List of churches and monasteries in Burgundy
This list shows churches and monasteries in the French region of Burgundy (Bourgogne).
Burgundy is one of the oldest and richest cultural landscapes in France . Evidence of Christian sacred architecture goes back to late antiquity. The earliest Christian centers include a. the episcopal seats of Autun , Auxerre , Mâcon and Sens . Numerous monasteries were founded in the Merovingian and Carolingian epochs. The most important preserved early medieval building is the crypt of Saint-Germain in Auxerre with Carolingian frescoes.
In the High Middle Ages, Burgundy was the cradle of the reform orders of the Cluniac and the Cistercians (important preserved buildings of the Cluniac, among others: Cluny , Paray-le-Monial ; and the Cistercians: Fontenay and Pontigny ). The pilgrimage church of Vézelay became a main starting point for the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela . The first church buildings were vaulted ( chapaize ) as early as the 11th century, and in the church of Saint-Philibert in Tournus there was a one-off attempt at vaulting with transverse barrels. The foundations of an important central building from the 11th century have been preserved in the crypt of Saint Benigne in Dijon. The Cluniacians introduced the more stable pointed barrel. The typical Cluniac wall structure was in three parts: Mostly pointed arched pillar arcades to the side aisles, above a zone structured by blind arcades and pilaster strips (without galleries) and the upper balcony, above the pointed barrel. A number of large buildings from the 12th century in and outside Burgundy adopted the Cluniac style (in Burgundy: Autun , Vézelay ). The Cistercians, on the other hand, simplified the wall structure and dispensed with the mezzanine in the wall. In Fontenay (the only surviving example of the earliest Cistercian architectural style in Burgundy) even the upper aisle is missing, so that the only incidence of light came through the aisles and the windows of the west facade and the choir. The Burgundian Romanesque also had an impact on the neighboring regions (examples: Payerne and Romainmôtier in Switzerland)
The architectural sculpture of the Burgundian Romanesque is among the best that was created in Europe in the 12th century. First of all, the tympana of Vézelay and Autun are mentioned, then the capitals in Saulieu . Outside of Burgundy, u. a. Comparable to Moissac .
The most important Romanesque frescoes in Burgundy can be found in the chapel of Berzé-la-Ville (12th century). The frescoes in the crypt of Auxerre Cathedral date from the 11th century . The Sens cathedral is a masterpiece of the 12th century early Gothic.
In the 13th century, an independent Burgundian Gothic developed, with major works in Dijon ( Notre-Dame ), Auxerre, Semur-en-Auxois, Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay and Saint-Thibault. Characteristic of the Burgundian Gothic is what Jantzen called the "diaphanous wall", in other words: the wall is dissolved in the mass of the wall if possible, but is rather "double-shelled"; B. in Saint-Thibault. Another characteristic of the Burgundian Gothic are the vaults and arcades, which are staggered at different heights, especially in the vestibules of Notre-Dame in Dijon and Beaune. In the German-speaking area there is an echo of the Burgundian Gothic z. B. at the choir of the Basel Minster and in the vestibule of Maulbronn Monastery .
In the 14th century, Claus Sluter, one of the most important sculptors of the era, appeared in Dijon. He created the fountain of Moses and the portal sculptures of the Chartreuse de Champmol as well as the tomb of Philip the Bold (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dijon).
After Burgundy fell to France, the prosperity of Burgundian sacred architecture ebbed. During the late Gothic and Renaissance periods, only a few large buildings were built (e.g. Saint-Pierre in Tonnerre and Saint-Michel in Dijon), and hardly any church worth mentioning has survived from the Baroque period.
This list only shows the most architecturally or historically important sacred buildings. The more than a thousand Romanesque village churches and chapels can be found in the lists of Romanesque monasteries, churches and chapels in Burgundy: Côte-d'Or , Nièvre , Saône-et-Loire and Yonne .
