List of birds in Germany

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This list of birds in Germany lists the bird species whose occurrence in Germany has been observed.

The list only contains species whose findings have been recognized by the responsible ornithological bodies (for example by the German Rarity Commission or corresponding institutions at state level) and published in relevant specialist journals. In addition, only those species are considered at this point, the observation of which can be traced back to the observation of wild animals as well as those that have been naturalized, i.e. that originally occur in other regions, but which have now established themselves in the longer term through reproduction.

The basis for the following list is the list of species of birds in Germany as of July 1, 2005, as published by Peter H. Barthel and Andreas J. Helbig in the Limicola magazine, vol. 19, (2005), issue 2. The taxonomic order and nomenclature corresponds to that in the named source. Additions in later publications at the request of the ornithological committees will be recorded.

The names entered under Status indicate the type of occurrence. Breeding bird denotes a species that reproduces in Germany. Species that can be found throughout the year are called annual birds. Migratory birds leave Germany in winter or these species migrate through Germany as residents of other regions. Breeding birds from other regions that visit Germany for the winter are designated as winter visitors. If the respective information is seldom provided with the addition, the number of individuals is less than 100 in each case. Exceptions characterize species that are rarely found in Germany. This applies if, on average, fewer than five certificates per year or, since 1950, fewer than five certificates (then referred to as a special exception) have been provided.

The numbers and letters marked with RL refer to the status in the Red List of breeding birds and have the following meaning: RL 0 - this species has become extinct as a breeding bird in Germany, RL 1 - the species is threatened with extinction in Germany, RL 2 - this one Species is critically endangered in Germany, RL 3 - this species is endangered, RL R designates species with geographical restrictions and RL V designates species that are on the warning list.

Anseriformes - duck birds

Anatidae - duck relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Black-headed rowing duck Black-headed rowing duck Oxyura jamaicensis naturalized neozoon, exceptionally breeding bird
Male  Bald oar duck Bald oar duck Oxyura leucocephala Exception
Mute swan Mute swan Cygnus olor Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Whooper swan Whooper swan Cygnus cygnus Migratory bird, winter visitor RL R
Whistling swan Whistling swan Cygnus columbianus special exception
Dwarf swan Dwarf swan Cygnus bewickii Migratory bird, winter visitor
Black Swan Black Swan Cygnus atratus established neozoon, breeding bird Broods are traced back to escaped animals, exchange with the established population in the NL
Red-necked goose Red-necked goose Branta ruficollis Migratory bird, winter visitor very rare broods go back to escaped animals
Brent Goose Brent Goose Branta bernicla Migratory bird, winter visitor
Canada Goose Canada Goose Branta canadensis established neozoon, breeding and annual bird, winter visitor
Barnacle goose Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest brooding in Germany after 1975
Bean Goose Bean Goose Anser fabalis Migratory bird, winter visitor Broods go back to escaped animals
Short-billed goose Short-billed goose Anser brachyrhynchus Migratory bird, winter visitor Broods go back to escaped animals
Little goose Little goose Anser erythropus rare migratory bird and winter visitor
White-fronted goose White-fronted goose Anser albifrons Migratory bird, winter visitor Broods go back to escaped animals
Greylag goose Greylag goose Anser anser Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Snow goose Chen caerulescens established neozoon, breeding bird, very rare exception in winter
Bar goose Anser indicus established neozoon, breeding, annual, migratory bird
Swan goose Anser cygnoid established neozoon, breeding, annual bird
Egyptian goose Egyptian goose Alopochen aegyptiaca established neozoon, breeding, annual bird
Shelduck Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Rust goose Rust goose Tadorna ferruginea established neozoon, breeding, annual bird
Mandarin duck Mandarin duck Aix galericulata established neozoon, breeding, annual bird
Marble duck Marble duck Marmaronetta angustirostris special exception
Gadfly Gadfly Anas strepera Breeding bird immigrated from Eastern Europe and Asia in the 19th century
Wigeon Wigeon Anas penelope Migratory bird, winter visitor
North American wigeon North American wigeon Anas americana Exception
Teal Teal Anas crecca crecca Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 3
Carolina teal Carolina teal Anas crecca carolinensis Exception see. Article teal
Mallard Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Siessente Pintail Anas acuta Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 3
Teal duck Teal duck Anas querquedula Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Blue-winged duck Blue-winged duck Anas discors Exception
Shoveler Shoveler Anas clypeata Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 3
Pochard Pochard Netta rufina Annual bird RL R; brooding in Germany since 1920
Bog duck Bog duck Aythya nyroca Breeding bird, rare migratory bird and winter visitor RL 1
Pochard Pochard Aythya ferina Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest in the western federal only at home since the 1920 / 1930s
Ring-billed duck Ring-billed duck Aythya collaris Exception
Tufted duck Tufted duck Aythya fuligula Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest Immigrated to Germany around 1900, officially breeding bird since 1930
Mountain duck Mountain duck Aythya marila Migratory bird, winter visitor RL R
Black duck Black duck Polysticta stelleri Exception
King eider King eider Somateria spectabilis Exception
Eider Eider Somateria mollissima Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Collar duck Collar duck Histrionicus histrionicus special exception
Long-tailed duck Long-tailed duck Clangula hyemalis Migratory bird, winter visitor
Atlantic scoter Atlantic scoter Melanitta nigra nigra Migratory bird, winter visitor
Pacific scoter Pacific scoter Melanitta americana special exception
male spectacled duck Spectacled duck Melanitta perspicillata special exception
Velvet Velvet duck Melanitta fusca Migratory bird, winter visitor
Spatula Spatula Bucephala islandica special exception
Golden bell Golden bell Bucephala clangula Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL R
Dwarf slayer Dwarf slayer Mergus albellus Migratory bird, winter visitor
Goosander Goosander Mergus merganser Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL 2
Middle saw Middle saw Mergus serrator Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL R

