Attila Hildmann

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Attila Hildmann (2020)

Attila Klaus Peter Hildmann (born April 22, 1981 in West Berlin ) is a German - Turkish author of cookbooks for vegan dishes .

In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic , Hildmann emerged as a promoter of conspiracy ideologies relating to the virus infection . He used ideas from the spectrum of Reich citizens , expressed himself right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic and publicly threatened criminal offenses. As a result, business partners distanced themselves, his social media channels were closed and several investigations were initiated against him. He evaded an arrest warrant issued in February 2021 by traveling to Turkey.


Attila Hildmann was born in the West Berlin district of Kreuzberg as the son of Turkish parents; As a result, he has both German and Turkish citizenship. He was given up for adoption as a baby and grew up with German adoptive parents. Hildmann himself reports of a youth full of experiences of violence, in the course of time he has turned from victim to perpetrator and also a criminal. He spent three and a half months in custody . He passed the Abitur at the Lise Meitner School in Berlin-Rudow . Hildmann said he became a vegan after his adoptive father died of a heart attack in 2000 . Hildmann blamed his father's meat consumption for his death. Hildmann, who at the time was very overweight himself, did not want to suffer the same fate and initially gave up meat and fish products . In addition to the vegetarian diet, he began to play sports . After a while, Hildmann gave up almost all animal products and was mainly vegan.

Attila Hildmann at Veggie Street Day in Dortmund 2010

Hildmann started a vegan cooking blog and uploaded cooking videos of himself to his YouTube channel. In 2009 he wrote the vegan cookbook as an autodidact and published a total of three editions until 2010 - partly as book-on-demand . From 2011 he was under contract with the Becker Joest Volk publishing house . In 2012, his book Vegan for Fun was named “Cookbook of the Year” by the German Vegetarian Association. Both Vegan for Fun and Vegan for Fit , which followed a year later , became bestsellers . Hildmann has been able to earn a living from the proceeds since 2013, and by 2020 his cookbooks had sold over a million times. Hildmann became "something like the Jamie Oliver of vegan cuisine" in Germany, the tabloid press called him "vegan king". Hildmann had success with his concept because he interpreted vegan cuisine in such a way that “people who like meat no longer have to do without it”. His creations should therefore not differ too much in taste from old habits, he created vegan variants of Bolognese , burgers , currywurst , kebab or sandwiches . With his combination of a fitness, diet and anti-aging program, Hildmann succeeded in getting vegan cooking out of the animal rights corner and turning it into a lifestyle topic. Organic food and fair trade played an important role in his books . As a “ hip health cook ”, he made appearances in various TV magazines , including being an assistant at Bauerfeind ... , THAT! , Galileo , Kuttner plus Zwei , people at Maischberger , Nachtcafé , Stern TV , TV total , Unter uns , Volle Kanne and on the show at home + on the go as a guest.

Vegan Food restaurant in Schillerstraße 71 in Berlin-Charlottenburg

At the Free University of Berlin he studied physics "for a long time and with little success". According to his own statement, in 2014 he was only missing “two oral exams”, after which he wanted to register for a doctorate . In the summer of 2015 he submitted his diploma thesis and he was missing "three exams". Hildmann failed the diploma exams twice and finally left the university without a degree.

In March 2016, Hildmann was a participant in the ninth season of the television program Let's Dance . In January 2017, he served as chef at Sky telecast MasterChef to see. In the same year he won against Luke Mockridge as a candidate in the TV show Schlag den Star .

In the spring of 2017, Hildmann opened a vegan snack bar in Charlottenburg , and from April 2018 to November 2019 he ran another in Kreuzberg . A planned third “snack bar” in Cologne failed in 2018 shortly before its opening. Hildmann's snack bar in Charlottenburg was closed in spring 2021.

Hildmann sells its vegan products such as spreads, soft drinks and energy drinks, cheese substitutes and matcha through its online shop . Through Attila Hildmann Empire GmbH , founded in 2016, he also sold these in supermarkets until 2020. Hildmann points out that part of his income will be donated to charitable animal welfare organizations; mainly he supports a project against poaching in the Indian Kaziranga National Park .

Hildmann last lived in Wandlitz , Brandenburg , at the beginning of 2021 he fled to Turkey, where he is supposed to stay in luxury villas.

