belonged to Germany , should no longer appear.

Mälzerstrasse ; Brückfeld district ; ZIP 39114


Mansfelder Strasse ; District Fermersleben ; ZIP 39122

Named after the town of Mansfeld, west of Hettstedt in Saxony-Anhalt .
Institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House No. 20 , Mahrenholzhof , manor house of the Mahrenholz family , manor house built in 1695, residential tower built around 1530, installation of a cinema with 347 seats in 1916 .

Marderweg ; Hopfengarten district ; ZIP 39120

Formerly: Trautenauer Strasse
This street is named for the mammal family of marten .

Margarethenstrasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

The name of the street is likely to go back to Saint Margaret of Antioch . In the vicinity of the street there was the Sankt-Katharinen-Kirche, which was also consecrated to Saint Margaret at times. Not far from this church there was both Katharinenstrasse and Margarethenstrasse.

Margeritenweg ; District Barleber lake ; ZIP 39126

Named after the genus daisies .

Maria-Kühne-Strasse ; District Neustadt field ; ZIP 39128

Today: Rollestrasse
During the GDR era, this street was named after Maria Kühne , a communist resistance fighter against National Socialism .

Maria-Neide-Strasse ; Hopfengarten district ; ZIP 39120

This road was after 1831 in the fight against cholera - epidemic deceased nurse Maria Neide named.

Mariannenstrasse ; District Fermersleben ; ZIP 39122


Marienbader Strasse ; Hopfengarten district ; ZIP 39120

Today: bee path
This street was named after the town of Marienbad near Eger in today's western Czech Republic . It was renamed during the GDR era . Names of places from which the German population had been expelled after the Second World War or which no longer belonged to Germany should no longer appear.

Marienborner Strasse ; District Stadtfeld West ; ZIP 39110

This street was named after the village of Marienborn east of Helmstedt in Saxony-Anhalt .

Marienburger Strasse ; Salbke district ; ZIP 39122

Today: Greifenhagener Strasse

Marienstrasse ; District Leipziger Strasse ; ZIP 39112

The road was through Dr. Otto and the wood merchant Zahn. At Otto's request, the street was named after the first name of his wife Marie Otto.
Institutions, buildings, monuments:

Markgrafenstrasse ; Werder district ; ZIP 39114


Market breadth ; District of New Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130


March path ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124


Marstallstrasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

  • Max-Otten-Strasse
The name goes back to the town stables once located here .

Mars Trail ; District reform ; ZIP 39118

This street is named after the planet Mars . Like many streets in the vicinity, it was named after a heavenly body.

Martha-Brautsch-Strasse ; District Sudenburg ; ZIP 39116

Today: Fabriciusstrasse
During the GDR era, this street was named after Martha Brautsch , a resistance fighter against National Socialism .

Martin-Agricola-Strasse ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

Formerly: Reinhold-Götze-Straße
Named after the music theorist and composer of the Renaissance Martin Agricola .

Martin-Andersen-Nexö-Strasse ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

This street was named after the Danish writer Martin Andersen Nexø , who died in Dresden in 1954 .

Martin-Gallus-Weg ; District Fermersleben ; ZIP 39122

Martin Gallus , after whom this street was named, was the first Protestant preacher for Fermersleben and Buckau .

Martin-Rosenburg-Strasse ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

Formerly: Friedrich-Naumann-Straße (until 1938)
Today: Friedrich-Naumann-Strasse
During the Nazi era, this street was named after Martin Rosenburg , a member of the NSDAP who died in Magdeburg on October 9, 1937 .

Martinsplatz ; District of Old Town ; ZIP 39106

By resolution of the city council on February 9, 2006, the newly designed open space at Rogätzer Strasse / corner of Salzwedler Strasse was named after the nearby Martinskirche . The city administration's proposal, which was based on a proposal by the Alte Neustadt working group and the developer, provided for the designation as Sankt-Martin-Platz or St.-Martin-Platz. City councilor Wolfgang Wähnelt ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) pointed out that the name of the former church and the still existing Protestant parish did not go back to Saint Martin , but to the reformer Martin Luther . The working group's proposal was accordingly also Martinsplatz. The city council accepted this amendment.