Galliformes - chicken birds

Phasianidae - common grouse and grouse
image German name scientific name status comment
quail quail Coturnix coturnix Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Stone hen Stone hen Alectoris graeca former breeding bird, special exception RL 0
pheasant Hunting Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Breeding, annual bird; established neozoon was introduced for hunting in the Middle Ages
partridge partridge Perdix perdix Breeding, annual bird RL 2
Hazel grouse Hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia Breeding, annual bird RL 2
Ptarmigan Ptarmigan Lagopus muta Breeding, annual bird RL R
Black grouse Black grouse Lyrurus tetrix (also Tetrao tetrix ) Breeding, annual bird RL 2
Capercaillie Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus Breeding, annual bird RL 1

Phoenicopteriformes - Flamingos

image German name scientific name status comment
Phoenicopteridae - Flamingos
Greater Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus Breeding, rarely migratory bird local breeding bird, origin of the animals unclear, probably escaped birds
Greater Flamingo Chilean flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis Breeding, rarely migratory bird Broods go back to abandoned animals; Population is not yet naturalized

Podicipediformes - grebes

image German name scientific name status comment
Podicipedidae - grebes
Bindweed Bindweed Podilymbus podiceps special exception
Little Grebe Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Great crested grebe Great crested grebe Podiceps cristatus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Red-necked grebe Red-necked grebe Podiceps grisegena Breeding, migratory bird
Ear grebe Ear grebe Podiceps auritus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL 1
Black-necked Grebe Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis Breeding and migratory birds, rare winter visitors

Gaviiformes - Loons

image German name scientific name status comment
Gaviidae - Loons
Red-throated divers Red-throated divers Gavia stellata Migratory bird, winter visitor
Black-throated divers Black-throated divers Gavia arctica Migratory bird, winter visitor
Loons Loons Gavia always rare winter guest
Yellow-billed divers Yellow-billed divers Gavia adamsii Exception

Procellariiformes - tubular noses

Oceanitidae - Southern petrels

image German name scientific name status comment
Oceanitidae - Southern petrels
Red-footed petrel Red-footed petrel Oceanites oceanicus special exception

Hydrobatidae - petrels

image German name scientific name status comment
Hydrobatidae - petrels
Storm petrel Storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus Exception
Wave runner Wave runner Oceanodroma leucorhoa rare migratory bird

Diomedeidae - Albatrosses

image German name scientific name status comment
Diomedeidae - Albatrosses
Black-browed albatross Black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris special exception

Procellariidae - petrels

image German name scientific name status comment
Procellariidae - petrels
fulmar fulmar Fulmarus glacialis Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL R
Great shearwater Great shearwater Puffinus gravis special exception
Sepia shearwater Sepia shearwater Puffinus diomedea Exception
Dark shearwater Dark shearwater Puffinus griseus rare migratory bird
Atlantic shearwater Atlantic shearwater Puffinus puffinus Exception
Balearic Shearwaters Balearic Shearwaters Puffinus mauretanicus Exception
not available Little shearwater Puffinus baroli special exception
Bulwer petrel Bulweria bulwerii special exception

Pelecaniformes - pelican birds

image German name scientific name status comment
Pelecanidae - pelicans
Great White Pelican Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus Exception
Dalmatian pelican Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus special exception

Phalacrocoraciformes - cormorant birds

Sulidae - gannets

image German name scientific name status comment
Sulidae - gannets
Northern gannet Northern gannet Sula bassana Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL R

Phalacrocoracidae - cormorants

image German name scientific name status comment
Phalacrocoracidae - cormorants
cormorant cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
shag shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis Exception
Dwarf shark Dwarf shark Phalacrocorax pygmeus Exception

Threskiornithiformes - Ibises and Spoonbills

image German name scientific name status comment
Threskiornithidae - Ibises
Sichler Brown ibis Plegadis falcinellus Exception
Spoonbill Bald ibis Geronticus eremita former breeding and migratory bird RL 0

Resettlement attempts in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg

Spoonbill Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia Breeding, migratory bird RL R

Ardeiformes - heron

Ardeidae - herons
image German name scientific name status comment
bittern bittern Botaurus stellaris Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 2
Little bittern Little bittern Ixobrychus minutus Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Night heron Night heron Nycticorax nycticorax Breeding bird, rare migratory bird RL 1
Black heron Black heron Ardeola ralloides Exception
Great Egret Great Egret Casmerodius albus Migratory bird, winter visitor
Gray heron Gray heron Ardea cinerea Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Purple heron Purple heron Ardea purpurea Breeding bird, rare migratory bird RL R
Little Egret Little Egret Egretta garzetta Exceptional phenomenon, rare migratory bird
Egret Egret Egretta thula Detected as a wild bird only before 1950

Ciconiiformes - stork birds

Ciconiidae - storks
image German name scientific name status comment
Black stork Black stork Ciconia nigra Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
White stork White stork Ciconia ciconia Breeding and migratory birds, rare annual birds RL 3

Accipitriformes - birds of prey

Pandionidae - Osprey

Pandionidae - Osprey
image German name scientific name status comment
Osprey Osprey Pandion haliaetus Breeding, migratory bird RL 3

