List of units of measurement named after scientists

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This compilation lists units of measurement and key figures named after scientists. SI units and units approved for use with the SI are highlighted in color.

For the units named after Max Planck , see Planck units .


Unit of measurement Abbreviation Use for Surname Country / science time
Abbe number v Size for characterizing the optical dispersive properties of optical glasses Ernst Abbe German physicist 1840-1905
Albert Alb Unit of photosynthetically active radiation Albert Einstein German physicist 1879-1955
Amagat amg Unit of the particle density of gases Émile Amagat French physicist 1841-1915
amp A. Unit of measure of electrical current André-Marie Ampère French mathematician, physicist 1775-1836
Ångström Å Length measure for wavelengths Jonas Ångström is different Swedish physicist 1814-1874
Archimedes number Ar Indicator of the ratio of buoyancy force to frictional force Archimedes of Syracuse Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer 287 BC Chr – 212 BC Chr
Degree balling ° Bg, ° Bal, ° Blg Unit for determining the sugar content Karl Josef Napoleon Balling Austrian-Bohemian chemist 1805-1868
Barque Barque psychoacoustic scale for the perceived pitch (tonality) Heinrich Barkhausen German physicist 1881-1956
Barrer Gas permeability of substances Richard Barrer New Zealand chemist 1910-1996
Degree Bates ° Bates Unit of relative density Frederick John Bates American chemist ?
baud Vol Communication engineering unit (telegraph speed) Jean-Maurice-Émile Baudot French telegraph officer (five-letter alphabet) 1845-1903
Beaufort scale Scale for the classification of wind according to its speed Francis Beaufort Irish-English hydrograph 1774-1857
Degree Baumé ° Bé Hydrometer scale Antoine Baumé French chemist, pharmacist 1728-1804
Degree Beck ° Beck Unit of the relative density of liquids Philipp Friedrich Beck German pharmacist 1768-1821
Becquerel Bq Activity of a radioactive substance (decay / s) Henri Becquerel French physicist 1852-1908
Bel B. Measure of damping Alexander Graham Bell American inventor 1847-1922
Berk berk Unit of geopotential Vilhelm Bjerknes Norwegian geophysicist 1862-1951
Biot Bi Unit of current strength Jean-Baptiste Biot French physicist 1747-1862
Degree Bischoff ° Bischoff Unit for determining the density of milk ?? ?? ??
Blondel blondel Unit of measurement of the luminance of self-luminous bodies André-Eugène Blondel French physicist 1863-1938
Bodenstein number Bo dimensionless number from reaction engineering Max Bodenstein German physical chemist 1871-1942
Brewster B. Stress optical sensitivity David Brewster Scottish physicist 1781-1868
Brinell hardness HB, H B Hardness measure for materials Johan August Brinell Swedish engineer 1849-1925
Brinkmann number Be Ratio of heat generated by friction to the fluid's ability to dissipate this heat Henri Brinkman Dutch physicist 1908-1961
Degree Brix ° Brix, ° Bx, Brix,% Brix Unit of measure for the relative density of liquids Adolf Brix Austrian-German scientist 1798-1870
Bubnoff unit B. Unit of measure for the speed of geological processes Serge von Bubnoff German-Russian geotectonist 1888-1957
Buckingham B. CGS unit of the electric quadrupole Amyand David Buckingham Australian chemist 1930
Bunsen absorption coefficient , Volume fraction of a gas that is absorbed by another substance at a partial pressure that corresponds to the standard pressure in the physical standard state Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen German chemist 1811-1899
centigrade ° C Temperature scale Different Celsius Swedish naturalist 1701-1744
Carcel Unit of light intensity Bertrand Guillaume Carcel French watchmaker 1750-1812
Cartier degree Unit of the relative density of liquids Jean-François Cartier French inventor ?
