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General and classification
chemical formula
  • BaMg (CO 3 ) 2
  • BaMg [CO 3 ] 2
Mineral class
(and possibly department)
Carbonates and nitrates - carbonates without additional anions; without H 2 O
System no. to Strunz
and to Dana
5.AB.30 ( 8th edition : Vb / A.03b)
Crystallographic Data
Crystal system trigonal
Crystal class ; symbol ditrigonal-scalenohedral; 3  2 / m
Space group R 3 c (No. 167)Template: room group / 167
Lattice parameters a  = 5.0212  Å ; c  = 33.581 Å
Formula units Z  = 6
Frequent crystal faces {0001}, {11 2 0}, {10 1 0}, {10 1 1}
Physical Properties
Mohs hardness 3.5
Density (g / cm 3 ) 3.837 (measured); 3.83 (calculated)
Cleavage good after {10 1 1}
Break ; Tenacity hooked; brittle
colour colorless to milky white; pale yellow
Line color White
transparency translucent to translucent
shine Glass gloss to pearlescent gloss
Crystal optics
Refractive indices n ω  = 1.694
n ε  = 1.519
Birefringence δ = 0.175
Optical character uniaxial negative
Pleochroism none
Other properties
Chemical behavior insoluble in H 2 O, easily soluble in cold diluted HCl, infusible before the soldering tube
Special features orange-colored fluorescence in long-wave and red, orange-red or salmon-pink fluorescence in short-wave UV light

Norsethite is a rarely occurring mineral from the mineral class of " carbonates and nitrates " (formerly carbonates, nitrates and borates ). It crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system with the idealized chemical composition BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 - is so chemically seen a barium - magnesium - carbonate .

Norsethit forms by {0001} platy or {10 1 1} flachrhomboedrische crystals of 0.2 to 2.0 mm in size, in the crystal habit of the Basispinakoid {0001}, the rhombohedron {10 1 1} as well as the prisms {10 1 0 } and {11 2 0} have been identified. Norsethite can also be found in the form of corrugated, granular mineral aggregates .

The Norsethite type locality is dolomitic black oil shale below the Trona main deposit of the "Westvaco Trona Mine" ( coordinates of the Westvaco Trona Mine ) in the " Green River Formation ", approx. 30 km west-northwest of Green River in Sweetwater County , Wyoming , United States .

Etymology and history

During the investigation of authigenous minerals from the Green River Formation, which extends over the US states of Wyoming, Utah and Colorado , the US mineralogist Charles Milton identified a phase which subsequently turned out to be a new mineral.

In 1961, the first scientific description was made of this mineral by a team of US scientists from the United States Geological Survey to Mary Emma Mrose, ECT Chao, Joseph James Fahey and Charles Milton in the American science magazine "The American Mineralogist" as Norsethit ( English Norsethite ) . They named the mineral after the engineer geologist of the "Westvaco Trona Mine" Keith Norseth (1927–1991) as a thank you for his help in the mineralogical investigation of the autogenous minerals of the Green River Formation.

The mineral was recognized as a mineral by the "Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names" of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) in a 1962 report that summarized the 62 initial descriptions from 1959 to 1960. As a result, Norsethit does not have an IMA number, but is listed under the total recognition “IMA 1962 sp” ( special procedure ).

The type of material for Norsethit is under the catalog numbers 137148 (Donation ME Mrose, USGS , 1977) and 162606 (Donation J. Erdely, via JJ Trelawney Collection , 1985) in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution belonging to National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC , USA .


In the meanwhile outdated, but still in use 8th edition of the mineral classification according to Strunz , the norsethite belonged to the common mineral class of the "carbonates, nitrates and borates" and there to the department of the "carbonates", where together with ankerite , dolomite and cutnohorite as well as benstonite and Huntite is the dolomite-norsethite group with system no. Vb / A.03 within the sub-section "Anhydrous carbonates without foreign anions ". Within the dolomite-norsethite group, it was the only mineral in the "norsethite series" named after it with the system no. Vb / A.03b included.

In the last revised and updated Lapis mineral directory in 2018 , which is still based on this outdated system of Karl Hugo Strunz out of consideration for private collectors and institutional collections , the mineral was given the system and mineral number. V / B.03-050 . In the "Lapis system" this corresponds to the section "Anhydrous carbonates [CO 3 ] 2− , without foreign anions ", where norsethite together with dolomite, anchorite, kutnohorite, minrecordite , huntite and benstonite form the dolomite group with the number V / B.03 forms.

The 9th edition of Strunz's mineral systematics, which has been valid since 2001 and updated by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) until 2009, assigns benstonite to the “carbonates and nitrates” class, which has been reduced by borates, and to the “carbonates without additional” class Anions; without H 2 O “. This is further subdivided according to the group membership of the cations involved , so that the mineral can be found according to its composition in the sub-section "alkaline earth (and other M 2+ ) carbonates", where the unnamed group with the system no . 5.AB.30 forms.