Accipitridae - hawk relatives

Accipitridae - hawk relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Sliding couple Sliding couple Elanus caeruleus special exception
Bearded vulture Bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus Exception
Egyptian vulture Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus special exception
Honey buzzard Honey buzzard Pernis apivorus Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Short-toed eagle Short-toed eagle Circaetus gallicus former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Black vulture Black vulture Aegypius monachus special exception
Griffon Vulture Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus Exception RL 0
Greater spotted eagle Greater spotted eagle Aquila clanga exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL R
Lesser Spotted Eagle Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Booted eagle Booted eagle Aquila pennata exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon
Golden eagle Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos Breeding, annual bird RL 2
Bonelli's eagle Bonelli's eagle Aquila fasciata special exception
Steppe eagle Steppe eagle Aquila nipalensis special exception
Imperial eagle Eastern imperial eagle Aquila heliaca special exception
Steppe consecration Steppe consecration Circus macrourus exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon
Hen harrier Hen harrier Circus cyaneus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 1
Montagu's Harrier Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Marsh harrier Marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus Breeding, migratory bird
hawk hawk Accipiter gentilis Breeding, annual bird
Sparrowhawk Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Red kite Red kite Milvus milvus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL V
Black kite Black kite Milvus migrans Breeding, migratory bird
White-tailed eagle White-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest
Greater Buzzard Greater Buzzard Buteo lagopus exceptionally breeding bird, winter visitor
Common buzzard Common buzzard Buteo buteo Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Eagle Buzzard Eagle Buzzard Buteo rufinus Exception

Falconiformes - falcon-like

Falconidae - falcons
image German name scientific name status comment
Merlin Merlin Falco columbarius Migratory bird, winter visitor
Red-footed falcon Red-footed falcon Falco Vespertinus exceptionally breeding bird, rarely migratory bird
Tree falcon Falco subbuteo Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Eleanor's Falcon Falco eleonorae special exception
Peregrine falcon Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Gyrfalcon Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus Exception
Sucker falcon Sucker falcon Falco cherrug exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon
Kestrel Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Red hawk Red hawk Falco naumanni special exception

Gruiformes - crane birds

Gruidae - cranes
image German name scientific name status comment
Jungfernkranich Jungfernkranich Grus virgo Exception
crane crane Grus grus Breeding and migratory birds, rare winter visitors
Sandhill crane Grus canadensis special exception
Otididae - bustards
image German name scientific name status comment
Little bustard Little bustard Tetrax tetrax former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Great Bustard Great Bustard Otis tarda Breeding, annual bird RL 1
Steppe collar bustard Steppe collar bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii special exception
Rallidae - Rallen
image German name scientific name status comment
Water rail Water rail Rallus aquaticus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL V
Corn Crake Corn Crake Crex crex Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Spotted Moorhen Spotted Moorhen Porzana porzana Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Little Moorhen Little Moorhen Porzana parva Breeding bird, rare migratory bird RL 1
Dwarf moose Dwarf moose Porzana pusilla exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Bronze sultan's chicken Bronze sultan's chicken Porphyrio alleni special exception
Purple chicken Purple chicken Porphyrio porphyrio special exception
Moorhen Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL V
Coot Coot Fulica atra Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest

Charadriiformes - waders, alken and gull birds

Burhinidae - Triele, Haematopodidae - oystercatchers and Recurvirostridae - avocet relatives

Burhinidae - Triele
image German name scientific name status comment
Triel Triel Burhinus oedicnemus former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Haematopodidae - Oystercatchers
image German name scientific name status comment
Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Recurvirostridae - Avocet relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Stilt Stilt Himantopus himantopus exceptionally breeding bird, rarely migratory bird
Avocets Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest

Charadriidae - plover relatives

Charadriidae - plover relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Lapwing Ringed Plover Lapwing Ringed Plover Pluvialis squatarola Migratory bird
Golden plover Golden plover Pluvialis apricaria Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Prairie golden plover Prairie golden plover Pluvialis dominica special exception
Tundra golden plover Tundra golden plover Pluvialis fulva Exception
lapwing lapwing Vanellus vanellus Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Steppe lapwing Steppe lapwing Vanellus gregarius Exception
White-tailed lapwing White-tailed lapwing Vanellus leucurus Exception
Little ringed plover Little ringed plover Charadrius dubius Breeding, migratory bird
Ringed plover Ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Kentish plover Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Ringed plover Ringed plover Charadrius leschenaultii special exception
Ringed plover Wormwood plover Charadrius asiaticus Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Ringed plover Ringed plover Charadrius morinellus exceptionally breeding bird, migratory bird RL 0