Centimorgan cm Unit of genetics, for the frequency / probability of recombination Thomas Hunt Morgan American zoologist, geneticist 1866-1945
Chad Unit of the neutron flux James Chadwick English physicist, explorer 1891-1974
Charrière Ch, Char Measure for the outer circumference of cannulas and catheters Joseph-Frédéric-Benoît Charrière French instrument and apparatus manufacturer 1803-1876
Clausius Cl Unit of entropy Rudolf Clausius German physicist, explorer 1822-1888
Colburn number J Heat transfer of viscous fluids with free and forced convection Allan Philip Colburn American chemical engineer 1904-1955
Coulomb C. Unit of measure of electrical charge Charles Augustin de Coulomb French physicist 1736-1806
curie Ci Unit of measure for the activity of radioactive emitters Pierre Curie ,
Marie Curie
French physicist,
Polish-French physicist
Dalton There atomic mass unit John Dalton English chemist, physicist 1766-1844
Damköhler number There dimensionless number of chemical reaction engineering Gerhard Damköhler German chemist 1908-1944
Daniell Unit of measurement of electrical voltage John Frederic Daniell British chemist 1790-1845
Darcy D. Unit for permeability Henry Darcy French engineer 1803-1856
Darwin Unity in evolutionary research Charles Darwin British naturalist 1809-1882
Dean number De Key figure from fluid mechanics to describe the flow William Reginald Dean ? 1896-1973
Debye D. electrostatic unit of the electrical dipole moment Peter Debye Dutch physicist, chemist, Nobel Prize winner 1884-1966
Degree Delisle ° De, ° D Temperature scale Joseph-Nicolas Delisle French astronomer, cartographer 1688-1768
Didot point Pt, p Point system of writing François Ambroise Didot French type founder 1730-1804
Dobsonian unit YOU Measure of the strength of the ozone layer Gordon Miller Bourne Dobson British physicist, meteorologist 1889-1976
Degree Dornic ° D Unit for determining the acidity of milk Pierre Dornic French agricultural engineer ?
Eckert number Ec Determination of heat at interfaces Ernst Eckert Austrian-American engineer, natural scientist, fluid mechanic 1904-2004
Einstein E. Energy unit of the photochemical reaction kinetics Albert Einstein German physicist 1879-1955
Engler degree E, ° E Unit of viscosity Carl Engler German chemist 1842-1925
Ekman number Ek Unity of geophysics in oceanographic and atmospheric phenomena Vagn Walfrid Ekman Swedish physicist, oceanographer 1874-1954
Eötvös E. Unit of measure for the change in gravity Loránd Eötvös Hungarian physicist 1848-1919
Erlang Erl, Erl Unit for the market value in a communication network Agner Krarup Erlang Danish mathematician, engineer 1878-1929
Euler number Eu Key figure of the similarity theory in fluid mechanics Leonhard Euler Swiss mathematician, physicist 1707-1783
degrees Fahrenheit ° F Temperature scale Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit German physicist 1686-1736
farad F. Unit of measure of electrical capacitance Michael Faraday English physicist 1791-1867
Faraday Faraday Unit of measure of the amount of charge that one gram equivalent of an ion removes from an electrolyte solution Michael Faraday English physicist 1791-1867
Fermi f Measure of length in nuclear physics Enrico Fermi Italian nuclear physicist, Nobel Prize winner 1901-1954
Finsen unit FE Unit in medicine for measuring the radiation intensity of UV light Niels Ryberg Finsen Faroese-Danish doctor, Nobel Prize 1860-1904
Degree butcher Unit for determining the relative density of liquids Emil Fleischer German chemist 1843-1928
Footlambert or ft.L Unit of measurement for luminance Johann Heinrich Lambert Swiss-Alsatian mathematician, logician, physicist 1727-1777
Franklin Fr. Unit of electrical charge Benjamin Franklin American naturalist, inventor 1706-1790
Fresnel fresnel Unit of frequency Augustin Jean Fresnel French physicist 1788-1827
Fresnel number F. dimensionless number in optics, especially in diffraction Augustin Jean Fresnel French physicist 1788-1827
Froude number Fr. Key figure for the ratio of inertial forces to gravitational forces within a hydrodynamic system William Froude English naval engineer, researcher 1810-1879
Fourier number Fo Key figure for describing problems of unsteady heat conduction Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier French mathematician, physicist 1768-1830
Fournier point Point as a unit of font size Pierre Simon Fournier French typographer 1712-1768
Fujita scale F. Damage classification for strong winds Tetsuya Theodore Fujita Japanese 1920-1998
Gal gal Unit of measure of acceleration Galileo Galilei Italian physicist, astronomer 1564-1642
Galileo number Ga Key figure of fluid mechanics and characterizes the ratio of gravitational to internal frictional forces in moving fluids Galileo Galilei Italian physicist, astronomer 1564-1642