Reception and controversy

Hildmann shows great self-confidence to the outside world. "In addition, there is a slightly shifted self-perception , which often lets him speak of himself in superlatives ." Hildmann often presents himself with a free, well-trained upper body. Scantily clad women can be seen in his advertising campaigns.

Hildmann made driving a Porsche one of his trademarks : “The Hildmann logo is shown on the door, fingers shaped into a 'V'. For him, that stands for 'vegan'. ”Since his first vehicle had leather seats, which for many was a contradiction to his otherwise propaganized vegan lifestyle, there was a shit storm .

The refugee crisis in Europe from 2015 accompanied Hildmann "in a rough and fast way [...], often half cooked", using "classic xenophobic clichés". Statements such as " Integration is a sensitive topic in Germany due to the German past, which is leading to a current self-mutilation of German values ​​and culture" brought the magazine Zündfunk of Bayerischer Rundfunk in connection with " Right-wing radicalism in symbiosis with unlimited love for animals ". In 2016, Hildmann spread the opinion on his Facebook account that Germany was being ruled by warmongers . He feels he is not represented by any party and has therefore not made use of his right to vote for a long time .

Hildmann's appearance on the TV show Schlag den Star 2017 was seen as arrogant by many viewers . He treated his competitor Luke Mockridge "like an idiot" and there were extensive negative expressions of opinion online. Hildmann then mobbed back on his social media channels and showed in the course of this that he "tends to verbal violence", according to the news portal Watson .

After his snack received a negative review in the Tagesspiegel in 2017 , Hildmann insulted the editor Susanne Kippenberger on Facebook and banned the entire editorial team . He later canceled this and invited the journalists to his snack bar, but at the same time threatened that if there was similar criticism he would “go completely crazy” this time. Because of his threats, including with a pump gun , he was summoned by the police. Political scientist Frank Überall associates Hildmann's approach with a “resourceful and amusing strategy of anger PR ”.

A year later, after parking the wrong car, there was a dispute between Hildmann and the Berlin police , as a result of which several patrol cars were withdrawn to the place of the conflict and Hildmann was taken to a drug test in handcuffs. Hildmann felt treated “like a serious criminal”, he wrote on Instagram : “Nobody will break me. At some point I will rule this country, including the executive . "

Overall, Hildmann became “more militant, uncompromising. Whoever stood in his way was publicly denounced. ” Vice magazine wrote about Hildmann that the“ self-proclaimed Vegangsta ”had“ made a name for himself by being upset about the injustices in the world ”. However, in the case of a subsequently allegedly falsely alleged rape, "after the first report, the story was done, inserted into the worldview, presented to a broad public and not mentioned again." There are "no nuances [...], everything just makes him." ,angry'". He then released his torrent of anger through the channels available to him; through Facebook alone, he was able to reach over 100,000 people at times. “He is passionate about what he does. Sometimes, however, he leaves scorched earth behind, ”says Der Spiegel .

In view of his right-wing extremist and often anti-Semitic statements, critics on the Internet used ridiculous names such as “Avocadolf”, “Vegetable Goebbels” and “Millet Hitler”.

In September 2021, Hildmann was the victim of a cyber attack by the Anonymous collective and a defector from Hildmann who was responsible for its IT security . The defector, who calls himself Kai, and the collective had a. Access to Hildmann's website, emails and Telegram profiles. Anonymous announced that it would forward the collected data to authorities and the media.

Activities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Hildmann's activities during the COVID-19 pandemic , which he sees in connection with the planned introduction of a so-called " New World Order ", caused a lot of media coverage . In this context, he spread a variety of conspiracy ideologies , speculated, among other things, on aliens , chemtrails and claimed to be monitored by secret services and Knights Templar . According to Hildmann, Jews wanted to “extinguish the German race” because because the “Jewish tribe” of the Zionists considered themselves to be a “chosen people”, they tried to destroy Germany by demanding reparations after the First World War , and then did co-financed the Holocaust . Adolf Hitler only tried to protect the Germans. In comparison to the “ communist , Zionist, SatanistAngela Merkel , Hitler was “a blessing”, said Hildmann, because Merkel was planning “with Gates a global genocide of seven billion people”. People would be locked in cages before being killed by an " RNA poison syringe" or a "bullet". Hildmann became more and more radical in the course of the pandemic, which can be seen on his Telegram channel, in which he published 20,000 images, 4,500 videos and 1,100 voice messages within a year. After fleeing to Turkey, Hildmann wrote to around 120,000 followers there in March 2021 that he was a “proud real Nazi ” and called for armed resistance against the “Jewish republic” of Germany. In June 2021, access to Hildmann's main channel on Telegram was restricted on mobile Google and Apple devices.