Martinstrasse ; Buckau district ; ZIP 39104

This street was named after the Schöppen Martin Heinecke . However, other sources in the past assumed Martin Luther as the namesake.
Well-known people who lived here:
  • Wilhelm Klees , Social Democratic politician, lived at least about 1914 and 1916, on the ground floor of house no. 10 .

Maasai Trail ; District Neustadt field ; ZIP 39128

Today: Ringfurther Weg
This street was named after the African shepherd people Massai , who also live in the area of ​​former German colonies . Several streets in this residential area bore names from the colonial era during the Nazi era.

Masurian Ring ; District Stadtfeld West ; ZIP 39110

The street was named after the East Prussian landscape of Masuria .

Materlikstrasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

Formerly: Fürstenstrasse
1948 named after the resistance fighter against National Socialism Hubert Materlik .

Matthiasstrasse ; Salbke district ; ZIP 39122


Matthissonstrasse ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

This street was named after the writer Friedrich von Matthisson , who was born in Hohendodeleben near Magdeburg in 1761 .

Mulberry Trail ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Named after the genus of mulberries .
Entrance portal of the Roncallihaus
Saint Sebastian Church
Memorial plaque for Max Josef Metzger

Max-Josef-Metzger-Strasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

1. On the Brande (northern part) before 1834
Prelate Street (middle part)
Roßstrasse (southern part) before 1834
2. Prälatenstrasse (until June 30, 1975)
Prälatenstrasse (northern part of Max-Josef-Metzger-Strasse, since May 12, 2005)
Named after the Catholic theologian , Esperanto spokesman and resistance fighter Max Josef Metzger . The renaming from Prälatenstrasse to Max-Josef-Metzger-Strasse took place on June 30, 1975 at the request of the city council of the CDU block party . The renaming met with criticism because it meant that another historical name was lost in Magdeburg's city center, which was badly damaged by the war. There is no direct connection between Metzger and Magdeburg. In 2004, the parliamentary group of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen requested the renaming of a currently uninhabited section of Max-Josef-Metzger-Strasse in Prälatenstrasse in order to take into account the honor of Metzger and the interests of the city's history. With a resolution dated May 12, 2005, the city council decided to rename the northern section, which is now again called Prälatenstrasse.
Institutions, buildings, monuments:

Max-Otten-Strasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

This street was named after Max Otten , a doctor who worked in Magdeburg .
Institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House No. 11 - 15 , Old Town Hospital , opened in 1817, existing buildings built from 1890.

Maxim Gorki Street ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

Named after the Russian writer Maxim Gorki who died in 1936 .
Institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House No. 10-14 , residential and commercial building , on the site of the old town bath, a reinforced concrete skeleton complex built between 1995 and 1997
former institutions, buildings, monuments:

Maybachstrasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

Formerly: Neue Wallstraße (until 1920)
Today: (northern part) Konrad-Adenauer-Platz
In 1920 this street was named after the Prussian politician and minister responsible for railways, Albert von Maybach , at the proposal of the Reichsbahn . The street was originally a private street of the Deutsche Reichsbahn called Neue Wallstraße. The new name announced in the press in 1921 was intended to avoid confusion with Wallstrasse. In addition, by accommodating more than 200 refugee families, addressing the area had become more important.

Mechthildstrasse ; District Neustadt field ; ZIP 39128

Formerly: Reinhold-Huhn-Straße
The street is now named after the mystic Mechthild von Magdeburg .

Mehringstrasse ; District Cracau ; ZIP 39114

This street was named after the social democratic German politician and publicist Franz Mehring .

Meininger way ; Westerhüsen district ; ZIP 39122

Named after the district and theater town of Meiningen in southern Thuringia .

Titmouse ; District Stadtfeld West ; ZIP 39110

The street was named after the titmouse family of songbirds .

Meitzendorfer Strasse ; Rothensee district ; ZIP 39126

Named after the village of Meitzendorf west of Barleben in Saxony-Anhalt .