The systematics of minerals according to Dana , which is mainly used in the English-speaking world , assigns norsethite to the common class of "carbonates, nitrates and borates" and there in the department of "anhydrous carbonates", like the outdated Strunzian system. Here he is together with Olekminskit and Paralstonit in the " Norsethitgruppe " with the system no. 02/14/02 within the sub-section "Anhydrous carbonates with the formula A + B 2+ (CO 3 ) 2 ".


Average values from 15 microprobe analyzes on norsethites from a Mg carbonatite in the carbonatite-alkali rock complex of Tapira (southeast Brazil) yielded 14.08% CaO; 53.76% BaO; 0.16% CaO; 0.61% FeO; 0.06% ZnO and 31.33% CO 2 (determined by the difference to 100%). On the basis of six oxygen -atoms therefrom the empirical formula calculated (Ba0 , 98 Ca 0.01 Fe 0.01 ) Σ = 1.00 (Mg 0.98 Fe 0.02 ) Σ = 1.00 (CO 3 ) 2 , which can be idealized to BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 . This idealized formula requires 14.31% MgO; 54.44% BaO and 31.25% CO 2 .

An Mn-rich Norsethit, Ba (Mg, Mn) (CO 3 ) 2 , MnO contents of up to 5.7% for the first time from the ore - barite -Lagerstätte "Kremikovtsi", Sofia Province City , Bulgaria described, . The empirical formula of this Mn-rich norsethite was given as Ba 1.00 (Mg 0.81 Mn 0.19 ) (CO 3 ) 2 . Furthermore, Ca-Mn-Fe-rich norsethite varieties with up to 0.92% CaO, 1.44% MnO and 2.13% FeO were detected.

The official formula of the IMA for the norsethite is given as BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 . The formula BaMg [CO 3 ] 2 according to Strunz follows the IMA-compliant formula, but here, as usual, the anion group is summarized in square brackets.

The only combination of elements Ba – Mg – C – O, as can be found in the official IMA formula for norsethite, only contains norsethite among the currently known minerals (as of 2020). There is an unnamed phase Unnamed (Ba-Mn Carbonate) with the identical formula as Norsethit, which may be UM1988-01-CO: BaMn , a phase already recognized by the IMA.

From a chemical point of view, norsethite is the Mg-dominant analogue to the Ca-dominated minerals alstonite , paralstonite and barytocalcite , all BaCa (CO 3 ) 2 , the Ba-dominant analogue to the Ca-dominated dolomite, CaMg (CO 3 ) 2 , as well as the Ba-Mg-dominant analogue to Ca-Mn 2+ -dominated kutnohorite, CaMn 2+ (CO 3 ) 2 , to Ca-Zn-dominated minrecordite, CaZn (CO 3 ) 2 , and to Na-Cu-dominated juangodoyite , Na 2 Cu (CO 3 ) 2. Between some of these minerals and norsethite there may be - possibly incomplete - mixed crystal rows. Mixed crystal formation is also discussed between a Ba-Mn carbonate synthesized from aqueous solutions (Baltic Sea water) with the formula BaMn (CO 3 ) 2 and norsethite sensu stricto .

Crystal structure

In the original publication, the structure of norsethite was described as being similar to that of calcite and given as possible space groups R 3 m (No. 166) , R 3 m (No. 160) and R 32 (No. 155) . According to Herta Effenberger and Josef Zemann, norsethite crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system in the space group R 3 m (space group no. 166) with the lattice parameters a = 5.022  Å and c = 16.77 Å as well as three formula units per unit cell . Template: room group / 166Template: room group / 160Template: room group / 155 Template: room group / 166

Only in a work by Herta Silvia Effenberger and colleagues from 2014 could the structure of the Norsethite be fully clarified. Then norsethite crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system in the space group R 3 c (space group no. 167) with the lattice parameters a = 5.0212  Å and c = 33.581 Å as well as six formula units per unit cell . Template: room group / 167

The crystal structure of norsethite can - like that of dolomite - be derived in a very simplified way from the crystal structure of calcite, in which alternating Ca and carbonate layers are perpendicular to the c-axis (0001) and each Ca 2+ is represented by six equidistant oxygen- Ions is coordinated. In dolomite every second Ca layer is replaced by an Mg layer, this exchange being accompanied by a slight rotation of the carbonate groups, which leads to smaller Mg-O and larger Ca-O distances. This leads to a reduction in the symmetry of R 3 c (no. 167) to R 3 (no. 148) . The structure of the norsethite is in turn derived from that of the dolomite by exchanging Ca with Ba, which leads to a further rotation of the carbonate groups and to the space group R 3 c (No. 167) . Because of this rotation of the carbonate group, Ba is coordinated irregularly and asymmetrically by six strongly bound O atoms (like Ca in dolomite) and six weakly bound O atoms with a larger Ba-O distance. Template: room group / 167Template: room group / 148Template: room group / 167

In general, the crystal structure of BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 (norsethite) corresponds to that of a group of R -centered trigonal double carbonates with two different cation positions ( M 1 and M 2) and the general formula M 1 M 2 (CO 3 ) 2 . These cations are arranged in parallel layers (0001), which are connected to one another via the triangular CO 3 groups. Because of the R centering, M 1 and M 2 atoms are alternately stacked exactly on top of each other in each (n + 3) th M layer , separated by the center of a carbonate group. The atoms M 1 and M 2 have a more or less distorted octahedral coordination.