Hildmann during a protest in front of his Berlin snack bar in August 2020

From May 2020, Hildmann initiated several demonstrations and motorcade parades in Berlin , which were directed against the measures of the Federal Government and in the context of which he was briefly arrested on May 23, 2020 for violating the Assembly and Infection Protection Act and received a criminal complaint. At one of these demonstrations at the end of June, Hildmann and other participants threatened a team of reporters from the Jewish Forum . Hildmann stated that he felt threatened himself. He announced that he would soon be “the new head of state” and suspected that Berlin's drinking water was poisoned in order to calm the population down. The German people must rise up against the government. He hoped for military support from the Bundeswehr, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin . Until recently, according to Hildmann, he was “not at all interested in politics”. Platforms like the Russian-funded broadcaster RT “woke him up”. According to his own statement, the initial spark for his political activities was a video that showed how dogs captured in China were buried alive in a clay cave. In July 2020 Hildmann showed himself at another demonstration with a Reich war flag on which the slogan "Treue um Treue Deutschland" could be read. He reminded the taz of the SS motto “ Our honor means loyalty ”. At the Corona demonstration on August 29, 2020 in Berlin , Hildmann was temporarily arrested again after, among other things, in speeches in front of the Reichstag building he called for the barriers to be removed and for the demonstrators to have access to the building, "which is dedicated to the German people ".

On his Telegram channel, he supported a violent attack by the Turkish nationalist Gray Wolves on the left in Vienna and advertised the right-wing extremist “ Compact ” magazine , which was monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution . In addition to vegan products, Hildmann also recommended and brokered the purchase of “Siegfried Talers”, overpriced gold and silver medals that are sold for a multiple of their material value, to his followers. He regularly advertises “legal weapons” from the online shop of the neo-Nazi and former Berlin NPD boss Sebastian Schmidtke and also offers discount codes for them. He also encouraged her to give her opinion to a scientist researching conspiracy ideologies after she had previously spoken in an article about connections between conspiracy myths and right-wing terrorist acts. For this purpose, Hildmann published the professional e-mail address and a picture of the woman, called her a “ demon ” and a “traitor” and assumed “communist propaganda”. Hildmann had previously insulted science journalist Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim and asked to write to her. In July 2020, Hildmann sent his followers a death threat directed against the Green politician Volker Beck , who then reported him. By linking the intention to murder, according to the journalist Michael Kraske , "with an unrealistic scenario", in the specific case of the Reich Chancellor of Hildmann, Hildmann uses "the legal gray areas" and spreads violent fantasies by means of " rhetorical sleight of hand".

Hildmann's Instagram account was blocked for violating the terms of use, Facebook removed some of its content, and posts on YouTube were also deleted. At the beginning of May 2020, the full-range retailer Kaufland and the drugstore chain Vitalia Hildmanns listed products, with more to follow. In June 2020, the fruit juice producer Voelkel discontinued the production of Hildmann's canned shower head. A year later, two of Hildmann's last German contractual partners, Amazon and Lieferando , decided not to sell its products any longer. “All the retailers [have] banned his energy drinks from the shelves, employees turned away from him, as did the company that filled his bottles. Even the music portal, on which Hildmann appeared as a sponsor, no longer wants to be associated with him ”, according to the Tagesspiegel . The Becker-Joest-Volk-Verlag, through which all of Hildmann's cookbooks had been published since 2011, condemned his statements as unbearable. The author will be offered “no more platform” in the future and attempts will be made to terminate existing contracts.

The hacker collective Anonymous Germany has been fighting Hildmann's activities since June 2020 under the title Operation Tinfoil (German: Operation Alufolie , an allusion to the aluminum hat ). Hildmann spreads "lies, agitation and false news", he also uses his reach significantly to advertise his products, "to squeeze even more money out of gullible people". Hildmann repeatedly offered 1000 euros for those who would provide him with the names and addresses of Anonymous activists. This would have ensured that his goods were sorted out in stores and his social media accounts were blocked. He also offered such a " bounty " to the naming of personal data of the Internet satirical group Hooligans Gegen Satzbau after they had called for massive reports on his accounts on social media.

