List of Heads of State 1946

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◄◄1942194319441945List of Heads of State 1946  | 1947  | 1948  | 1949  | 1950  |  | ►►
Other events



North America

Central America

South America


East, South and Southeast Asia

Middle East

Central Asia

Australia and Oceania


  • Spain
    • Head of State and Government: General Francisco Franco (1939–1975)
  • Hungary
    • Head of State: President Zoltán Tildy (February 2, 1946–1948)
    • Head of Government:
      • Prime Minister Zoltán Tildy (1945–1 February 1946)
      • Prime Minister Mátyás Rákosi (February 1 - February 4, 1946)
      • Prime Minister Ferenc Nagy (February 4, 1946–1947)

Individual evidence

  1. The Federal Council is the collective head of state in Switzerland. The Federal President has the role of primus inter pares