List of mammals in Germany

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Carte administrative de l'Europe, montrant l'Allemagne en rouge.
Location of Germany in Europe

This annotated list shows the observed wild mammal fauna in Germany .

It lists the species of mammals ( Mammalia ) in Germany that have recently occurred or were classified as extinct in Germany from 1492 onwards. Domestic and farm animals as well as zoo animals are not included. This list contains 136 species, which are divided into nine orders and 36 families. It contains at least 13 species introduced into Germany (after 1492), which are more or less well acclimatized and sometimes lead to major problems (see raccoon , mink ). Irregular guests are also listed. These are species that accidentally (more or less safely) move away from their usual range and end up here in Germany. So they are not native to this area, but they are part of its fauna .

Status of the IUCN Red List

Of the species mentioned, two are "critically endangered", four are "critically endangered", five are "endangered", ten are "potentially endangered" and seven have "insufficient data" (according to the criteria of the IUCN Red List on a global level).

It can also contain animal species that are not recognized by the IUCN Red List (here domestic cattle) and that are classified as "not assessed": this is due to missing data, domestic animal species or extinct species. There are no endemic mammal species or subspecies in Germany . Since the local extinction of the Bavarian short-eared mouse ( Microtus bavaricus ) it is currently only represented in Austria (see list of mammals in Austria ).

The conservation statuses used by the IUCN Red List are:

(EX) extinct (engl. ex tinct) there is no longer any living individual in the world
(EW) extinct in the wild (Engl. e xtinct in the w ild) there are only individuals in culture, in captivity, or in naturalized populations outside the natural range
(CR) threatened with extinction (engl. cr itically endangered) extremely high risk of extinction in nature in the immediate future
(EN) endangered (engl. s dangered) very high risk of extinction in nature in the immediate future
(VU) endangered ( vu lnerable) high risk of extinction in nature in the immediate future
(NT) potentially endangered (engl. n ear t hreatened) the assessment did not lead to classification in the categories critically endangered, endangered or endangered, but the threshold values ​​were only just undercut or will probably be exceeded in the near future
(LC) not compromised (engl. l east c oncern) the assessment did not result in classification into the categories critically endangered, critically endangered, endangered or potentially endangered
(DD) Insufficient database ( d ata d eficient) the information available is insufficient to assess the risk of extinction
(NE) not judged (engl. n ot e valuated) the species exists but no assessment has been made, for example for invasive species

Status of the Red List of Germany (RL D)

In an EU-wide comparison, Germany is among the five countries with the greatest diversity of mammals. About 39% of the classified mammal species are endangered or are already considered extinct according to the current Red List of Germany (status 2009). Within the order of the bats, a particularly large number of species are classified as threatened. Almost 12% of the mammal species are on the warning list, only 33% of the species are still considered safe. A percentage of 6% is considered extremely rare, including the ibex, for example. The data situation is insufficient for the remaining species (10%).

Legend column RL D:

  • 0 = extinct or lost
  • 1 = Critically Endangered
  • 2 = Endangered
  • 3 = endangered
  • G = risk of unknown extent
  • R = extremely rare
  • V = warning list
  • D = insufficient data
  • * = Not at risk
  • / = Not rated

In the Red List of Germany, the aurochs , which became extinct in Germany before 1500, are incorrectly listed as Bos taurus .

Order : Diprotodontia

Family : Kangaroos (Macropodidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Macropus rufogriseus
Red neck wallaby allochthonous

( introduced )

Distribution map (LC) / Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus Bruny.jpg

Order : hare-like (Lagomorpha)

Family : hares (Leporidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Lepus europaeus
Pallas , 1778
Brown hare autochthonous European Hare area.png (LC) 3 Lepus europaeus (Causse Méjean, Lozère) -cropped.jpg
Lepus timidus
Linnaeus , 1758
Mountain hare autochthonous Distribution map (LC) R. Lepus timidus 01-cropped.jpg
Oryctolagus cuniculus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Wild rabbit allochthonous

