COVID-19 pandemic: Chronicle of the spread in Germany

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Daily distribution between February 27 and March 22 by district. Confirmed cases Particularly affected area, according to RKI

Comparison of the number of deaths (cumulative) in some western countries and China in similar phases of spread with day 0 = first report> 10 deaths (smoothed, semi- logarithmic )
  • Infections worldwide excluding China
  • Confirmed infections in Germany
  • Deaths worldwide excluding China
  • Deaths in Germany
  • each cumulative, semi- logarithmic representation
    New infections and deaths per day in Germany and in the "Rest of the World" (RdW) excluding China
    (semi- logarithmic representation )

    In Germany, the first individual cases of the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in Germany at the end of January 2020 . After identified infections stagnated, several more cases occurred almost simultaneously in February in different locations. The North Rhine-Westphalian district of Heinsberg was hardest hit. Since the end of February, the number of newly documented cases has grown rapidly and affected more and more federal states. At the same time, the first healed people were released from treatment or quarantine. In the second week of March all federal states were affected and there was the first death.

    The most important events are listed below. They are structured according to the reporting date in the media and federal states (see there for the federal state abbreviations) and the dates can differ from those of the RKI:

    Chronicle of the spread in Germany

    January 2020

    • January 28, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • BY : The first case of infection was found on January 28, 2020 in a 33-year-old employee of the automotive supplier Webasto in Stockdorf . On Monday, January 20, 2020, he took part in an in-house training course with acolleague who had traveledfrom Shanghai . On the following day, January 21, a third employee was infected, who was verifiably infected with the 33-year-old employee. A fourth employee became infected with the 33-year-old employee before he himself felt the first symptoms on Friday, January 24th. He returned to work the following Monday. Only a message from China about the colleague's proof of illness led to his investigation. He wastreated and isolatedat the Schwabing Clinic . In the meantime, he or his colleague had infected 13 other Webasto employees or indirectly their relatives. Thesequencing of the virus carried outas part of the search for “patient 0” of the outbreak in the Italian province of Lodi provided evidence of an undetected chain of infection that led to the outbreak in Lombardy at the end of February.
    • January 30, 2020 (Thursday):
      • BY : A woman from Germany whostayedat the Dortmunder Hütte in Kühtai (Tyrol) from January 24th to 26th, 2020, was diagnosed with the coronavirus.