Major works of Burgundian sacred architecture
- Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul in Aignay-le-Duc (13th century)
- Saint-Léger in Alise-Sainte-Reine (7th-12th centuries)
- Notre-Dame in Auxonne , former collegiate church (13th century)
- Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in Bagnot (12th / 13th century; frescoes 15th century)
- Saint-Jean-l'Evangeliste in Bard-le-Régulier , former priory (end of the 12th century)
- Notre-Dame in Beaune , former collegiate church (12th century)
- Saint-Martin in Bellenot-sous-Pouilly (around 1200)
- Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Celse in Bessey-la-Cour (around 1200)
- Saint-Germain-d'Auxerre in Bligny-sur-Ouche (12th century core)
- Saint-Antonin in Bussy-le-Grand (12th century)
- Chartreuse de Champmol near Dijon ( see Claus Sluter )
- Sainte-Sabine in Châteauneuf (12th century)
- Notre-Dame in Châtillon-sur-Seine (12th century)
- Saint-Vorles in Châtillon-sur-Seine (essentially end of the 10th century)
- Sainte-Trinité in Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur (12th century)
- Cîteaux , former Cistercian abbey (12th century, defunct)
- Saint-Cyr-et-Sainte-Julitte in Clamerey (12th century core)
- Saint-Médard in Clomot (12th century core)
- Saint-Hippolyte in Combertault (12th century)
- Saint Benigne in Dijon , former Benedictine abbey, cathedral (early 11th century, new building at the end of the 13th century)
- Notre-Dame in Dijon (1220 to 1250)
- Saint-Philibert in Dijon (12th century)
- Saint-Michel in Dijon (1499 to 1529)
- Saint-Jean in Dijon (16th century)
- Saint-Etienne in Dijon (15th-18th centuries)
- Saint-Martin in Fénay (12th century core)
- Fixey at Fixin (10th century core)
- Saint-Martin in Fixin (12th, 14th centuries)
- Saint-Pierre de Flavigny in Flavigny-sur-Ozerain , former Benedictine abbey (crypt, 9th century; ruins 11th / 12th century)
- Saint-Genest in Flavigny-sur-Ozerain (13th, 15th and 16th centuries; choir stalls 16th century)
- Fontaine lès Dijon , former Cistercian abbey (exited)
- Fontenay , former Cistercian abbey (12th century), has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981
- Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption in Gemeaux (10th century core)
- Saint-Pierre in Gerland (around 1200)
- Château de Gilly near Vougeot , former Cistercian abbey
- Saint-Pierre in Glanot near Mont-Saint-Jean (12th century)
- Saint-Pierre in Hauteville-lès-Dijon (around 1000)
- La Bussière in La Bussière-sur-Ouche , former Cistercian abbey (12th century)
- Saint-Martin in La Motte-Ternant (11th century)
- Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in La Rochepot , former Saint-Georges priory (12th century core; Romanesque capitals)
- Lieu-Dieu near Beaune , former Cistercian abbey
- Saint-Vorles in Marcenay (11th century)
- Meursault , former Cistercian abbey
- Molesme , former Cistercian abbey
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Mont-Saint-Jean (12th century core)
- Saint-Martin in Montigny-sur-Armançon (12th century)
- Saint-Symphorien in Nuits-Saint-Georges (13th century, "transition style")
- Saint-Laurent in Prusly-sur-Ource (Romansh)
- Saint-Aubin in Saint-Aubin (10th / 11th century)
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Saint-Jean-de-Losne (15th / 16th century)
- Saint-Phal near Bretenière (11th-13th centuries)
- Saint-Thibault in Saint-Thibault , former priory church (13th century)
- Saint-Vivant in Curtil-Vergy , former Cluniac Abbey, ruin (founded around 910; remains of buildings 18th century)
- Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in Salmaise (Romansh)
- Saint-Andoche in Saulieu (12th century; Romanesque capitals)
- Notre-Dame in Semur-en-Auxois , former collegiate church (13th century)
- Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Sussey (Romansh)
