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Monthelie coat of arms
Monthelie (France)
region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Department Côte-d'Or
Arrondissement Beaune
Canton Ladoix-Serrigny
Community association Beaune Cote et Sud
Coordinates 47 ° 0 ′  N , 4 ° 46 ′  E Coordinates: 47 ° 0 ′  N , 4 ° 46 ′  E
height 251-386 m
surface 3.14 km 2
Residents 162 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 52 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 21190
INSEE code

Monthelie is a French commune in the Côte-d'Or department in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté with 162 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017) and an area of ​​3.14 km².


Monthelie is located in the southern part of the Côte de Beaune , about seven kilometers from Beaune northwest of Meursault at an altitude between 251 and 386 m above sea level. The municipality is located on the southern slope of the Saint Romain valley, which separates the red wine regions from the white wine regions. Because of its wines , Monthelie is very well known in professional circles.

Population development

year 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2016
Residents 218 220 199 198 193 220 176 162
Sources: Cassini and INSEE

Viticulture in Monthelie

The municipality with the appellation of the same name in the neighborhood of Meursault has 120 hectares of cultivated area. Most of the production is red wine , made almost exclusively from Pinot Noir , but with the addition of Pinot Liébault and Pinot Gris . A small part of the red wine is also sold under the Monthelie-Côte de Beaune appellation . A small amount of white wine is made from Chardonnay with the addition of Pinot Blanc . Various Premiers Crus are produced on 30 hectares of vineyards, the most important of which are Cas Rougeot, Champs Fulliot, Duresses, Meix-Bataille, Sur la Velle, Taupine and Vignes Rondes . The village is not as well known as its neighbors, but its wines have an excellent reputation.



Monthelie is a picturesque wine-growing village, some of the buildings date from the 18th century.

Web links

Commons : Monthelie  - collection of images, videos and audio files