    February 2020

    • February 2, 2020 (Sunday):
      • HE : On February 2, 2020, two of around 100 Germans evacuated from Wuhan, China, were diagnosed with the coronavirus. They were brought from the Südpfalz barracks to the Frankfurt University Hospital and treated there.
    • February 15 (Saturday):
      • The ' cap meeting' of the Langbröker Dicke Flaa carnival association takes place with around 300 participants in the Langbroich district of the Gangelt community. This carnival event is seen as the reason that the virus spread strongly in the Heinsberg district and that Heinsberg was later declared a particularly affected area by the RKI. All participants in the carnival session were called on by the NRW Minister of Health to report to the authorities. They and their families were quarantined at home for a fortnight.
    • February 20 (Thursday, Weiberfastnacht) to February 25 (Tuesday, Carnival / Shrove Tuesday):
      • The carnival days in Germany were not affected by restrictions to contain the corona virus. In Venice, however, the carnival was canceled on Sunday 23 February (Carnival Sunday)
    • February 24, 2020 (Monday) and February 25, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • BW : On February 25, 2020,a man was diagnosedin the Göppingen district who had previously been in Milan .
      • NW : On February 24 and 25, 2020,the virus was foundin a couple from the Heinsberg district (man 47 years old, woman 46 years old and a professional educator). The origin of the infection is unknown. They were both taken to the Düsseldorf University Hospital. On February 15, 2020, the couple attended the carnival event in Gangelt (see above under February 15). Two medical practices in Cologne that the couple had visited in the meantime were also informed.
    • February 27, 2020 (Thursday):
      • BW: Six more infected people were reported. Three of them had contact with an Italian colleague at a medical congress in Munich and were isolated at the Freiburg University Hospital. An infected person from the Boeblingen district can be linked to the cluster in Göppingen. In the Ludwigsburg district , an infected person tested positive after a previous test for influenza was negative. In the Rhein-Neckar district , a returnees from vacation in Italy tested positive.
      • BY: It was reported that all those infected so far from the Starnberg area have been cured. In the evening, a senior physician from the Erlangen University Hospital tested positive. The man had contact with an Italian colleague at a medical congress. He was isolated in the university hospital.
      • HE: An infected person was diagnosed in Wetzlar who had returned from northern Italy.
      • HH / SH: A pediatrician at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) was reported as affected. He had previously been to Trentino. The man lives in Henstedt-Ulzburg in Schleswig-Holstein .
      • NW: 14 new infections were reported. These infected people were released into quarantine at home.
      • RP: The West Palatinate Clinic in Kaiserslautern confirmed an infected patient who had previously been in Iran.
    • February 28, 2020 (Friday):
      • BW: In Karlsruhe , a businessman from Nuremberg tested positive. In Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald , a test also was positive. In addition, another case was found in Göppingen in a man who was already in quarantine. The virus was also found in a 32-year-old man from Heilbronn who had previously been in Milan. The number of infected people in Baden-Württemberg rose to 14 at this time.
      • HE: Two cases in the Hochtaunus and Giessen were identified. The case from the Hochtaunus is related to that from Wetzlar. The one from Gießen is a student who was infected at the carnival in North Rhine-Westphalia.
      • NW: In the district of Heinsberg the number of infected people rose to 37; With the exception of the couple, who became known on February 24, no one was in inpatient treatment, but in quarantine at home. The infections could all be attributed to this couple. An infected teacher from a special needs school in Lüdenscheid had previously attended a carnival session in Heinsberg. His students went into quarantine at home, the school and a neighboring school were closed the following Monday.
    • February 29, 2020 (Saturday):
      • BW: A case was reported from Freiburg . This was a 42-year-old female contact person from an already confirmed case.
      • BY: Three cases in Upper Bavaria were reported.
      • HB : In Bremen, the infection of a woman who was previously in Iran was reported.
      • HE: Another infected person was reported: It is the student's friend in Giessen.
      • HH: There is a second case in Hamburg. The woman is in domestic isolation.
      • NI : First confirmed case in Lower Saxony: In the Hanover region , the infection of a man who was previously in northern Italy was confirmed.
      • NW: The number of infected people has risen to 60 in the Heinsberg district alone. In addition, there was another case in Bonn , where a man from a school care worker was probably infected via Heinsberg. New cases are reported in the city ​​region of Aachen (3 cases), Cologne (2 cases), Mönchengladbach and Duisburg (2 cases).
      • SH : A second case has been confirmed in Schleswig-Holstein. The person comes from Lübeck and was probably infected on a business trip in Munich.