( introduced )

Oryctolagus cuniculus distribution Map.png (NT) V Oryctolagus cuniculus Tasmania 2 (cropped) .jpg

Order : rodents (Rodentia)

Family : Beavers (Castoridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Castor canadensis
Kuhl , 1820
Canadian beaver allochthonous

( introduced )

American beaver map.png (LC) / American Beaver.jpg
Castor fiber
Linnaeus , 1758
European beaver autochthonous European beaver map.PNG (LC) V Reiss fg03 (cropped) .jpg

Family : Myocastoridae

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Myocastor coypus
( Molina , 1782 )
Beaver rat allochthonous

( introduced )

Mapa Myocastor coypus.png (LC) * Myocastor coypus 02-cropped.jpg

Family : jerboa (Dipodidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Sicista betulina
( Pallas , 1779 )
Forest birch mouse autochthonous Sicista betulina range map.png (LC) 1 Sicista betulina 01.JPG

Family : Wühler (Cricetidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Arvicola amphibius
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Eastern water vole (also aquatic water vole) autochthonous Arvicola amphibius range map.png (LC) V Arvicola amphibius.jpg
Arvicola scherman
( Shaw , 1801 )
Mountain water vole (also terrestrial water vole) autochthonous Arvicola scherman range Map.png (LC) * No picture.gif
Chionomys nivalis
( Martins , 1842 )
Snow mouse autochthonous Chionomys nivalis range Map.png (LC) R. Snow mouse2.JPG
Microtus oeconomus
( Pallas , 1776 )
Nordic vole (also swamp mouse) autochthonous No picture.gif (LC) 2 TundraVole23.jpg
Microtus agrestis
( Linnaeus , 1761 )
Earth mouse autochthonous Mapa Microtus agrestis.png (LC) * Microtus agrestis 02 by-dpc (cropped) .jpg
Microtus arvalis
( Pallas , 1778 )
Field mouse autochthonous Mapa Microtus arvalis.png (LC) * Field mouse Microtus arvalis.jpg
Microtus bavaricus
(King, 1962 )
Bavarian short-eared vole (also Bavarian small vole) autochthonous (extinct, not seen in Germany since 1962) No picture.gif (CR) 0 No picture.gif
Microtus subterraneus
( de Sélys Longchamps , 1836 )
Short-eared vole (also small vole) autochthonous No picture.gif (LC) D. Microtus subterraneus (Cologne, Germany) -cropped.JPG
Myodes glareolus

Schreber , 1780

Bank vole autochthonous Mapa Myodes glareolus.png (LC) * BankVole.jpg
Ondatra zibethicus
( Linnaeus , 1766 )
muskrat allochthonous Distribution area muskrats.jpg (LC) * Muskrat.jpg
Cricetus cricetus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
European hamster autochthonous Répartition hamster d'europe.png (CR) 1 Cricetus cricetus - (Lubin, Poland) -cropped.jpg

Family : Long-tailed mice (Muridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Apodemus agrarius
( Pallas , 1771 )
Firemouse autochthonous No picture.gif (LC) * Mulot rayé
Apodemus alpicola
Heinrich , 1952
Alpine forest mouse autochthonous No picture.gif (LC) D. No picture.gif
Apodemus flavicollis
(Melchior, 1834 )
Yellow-necked mouse autochthonous Mapa Apodemus flavicollis.png (LC) * Apodemus flavicollis (Ratiborice) .jpg
Apodemus sylvaticus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Wood mouse autochthonous Apodemus sylvaticus distribution.PNG (LC) * Apodemus sylvaticus (Sardinia) .jpg
Micromys minutus
( Pallas , 1771 )
Harvest mouse autochthonous Distribution of Micromys minutus Map.png (LC) G Micromysminutus1.jpg
Mus musculus
Linnaeus , 1758
House mouse (Eastern and Western house mouse) allochthonous ( introduced ) Mapa Mus musculus.png (LC) * Мышь 2.jpg
Rattus norvegicus
( Berkenhout , 1769 )
Brown rat allochthonous