Scolopacidae - snipe relatives

Scolopacidae - snipe relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Prairie runner Prairie runner Bartramia longicauda Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Whimbrel Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Migratory bird
Thin-billed curlew Thin-billed curlew Numenius tenuirostris Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Great curlew Great curlew Numenius arquata Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Godwit Godwit Limosa limosa Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Common godwit Common godwit Limosa lapponica Migratory bird
Little mudpipe Little mudpipe Limnodromus griseus special exception
Great Mud Runner Great Mud Runner Limnodromus scolopaceus Exception
Woodcock Woodcock Scolopax rusticola Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL V
Miniature snipe Miniature snipe Lymnocryptes minimus former breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor
Double snipe Double snipe Gallinago media former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Common snipe Common snipe Gallinago gallinago Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL 1
Wilson water treaders Wilson water treaders Phalaropus tricolor Exception
Odin's chicken Odin's chicken Phalaropus lobatus Migratory bird
Thor's chicken Thor's chicken Phalaropus fulicarius rare migratory bird
Common sandpiper Common sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Red sandpiper Red sandpiper Actitis macularius special exception
Terek sandpiper Terek sandpiper Xenus cinereus Exception
Dark water strider Dark water strider Tringa erythropus Migratory bird
Redshank Redshank Tringa totanus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL V
Pond sandpiper Pond sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis rare migratory bird
Greenshank Greenshank Tringa nebularia exceptionally breeding bird, migratory bird
Small yellow leg Small yellow leg Tringa flavipes Exception
Wood sandpiper Wood sandpiper Tringa ochropus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor
Wood sandpiper Wood sandpiper Tringa glareola former breeding bird, migratory bird RL 1
Ruff Ruff Philomachus pugnax Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Turnstone Turnstone Arenaria interpres Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL 2
Marsh ruff Marsh ruff Limicola falcinellus rare migratory bird
Black sandpiper Black sandpiper Micropalama himantopus special exception
Grass runners Grass runners Tryngites subruficollis Exception
Big Knutt Big Knutt Calidris tenuirostris special exception
Knutt Knutt Calidris canutus Migratory bird, winter visitor
Sanderling Sanderling Calidris alba Migratory bird, winter visitor
Sandpiper Sandpiper Calidris pusilla special exception
Pygmy sandpiper Pygmy sandpiper Calidris minuta Migratory bird
Red throated sandpiper Red throated sandpiper Calidris ruficollis special exception
Temminck sandpipers Temminck sandpipers Calidris temminckii Migratory bird
Common sandpiper Common sandpiper Calidris minutilla special exception
White rump sandpipers White rump sandpipers Calidris fuscicollis Exception
Baird sandpipers Baird sandpipers Calidris bairdii Exception
Gray-breasted sandpipers Gray-breasted sandpipers Calidris melanotos rare migratory bird
Crescent sandpiper Crescent sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Migratory bird
Sandpipers Sandpipers Calidris maritima Migratory bird, winter visitor
Dunlin Dunlin Calidris alpina Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL 1
Long-toed sandpiper Long-toed sandpiper Calidris subminuta special exception (first evidence 2011)

Glareolidae - curlew relatives and Stercorariidae - skuas

Glareolidae - Curly Swallow relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Racing bird Racing bird Cursorius cursor special exception
Black-winged curlew Black-winged curlew Glareola nordmanni Exception
Red-winged curlew Red-winged curlew Glareola pratincola Exception
Stercorariidae - Skuas
image German name scientific name status comment
Arctic sku Arctic sku Stercorarius parasiticus Migratory bird
Hawk sku Hawk sku Stercorarius longicaudus rare migratory bird
Spatula skua Spatula skua Stercorarius pomarinus rare migratory bird
skua skua Stercorarius skua rare migratory bird, rare winter visitor

Alcidae - Alke

Alcidae - Alke
image German name scientific name status comment
Puffin Puffin Fratercula arctica former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Crab Grebes Crab Grebes All all Migratory bird, winter visitor
Razorbill Razorbill Alca torda Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest RL R
Guillemot Guillemot Uria aalge Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL R
Thick beaked mum Thick beaked mum Uria lomvia special exception
Black guillemot Black guillemot Cepphus grylle rare winter guest

Laridae - seagulls

Laridae - seagulls
image German name scientific name status comment
Kittiwake Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL R
Ivory Gull Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea special exception
Swallow gull Swallow gull Xema sabini rare migratory bird
Rose gull Rose gull Hydrocoloeus roseus Exception
Little Gull Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus exceptionally breeding bird, migratory bird RL R
Bonaparte gull Bonaparte gull Larus philadelphia special exception
Black-headed gull Black-headed gull Larus ridibundus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Thin-billed gull Thin-billed gull Larus genei special exception
Aztec gull Aztec gull Larus atricilla special exception
Prairie gull Prairie gull Larus pipixcan special exception
Black-headed gull Black-headed gull Larus melanocephalus Breeding and migratory birds, rare winter visitors RL R
Fish gull Fish gull Larus ichthyaetus Exception
coral gull Coral gull Larus audouinii special exception
Common gull Common gull Larus canus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Ring-billed gull Ring-billed gull Larus delawarensis Exception
Black-headed gull Black-headed gull Larus marinus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL R
Ice gull Ice gull Larus hyperboreus regular exception
herring gull herring gull Larus argentatus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Mediterranean seagull Mediterranean seagull Larus michahellis Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor
Steppe gull Steppe gull Larus cachinnans Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL R
Lesser black-backed gull Lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor
not available Tundra gull Larus heuglini special exception
Canada Gull Canada Gull Larus smithsonianus special exception
Polar gull Polar gull Larus glaucoides regular exception
Kumlien's polar gull Larus glaucoides kumlieni special exception nearctic subspecies of the polar gull

Sternidae - terns

Sternidae - terns
image German name scientific name status comment
Noddise Tern Noddise Tern Anous stolidus Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Sooty tern Sooty tern Onychoprion fuscata special exception
Chin tern Chin tern Onychoprion anaethetus special exception
Little tern Little tern Sternula albifrons Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Salmon tern Salmon tern Gelochelidon nilotica Breeding, rarely migratory bird RL 1
Predatory tern Predatory tern Hydroprogne caspia Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Whitebeard tern Whitebeard tern Chlidonias hybrida exceptionally breeding bird, rarely migratory bird RL R
White-winged tern White-winged tern Chlidonias leucopterus exceptionally breeding bird, rarely migratory bird RL 0
Black Tern Black Tern Chlidonias niger Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Lumpy Tern Rüppell's tern Sterna bengalensis special exception
Ornamental tern Ornamental tern Sterna elegans special exception
Sandwich tern Sandwich tern Thalasseus sandvicensis Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Common tern Common tern Sterna hirundo Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Rose tern Rose tern Sterna dougallii exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Arctic tern Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea Breeding, migratory bird RL 2