According to an article published by the news portal in June 2020, Hildmann gradually became the “symbol of the German conspiracy theorist”. “Regardless of whether it is about the coronavirus, vaccinations , Bill Gates , 5G or other current topics: There is hardly a conspiracy theory about it that cannot be found on Attila Hildmann's Telegram channel. Once mainly known as a controversial vegan chef, he has been trying for some time to position himself as a resistance fighter against dark forces, ”says . The New York Times wrote in October 2020 about Hildmann as one of the most important propagators of the convictions of the QAnon movement in Germany. Hildmann himself published a bundle of his conspiracy stories as an audio message under the title Mein Kampf (based on Hitler's manifesto of the same name ). He had “ right-wing extremist fellow citizens of the Reich” gathered around him and anti-Semitism was “long openly displayed”, according to . On Telegram, Hildmann spoke of "Corona concentration camps ", which, according to the Frankfurter Rundschau , corresponds to the fact that the Holocaust was relativized . Michael Movchin from the Association of Jewish Students in Bavaria warned that the mood in society could change if people like Hildmann spread anti-Semitic conspiracy myths while at the same time general displeasure in society and this would lead to a "background noise". Matthias Schwarzer from RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland characterized Hildmann's statements as a “mix of anti-Semitic myths and violent fantasies”. Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer assessed Hildmann's activities as "extremely dangerous", "his fascist rhetoric instigates appropriate acts". For Alexander Waschkau , Hildmann has "become an anti-democratic influencer ". He shook "with his words the free and democratic basic order". The political scientist Tom Mannewitz judged that Hildmann was radicalizing, but the direction was difficult to determine. In addition to clear echoes of right-wing extremism , Hildmann's stories are "very erratic and not very coherent ." Sebastian Leber wrote in the Tagesspiegel of a "meticulously [...] [documented] [...] combination of overestimation of self and loss of reality thanks to [Hildmann's] urge for validity ". It seems that “everything that Hildmann picks up is mixed up wildly in his head”; his statements would be "sharper, more absurd, more erratic" every week. Hildmann seems "overwhelmed ... with himself and the world. Hildmann is looking for the meaning of life, but always turns wrong, ”says Der Spiegel . An editor of the Frankfurter Rundschau commented on Hildmann's agitation with the sentence: "If it weren't so scary, it would just be laughable."

In the meantime Hildmann himself became the object of conspiracy ideologues; For example, it was claimed that the German secret service sent him to ridicule the corona skeptics movement by embarrassing himself. Others accused him of being a member of the " Islamic State " because he had raised his index finger to the sky several times while speaking.

In June 2020, the Brandenburg Criminal Police took "public threat of criminal offenses [...] complaint of ex officio on" against Hildmann. A reservist who calls himself “ Wehrwolf ” , whose videos were distributed by Hildmann, was “forbidden with immediate effect from wearing his uniform and performing the service” at the end of June 2020 after investigations by the Military Counter-Intelligence Service . In July 2020, the Berlin State Criminal Police Office announced that it had started investigations against Hildmann after Hildmann had been investigated against public figures, among others. I made torture and death threats and played down the Holocaust. The Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office is also investigating Hildmann's “allegedly anti-Semitic public statements”. At the end of July 2020, a demonstration registered by Hildmann was banned for the first time due to the high probability of repetition of criminal statements during the meeting.

In 2020, Hildmann spread several false claims about the Pergamon Altar on Berlin's Museum Island via his Telegram channel - some of which have now been deleted - and called for it and the museum to be destroyed. This would free mankind “in one fell swoop”. The altar is the "throne of Satan " and the Pergamon Museum is the "center of the global Satanist scene and corona criminals", according to Hildmann. Without any evidence, he also spoke of human sacrifices that were being held in the museum, and brought Chancellor Merkel into connection with the rituals that were supposed to take place there. At the beginning of October 2020, around 70 works of art were actually damaged on Museum Island.

In October 2020, the press chamber of the Frankfurt Regional Court issued an injunction against Hildmann in an urgent procedure . Hildmann had distributed a video by Ursula Haverbeck on his Telegram channel in which she denied the Holocaust . The court forbade Hildmann to reproduce Haverbeck's remarks verbatim or analogously, since he had made the statements his own with statements such as that the author was a "very intelligent woman" whose video had been deleted on "Yuden-Youtube". Hildmann himself is now considered a Holocaust denier because of his public statements .