( introduced )

Brown rat distribution.png (LC) * WildRat.jpg
Rattus rattus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Black rat allochthonous

( introduced )

Black rat distribution.png (LC) 1 CSIRO ScienceImage 10564 The black rat Rattus rattus.jpg

Family : Bilche (Gliridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Glis glis
Linnaeus , 1766
Dormouse autochthonous Mapa Glis glis.png (LC) * Glis glis Haut-Doubs (cropped) .jpg
Dryomys nitedula
( Pallas , 1778 )
Tree sleeper autochthonous No picture.gif (LC) R. Dryomys nitedula.jpg
Eliomys quercinus
( Linnaeus , 1766 )
Garden sleeper autochthonous Eliomys quercinus distribution.svg (NT) G Eliomys quercinus01 (cropped) .jpg
Muscardinus avellanarius
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Dormouse autochthonous Muscardinus avellanarius distribution.svg (LC) G Dormouse (cropped 2) .jpg

Family : Squirrel (Sciuridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Sciurus vulgaris
Linnaeus , 1758
squirrel autochthonous Sciurus vulgaris habitat.png (LC) * Squirrel posing.jpg
Marmota marmota
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Alpine marmot autochthonous Mapa Marmota marmota.png (LC) R. Marmotte sur le chemin des chalets de Sales - panoramio.jpg
Spermophilus citellus
( Linnaeus , 1766 )
European ground squirrel allochthonous (extinct in Germany, only occurrence until around 1985, currently a reintroduction is in progress) Spermophilus citellus distribution.svg (VU) 0 European ground squirrel.jpg
Tamias sibiricus
( Laxmann , 1769 )
Burunduk (also called chipmunks) allochthonous

( introduced )

Siberian Chipmunk Tamias sibiricus distribution map.png (LC) D. Stripes Hoernchen.jpg

Order : insect eater (Eulipotyphla)

Family : Hedgehogs (Erinaceidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Erinaceus europaeus
Linnaeus , 1758
Brown-breasted hedgehog (also Western hedgehog) autochthonous European Hedgehog area2.png (LC) * Erinaceus europaeus harilik siil 02 estonia.JPG
Erinaceus roumanicus
Barrett-Hamilton , 1900
Northern white-breasted hedgehog (also Ostigel) autochthonous , (extinct in Germany before 1945) Range Erinaceus concolor and Erinaceus roumanicus.png (LC) 0 Erinaceus roumanicus 2013 G4.jpg

Family : Shrews (Soricidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Crocidura leucodon
( Hermann , 1780 )
Field shrew autochthonous Bicolored Shrew area.png (LC) V Crocidura leucodon.JPG
Crocidura russula
( Hermann , 1780 )
House shrew allochthonous Crocidura russula range Map.png (LC) * Crocidura russula (Huisspitsmuis) .jpg
Crocidura suaveolens
( Pallas , 1811 )
Garden shrew autochthonous Lesser White-toothed Shrew area.png (LC) D. Garden shrew.jpg
Neomys anomalus
Cabrera, 1907
Marsh shrew autochthonous Mediterranean Water Shrew area.png (LC) 2 Neomys anomalus.jpg
Neomys fodiens
( Pennant , 1771 )
Water shrew autochthonous Eurasian Water Shrew area.png (LC) V Neomys fodiens TF 090829.jpg
Sorex alpinus
Schinz , 1837
Alpine shrew autochthonous Alpine Shrew area.png (NT) 1 Sorex alpinus-cropped.jpg
Sorex araneus
Linnaeus , 1758
Wood shrew autochthonous Common Shrew area.png (LC) * Crocidura russula shrew.jpg
Sorex coronatus
Millet, 1828
Black-backed shrew autochthonous Sorex coronatus range Map.png (LC) * Sorex coronatus (cropped) .jpeg
Sorex minutus
Linnaeus , 1766
Harvest shrew autochthonous Eurasian Pygmy Shrew area.png (LC) * Sorex minutus.jpg