    March 2020

    • March 1, 2020 (Sunday):
      • BE : The first case was reported in the state of Berlin on Sunday.
      • HE: In Hesse, three infected people from Frankfurt and one person from Groß-Gerau are reported, all of whom are related to the cases in Gießen.
      • NW: The virus was detected in three people in Aachen and nearby Würselen. There is also an initial confirmed infection in Münster and in the Rheinisch-Bergisches Kreis .
    • March 2nd, 2020 (Monday):
      • BB : For the first time in Brandenburg, a man is tested positive for the corona virus. Hetraveledfrom South Tyrol to the Oberhavel district .
      • BW: In the Heilbronn district , several new infections are reported within one day, including a patient (born in 1935) from a retirement home.
      • HH: A traveler to Iran is the third confirmed coronavirus case in Hamburg.
      • NW: In the district of Unna , there is the first confirmed case of infection with the coronavirus.
      • SH: The Duchy of Lauenburg confirmed the third case in Schleswig-Holstein. The woman concerned had returned from the carnival in the Rhineland. Another woman from the Stormarn district tested positive. She too had returned from a risk area.
      • SN : The first infected person in Saxony is a 67-year-old man from the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district , who traveled from Italy with 37 others. The case is related to the case in Hanover.
      • TH: In the Saale-Orla district , the first infected person in Thuringia tested positive. The 57-year-old was on a skiing holiday in northern Italy.
    • March 3, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • BW: Nine new cases are identified in Baden-Württemberg. One of them in the Rems-Murr-Kreis , in Rudersberg . The 44-year-old patient is now in the Rems-Murr-Klinikum Winnenden . The chain of infection is unknown. Six cases in the district of Esslingen , in the district of Lörrach and in Ludwigsburg , all with connections to Italy. Two of the patients have to be hospitalized because of an underlying disease. In the Ostalb district , a woman who is connected to the cases in Heinsberg is tested positive.
      • HE: A woman from Hanau in the Main-Kinzig district , born in 1967 , tested positive. This is the 12th case in Hessen. The source of the infection is unknown.
      • MV : The first two cases in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are a couple who had contact with an infected person in Baden-Württemberg and who come from the Vorpommern-Greifswald district .
      • NI: Three new infections became known in Lower Saxony. It is a contact person for the previous, first case (from February 29) from the Hanover region and men from the districts of Cuxhaven (returnees from Northern Italy) and Ammerland (participation in the carnival near Heinsberg).
      • NW: An infection was detected in two other people in Münster, including an educator from a daycare center. A 49-year-old man from Neuss-Norf was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus on the evening of March 3.
      • SH: The Pinneberg district reports the fifth case in Schleswig-Holstein. The man affected is a colleague of the UKE doctor who was identified as infected the previous week .
      • SL : The first infected person is reported in Saarland. The patient is a doctor at the children's clinic at the Homburg University Hospital , who was initially treated at the University Hospital and was then placed in quarantine at home on the same evening.
    • March 4, 2020 (Wednesday):
      • BW: 28 new cases are tested positive in Baden-Württemberg. 18 of them are returning travelers, 15 of them from Italy (in the Stuttgart district, Alb-Donau district, Sigmaringen district, Rhein-Neckar district, Ludwigsburg district, Main-Tauber district, Ulm district, Lake Constance district and Freiburg district) , two of them from Iran (city district Mannheim and Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) and one from Barcelona (city district Stuttgart). Nine cases can be traced back to contact with an infected person in Germany (Heilbronn, Ostalbkreis, Zollern-Alb-Kreis, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis), of which four are residents of the old people's home in Bad Rappenau. The chain of infection cannot be traced back to an infected person from the Heidenheim district.
      • BY Auto supplier Webasto announces that all of its employees infected with the coronavirus have recovered and tested negative for the pathogen. Since January 28 a total of 16 company employees were infected. These were the first known corona cases in Germany.
      • HE: There is the first case in northern Hesse in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district . An employee of Deutsche Bahn from Frankfurt also tested positive. Overall, the number of infected people in Hesse increases to 13.
      • HH: Last night, another case of illness with the coronavirus was confirmed in Hamburg, as the press office of the Hamburg Senate announced at noon. According to the information, it is a person who has returned to the Hanseatic city from a holiday in a region in Italy that has been designated as a risk area. The responsible health department in Altona has taken all necessary measures.
      • NI: The number of known infected people has risen to 10. No source of infection could be identified for a sick woman from the district of Leer who works as a local nurse. There was also a family man from the county of Bentheim , who was probably infected from an infection cluster in the neighboring Netherlands. Furthermore, two people from the Rotenburg (Wümme) district who had returned from a holiday in South Tyrol tested positive . A man from Oldenburg recognized as infected had also celebrated carnival at Heinsberg. On Wednesday evening, the Hanover region confirmed that a second contact person from the first patient in Uetze was infected.
      • NW: A 68-year-old man from Bochum-Stiepel was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. It is the first case in Bochum. He and his wife have been in house quarantine since Monday, March 4, the test result for the woman is still pending. The couple was previously on a skiing holiday in South Tyrol and is believed to have been infected there.
