List of Heads of State 1943

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◄◄1939194019411942List of Heads of State 1943  | 1944  | 1945  | 1946  | 1947  |  | ►►
Other events



North America

Central America

South America


East, South and Southeast Asia

Middle East

Central Asia

Australia and Oceania


  • Yugoslavia (occupied by Germany from 1941 to 1945 and Italy (until 1943))
    • Head of State: King Peter II (1934–1945) (1941–1945 in exile)
  • Croatia (1941-1945 under the sovereignty of Germany and (until 1943) Italy)
    • Head of State:
      • King Tomislav II (1941– October 12, 1943) (was never crowned)
      • "Leader" Ante Pavelić (October 12, 1943–1945) (1941–1943 head of government)
    • Head of Government:
      • "Leader" Ante Pavelić (1941–2 September 1943) (1943–1945 Head of State)
      • Prime Minister Nikola Mandić (September 2, 1943–1945)
  • Sweden
    • Head of State: King Gustav V (1907–1950)
    • Head of Government: Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson (1936–1946)
  • Spain
    • Head of State and Government: General Francisco Franco (1939–1975)

Individual evidence

  1. The Federal Council is the collective head of state in Switzerland. The Federal President has the role of primus inter pares