Family : Moles (Talpidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Talpa europaea
Linnaeus , 1758
European mole autochthonous European Mole area.png (LC) * Talpa europaea MHNT.jpg

Order : Bats (Chiroptera)

Family : Bulldog bats (Molossidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Tadarida teniotis
( Rafinesque , 1814 )
European bulldog bat Irrgast Distribution of Tadarida teniotis.PNG (LC) Tadarida Teniotis263.JPG

Family : Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
( Schreber , 1774 )
Great horseshoe bat autochthonous Greater Horseshoe Bat area.png (LC) 1 Great Horseshoe Bat (01) .jpg
Rhinolophus hipposideros
( Bechstein , 1800 )
Little horseshoe bat autochthonous Lesser Horseshoe Bat area.png (LC) 1 Bat (20070605) .jpg

Family : Long-winged bats (Miniopteridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Miniopterus Schreibersii
( Kuhl , 1817 )
Long-winged bat autochthonous (extinct in Germany, last known colony 1958 in southern Germany) Miniopterus Schreibersii range Map.png (NT) 0 Miniopterus scheibersii 01-cropped.jpg

Family : Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Myotis alcathoe
from Helversen & Heller, 2001
Nymph bat autochthonous Distribution of Myotis alcathoe.png (DD) 1 Myotis alcathoe - Manuel Ruedi - 1 - cropped.JPG
Myotis bechsteinii
( Kuhl , 1817 )
Bechstein's bat autochthonous Distribution of Myotis bechsteinii.png (NT) 2 Myotis bechsteinii-flying (cropped) .jpg
Myotis blythii
( Tomes , 1857 )
Little mouse ear Hunting habitat Myotis blythii range Map.png (LC) Myotis-blythii-cropped.jpg
Myotis brandtii
( Eversmann , 1845 )
Great whiskered bat autochthonous Myotis brandtii range map.png (LC) V Myotis brandti.jpg
Myotis dasycneme
( Boie , 1825 )
Pond bat autochthonous Myotis dasycneme range map.png (NT) D. Myotis dasycneme (3911421759) .jpg
Myotis daubentonii
( Kuhl , 1817 )
Water bat autochthonous Mapa Myotis daubentonii.png (LC) * Myotis-P1040975.jpg
Myotis emarginatus
( É. Geoffroy , 1806 )
Ciliate bat autochthonous Mapa Myotis emarginatus.png (LC) 2 Myotis-emarginatus.jpg
Myotis myotis
( Borkhausen , 1797 )
Great mouse ear autochthonous Distribution of Myotis myotis.png (LC) V Myotis.jpg
Myotis mystacinus
( Kuhl , 1817 )
Little whiskered bat autochthonous Mapa Myotis mystacinus.png (LC) V Fledermaus (Schmallenberg 5) (cropped) .jpg
Myotis nattereri
( Kuhl , 1817 )
Fringed bat autochthonous Mapa Myotis nattereri.png (LC) * XN Myotis Nattereri 96 (cropped) .jpg
Eptesicus nilssonii
( Keyserling & Blasius , 1839 )
Northern bat autochthonous Eptesicus nilssoni range map.png (LC) G Eptesicus nilssoni.jpg
Eptesicus serotinus
( Schreber , 1774 )
Broad-winged bat autochthonous Eptesicus serotinusMap.png (LC) G Eptesicus serotinus.jpg
Nyctalus lasiopterus
( Schreber , 1780 )
Giant noctule bat Irrgast Distribution of Nyctalus lasiopterus.png (NT) GreaterNoctule.JPG
Nyctalus leisleri
( Kuhl , 1817 )
Little noctule autochthonous Distribution of Nyctalus leisleri.png (LC) D. Nyctalus leisleri.jpg
Nyctalus noctula
( Schreber , 1774 )
Great noctule bat autochthonous Mapa Nyctalus noctula.png (LC) V Nyctalus noctula (cropped) .jpg
Pipistrellus kuhlii
( Kuhl , 1817 )
White-edged bat autochthonous Pipistrellus kuhlii range Map crop.png (LC) * Pipistrellus kuhlii adult (cropped) .jpg
Pipistrellus nathusii
( Keyserling & Blasius , 1839 )
Rough-skin bat autochthonous Distribution of Pipistrellus nathusii.png (LC) * Pipistrellus nathusii.jpg
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
( Schreber , 1774 )
Pipistrelle autochthonous Pipistrellus pipistrellus range Map.png (LC) * Pipistrellus pipistrellus (5933130195) .jpg
Pipistrellus pygmaeus
( Leach , 1825 )
Mosquito bat autochthonous Distribution of Pipistrellus pygmaeus.png (LC) D. Pipistrellus pygmaeus01.jpg
Barbastella barbastellus
( Schreber , 1774 )
Pug bat autochthonous Barbastella barbastellus range Map.png (NT) 2 Barbastella barbastellus 01-cropped.jpg
Plecotus auritus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Brown long-eared autochthonous Plecotus auritus range Map.png (LC) V Plecotus auritus 2013-2 (cropped) .jpg
Plecotus austriacus
( J. Fischer , 1829 )
Gray long-eared autochthonous Distribution of Plecotus austriacus.png (LC) 2 Plecotus austriacus2.jpg
Hypsugo savii
( Bonaparte , 1837 )
Alpine bat autochthonous (maybe repopulated) Hypsugo savii range Map.png (LC) D. Vespere de Savi.jpg
Vespertilio murinus
Linnaeus , 1758
Two-colored bat autochthonous Vespertilio murinus range map.png (LC) D. Vespertilio murinus 2.jpg