    • March 5, 2020 (Thursday):
      • BW: Due to 16 new cases, the number of people infected in Baden-Württemberg has increased to 89. Eight people were members of a tour group that was in South Tyrol and live in the Zollernalb district. Another infected person in the Hohenlohe district was in Piedmont. In the Esslingen district, three cases are tested positive, the cases are related to the disease group there. In the districts of Karlsruhe, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis and Bodenseekreis, one case each tested positive, and all three cases are people returning from South Tyrol. A male person tests positive in the Zollernalb district.
      • HH: The number of coronavirus infections is also increasing in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg. The health authority confirmed three more cases of illness with the novel coronavirus today at noon, they all have nothing to do with each other.
      • MV: A 49-year-old from the Vorpommern-Rügen district tested positive. He was in close contact with the man who was reported as the third case of a corona infection in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on the late evening of March 3, 2020.
      • NI: The number of known infected people has risen to 13. A teacher from Stade tested positive. The district of Celle reported an infected man from Celle who had contact with the first case in Lower Saxony from Uetze / Hanover. A Braunschweig woman who was recognized as infected had returned from a vacation in Gran Canaria.
      • RP: The ready-to-fly soldier at Cologne / Bonn Airport, who tested positive on February 26, was released from the hospital. He is the first confirmed convalescent in Germany whose chain of infection cannot be traced back to China.
      • SH: In the Dithmarschen district , an employee of the West Coast Clinic tested positive. The woman works at the children's intensive care unit in Heide.
    • March 6, 2020 (Friday):
      • BW: With 20 new cases, the number of infected people rises to 116. In the Biberach district, a 43-year-old man tested positive for the corona virus. The district of Calw reports a 29-year-old man as the first infected in the district. He was with his soccer team for a training camp in Sirmione .
      • HH: Three affected people with mild symptoms traveled by car from northern Italy to Hamburg. They have been in domestic isolation since their return. The fourth case involves a contact person for a known infected person who is resident in Hamburg and who is also isolated at home.
      • MV: In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there is the sixth laboratory-confirmed case of a corona infection. A 56-year-old man from the Mecklenburg Lake District has had mild symptoms in the form of a cough since March 5 and is now in quarantine at home. He was in close contact with the fourth confirmed case from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which became known on March 4, 2020.
      • NW: In the Heinsberg district there were 220 confirmed infections with the corona virus at 1:00 p.m. The wife of the 68-year-old from Bochum, who has been in quarantine at home since Monday, is also confirmed to be infected with the corona virus. It is the second confirmed case in the city.
      • SL : In Saarland there is a second case in St. Ingbert . The man is a SAP employee and lives in France. He was infected at a private event and is in quarantine at home.
    • March 7, 2020 (Saturday):
      • BW: On Saturday afternoon, the authorities reported 54 new confirmed cases across the country, 21 of them in the Main-Tauber district alone (all of them returnees from a tour group from South Tyrol). This increased the number of people infected with corona in Baden-Württemberg to 170. 20 schools in Baden-Württemberg have already been temporarily closed.
      • HH: Another case. The person concerned is a contact person of an infected person who had been isolated the previous day and who had been in northern Italy.
      • NI: In the Hildesheim district , a couple has been confirmed to be infected with the corona virus. The two previously stayed in Tyrol.
      • NW: Four cases were confirmed in Remscheid, three members of a bus tour group to the Middle East and one member of this group. In Wermelskirchen, a 65-year-old man tested positive after a trip to a risk area.
    • March 8, 2020 (Sunday):
      • BY: Several schools in Munich were closed due to confirmed cases.
      • MV: After a skiing holiday in Salzburg and Austria, a 23-year-old woman and a 37-year-old man from the Mecklenburg Lake District complained of the typical symptoms. The two sick people went into quarantine at home. The number of detected infections rose to eight.
      • SL: After three more positive tests, the number in Saarland rises to 5. SAP closes its St. Ingbert location due to three infected employees .
      • SN: With a retired couple from Dresden and a truck driver from Eastern Europe who are being treated in Leipzig (all three had been in northern Italy), the number of cases in Saxony rose to seven.
      • ST : In Saxony-Anhalt, the Zerbst / Anhalt clinic wasclosed to new patients and visitors because a doctor infected with the coronavirus was working there. He returned from South Tyrol a week ago and worked in the hospital until Friday. This was announced by the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district . Statistically, the case does not belong to Saxony-Anhalt, as the doctor comes from Saxony. He shows slight discomfort. The circle is currently looking for people who have had contact with the doctor. First smears had already been taken from the first people to test them for the pathogen; the results of which are expected on Monday.
    • March 9, 2020 (Monday):
      • BE: After a choir rehearsal by the Berlin Cathedral Choir, 30 infected people were later discovered despite precautionary measures. A total of 60 people complained of flu symptoms and loss of taste. One person had to be put into an artificial coma.