Melanchthonstrasse ; District Sudenburg ; ZIP 39112

The street was named after the reformer Philipp Melanchthon in 1899 . In this urban area, several streets are named with Reformation terms ( Luther , Amsdorf , Worms ).

Melissenweg ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Named after the balm , the best known species, the lemon is.

Mellinstrasse ; District Stadtfeld West ; ZIP 39110

The street was named in 1938 in honor of the architect and Magdeburg honorary citizen Friedrich Albert Immanuel Mellin .

Menzer Strasse ; Prester district ; ZIP 39114

Named after the village of Menz, east of Magdeburg in Saxony-Anhalt .

Mercury Way ; District reform ; ZIP 39118

This street is named after the planet Mercury . Like many streets in the vicinity, it was named after a heavenly body.

Merseburger Strasse ; Westerhüsen district ; ZIP 39122

Named after the city ​​of Merseburg, south of Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt .
Institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House no. 4 , residential building , late classicist style, with a Madonna figure in the facade.

Mertensstrasse ; District Fermersleben ; ZIP 39122


Meseberger way ; District Neustadt field ; ZIP 39128

Named after the village of Meseberg west of Wolmirstedt .

Metz Street ; Salbke district ; ZIP 39122

Today: Blumenberger Strasse
This street was named after the city ​​of Metz in Lorraine , now part of France . It was renamed during the GDR era . Names of places from which the German population had been expelled after the Second World War or which, like Metz, no longer belonged to Germany , should no longer appear.

Meyendorfer way ; District of Diesdorf ; ZIP 39110

Formerly: Camin-Privatweg (until 1938)
This street was named after the village of Meyendorf , northwest of the sugar village of Klein Wanzleben in Saxony-Anhalt .

Michael-Lotter-Strasse ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

Named after the printer Michael Lotter who worked in Magdeburg during the Reformation .

Milky way ; District reform ; ZIP 39118

The name goes back to the band-shaped brightening in the night sky, the Milky Way , in which the earth 's home galaxy is presented to the viewer on earth. The naming is a bit unusual. The neighboring streets, which are also named in terms of astronomy , bear the name weg (Merkurweg) in addition to the astronomical name . Since the name " Milky Way Path" seemed strange, the term "way" was left out, which means that the Milky Way is now in Magdeburg.

Milchweg ; District Neustadt field ; ZIP 39128

? Presumably this street was named that way because there was a dairy in the immediate vicinity and is still there today.

Mirabellenweg ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Named after the subspecies of the plum Mirabelle . The naming took place on March 11, 2004 and was based on the already named neighboring streets, whose names related to fruit species.

Midday street ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130


Midday street ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

Named after the time of day noon . Abendstrasse and Morgenstrasse are still in the neighborhood . In the past there was also Midnight Street. These four streets surrounded the newly planned and built town of Neue Neustadt in the 19th century, each of these streets being named after the corresponding direction. The Mittagstrasse was in the south and therefore got its name.
Well-known people who lived here:
  • Karl Rosenthal ; 1811-1846 mayor of New Town , at least 1823 lived in the no. 397 . The houses in Neustadt were still numbered. The 397 belonged to today's Mittagstrasse and was on the southern side of the road, roughly at the level of the extension of Abendstrasse.

Midday street ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Today: Königstrasse

Mittelstrasse ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130


Mittelstrasse ; District Beyendorf soles ; ZIP 39122

Today: Sohlener Mittelstrasse
The street runs in the center of the town of Sohlen, which is part of the Beyendorf-Sohlen district, and therefore bears its name. The name Sohlener was added after the incorporation of Beyendorf-Sohlens in order to avoid confusion with a street of the same name that already existed in the city.

Mittelstrasse ; District of Diesdorf ; ZIP 39110


Mittelstrasse ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

Today: Colbitzer Strasse

Mittelstrasse ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Today: At the well
This original name of the street is likely to go back to its central location between the present-day streets Alt Benneckenbeck and Schwanstraße in the center of Benneckenbeck . Presumably after the incorporation of Ottersleben into Magdeburg, it was renamed in order to avoid duplicating street names within the city.