Order : whales (Cetacea)

Family : Right whales (Balaenidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Eubalaena glacialis
( Müller , 1776 )
Northern Atlantic right whale autochthonous
(extinct in Germany, otherwise Irrgast )
Cypron Range Eubalaena glacialis.svg (EN) Anim1750 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library (cropped) .jpg

Family : Furrow whales (Balaenopteridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Lacépède , 1804
Minke whale Irrgast Cetacea range map Minke Whale.png (LC) Minke Whale (NOAA) .jpg
Balaenoptera borealis
Lesson , 1828
Seiwal Irrgast Cypron range Balaenoptera borealis.svg (EN) Sei whale mother and calf Christin Khan NOAA (1) .jpg
Balaenoptera physalus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Fin whale Irrgast Cypron range Balaenoptera physalus.svg (EN) Fin whale from air.jpg
Megaptera novaeangliae
( Borowski , 1781 )
Humpback whale Irrgast Cypron range Megaptera novaeangliae.svg (LC) Humpback Whales - Flickr - Christopher.Michel (38) (cropped) .jpg

Family : Dolphins (Delphinidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Delphinus delphis
Linnaeus , 1758
Common dolphin Irrgast Cetacea range map Short-beaked Common Dolphin.PNG (LC) Delphinus delphis 03-cropped.jpg
Globicephala melas
(Traill, 1809 )
Pilot whale Irrgast Cetacea range map Long-finned Pilot Whale.PNG (DD) Long-finned Pilot Whale (8803755896) .jpg
Grampus griseus
( G. Cuvier , 1812 )
Round head dolphin Irrgast Grampus griseus distribution.png (LC) Grampus griseus Reconstitution.jpg
Lagenorhynchus acutus
( Gray , 1828 )
White-sided dolphin autochthonous Cetacea range map Atlantic White-sided Dolphin.PNG (LC) Anim1134 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library (cropped) .jpg
Lagenorhynchus albirostris
( Gray , 1846 )
White-beaked dolphin autochthonous Cetacea range map White-beaked Dolphin.PNG (LC) Witsnuitdolfijn - Lagenorhynchus albirostris.jpg
Orcinus orca
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Killer whale Irrgast Cypron Range Orcinus orca.svg (DD) Épaulard.jpg
Pseudorca crassidens
( Owen , 1846 )
Little killer whale maybe a stranger Cetacea range map False Killer Whale.PNG (DD) False killer whale 890002 cropped 2.jpg
Stenella coeruleoalba
( Meyen , 1833 )
Blue and white dolphin Irrgast Cetacea range map Striped Dolphin.PNG (LC) Stenella coeruleoalba-cropped.jpg
Tursiops truncatus
( Montagu , 1821 )
Bottlenose dolphin autochthonous (extinct in Germany around 1970), today Irrgast Cypron Range Tursiops truncatus.svg (LC) 0 Tursiops truncatus 01-cropped.jpg