Gauss G Unit of measure of magnetic induction Carl Friedrich Gauss German mathematician, physicist, astronomer 1777-1855
Degree Gay-Lussac ° GL 100-point scale for the alcohol content Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac French chemist, physicist 1778-1850
Graetz number Gz Forced convection index Leo Graetz German physicist 1856-1941
Grass yard number Size Key figure in fluid mechanics Franz Grashof German engineer, university professor 1826-1893
Gray Gy absorbed dose caused by ionizing radiation Stephen Gray English naturalist 1666-1736
Gilbert Gb Unit of magnetic tension William Gilbert English doctor, physicist 1540-1603
Goeppert-Mayer GM Unit for the two-photon cross-section of a material Maria Goeppert-Mayer German-American physicist, Nobel Prize winner 1906-1972
Gouy - Unit for the electrokinetic potential Louis Georges Gouy French physicist 1854-1926
Hagen number Ed Forced flow measure Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig Hagen German hydraulic engineer 1797-1884
Hartley Hard Unit of the amount of information Ralph Hartley American electrical engineer 1888-1970
Hartmann Ha Key figure of fluids Julius Hartmann Danish physicist 1881-1951
Hausner factor H Key figure for characterizing solids (shaped to lumpy bulk goods and heaps) Henry H. Hausner Austrian powder metallurgist 1900-1995
Hefner candle HK Unit of light intensity Friedrich von Hefner-Alteneck German engineer 1845-1904
Helmholtz number H e Ratio of a characteristic length in acoustics Hermann von Helmholtz German physicist, physiologist 1821-1894
Helmholtz Helmholtz Unit for the electric double layer moment Hermann von Helmholtz German physicist, physiologist 1821-1894
Henry H Unit of measure of inductance Joseph Henry American physicist 1797-1878
Henry's constant k H Measure of the gas absorption capacity of a water phase / solution William Henry English medic, chemist 1774-1836
hertz Hz Unit of frequency Heinrich Hertz German physicist 1857-1894
Jacobian oxyhydrogen unit Unit of measure of electrical current Moritz Hermann Jacobi German-Russian physicist, engineer 1801-1874
Jansky Jy Unit of measurement for spectral flux density Karl Guthe Jansky American radio astronomer 1905-1950
Joules J Unit of measure for work or energy, amount of heat James Prescott Joule French-English physicist 1818-1889
Karlovitz number Ka Unit for the description of turbulent combustion processes Béla Karlovitz Hungarian physicist ?
Kayser kayser Unit of the wave number Heinrich Kayser German physicist 1853-1940
Kelvin K temperature Lord Kelvin English physicist 1824-1907
Keulegan-Carpenter number KC Key figure for describing oscillating flows Garbis H. Keulegan ,
Lloyd H. Carpenter
Knoop HK Material characteristic for metals Frederick Knoop American physicist, engineer ?
Knudsen number Kn Indicator for the density of a gas flow Martin Knudsen Danish physicist, oceanographer 1871-1949
Kolbach number Ratio of soluble nitrogen in relation to the total amount of nitrogen in brewing malt Paul Kolbach Luxembourg brewing scientist 1894-1974
Kunitz Kunitz Unit used in biochemistry to determine the concentration / activity of the ribonuclease enzymes that react with ribonucleic acid Moses Kunitz Russian-American biochemist ?
Lambert la Unit of luminance Johann Heinrich Lambert Swiss-Alsatian mathematician, logician, physicist, philosopher 1728-1777
Landé factor g factor Ratio of the measured magnetic moment of an atom, atomic nucleus, particle Alfred Landé German physicist 1888-1976
Langley lan, ly American unit of irradiation Samuel Pierpont Langley American astrophysicist 1834-1906
Langmuir L. physical unit of dose in surface chemistry Irving Langmuir American chemist, physicist, Nobel Prize winner 1881-1957
Laval number M * Similarity index of gas dynamics Gustav de Laval Swedish engineer, inventor 1845-1913
Lewis number Le Ratio of heat conduction to diffusion in the case of heat and mass transfer Warren Kendall Lewis American chemical engineer 1882-1975
Lenz lenz Magnetic field strength Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz German-Baltic physicist 1804-1865
Degree Lintner ° L A brewing unit that measures the ability of malt enzymes to reduce starch to sugar Karl Lintner Professor of Fermentation Chemistry 1855-1926
Do Speed ​​measure Seriously do Austrian physicist 1838-1916
Make ME Concentration of the radium emanation Heinrich Mache Austrian physicist 1876-1954
Degree MacMichael ° McM, ° M Unit of viscosity in the chocolate industry Ross F. MacMichael American inventor ?
Landmark Number Ratio of the marker length to the flame thickness George Markstein Chemist ?