Pterocliformes - flying chickens

Pteroclidae - flying fowl
image German name scientific name status comment
Steppe grouse Steppe grouse Syrrhaptes paradoxus exceptionally breeding bird, special exception
Sand grouse Sand grouse Pterocles orientalis Detected as a wild bird only before 1950

Columbiformes - pigeon birds

Columbidae - pigeons
image German name scientific name status comment
Street pigeon Street pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Breeding, annual bird
Stock dove Stock dove Columba oenas Breeding, migratory bird
Wood pigeon Wood pigeon Columba palumbus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Turkish dove Turkish dove Streptopelia decaocto Breeding, annual bird
turtledove turtledove Streptopelia turtur Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Oriental turtle dove Oriental turtle dove Streptopelia orientalis special exception
Caroline pigeon Zenaida macroura special exception

Psittaciformes - parrots

Psittacidae - parrots
image German name scientific name status comment
Yellow-headed Parrot Yellow-headed Parrot Amazona oratrix established neozoon, breeding, annual bird
Ring-necked Parakeet Ring-necked Parakeet Psittacula krameri established neozoon, breeding, annual bird
Alexander Parakeet Alexander Parakeet Psittacula eupatria established neozoon, breeding, annual bird

Cuculiformes - cuckoos

Cuculidae - cuckoos
image German name scientific name status comment
Black-billed cuckoo Black-billed cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus special exception
Jay cuckoo Jay cuckoo Clamator glandarius Exception
cuckoo cuckoo Cuculus canorus Breeding, migratory bird RL V

Strigiformes - owls

Tytonidae - Barn Owls
image German name scientific name status comment
Barn owl Barn owl Tyto alba Breeding, annual bird
Strigidae - owls
image German name scientific name status comment
Little Owl Little Owl Aegolius funereus Breeding, annual bird
Little owl Little owl Athene noctua Breeding, annual bird RL 2
Hawk owl Hawk owl Surnia ulula Exception
Pygmy Owl Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum Breeding, annual bird
Scops Owl Scops Owl Otus scops exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon
Long-eared Owl Long-eared Owl Asio otus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor RL 1
Eagle owl Eagle owl Bubo bubo Breeding, annual bird
Snow owl Snow owl Bubo scandiacus Exception
brown owl brown owl Strix aluco Breeding, annual bird
Ural Owl Ural Owl Strix uralensis very rare breeding and annual bird RL R broods go back to abandoned animals

Caprimulgiformes - Swallow Birds

Caprimulgidae - Nightjars
image German name scientific name status comment
Goat milker Goat milker Caprimulgus europaeus Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Pharaohs goat milkers Pharaohs goat milkers Caprimulgus aegyptius Detected as a wild bird only before 1950

Apodiformes - sailors

Apodidae - sailors
image German name scientific name status comment
Alpine swift Alpine swift Apus melba Breeding, migratory bird RL R
Common Swift Common Swift Apus apus Breeding, migratory bird
Pallid Swift Pallid Swift Apus pallidus Exception
House sailor House sailor Apus affinis special exception
Pacific sailors Apus pacificus special exception

Coraciiformes - toothed birds

Coracciidae - Racken
image German name scientific name status comment
European roller European roller Coracias garrulus former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Alcedinidae - Kingfishers
image German name scientific name status comment
kingfisher kingfisher Alcedo atthis Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Meropidae - spinach
image German name scientific name status comment
Bee-eater Bee-eater Merops apiaster Breeding, migratory bird
Blue-cheeked pint Blue-cheeked pint Merops persicus special exception

Upupiformes - hop and hornbills

Upupidae - Hoopoes
image German name scientific name status comment
hoopoe hoopoe Upupa epops Breeding, migratory bird RL 2

Piciformes - woodpecker birds

Picidae - woodpeckers
image German name scientific name status comment
Turning neck Turning neck Jynx torquilla Breeding, migratory bird RL 2
Gray woodpecker Gray woodpecker Picus canus Breeding, annual bird RL 2
Green woodpecker Green woodpecker Picus viridis Breeding, annual bird RL V
Black woodpecker Black woodpecker Dryocopus martius Breeding, annual bird
Three-toed woodpecker Three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest RL 2
great spotted woodpecker great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major Breeding, annual bird
Blood woodpecker Dendrocopus syriacus special exception
Middle woodpecker Middle woodpecker Dendrocopos medius Breeding, annual bird
Small woodpecker Small woodpecker Dendrocopos minor Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest RL V
White-backed woodpecker White-backed woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest RL 2

Passeriformes - passerine birds

Vireonidae - Vireos

Vireonidae - Vireos
image German name scientific name status comment
Roach vireo Roach vireo Vireo olivaceus special exception
Yellow Kelvireo Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo flavifrons special exception

Oriolidae - Orioles

Oriolidae - Orioles
image German name scientific name status comment
oriole oriole Oriolus oriolus Breeding, migratory bird RL V

Laniidae - shrike

Laniidae - shrike
image German name scientific name status comment
Red-headed shrike Red-headed shrike Lanius senator Breeding, rarely migratory bird RL 1
Black-fronted Shrike Black-fronted Shrike Lanius minor former breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 0
Brown shrike Brown shrike Lanius cristatus special exception
Isabel Shrike Isabel Shrike Lanius isabellinus Exception
Red-tailed shrike Lanius phoenicuroides special exception used to be a subspecies of the Isabellus shrike
Red backs Red backs Lanius collurio Breeding, migratory bird
Gray shrike Gray shrike Lanius excubitor Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 2
Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus special exception