Family : Gudgeon whales (Monodontida)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Delphinapterus leucas
( Pallas , 1776 )
Beluga whale Irrgast Cetacea range map Beluga.png (NT) Beluga03.jpg
Monodon monoceros
Linnaeus , 1758
narwhal Irrgast Narwhal distribution map.png (NT) Narval.JPG

Family : Porpoises (Phocoenidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Phocoena phocoena
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Common porpoise autochthonous Harbor Porpoise Phocoena phocoena distribution map.png (LC) 2 Ecomare - bruinvis Michael met penis (michael-penis-4580-sd) .jpg

Family : Kogiidae

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Kogia breviceps
( Blainville , 1838 )
Pygmy sperm whale maybe autochthonous Kogia breviceps range.png (DD) Kogia breviceps.jpg

Family : Sperm whales (Physeteridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Physeter macrocephalus
Linnaeus , 1758
sperm whale Irrgast Cypron-Range Physeter macrocephalus.svg (VU) Mother and baby sperm whale.jpg

Family : beaked whales (Ziphiidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Hyperoodon ampullatus
( Forster , 1770 )
Northern duck whale Irrgast Cetacea range map Northern Bottlenose Whale.PNG (LC) Hyperoodon ampullatus.jpg
Mesoplodon bidens
( Sowerby , 1804 )
Sowerby's two-toothed whale Irrgast Cetacea range map Sowerby's Beaked Whale.png (DD) Mesoplodon bidens British mammals (Pl. 46) (21866206616) .jpg
Ziphius cavirostris
G. Cuvier , 1823
Cuvier's beaked whale maybe autochthonous Cetacea range map Cuvier's Beaked Whale.PNG (LC) Whale Cuviera.jpg

Order : Artiodactyla (Artiodactyla)

Family : Bovidae (Bovidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Bison bonasus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Bison autochthonous (extinct in Germany before 1700, released into the wild in 2013 ) Bison bonasus distribution.svg (VU) 0 Bison bonasus (Linnaeus 1758) cropped.jpg
Bos taurus
Linnaeus , 1758
Domestic cattle autochthonous (maybe released into the wild ) Bovine range.png (NE) Heck cattle male (cropped) .jpg
Capra ibex
Linnaeus , 1758
Alpine Ibex autochthonous ( released ) Leefgebied alpensteenbok.JPG (LC) R. Capra ibex-cropped.jpg
Ovis aries
Linnaeus , 1758
Mouflon allochthonous

( introduced )

Ovis-gmelini-map.png (VU) * Ovis orientalis LC0267.jpg
Rupicapra rupicapra
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
chamois autochthonous Rupicapra rupicapra.png (LC) * Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) Salzburg Zoo 2014 g (cropped) .jpg