On November 17, 2020, Hildmann's apartment was searched by state guards of the Brandenburg police for the purpose of security. Several computers, laptops, cell phones and other storage media were confiscated. In addition, the officers made an address to the threats . A short time later, it became known that the investigations against Hildmann would henceforth be bundled at the Berlin public prosecutor's office . For this purpose, according to information from the Süddeutsche Zeitung from Brandenburg, “60 volumes of files and a further 33 case files” were handed over to the authorities.

Hildmann saw the storm on the Capitol in Washington in early January 2021 as a staging by Trump himself. Trump is also part of a satanic " New World Government " that wants to seize power. According to Hildmann's view, the death of a demonstrator was staged because she bled unrealistically “like in Hollywood films”. According to Hildmann, Trump is a member of Orthodox Judaism and therefore part of an alleged Jewish world conspiracy .

After Hildmann went into hiding in February 2021 during an ongoing investigation, the Tiergarten district court issued an arrest warrant for incitement to hatred , insults , threats and public incitement to criminal offenses . At the end of March, the Berlin public prosecutor announced that Hildmann was in Turkey. In July 2021, the Berlin public prosecutor announced that the number of investigations against Hildmann had increased to 80 individual criminal offenses. Further data carriers secured six months ago have not yet been fully evaluated. After Hildmann threatened and insulted the Green politician Volker Beck , the Berlin Regional Court issued an injunction against Hildmann at Beck's request. In Germany, if the insult is repeated, he is in any case threatened with a fine of 250,000 euros or, alternatively, in custody for six months.

In July 2021, Hildmann claimed in a YouTube video that the flood disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate was deliberately brought about by the " BRD company " through " cloud seeding ". In order to trigger the heavy rain, the clouds were mixed with silver iodide . At the same time, Hildmann launched an appeal to transfer money to his account with the purpose of "real flood" and assured that the money would benefit the victims.

Negative awards

Hildmann was named the “most embarrassing Berliner” in 2017 by the city magazine tip as part of an annual list. He had previously promised at a test dinner for journalists that he would eat a steak if his kitchen wasn't convincing. He then brought a live calf for the journalists to slaughter.

In June 2020 the magazine tip Hildmann again included in its list “The most embarrassing Berliners - Corona special: This is our nerve elite”. Hildmann took first place, followed by Ken Jebsen and Anselm Lenz .