Maxwell M. Unit of measurement of magnetic flux James Clerk Maxwell English physicist 1831-1879
Mayer mayer Unit of measure of heat capacity Julius Robert von Mayer German doctor, physicist 1814-1878
Mercalli scale Twelve-part earthquake scale Giuseppe Mercalli Italian seismologist, volcanologist 1850-1914
Mohs hardness Hardness scale for minerals and precious stones Friedrich Mohs German mineralogist 1773-1839
Neper Np Attenuation in electrical engineering John Napier Scottish mathematician 1550-1617
Newton N Unit of measure of force Sir Isaac Newton English mathematician, physicist 1643-1727
Degrees Newtons ° N Temperature scale Sir Isaac Newton English mathematician, physicist 1643-1727
Nusselt number N u Heat transfer coefficient Wilhelm Nusselt German physicist 1882-1957
ohm Ω Unit of measure of electrical resistance Georg Simon Ohm German physicist 1787-1845
Uncare number Oh Influence of toughness in the deformation of drops and bubbles Wolfgang von Unesorge German physicist 1901-1976
Oersted Oe Unit of magnetic field strength Hans Christian Ørsted Danish physicist 1777-1851
Degree Oechsle ° Oe Must weight as density of grape must Ferdinand Oechsle German inventor, mechanic 1774-1852
Ostwald coefficient L. Solubility coefficient Wilhelm Ostwald German chemist 1853-1932
Pascal Pa Unit of pressure Blaise Pascal French mathematician, physicist 1623-1662
Péclet number Pe Key figure in transport processes for the ratio of advective to diffusive flows Jean Claude Eugène Péclet French physicist 1793-1857
Degree Plato ° P Unit of the original wort content Fritz Plato German chemist 1858-1938
Poise P Unit of dynamic viscosity " Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille French physicist 1797-1869
Poiseuille Pl Unit of dynamic viscosity " Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille French physicist 1797-1869
Degree Pollak ° Pollak A brewing unit that measures the ability of malt enzymes to reduce starch to sugar Alfred Pollak Austrian chemist ?
Poncelet p Unit of performance Jean Victor Poncelet French engineer, mathematician 1788-1867
Prandtl number Pr Key figure of fluids as the ratio between viscosity and thermal diffusivity Ludwig Prandtl German physicist 1875-1953
Preece Preece Unit for the specific resistance William Henry Preece Welsh electrical engineer, inventor 1834-1913
Prout Prout Unit for the nuclear binding energy William Prout English doctor, chemist 1785-1850
Degree Quevenne ° Q Unit for determining the specific gravity of milk Theodore Auguste Quevenne French chemist ?
Rankine degree ° Ra, ° R Temperature scale William John Macquorn Rankine Scottish physicist, engineer 1820-1872
Rayl - Specific sound impedance John Rayleigh English physicist, Nobel Prize 1842-1919
Rayleigh R. Unit for the intensity of the emission rates for night sky light John Rayleigh English physicist, Nobel Prize 1842-1919
Degree Réaumur ° R temperature René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur French physicist 1683-1757
Reynolds number R e Key figure in fluid mechanics Osborne Reynolds British physicist 1842-1912
Reyn Reyn Unit of dynamic viscosity Osborne Reynolds British physicist 1842-1912
Richardson number R i Key figure of fluid mechanics Lewis Fry Richardson British mathematician, meteorologist 1881-1953
Richter scale Unit of seismographic measurement of bumps Charles Francis Richter American seismologist 1900-1935
Rockwell MR Unit of measure for the hardness of technical materials Stanley Rockwell American engineer, company founder 1886-1940
Rossby number Ro Geophysics indicator Carl-Gustaf Rossby Swedish-American meteorologist 1898-1857
roentgen R. Dosage unit for X-rays and gamma rays Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen German physicist 1845-1923
Romer ° Rø Temperature scale Ole Christensen Rømer Danish astronomer 1644-1710
Rutherford approx Activity of a radioactive substance Ernest Rutherford American physicist 1871-1937
Sabin Unit of sound absorption Wallace Clement Sabine American physicist 1868-1919
Savart s Unit of measure for musical intervals Félix Savart French physicist, doctor 1791-1841
Degree Scheiner ° Scheiner Unit of light sensitivity of photographic material Julius Scheiner German astronomer, inventor 1858-1913
Schmidt number Sc Key figure for the ratio of diffusive momentum transport to diffusive mass transport Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Schmidt German thermodynamicist, university professor 1892-1975
Sailing cone Sk Test specimen for determining fire resistance Hermann Seger German chemist, ceramicist 1839-1893
Shannon Sh Unit for the information content of a message Claude Elwood Shannon American mathematician, electrical engineer 1916-2001
Sherwood number S h Key figure of thermodynamics to describe the mass transfer Thomas Kilgore Sherwood American chemical engineer 1903-1976
Shore hardness Material characteristic for elastomers and plastics Albert Shore American metal lodge 1876-1936
Siemens S. Unit of measurement for electrical conductance Werner from Siemens German engineer 1816-1892
Siegbahn unit XE Wavelength of x-rays and gamma rays Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn Swedish physicist, Nobel Prize winner 1886-1988
Sieberg scale six-part scale for the strength of submarine earthquakes August Heinrich Sieberg German geophysicist 1875-1945
Sievert Sv Determination of radiation exposure Rolf Sievert Swedish medic, physicist 1896-1966
Degree sikes ° Sikes Unit of alcohol content Bartholomew Sikes British inventor ?