Family : deer (Cervidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Alces alces
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Moose autochthonous (last record before 1800, repopulated) Alces alces Range.png (LC) 0 Elk-telemark (cropped) .jpg
Capreolus capreolus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
deer autochthonous Areas Capreolus capreolus.jpg (LC) * Chevreuil européen.jpg
Rangifer tarandus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Ren autochthonous (extinct in Germany) Cypron Range Rangifer tarandus.svg (LC) 20070818-0001-strolling reindeer cropped.jpg
Cervus elaphus
Linnaeus , 1758
Red deer autochthonous Red deer (Cervus elaphus) reconstructed and recent.png (LC) * Red deer.jpg
Cervus nippon
Temminck , 1838
Sika deer allochthonous ( introduced ) No picture.gif (LC) * Cervus nippon 002.jpg
Dama dama
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Fallow deer allochthonous

( introduced )

Dama dama map.png (LC) * Fallow deer in field (cropped) .jpg

Family : Real pigs (Suidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Sus scrofa
Linnaeus , 1758
wild boar autochthonous Sus scrofa range map.jpg (LC) * Locha (js) .jpg

Order : Unpaarhufer (Perissodactyla)

Family : Equidae

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Equus caballus
Linnaeus , 1758
Wild horse autochthonous (extinct before 1500), (perhaps released into the wild ) Equus ferus distribution (colored) .png (EN) 0 Konik Polski Solutré 26102014 4 (cropped) .jpg

Order : Predators (Carnivora)

Family : dogs (Canidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Canis aureus
Linnaeus , 1758
Golden jackal Irrgast Canis aureus range.svg (LC) Indian Jackal 02 (cropped) .jpg
Canis lupus
Linnaeus , 1758
wolf autochthonous (resettlers) Gray Wolf Range.png (LC) 1 Gray wolves in Bavarian Forest National Park (cropped) .jpg
Nyctereutes procyonoides
( Gray , 1834 )
Raccoon dog allochthonous Raccoon Dog area.png (LC) * Енотовидная собака Гродно (cropped 2) .jpg
Vulpes vulpes
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Red fox autochthonous Wiki-Vulpes vulpes.png (LC) * Fox study 6.jpg

Family : bears (Ursidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Ursus arctos
Linnaeus , 1758
brown bear autochthonous (extinct in Germany around 1835, today Irrgast ) Cypron Range Ursus arctos.svg (LC) 0 Brown bear.jpg

Family : Marten (Mustelidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Lutra lutra
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Otter autochthonous European Otter area.png (NT) 3 Otter at London Zoo.jpg
Martes foina
( Erxleben , 1777 )
Beech marten autochthonous Beech Marten area.png (LC) * Beech marten (cropped) .jpg
Martes martes
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Pine marten autochthonous European Pine Marten area.png (LC) 3 Martes martes crop (cropped) .jpg
Meles meles
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
European badger autochthonous European Badger area.png (LC) * Badger-badger.jpg
Mustela erminea
Linnaeus , 1758
ermine autochthonous Stoat area.png (LC) D. Mustela erminea.jpg
Mustela eversmanii
Lesson , 1827
Steppe iltis presumably odd visitor Steppe Polecat area.png (LC) Mustela eversmannii 2.jpg
Mustela lutreola
( Linnaeus , 1761 )
European mink autochthonous (extinct in Germany, last mink observed in 1925) European Mink area.png (CR) 0 Mustela lutreola-cropped.jpg
Mustela nivalis
Linnaeus , 1766
Mouse weasel autochthonous Least Weasel area.png (LC) D. Mustela nivalis -British Wildlife Center-4 (cropped) .jpg
Mustela putorius
Linnaeus , 1758
European polecat autochthonous Mustela putorius distribution.svg (LC) V Mustela putorius 01-cropped.jpg
Neovison vison
( Schreber , 1777 )
American mink allochthonous ( introduced ) Mapa Neovison vison.png (LC) * Kunavodna3.JPG

Family : Small bears (Procyonidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Procyon lotor
racoon allochthonous ( introduced ) Raccoon-range.png (LC) * Procyon lotor qtl2.jpg