Mittelstrasse ; Werder district ; ZIP 39114

The name of the street is likely to derive from the spatial location in the middle of the Werder district on an island in the Elbe .
Institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House No. 10 - 11b , Elbzentrum , residential and business complex , built in 1996.
former institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House No. 16-18 , Viktoriatheater , a theater building constructed from Hol existed here from 1860 to 1930.

Middle ground ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130


Middle ground ; District Neustadt field ; ZIP 39128

Later: Cameroonian Way
Today: Burgstaller Weg
This original name of the street is likely based on the location of the path in the middle of garden areas between Lerchenwuhne and Milchweg.

Midnight street ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

(western part): * Hundisburger Strasse
(eastern part): * Kastanienstraße
Named after the time of day midnight . Abendstrasse , Mittagstrasse and Morgenstrasse were still in the neighborhood . These four streets surrounded the newly planned and built town of Neue Neustadt in the 19th century, each of these streets being named after the corresponding direction. Midnight Street was in the north and therefore got its name.

Möckerner Strasse ; District Cracau ; ZIP 39114

Named after the town of Möckern, east of Magdeburg in Saxony-Anhalt .

Poppy path ; Northwest district ; ZIP 39128

Formerly: Schneiderstrasse
The street name goes back to the plant genus poppy . Like some neighboring streets ( e.g. Flax Width and Rape Width ), it was named after a crop.

Moldenstrasse ; District of Old Town ; ZIP 39106

Between 1956 and 1958, the road development damaged in the Second World War was rebuilt by workers' housing associations in four-storey construction with a pitched roof .
Well-known people who lived here:
Erich Ollenhauer's birthplace (born March 27, 1901 in Magdeburg, † December 14, 1963 in Bonn) was SPD party chairman and parliamentary group leader in the German Bundestag from 1952 to 1963.

Moltkestrasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

Today: Keplerstrasse
This street was named after the Prussian Field Marshal Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke .

Monzstrasse ; Northwest district ; ZIP 39128

Today: Kischstrasse
Like many streets in the area, this street was named after a pilot from the Junkers & Co. company . This street commemorated Emil Monz, who was killed in an accident in 1921 .

Moss ground ; District of New Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130

Named after the moss plant division, which comprises around 26,000 species .

Morgenrot private road ; District Berliner Chaussee ; ZIP 39114


Morning street ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130


Morning street ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

Named after the time of day morning . Abendstrasse and Mittagstrasse are still in the neighborhood . In the past there was also Midnight Street. These four streets surrounded the town of Hironymusstadt, which was newly planned and built in the 19th century, which later became New New Town, and each of these streets was named after the corresponding direction. The morning road lay in the east (sunrise) and was therefore given its name.

Morning street ; District Sudenburg ; ZIP 39112

Today: Rottersdorfer Straße

Morning street ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Today: Schäferbreite

Mörikestrasse ; Herrenkrug district ; ZIP 39114

This street was named after the German writer Eduard Mörike who died in 1875 .

Moritzplatz ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

Formerly: Small market place
The name of the square should be reminiscent of the successful Dutch general Moritz von Orange .

Moritzstrasse ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124

Formerly: Great Market Street
The name of the street should be reminiscent of the successful Dutch general Moritz von Oranien .

Moselstrasse ; District of Old Town ; ZIP 39106

This street is likely to be named after the river Moselle which flows into the Rhine near Koblenz .

Motzstrasse ; District of Stadtfeld Ost ; ZIP 39108

The street is named after the Prussian statesman, Upper President of the Province of Saxony and District President of Magdeburg Friedrich von Motz .

Seagull path ; District Cracau ; ZIP 39114

The street was named after the family of birds, seagulls .

Mozartstrasse ; District of Old Town ; ZIP 39106

The name of the street is reminiscent of the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .

Mühlberg ; Buckau district ; ZIP 39104

The name of the street goes back to a windmill that was located on the slightly elevated area by the street. The existence of the mill has been guaranteed since at least 1775. The mill was owned by the Berge monastery and was leased. After the monastery was closed, a miller Skerl bought the mill. The name Skerl's windmill became common . The later address of the mill property was Schönebecker Straße 2–3. In 1839 the mill burned down but was rebuilt. In 1857 the mill was demolished by a miller Wilhelm .