      • MV: A married couple (76 and 78 years old) from the Rostock district tested positive. After returning from Egypt, one of the two people showed symptoms that now require hospital treatment. The other person is in isolation at home without symptoms.
      • NI : Thefirst case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in the Hameln-Pyrmont district . A 48-year-old man was skiing in Austria with a group of nine, of which another participant showed symptoms of an infection two days after his return and also tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
      • NW: In North Rhine-Westphalia there were the first two deaths in Germany. First an 89-year-old woman died in Essen and about an hour later a 78-year-old man died in Gangelt, Heinsberg district. The man had pre-existing conditions such as heart problems and diabetes. Four cases were confirmed in Solingen. The diagnosis was confirmed in one man in Leverkusen.
      • RP: A student from WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar tested positive for the virus.
      • TH: Two men tested positive in the Kyffhäuserkreis . They came back from a skiing holiday in Tyrol.
    • March 10, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • MV: A first laboratory-confirmed case was registered in the Hanseatic city of Rostock . One case was also reported in the Rostock district and the Mecklenburg Lake District district.
      • ST: For the first time, cases were reported from Saxony-Anhalt. There are four holiday returners from South Tyrol, three from Tyrol and one traveler to Israel.
      • TH: There is a confirmed case in the city of Weimar as well as in the Saale-Holzland district with a returnees from South Tyrol.
    • March 11, 2020 (Wednesday):
      • NI: The Northeim district confirmed three newly infected people, including two men who have returned from the Ischgl ski area. One case is attributed to the city of Uslar. The district of Göttingen reported the first case of infection in the Osterode area. In Braunschweig there was a suspected case in a prison for the first time, the prisoner was then isolated and general lock-up was ordered for all prisoners in the institution.
      • NW: There was a second death in the Heinsberg district. A 73-year-old man from Übach-Palenberg died . He was a dialysis patient with serious previous illnesses. Overall, it is the third death in Germany. As of 3:00 p.m. there were 443 confirmed infections in the Heinsberg district.
    • March 12, 2020 (Thursday):
      • BW: The fourth death in Germany is reported in the Rems-Murr district . The 67-year-old man died a few days earlier. The corpse was subsequently tested positive.
      • BY: The first death in Bavaria was a man over 80 years of age who needed care and had previous illnesses.
      • HE: In the Main-Kinzig district, 2 infected women who were in contact with a woman returning from Italy were reported as infected. In addition, there are currently 3 infected and sick employees of the Main-Kinzig-Kliniken
      • MV: Three new corona infections were reported to the health authorities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. They concern the districts of Vorpommern-Rügen and Mecklenburg Lake District and, for the first time, the state capital Schwerin .
      • NI: After a second confirmed case occurred in the professional squad of Hannover 96 , a two-week quarantine was ordered for the entire professional team.
      • NW: There was the third death in the Heinsberg district. This is a 78-year-old woman with previous illnesses. The virus was detected in a teacher in Remscheid. However, she had not been to school for a few days because of her illness. A taxi driver also tested positive in Remscheid. He had been infected by passengers and two days later he was also transporting schoolchildren from different schools before going into quarantine that same day.
      • RP: The city of Trier announces that a resident of the city has been infected with the corona virus. According to the health department, the person concerned is fine.
      • TH: In the Schmalkalden-Meiningen district , a 39-year-old woman tested positive for the coronavirus. In the meantime, an infection has also been detected in her 54-year-old partner. Both are currently in quarantine.
    • March 13, 2020 (Friday):
      • BW: Two new deaths are reported in Baden-Württemberg, one each in the Esslingen district (80 years old) and one in the Göppingen district (85 years old).
      • NI: In a Diakonie nursing home, the first resident tested positive. In the further course, at least 79 residents tested positive and 27 died.
      • TH: A positive case is reported from the initial reception center in Suhl, which was found the evening before. The 500 residents of the facility, which is designed for 1,200 residents, were partly quarantined, and separate accommodation was provided for newcomers.
    • March 14, 2020 (Saturday):
      • BW: The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health was reported on Saturday 258 further cases of confirmed infections with the corona virus. The number of infected people in the country rose to a total of 827.
    • March 15, 2020 (Sunday):
      • MV: The State Ministry of Health reported five new corona infections without naming the affected communities. The number of detected infections rose to 50.
    • March 17th, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • RP: In the Birkenfeld district, 2 people with COVID-19 were identified for the first time and confirmed by laboratory technology. The first case was found in a woman the day before (Monday). The next day with a man. Both had stayed in Tyrol.
    • March 20, 2020 (Friday):
      • BY: Nine deaths in Bavaria occurred in a nursing home in Würzburg. Of the 160 residents of this nursing home, another five are in Würzburg clinics and ten have tested positive for the virus. There are also 23 nurses who also tested positive.
    • March 31, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • 79,318 infections were known nationwide. The RKI no longer listed the Heinsberg district as a “particularly affected area in Germany” because the proportion of infected people in other districts was already higher.