Family : Odobenidae

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Odobenus rosmarus
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
walrus Irrgast Odobenus rosmarus distribution.png (DD) Walrus.jpeg

Family : dog seals (Phocidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Cystophora cristata
( Erxleben , 1777 )
Folding cap Irrgast Cystophora cristata habitat.png (VU) 2016-Klappmützemuseumkoenig.jpg
Erignathus barbatus
( Erxleben , 1777 )
Bearded seal Irrgast Erignathus barbatus habitat.png (LC) Bearded Seal at Svalbard (cropped) .jpg
Halichoerus grypus
( Fabricius , 1791 )
Gray seal autochthonous (resettlers) Distribution of the gray seal.png (LC) 2 Ferns Gray seal (cropped) .jpg
Pagophilus groenlandicus
( Erxleben , 1777 )
Harp seal Irrgast Harp seal-Phoca groenlandica-World.png (LC) Harp seal at False Cape (cropped) .jpg
Phoca vitulina
Linnaeus , 1758
seal autochthonous Leefgebied zeehond.JPG (LC) * Seehund2cele4.jpg
Pusa hispida
( Schreber , 1775 )
Ringed seal Irrgast Phoca hispida habitat.png (LC) Pusa hispida hispida NOAA 1 (cropped) .jpg

Family : cats (Felidae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Felis silvestris
Schreber , 1777
Wild cat autochthonous Wild Cat Felis silvestris distribution map.png (LC) 3 Felis silvestris silvestris Luc Viatour.jpg
Lynx lynx
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Eurasian lynx autochthonous (resettlers) Eurasian Lynx area.png (LC) 2 Lynx lynx (geypa) -cropped.jpg

Family : crawling cats (Viverridae)

scientific name and
German name Origin and status Distribution area IUCN -RL RL D image
Genetta genetta
( Linnaeus , 1758 )
Kleinspot genet allochthonous

(maybe not acclimatized )

Common Genet area.png (LC) Genetta genetta felina (Wroclaw zoo) (cropped) .JPG

See also


  • Holger Uwe Meinig, Peter Boye, Rainer Hutterer (2009): Red List and Entire Species List of Mammals (Mammalia) in Germany, In: Red List of Endangered Animals, Plants and Fungi in Germany, Vol. 1 Vertebrates (pp. 115 - 153). Published by: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, online version (pdf)
  • Temple, HJ & Terry, A. (2007): The Status and Distribution of European Mammals. - Luxembourg (Office for Official Publications of European Communities): vii + 48 pp.

Web links

Commons : Mammals of Germany  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ( English ) Retrieved on October 23, 2013.
  2. ^ IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 3.1. First edition (pdf)
  3. Mammalia species group at , accessed on April 23, 2020
  4. Important dates of the Red List 2009ff (zip file, 2.1 MB)
  5. A kangaroo hops through Fehndorf. In: New Osnabrück Newspaper . September 28, 2010, accessed April 23, 2020 . .
  6. Free-living kangaroos in Germany on
  7. Recovery and status of native and introduced beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis in France and neighboring countries. Pp. 144–165 doi : 10.1111 / j.1365-2907.2011.00196.x ( online (pdf)).
  8. René Güttinger, Miriam Lutz and Erich Mühlethaler (May 2006): Promotion of potential hunting habitats for the little mouse-eared mouse (Myotis blythii) - a cross-border concept for the northern Alpine Rhine Valley (pdf)
  9. Warning, oncoming traffic! - The elk is returning to Germany , website of NABU Germany
  10. Martin Šálek & Nikolai Spassov & Miloš Anděra & Karin Enzinger & Barnabás Ottlecz & Zsolt Hegyeli: Population status, habitat associations, and distribution of the steppe polecat Mustela eversmanii in Europe in: Acta Theriol (2013) 58: 233–244 doi : 10.1007 / s13364-013-0134-0 online pdf