Soxhlet handle number SHZ, ° SH Acidity of milk Franz Soxhlet
Theodor Ludwig von Henkel
German agricultural chemist
German pioneer in dairy science
Degree Spendrup ° Spd Unit for determining the alcohol content Peter Mathias Spendrup Danish brandy distiller ?
Degree Stoppani ° Stoppani Unit of relative density Franz Nikolaus Stoppani German instrument maker ?
Stanton number St. Measure of the relative cooling intensity during heat transfer Thomas Edward Stanton British engineer 1865-1931
Stefan number St. Ratio of sensible heat to latent heat Josef Stefan Austrian mathematician, physicist 1835-1893
Stokes St. kinematic viscosity George Gabriel Stokes English mathematician, physicist 1819-1903
Strehl number Measure of the optical quality of telescopes and other optical instruments Karl Strehl German physicist, mathematician 1864-1940
Strouhal number Sr Flow physics key figure Vincent Strouhal Czech physicist 1850-1922
Sturgeon Sturgeon Unit for the magnetic resistance William Sturgeon English physicist, inventor 1783-1850
Sverdrup Sv Unit of measure for volume flows in oceanography Harald Ulrik Sverdrup Norwegian oceanographer 1888-1957
Talbot - Unit of radiant energy William HF Talbot English physicist, chemist 1800-1877
Taylor number Ta Characteristic value for describing the tendency to form Taylor vortices Geoffrey Ingram Taylor British applied mathematician, physicist 1886-1975
Tesla T Unit of magnetic flux density and induction Nikola Tesla Yugoslav physicist, electrical engineer 1858-1943
Thiele module φ Key figure and description of the pore diffusion Ernest W. Thiele German chemist ??
Torr Torr Unit of measurement of pressure Evangelista Torricelli Italian physicist 1608-1647
Thoma number Th Key figure of fluid mechanics (cavitation behavior) Dieter Thoma physicist 1881-1942
Degree Thörner ° Th Unit for determining the acidity of milk Wilhelm Thörner German chemist 1850-1920
Degree Tralles ° Tralles Unit of the relative density mostly used to determine the alcohol content Johann Georg Tralles German physicist 1763-1822
Troland trol and td Unit of pupillary light intensity Leonard Troland American researcher 1889-1932
Degree twaddle ° Tw Unit of the relative density of liquids William Twaddle Scottish inventor ??
Violle unit - Unit of measure of light intensity Jules Violle French physicist 1841-1923
volt V Unit of measurement of electrical voltage Alessandro Volta Italian physicist 1745-1827
watt W. Unit of measure of power James Watt English engineer 1736-1819
Weber Wb Unit of measurement for the magnetic flux Wilhelm Eduard Weber German physicist 1804-1891
Wedgwood scale Temperature scale for higher temperatures Josiah Wedgwood English entrepreneur 1730-1795
Weissenberg number Wi Key figure for describing the viscoelastic behavior of fluids Karl Weissenberg Austrian physicist 1893-1976
Degrees Windisch-Kolbach ° WK A brewing unit that measures the ability of malt enzymes to reduce starch to sugar Wilhelm Windisch ,
Paul Kolbach
German chemist
Luxembourg brewing scientist
Wobbe index Wi, Wu Characterization of the quality of fuel gases Goffredo Wobbe Italian gas engineer, inventor ? ?


  • Collective of authors: Small Encyclopedia Nature. Verlag Enzyklopädie Leipzig, Leipzig 1963, p. 151.