    April 2020

    • April 1, 2020 (Wednesday):
    • April 2, 2020 (Thursday):
      • NW: The MediClin Rose Clinic (Rehabilitation Clinic) in Horn-Bad Meinberg is evacuated by order of the Lippe district's crisis team. Over 100 patients and employees have contracted the virus here.
    • April 6, 2020 (Monday):
      • DE: The number of known infected people exceeds the limit of 100,000 people.
    • April 11, 2020 (Saturday):
      • DE: A commission is developing criteria for the possible relaxation of the contact limits.
    • April 14, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • DE: The number of people known to be infected nationwide exceeds the limit of 125,000 people. The cases in old people's homes are increasing.
      • HH: 38 infected seniors are reported in the Harburg retirement home.
      • SH: 70 infected seniors and employees are reported in a retirement home in Bad Oldesloe
    • April 15, 2020 (Wednesday):
      • BW: It became known that around half of the 500 people in an accommodation for asylum seekers in Ellwangen were infected.
      • DE: The RKI reported in the Epidemiological Bulletin that the reproduction number of the virus had fallen below 1 on March 23, 2020.
    • April 24, 2020 (Friday):
      • DE: The number of known infected people exceeds the limit of 150,000 people.
    • April 28, 2020 (Monday):
      • DE: The number of known deaths in connection with the COVID-19 reaches a value of 6,000 people.
    • April 30, 2020 (Wednesday):
      • HE: While there were still enough intensive care beds available across Hesse, according to the intensive care register, the Hochtaunus clinics in Usingen, the Asklepios clinic Bad König and the two Main-Kinzig clinics in Schlüchtern and Gelnhausen have already reached the limit of ventilation capacity.

    At the end of April, a total of almost 6,500 deaths in connection with COVID-19 were known. That's an increase from 5350 last month. A total of around 93,000 new infections were registered in April.

    May 2020

    • May 2, 2020 (Saturday):
      • DE: For the first time since March 13, the RKI only reports a three-digit increase in cases (945). For the first time since April 6, the number of deaths remained only in double digits (94).
    • May 8, 2020 (Friday):
      • DE: The number of known deaths related to COVID-19 exceeds the 7,000 mark.
    • May 10, 2020 (Sunday):
      • HE: After a service in a Baptist parish in Frankfurt, it became known on May 23 that more than 40 people were infected with the corona virus. By the end of May, the number of people infected as a result of the outbreak rose to 200.
    • May 15, 2020 (Friday):
      • DE: The number of new infections every day across Germany is still below 1000. The RKI currently only shows the two districts of Coesfeld and Coburg with more than 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days. In over 20 districts in Germany, no more cases of infection were recorded within a week. These are mainly in the east and north of the federal territory.
    • May 16, 2020 (Saturday):
      • NW: In the parcel center in Hückelhoven, Heinsberg district, it became known that at least 80 employees had been infected.
    • May 17, 2020 (Sunday):
      • NW: At least 70 people were infected in a refugee home in Sankt Augustin near Bonn. There are at least 90 people in a butcher's shop.
    • May 19, 2020 (Tuesday):
      • DE: The number of known deaths related to COVID-19 exceeds the limit of 8,000. The number of known cases of infection simultaneously exceeds 175,000. The districts of Coburg and Straubing are beyond the critical mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Some federal states lower the early warning limit to 30 or 35 new infections per week.
      • NW: Another 90 infected people have been discovered in the refugee home in St. Augustin. This increases the number to over 160 infected people.
    • May 22, 2020 (Friday):
      • DE: There is currently no district that is above the mark of 50 infected people per week and 100,000 inhabitants.
      • NI: After visiting a restaurant in the Leer district , 7 people were infected, at least 50 were quarantined. According to NDR 1 Lower Saxony, it was "the first known cases of this kind since the catering trade in Lower Saxony was reopened on May 11".
    • May 28, 2020 (Thursday):
      • NI: 72 employees of the distribution center at the postal service provider UPS in Langenhagen near Hanover were infected.
    • May 29, 2020 (Friday):
      • DE: The number of infected people nationwide rises to over 180,000.