Web links

Commons : Attila Hildmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Attila Klaus Peter Hildmann. In: . Retrieved May 11, 2021 .
  2. a b c Attila Hildmann is said to have fled to Turkey . FAZ-online, March 25, 2021 , accessed on March 25, 2021.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l Alexander Kühn: Angry cook Attila Hildmann - In search of meaning, wrong turn. In: Spiegel Online . May 21, 2020, accessed on July 25, 2020 (required for full text registration).
  4. a b c d e Christina Hucklenbroich: Veganism as a lifestyle - give us our whole meal today. In: . September 26, 2014, accessed July 25, 2020.
  5. Frank Joung: "Vegan is the new Viagra". Interview with Attila Hildmann. In: Spiegel Online . September 27, 2012, accessed July 1, 2020.
  6. a b c d How Attila Hildmann turned from a vegan cook to a conspiracy theorist. In: . July 4, 2020, accessed July 4, 2020.
  7. a b c Berlin goes vegan: The business with animal-free products is booming in the capital. Deutschlandfunk Kultur , January 16, 2014, accessed on July 25, 2020.
  8. a b c d Attila Hildmann: The star of the vegan cuisine. In: . May 5, 2017, accessed July 25, 2020.
  9. a b c d Ruth Schneeberger: An interview with Attila Hildmann: "Vegan nutrition is the best for the planet". Interview. In: July 30, 2014, accessed November 30, 2020 .
  10. a b c Giesela Gross: Student and celebrity chef. In: April 18, 2013, accessed August 18, 2020 .
  11. a b c d Alexander Kühn, Jean-Pierre Ziegler: Walk through the forest with Attila Hildmann - "For 75 years no one in Germany has leaned out of the window like me". In: Spiegel Online . July 24, 2020, accessed on July 24, 2020 (preview; registration required for full text).
  12. Vegan for Fun wins award for Cookbook of the Year 2012. In: March 15, 2012, accessed August 30, 2020 .
  13. Anja Streichan: Attila Hildmann combats aging: Why vegans stay younger. In: . November 27, 2013, accessed July 25, 2020.
  14. a b c Katharina Heckendorf: Attila Hildmann - “What I start, I finish”. Interview. In: . April 4, 2016, accessed July 25, 2020.
  15. Christoph Cöln: This is how Attila Hildmann's vegan burger really tastes. In: . October 23, 2017, accessed July 25, 2020.
  16. a b Dennis Sand , Lennart Pfahler: Snack from Attila Hildmann: In the area of ​​the man who calls Angela Merkel "the toad". In: . June 22, 2020, accessed on November 28, 2020 (registration required).
  17. Let's Dance 2016: Cookbook author Attila Hildmann has to clear the dance floor in show three. In: . May 31, 2016, accessed November 6, 2020.
  18. MasterChef Season 1: Episode 11. In: January 24, 2017, accessed December 18, 2020 .
  19. Anja Francesca Richter: Vegan chef Attila Hildmann wins with "Schlag den Star" - but no sympathy . ( [accessed on April 21, 2017]).
  20. Susanne Kippenberger: Berlin snacks in the test - “The shit matcha ice cream!” In: . October 19, 2017, accessed June 24, 2021.
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  22. Christin Otto: Snack bar opening burst: Attila Hildmann "shits on alleged partners". In: . May 17, 2018, accessed July 23, 2020.
  23. Amazon and Lieferando throw out Corona denier Attila Hildmann , April 29, 2021, accessed on May 8, 2021.
  24. Katrin Terpitz: Celebrity Chef Attila Hildmann - The Veganator. In: November 1, 2016, accessed September 2, 2020 .
  25. TAG24: Attila Hildmann has achieved what hasn't been around for decades., May 19, 2018, accessed on July 23, 2020.
  26. ^ Ronen Steinke : Brandenburg. Attila Hildmann's villa searched. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. November 17, 2020, accessed November 20, 2020 .
  27. a b c How Attila Hildmann's hiding places in Turkey were exposed , April 9, 2021, accessed on May 8, 2021.
  28. a b c d e In the refugee crisis: The Vegangsta Attila Hildmann is afraid. In: Vice , February 11, 2016, accessed July 25, 2020.
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  31. After an outburst of anger: "Vegan King" Attila Hildmann gives a strange invitation. In: October 22, 2017. Retrieved October 23, 2017.
  32. Bernd Matthies: From day to day - Hildmann case: From Saul to Paul? In: . October 23, 2017, accessed July 29, 2021.
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  34. A cook sees red - showdown at the Wutburger. In: October 25, 2017, accessed February 12, 2021 .
  35. Benjamin Konietzny: "Avocadolf" goes completely crazy - Hildmann wants to kill, the state is watching. Comment. In: July 19, 2020, accessed October 14, 2020 .
  36. Alexander Kühn, Jean-Pierre Ziegler: Walk through the woods with Attila Hildmann - "For 75 years no one in Germany has leaned out of the window like me". In: Spiegel Online . July 26, 2020, accessed on October 11, 2020 (preview; registration required for full text): “Hildmann lists the nicknames they gave him on Twitter. "Millet Hitler", "Avocadolf". He laughs as if they were honorary degrees. "
  37. Death threat: Volker Beck reports “Avocadolf” to Attila Hildmann. In: July 21, 2020, accessed October 11, 2020 .
  38. Axel Weidemann : Attila Hildmann and Satire - Do you understand fun? In: . September 4, 2020, accessed October 12, 2020.
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  41. Sebastian Leber: From cook to conspiracy theorist - Attila Hildmann armed "goes underground". In: . May 4, 2020, accessed June 6, 2021.
  42. a b c d Attila Hildmann's confused overthrow plans for Germany. In: . June 29, 2020, accessed June 30, 2020.
  43. a b Erik Peter: Attila cooks brown sauce., July 19, 2020.
  44. a b Katja Thorwarth: Attila Hildmann's Corona career seems over: Most vegan leader of the hearts on the run. In: . February 24, 2021, accessed June 11, 2021.
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  46. Attila Hildmann's deep fall - From TV vegan to lonely hate preacher , June 9, 2021, accessed on June 10, 2021.
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