Corvidae - crows relatives

Corvidae - crows relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Alpine chough Alpine chough Pyrrhocorax graculus Breeding, annual bird RL R
Chough Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
magpie magpie Pica pica Breeding, annual bird
jay jay Garrulus glandarius Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Pine jay Pine jay Nucifraga caryocatactes Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Jackdaw Jackdaw Coloeus monedula Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest depending on the federal state: RL V; RL 3
Magpie jackdaw Magpie jackdaw Coloeus duricus special exception
rook rook Corvus frugilegus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Carrion crow Carrion crow Corvus corone Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Hooded crow Hooded crow Corvus cornix Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Common raven Common raven Corvus corax Breeding, annual bird

Remizidae - Tasmanian tits

Remizidae - Tasmanian tits
image German name scientific name status comment
Bag tit Bag tit Remiz pendulinus Breeding, migratory bird

Paridae - tits

Paridae - tits
image German name scientific name status comment
Blue tit Blue tit Parus caeruleus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Lasurmeise Lasurmeise Parus cyanus special exception
Great tit Great tit Parus major Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Crested tit Crested tit Parus cristatus Breeding, annual bird
Pine tit Coal Tit Parus ater Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Marsh tit Marsh tit Parus palustris Breeding, annual bird
Willow tit Willow tit Parus montanus Breeding, annual bird

Alaudidae - larks

Alaudidae - larks
image German name scientific name status comment
Calender lark Calender lark Melanocorypha calandra special exception
not available Mountain calender lark Melanocorypha bimaculata special exception
White winged lark White winged lark Melanocorypha leucoptera Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
not available Black lark Melanocorypha yeltoniensis Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Short-toed lark Short-toed lark Calandrella brachydactyla Exception
Stub lark Stub lark Calandrella rufescens Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Crested lark Crested lark Galerida cristata Breeding, annual bird RL 1
Woodlark Woodlark Lullula arborea Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Skylark Skylark Alauda arvensis Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 3
Ear lark Ear lark Eremophila alpestris Winter guest

Hirundinidae - swallows

Hirundinidae - swallows
image German name scientific name status comment
Sand martin Sand martin Riparia riparia Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Rock tern Rock tern Ptyonoprogne rupestris Breeding, migratory bird RL R
Barn swallow Barn swallow Hirundo rustica Breeding, migratory bird RL V
House martin House martin Delichon urbicum Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Red swallow Red swallow Cecropis daurica Exception

Panuridae - bearded tits

Panuridae - bearded tits
image German name scientific name status comment
Bearded tit Bearded tit Panurus biarmicus Breeding, annual, migratory bird

Aegithalidae - tailed tits

Aegithalidae - tailed tits
image German name scientific name status comment
Tail tit Tail tit Aegithalos caudatus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest

Cettiidae - Bush Warbler

Cettiidae - Bush Warbler
image German name scientific name status comment
Silk singer Silk singer Cettia cetti Exception

Phylloscopidae - warbler

Phylloscopidae - warbler
image German name scientific name status comment
Wood warbler Wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Breeding, migratory bird
Mountain warbler Mountain warbler Phylloscopus bonelli Breeding, migratory bird
Bearded Warbler Bearded Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi Exception
Darkwavers Darkwavers Phylloscopus fuscatus Exception
Fitis Fitis Phylloscopus trochilus Breeding, migratory bird
Chiffchaff Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Breeding, migratory bird
Iberienzilpzalp Iberienzilpzalp Phylloscopus ibericus Exception
Golden Chicken Warbler Golden Chicken Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus Exception
Yellow-browed warbler Yellow-browed warbler Phylloscopus inornatus rare migratory bird
Tienschan warbler Tienschan warbler Phylloscopus humei Exception
Green warbler Green warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides Breeding bird, rare migratory bird RL R
not available Juniper Warbler Phylloscopus nitidus special exception
Wandering Warbler Wandering Warbler Phylloscopus borealis Exception
Crown Warbler Crown Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus special exception

Megaluridae - grass warbler

Megaluridae - grass warbler
image German name scientific name status comment
Streak swirl Streak swirl Locustella certhiola Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Stroke swirl Stroke swirl Locustella lanceolata special exception
Feldschwirl Feldschwirl Locustella naevia Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Schlagschwirl Schlagschwirl Locustella fluviatilis Breeding, migratory bird
Rohrschwirl Rohrschwirl Locustella luscinioides Breeding, migratory bird

Acrocephalidae - warbler relatives

Acrocephalidae - warbler relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Reeds warbler Reeds warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon Exception
Sedge Warbler Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola Breeding, rarely migratory bird RL 1
Reed Warbler Reed Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Breeding, migratory bird not on the early warning list since 2016
Bush Warbler Bush Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum Exception
Marsh Warbler Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris Breeding, migratory bird
Reed Warbler Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus Breeding, migratory bird
Reed warbler Reed warbler Acrocephalus agricola special exception
Great Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus Breeding, migratory bird not on the early warning list since 2016
Pale mockers Pale mockers Hippolais pallida special exception
Bush scoffers Bush scoffers Hippolais caligata special exception
Steppe mockers Steppe mockers Hippolais rama special exception
Yellow mockers Yellow mockers Hippolais icterina Breeding, migratory bird
Orpheus mockers Orpheus mockers Hippolais polyglotta Breeding, migratory bird

Cisticolidae - Stalk Warbler

Cisticolidae - Stalk Warbler
image German name scientific name status comment
Cistus singer Cistus singer Cisticola juncidis Exception