    At the end of May 2020, a total of just over 8,500 deaths in connection with COVID-19 were known. This corresponds to an increase from 2030 last month. About 700 patients received intensive care. A total of around 21,000 new infections were registered in May.

    June 2020

    • June 1st (Monday):
      • TH: With Sonneberg there is again a district that is above the mark of 50 infected people per week and 100,000 inhabitants. There were u. a. Outbreaks have been discovered in two nursing homes.
      • NI: 80 infected people were discovered in Göttingen who became infected after private family celebrations during the Muslim sugar festival . Since there were also many children among the infected, the city decided to close all schools and daycare centers and introduce another mask requirement.
    • June 10 (Wednesday):
      • NW: A local outbreak with 15 infected people occurred on a ward in the Dortmund Clinic . There are 9 employees and 6 patients. A previously ill patient at the age of 82 died as a result of the infection.
      • BY: In the district of Aichach-Friedberg, the limit of 50 new infections per week and 100,000 inhabitants was exceeded.
    • June 18th (Thursday):

    "The largest, unprecedented infection rate in North Rhine-Westphalia."

    - Armin Laschet Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia :
    • June 24th (Wednesday):
      • NW: Restrictions on public life have been extended for the districts of Gütersloh and Warendorf ("Coronaregionalverordnung"). The measures initially apply until June 30, 2020. Around 640,000 people are affected.

    At the end of June 2020, the RKI recorded a total of 1,475 further deaths. In total, around 13,000 new infections were known in June.

    July 2020

    • July 3rd (Friday):
      • DE: The RKI counted 9,000 deaths across Germany in connection with Corona.
    • July 16 (Thursday):
      • DE: The RKI counted 200,000 infected people across Germany.
    • July 27 (Monday)
      • BY : In the district of Dingolfing-Landau, the quota of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants was exceeded within 7 days, which had not happened in Germany since June 29.
    • July 28th (Tuesday)
      • BW : In southern Germany, several super-spreader events are identified as drivers of the pandemic.

    In July 2020, the RKI recorded a total of 168 further deaths. A total of around 14,500 new infections were known in July.

    August 2020

    • August 2nd (Sunday):
      • HE: Due to returning travelers, more than 20 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were found in the city of Offenbach within a few days. The number later increased to over 35.
    • August 6th (Thursday):
      • DE : For the first time in over 2 months, more than 1,000 new infections per day were found
    • August 12 (Wednesday):
      • BY : The results of 44,000 tests, which were carried out mainly in mobile test centers at motorway service stations on holiday returnees, were not passed on to those affected. By the following Sunday, of over 900 positive tests, more than 40 people had still not been identified.
    • August 14th
      • DE : For the first time, over 200,000 convalescents were estimated. This corresponds to 0.2% of the population. The infections have so far accumulated to over 220,000. The RKI declared mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands with Mallorca to be a risk area. Around 130 countries are considered risk areas, for example Luxembourg, the Belgian province of Antwerp, Turkey, parts of Bulgaria and Romania, Russia, other countries in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the USA. (see also COVID-19 pandemic in Germany # situation from June )
      • BY : In the Dingolfing-Landau district, more than 100 new infections per 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants were once again known.
    • 17th August
      • DE : The number of infections detected totaled 225,000. The number of newly infected people recorded last week was almost 7,000 people.
    • August 21
      • HE : The Offenbach district had the highest incidence in Germany with an incidence of over 50 and rose to 54 by the 24th.
      • DE : In Germany, the total number of reported infections on one day rose by 2034, the highest daily difference in months.
    • August 24th
      • HE : The state of Hesse had the highest incidence of 17.7 (new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days) in the entire federal territory, followed by Bavaria with 14.2. The low incidence in the eastern German states, which are all below 4, is still noticeable. This will u. a. explained with the lower population density.
    • August 31
      • BY : The federal state of Bavaria had the highest incidence of all federal states at 14.4. Ingolstadt was hit hardest at 37.
      • NW : In NRW there is the highest number of intensively treated COVID-19 patients with 74 people. 45 of them need ventilation.

    Around 34,500 new infections and 155 more deaths were recorded in the entire month of August. 250 people were in intensive care. 115 people had to be ventilated.

    See also

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ A b Ruth Fulterer, Joana Kelén, Barnaby Skinner: How Mardi Gras accelerated the pandemic in Germany | NZZ . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . ( Online [accessed March 12, 2020]).
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    Web links