- Saint-Florent-et-Saint-Honoré in Til-Châtel (12th century)
- Saint-Saturnin de Vergy in Reulle-Vergy (12th century core)
- Saint-Martin in Vic-de-Chassenay (around 1200)
- Saint-Laurent in Vieux-Château (12th century)
- Saint-Germain in Vitteaux (12th century core)
- Saint-Marcel in Vix , former priory (12th century)
- Churches and monasteries in the Côte-d'Or department
Fountain of Moses by Claus Sluter in Dijon (14th century)
- Saint-Laurent in Béard (12th century)
- Saint-Barthélémy in Cervon , former collegiate church Saint-Eptade (tympanum, 12th century)
- Saint-Pierre in Champvoux (Romansh)
- Saint-Martin in Clamecy , former collegiate church (13th century)
- Saint-Laurent in Commagny near Moulins-Engilbert , former priory (early 12th century)
- Saint-Agnan in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire , former priory (late 11th century)
- Notre-Dame-du-Pré in Donzy-le-Pré near Donzy , former priory (12th century, important tympanum)
- Saint-Martin in Garchizy (12th century core)
- Saint-Sylvestre in Jailly (11th / 12th centuries)
- La Charité , former Benedictine abbey (11th / 12th centuries)
- Saint-Julien in Mars-sur-Allier , former priory (12th century; tympanum)
- Saint-Etienne in Nevers , former priory church (12th century)
- Cathedral of Nevers (main building period: 13th century)
- Saint Germain in Rouy (12th century)
- Saint-Patrice in Saint-Parize-le-Châtel (core early 12th century; Romanesque capitals)
- Saint-Pierre in Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier (Romansh)
- Saint-Révérien in Saint-Révérien , former priory (12th century; Romanesque capitals)
- Saint-Pierre in Sémelay , former priory (12th century)
- Saint-Laurent in Verneuil (12th century)
- Chartreuse Notre-Dame du Val Saint-Jean de Basseville , former Carthusian monastery (14th century)
- Churches and monasteries in the Nièvre department
- Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption in Ameugny (11th / 12th centuries)
- Sainte-Trinité in Anzy-le-Duc , former priory church (11th / 12th century)
- Autun , Saint-Lazare Cathedral
- Chapelle des Moines in Berzé-la-Ville (around 1100, with frescoes from the time of construction)
- Bois-Sainte-Marie , former priory (11th / 12th century)
- Saint-Nazaire-Saint-Celse in Bourbon-Lancy , former priory (11th century)
- Saint-Pierre in Brancion (12th century; frescoes)
- Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Celse in Briant (12th century)
- Saint-Vincent in Chalon-sur-Saône , former cathedral (11th - 15th centuries)
- Saint Martin in Chapaize (11th century)
- Charlieu , former Benedictine abbey (12th century, important tympanum)
- Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Châteauneuf (12th century)
- Saint-Pierre in Chissey-lès-Mâcon (12th century)
- Cluny , former Benedictine abbey (from the end of the 11th century)
- Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens in Curbigny (12th century)
- Saint-Ferréol in Curgy (11th century; frescoes)
- Saint-Martin in Dezize-lès-Maranges (11th century)
- Saint-Pierre in Domange near Igé (11th century)
- Saint-Barthélemy in Farges-les-Mâcon (11th century)
- Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption in Gourdon , former priory (around 1100)
- St-André in Iguerande , former Saint-André priory (late 11th century)
- Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur in Issy-l'Évêque (12th century)
- La Ferté near La Ferté-sur-Grosne , former Cistercian abbey (12th century, defunct)
- Saint-Martin in Laives, former priory (11th century)
- Laizy (12th century)
- Saint-Christophe in Le Puley (Romanesque)
- Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Le Villars (11th century)
- former cathedral of Mâcon (11th / 12th century)
- Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in Malay (around 1100)
- Saint-Denis in Massy , former Saint-Martin priory (11th century)