Sylviidae - Warblers

Sylviidae - Warblers
image German name scientific name status comment
Blackcap Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Breeding, migratory bird
Garden warbler Garden warbler Sylvia Borin Breeding, migratory bird
Sparrowhawk Warbler Sparrowhawk Warbler Sylvia nisoria Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Orpheus warbler Orpheus warbler Sylvia hortensis special exception
Rattle warbler Rattle warbler Sylvia curruca Breeding, migratory bird
Desert warbler Desert warbler Sylvia nana special exception
Blackcap Blackcap Sylvia communis Breeding, migratory bird
African warbler African warbler Sylvia conspicillata special exception
Provence warbler Provence warbler Sylvia undata special exception
Whitebeard warbler Whitebeard warbler Sylvia cantillans Exception
Moltonig mosquito Sylvia moltonii special exception formerly a subspecies of the whitebeard warbler , now has species status
Velvet warbler Velvet warbler Sylvia melanocephala special exception

Regulidae - golden cockerel

Regulidae - golden cockerel
image German name scientific name status comment
Winter golden chicken Winter golden chicken Regulus regulus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Summer golden chicken Summer golden chicken Regulus ignicapilla Breeding, migratory bird

Bombycillidae - waxwings

Bombycillidae - waxwings
image German name scientific name status comment
Waxwing Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus Migratory bird, winter visitor, invasion bird

Tichodromidae - wall creepers

Tichodromidae - wall creepers
image German name scientific name status comment
Wall creeper Wall creeper Tichodroma muraria Breeding, annual bird RL R

Sittidae - Nuthatch

Sittidae - Nuthatch
image German name scientific name status comment
Glue nuthatch Sitta europaea Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest

Certhiidae - Treecreeper

Certhiidae - Treecreeper
image German name scientific name status comment
Treecreeper Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Breeding, annual bird
Treecreeper Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla Breeding, annual bird

Troglodytidae - wrens

Troglodytidae - wrens
image German name scientific name status comment
Wren Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest

Mimidae - Mockingbirds

Mimidae - Mockingbirds
image German name scientific name status comment
Cat bird Cat bird Dumetella carolinensis Detected as a wild bird only before 1950

Sturnidae - Starlings

Sturnidae - Starlings
image German name scientific name status comment
star star Sturnus vulgaris Breeding, annual, migratory bird RL 3
Rose star Rose star Sturnus roseus Exception
Brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater special exception

Cinclidae - dippers

Cinclidae - dippers
image German name scientific name status comment
Dipper Dipper Cinclus cinclus Breeding bird, annual bird, winter guest

Turdidae - thrushes

Turdidae - thrushes
image German name scientific name status comment
Earth throttle Earth throttle Zoothera aurea Exception
Slate thrush Slate thrush Zoothera sibirica special exception
Hermit Thrush Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Dwarf thrush Dwarf thrush Catharus ustulatus special exception
Gray-cheeked thrush Gray-cheeked thrush Catharus minimus Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Mistletoe Mistletoe Turdus viscivorus Breeding, annual, migratory bird
Ring throttle Ring throttle Turdus torquatus Breeding, migratory bird
blackbird blackbird Turdus merula Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Whitebrow thrush Whitebrow thrush Turdus obscurus special exception
Single color throttle Turdus unicolor Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Red-tailed thrush Red-tailed thrush Turdus naumanni Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Rust-wing throttle Rust-wing throttle Turdus eunomus special exception
Red throat Red throat Turdus ruficollis Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Black throat Black throat Turdus atrogularis Exception
Pale Thrush Pale Thrush Turdus pallidus special exception
Fieldfare Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Song thrush Song thrush Turdus philomelos Breeding, migratory bird
Redwing Redwing Turdus iliacus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor
Traveling thrush Traveling thrush Turdus migratorius special exception

Muscicapidae - flycatcher relatives

Muscicapidae - flycatcher relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Hedge warbler Hedge warbler Cercotrichas galactotes special exception
Graycatcher Graycatcher Muscicapa striata Breeding, migratory bird
Miniature Flycatcher Miniature Flycatcher Ficedula parva Breeding, migratory bird
Pied flycatcher Pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Collar snapper Collar snapper Ficedula albicollis Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Red chalk Red chalk Monticola saxatilis Breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon RL 1
Whinchat Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Stonechat Stonechat Saxicola rubicola Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Palas blackthroat Pallas blackthroat Saxicola maurus Exception
robin robin Erithacus rubecula Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Blue tail Blue tail Tarsiger cyanurus special exception
Sprout Sprout Luscinia luscinia Breeding, migratory bird
nightingale nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos Breeding, migratory bird
Ruby throats Ruby throats Luscinia calliope special exception
Bluethroat Bluethroat Luscinia svecica Breeding, migratory bird not on the early warning list since 2016
Black redstart Black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros Breeding, migratory bird
Common redstart Common redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus Breeding, migratory bird
Isabel Wheatear Isabel Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina special exception
Wheatear Wheatear Oenanthe deserti Exception
Wheatear Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Moorish wheatear Moorish wheatear Oenanthe hispanica Exception
not available Balkan wheatear Oenanthe melanoleuca Exception
Nonnenstein wheatear Nonnenstein wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka Exception
Saharan Wheatear Saharan Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga special exception

Prunellidae - brown cells

Prunellidae - brown cells
image German name scientific name status comment
Alpine brown Alpine brown Prunella collaris Breeding, annual, migratory bird RL R
Dunnock Dunnock Prunella modularis Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Black throated brown Black throated brown Prunella atrogularis special exception
Mountain brown Prunella montanella special exception

Passeridae - sparrows

Passeridae - sparrows
image German name scientific name status comment
House sparrow House sparrow Passer domesticus Breeding, annual bird RL V
Tree Sparrow Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Breeding, annual bird RL V
Stone sparrow Stone sparrow Petronia petronia former breeding bird RL 0, detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Snow sparrow Snow sparrow Montifringilla nivalis Breeding, annual bird RL R