Mühlenfeld private road ; Prester district ; ZIP 39114

This street was created as a cul-de-sac from the street Am Mühlenfeld for the development of building plots. Since the building owners and the local community work group did not receive any suggestions for a name, the city administration suggested the name Mühlenfeld-Privatweg based on the neighboring street. The designation as a private road was chosen because the road construction load should remain with the residents. The city council decided on the appointment on September 7, 2006.

Mühlenstrasse ; District Old Olvenstedt ; ZIP 39130


Mühlenstrasse ; Old Town district ; ZIP 39104

Formerly: Kleine Storchstrasse
Until the end of the Second World War, the Kleine Storchstraße was located roughly at the site of today's Mühlenstraße. Due to the rebuilding of the city after the war damage, which did not adhere to the historically grown urban structure, many of the small streets in the old town disappeared. So also the streets Große Mühlenstraße and Kleine Mühlenstraße in the immediate vicinity a little further south . In memory of these streets, the newly built street was named Mühlenstraße. The old streets were named after the property at Große Mühlenstraße 1–3, which was called Zur Windmühle . It can be assumed that in the Middle Ages , when this part of the city was still in front of the city ​​wall , a windmill stood here.

Mühlenstrasse ; District of Diesdorf ; ZIP 39110

Today: Am Holländer (from 1926)
The name of the street goes back to a Dutch windmill . This was at the end of the street, probably on the north side. This mill is already recorded on a view of Diesdorf from around 1700. In the course of the incorporation of Diesdorf into Magdeburg, the street was renamed in order to avoid assigning double street names in the city.

Mühlenweg ; District Beyendorf soles ; ZIP 39122

Today: Sohlener Mühlenstraße
The name Sohlener was added after the incorporation of Beyendorf-Sohlens in order to avoid confusion with a street of the same name that already existed in the city.

Mühlenweg ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Today: Müllergasse
The name of the street probably came from a windmill that is said to have been located nearby.

Mühlenweg ; Westerhüsen district ; ZIP 39122

Today: Bahnstrasse
The original name Mühlenweg went back to windmills to which the road led. After the construction of a railway line running parallel to the street, the street was renamed to Magdeburg even before the incorporation of Westerhüsens in 1910.

Mühlhauser Strasse ; Westerhüsen district ; ZIP 39122

This street was named after the town of Mühlhausen in western Thuringia . Several streets in the neighborhood are named after places in Thuringia.

Mühlinger Strasse ; District Fermersleben ; ZIP 39122

Named after the towns of Groß Mühlingen and Kleinmühlingen south of Schönebeck (Elbe) . Several streets in the neighborhood have place names from the area around Schönebeck.

Mühlweg ; District Cracau ; ZIP 39114

The street name is likely to be due to the fact that this street led to the windmill on the Cracauer Mühlenberg . Around 1800 the mill was owned by a Johann Andreas Brennecke .

Miller width ; District Randau-Calenberge ; ZIP 39114

Institutions, buildings, monuments:
  • House No. 16 , Bürgerhaus Randau , built in 1995

Müllergasse ; Ottersleben district ; ZIP 39116

Formerly: Mühlenweg
The name of the street probably goes back to a windmill that is said to have been located nearby.
Institutions, buildings, monuments:

Munchenhofstrasse ; District of New Town ; ZIP 39124


Individual evidence

  1. ^ CA Schmidt, Chronicle of the City of Buckau , 1887, page 159
  2. Printed matter of the state capital Magdeburg 595/05 from November 16, 2005
  3. Amendment 595/05/01 February 9, 2006
  4. Printed matter of the state capital Magdeburg 563/03 from August 19, 2003
  5. New street name. In: Volksstimme . February 25, 1921.
  6. DS 0900/03 of Magdeburg on 15 December 2003
  7. Printed matter of the state capital Magdeburg 198/06 from May 15, 2006