- Maizières near Saint-Loup-Géanges , former Cistercian abbey
- Saint-Blaise in Mazille , former priory (around 1100)
- Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Montceaux-l'Étoile (12th century; tympanum)
- Saint-Vincent in Mont-Saint-Vincent , former priory (around 1100)
- Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais in Ozenay (12th century)
- Paray-le-Monial , former Benedictine abbey (around 1100)
- Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Benoît in Perrecy-les-Forges , former priory (11th century; narthex 12th century)
- Pierreclos, castle chapel (12th century)
- Saint-Germain-et-Saint-Benoît in Saint-Germain-en-Brionnais , former priory (end of the 11th century)
- Saint-Hippolyte near Bonnay , former priory (ruin, 12th century)
- Saint-Julien in Saint-Julien-de-Jonzy (12th century core; tympanum)
- Saint Martin in Saint-Martin-de-Lixy
- Saint-Donat in Saint-Point (11th / 12th centuries)
- Saint-Vincent in Saint-Vincent-des-Prés (11th century)
- Saint-Hilaire in Semur-en-Brionnais (12th century)
- Saint-Julien in Sennecey-le-Grand (11th century)
- Saint-Nicolas in Sigy-le-Châtel , former priory (12th century)
- Saint-Pierre in Solutré-Pouilly (12th century)
- Notre-Dame in Suin (12th century)
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Toulon-sur-Arroux (around 1100)
- Saint-Philibert Abbey Church and former Benedictine Abbey of Tournus (11th century)
- Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Tournus , former priory (Romanesque)
- Saint-Pierre in Uchizy , former priory (11th century)
- Saint-Roch in Uchon (12th century)
- Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens in Varenne-l'Arconce , former priory (early 12th century)
- Saint-Roch in Vaux-en-Pré (11th / 12th centuries)
- Churches and monasteries in the Saône-et-Loire department
- Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur in Asquins (12th century core)
- Saint-Etienne cathedral in Auxerre (main construction period 13th century)
- Saint-Germain d'Auxerre , former Benedictine abbey (new construction 13th century over Romanesque crypt with Carolingian frescoes)
- Saint-Eusèbe in Auxerre , former priory church (13th century, choir 16th century)
- Avallon , former collegiate church (11th / 12th century; portal sculpture)
- Saint-Vérain in Bazarnes (12th century core)
- Saint Martin in Chablis (12th century)
- Saint-Romain in Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines (12th century)
- Notre-Dame in Givry (12th century core)
- Saint-Phal in Gy-l'Évêque (13th century)
- La Charité near Lézinnes , former Cistercian abbey
- Saint-Germain in La Ferté-Loupière (frescoes 15th / 16th century)
- Les Echarlis in Villefranche-Saint Phal , former Cistercian abbey (12th century; framed remains)
- Notre-Dame in Lucy-sur-Yonne , former Saint-Potentien abbey (11th century core)
- Marcilly , former Cistercian abbey
- Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption in Montréal (12th century)
- Notre-Dame in Noyers (15th century)
- Saint-Sébastien in Parly (12th century core)
- Pontigny , former Cistercian abbey
- Notre-Dame in Prégilbert (around 1200)
- Quincy in Commissey near Tanlay , former Cistercian abbey
- Saint-Florentin in Saint-Florentin (14th-16th centuries)
- Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay (13th century)
- Sens Cathedral (12th century)
- Sainte-Colombe Abbey in Sens (dismissed)
- Saint-Pierre in Tonnerre , former collegiate church (16th century)
- Ste-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay , former Benedictine abbey (main construction period 12th century), has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979
- Saint-André in Voutenay-sur-Cure (12th century core)
- Churches and monasteries in the Yonne department
See also
- Raymond Oursel: Bourgogne Romaine . Editions Zodiaque , La Pierre-qui-Vire 1991