Motacillidae - relatives on stilts

Motacillidae - relatives on stilts
image German name scientific name status comment
Spur pipit Spur pipit Anthus richardi rare migratory bird
Blyth s Pipit Anthus godlewskii.jpg Steppe pipit Anthus godlewskii special exception
Brachieper Brachieper Anthus campestris Breeding, migratory bird RL 1
Wood pipit Wood pipit Anthus hodgsoni Exception
Tree pipit Tree pipit Anthus trivialis Breeding, migratory bird RL V
Meadow pipit Meadow pipit Anthus pratensis Brood, migratory bird, winter visitor RL V
European red-throated pipit European red-throated pipit Anthus cervinus Migratory bird
Pacific pier Pacific pipit Anthus rubescens special exception
Mountain pipit Mountain pipit Anthus spinoletta Migratory bird, winter visitor
Beach pipit Beach pipit Anthus petrosus exceptionally breeding bird, winter visitor
Gray wagtail Gray wagtail Motacilla cinerea Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Lemon wagtail Lemon wagtail Motacilla citreola exceptionally breeding bird, exceptional phenomenon
Yellow wagtail Yellow wagtail Motacilla flava Breeding, migratory bird
Yellow-headed yellow wagtail Yellow-headed yellow wagtail Motacilla flavissima exceptionally breeding bird, rarely migratory bird RL R
Masked wagtail Masked wagtail Motacilla Feldegg Exception
not available Ashhead yellow wagtail Motacilla cinereocapilla Exception
not available Thunberg wagtail Motacilla thunbergi Migratory bird
wagtail wagtail Motacilla alba Breeding, migratory bird
Black wagtail Black wagtail Motacilla yarrellii exceptionally breeding bird, rarely migratory bird RL R

Fringillidae - finches

Fringillidae - finches
image German name scientific name status comment
Chaffinch Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Mountain finch Mountain finch Fringilla montifringilla Migratory bird, winter visitor
Grosbeak Grosbeak Coccothraustes coccothraustes Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Hooked bullfinch Hooked bullfinch Pinicola enucleator Exception
bullfinch bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Bullfinch Bullfinch Bucanetes githagineus special exception
Carmine Carmine Carpodacus erythrinus Breeding, migratory bird
Girlitz Girlitz Serinus serinus Breeding, migratory bird
Crossbill Crossbill Loxia leucoptera Exception
Pine crossbill Pine crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus Exception
Crossbill Crossbill Loxia curvirostra Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Greenfinch Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
goldfinch goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Lemon curd Carduelis citrinella Breeding, annual bird RL 3
Siskin Siskin Carduelis spinus Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
Bloodline Bloodline Carduelis cannabina Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL V
Mountain hangfling Mountain hangfling Carduelis flavirostris Winter guest
Alpine siskin Alpine siskin Carduelis cabaret Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest
European siskin European siskin Carduelis flammea Migratory bird, winter visitor
Arctic siskin Arctic siskin Carduelis hornemanni Exception

Emberizidae - bunting relatives

Emberizidae - bunting relatives
image German name scientific name status comment
Spornammer Spornammer Calcarius lapponicus Migratory bird, winter visitor
Snow bunting Snow bunting Plectrophenax nivalis Winter guest
Gray bunting Gray bunting Emberiza calandra Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL 3
Goldhammer Goldhammer Emberiza citrinella Breeding, annual, migratory bird, winter guest RL V
Spruce hammer Spruce hammer Emberiza leucocephalos Exception
Bunting Bunting Emberiza cirlus Breeding, annual, migratory bird RL 2
zippammer Zippammer Emberiza cia Breeding, annual, migratory bird RL 1
Chamber of the Turks Chamber of the Turks Emberiza cineracea Detected as a wild bird only before 1950
Ortolan Ortolan Emberiza hortulana Breeding, migratory bird RL 3
Grauortolan Grauortolan Emberiza caesia special exception
Stone ortolan Emberiza buchanani special exception
Pipe hammer Pipe hammer Emberiza schoeniclus Breeding bird, migratory bird, winter visitor
Dwarf bunting Dwarf bunting Emberiza pusilla Exception
Waldammer Waldammer Emberiza rustica Exception
Mask Chamber Mask Chamber Emberiza spodocephala special exception
Cap hammer Cap hammer Emberiza melanocephala Exception
Braunkopfammer Braunkopfammer Emberiza bruniceps Exception
Willow hammer Willow hammer Emberiza aureola Exception
Whitethroat Zonotrichia albicollis special exception
Singing hammer Singing hammer Melospiza melodia special exception
Green Warbler Green Warbler Dendroica virens special exception
Great Warbler Great Warbler Parula americana special exception

Struthioniformes - ratites

Rheidae - rhea
image German name scientific name status comment
Rhea Rhea Rhea americana Breeding, annual bird Broods go back to escaped animals

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Explanation of the activities of the German Rarity Commission
  2. List of species of birds in Germany, full text, PDF
  3. Status information simplified according to: List of species of birds in Germany, full text, PDF
  4. Red list of birds in Germany according to the NABU website
  5. Addendum based on evidence from 2006 recognized by the German Rarity Commission, cf. Wegst, Christian: The Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, a new species for Germany , Limicola, Vol. 22 (2008), pp. 161–177
  6. Gruber, D. & V. Jortzik: The long-toe sandpiper, a new species for Germany, Limicola 25 (2011), p. 101
  7. ^ Ural owl at the Bavarian State Office for the Environment
  8. Pflanzen/voegel/artenschutz/rote-listen/ 10221.html