Effenberger and colleagues have investigated possible structural changes in the norsethite when the temperature changes. Corresponding to the refinement of an ordered model in the true space group R 3 c (No. 167) , the Ba atom has a [6 + 6] coordination. The difference between the individual BaO bond lengths is ≈ 10%, and decreases with increasing temperature, the BaO is consequently 12 - polyhedron regular at higher temperatures. The arrangement of the six nearest neighbors corresponds to a slightly distorted trigonal prism, in which the top and bottom are rotated against each other by an angle of 8.7 °. Looking at the other six ligands, the polyhedral geometry resembles a ditrigonal prism. The BaO 12 polyhedron has edges in common with the CO 3 groups. If only the short bonds are considered, the BaO 6 configuration only has corners in common with neighboring carbonate groups. The common OO edges between the BaO 12 polyhedron and the CO 3 groups control the shortening and are responsible for the distortion of an originally regular ditrigonal prismatic geometry. The Ba atom shows moderate displacement parameters with the greatest elongation parallel to [001]. The Mg atom is coordinated in an octahedral manner and the variations in the Mg-O bond distances with temperature are less pronounced compared to the Ba atom. The O-Mg-O bond angles change continuously and the MgO 6 polyhedron becomes more regular with decreasing temperature. The variable distortion is also reflected in the change in the polyhedron volume. As with the Ba atom, the displacement parameters are moderate, but vary on a smaller scale. The CO 3 group is not planar - the carbon atom is shifted from the plane of the three oxygen atoms in the direction of the layer with the Ba atoms. The deviation from planarity is Norsethit significantly larger than in other carbonates such as dolomite, ankerite, Bütschliit or Rapidcreekit , but does not reach the value as the Thaumasite . Template: room group / 167

The aristotype structure with the space group symmetry R 3 (No. 148) corresponds to that of dolomite and its isostructural (isotype) analogues ankerite, kutnohorite and minrecordite as well as the isotypic borates Nordenskiöldin , tusionite and the only known synthetic compound CaSn 1 − x Ti x (BO 3 ) 2 . If the M 1 atom has a much larger ionic radius than the M 2 cation and even higher coordination numbers are required as with the Ba or Pb 2+ atoms, the coordination polyhedron around the M 1 atom becomes the carbonate through a significant rotation -Group possible to increase its coordination number to [6 + 6] or [12], while the octahedral coordination of the M 2 atom is retained. As a result, norsethite and the only synthetically known compounds BaTi (BO 3 ) 2 and probably also PbMg (CO 3 ) 2 are strictly speaking no longer isotypic with dolomite. This apparently also applies to natural and synthetic Mn analogues of norsethite, as described by Luke LY Chang, Fumitoshi Hirowatari and Masato Fukuoka and Zidarov and colleagues. Template: room group / 148



Norsethit forms circular-platy (disk-up lens-shaped) or flachrhomboedrische crystals of 0.2 to 2.0 mm in size, in the crystal habit of the Basispinakoid {0001}, the rhombohedron {10 1 1} as well as the prisms {10 1 0} and {11 2 0} were identified. Norsethite can also be found in the form of corrugated, granular mineral aggregates .

From the iron ore-barite deposit "Kremikovtsi", Sofia City Oblast , Bulgaria , crystal aggregates of Mn-rich norsethite have been described, which sit in cavities together with diagenetically formed Mg-Mn siderite on a crust of "spheroidite" and occur in different varieties:

  • Complex aggregates made up of thin {0001} plate-like crystals. Although these packets are usually not textured, texture can sometimes be observed. In these cases the hexagonal plates are aggregated subparallel to each other, resulting in a leafy appearance. The crystallization of three of these packets rotated by ≈ 120 ° in relation to one another in the (0001) plane leads to a coarse-leaf crystal on which another pack that is formed later is located. Finally, individual spherosiderite crystals formed later were deposited on it.
  • Subparallel aggregates of {0001} plate-like crystals, on which subparallel aggregates of long prismatic crystals have grown, on which c {0001}, m {10 1 0} and a {11 2 0} can be distinguished.
  • Cluster of needle crystals.
  • Spherical aggregates with a radial fibrous structure in which the sub-individuals have grown from their center with a radius of up to 1.5 mm and form the fans with an angle of up to 130 °. The costume of the crystals consists of c {0001}, m {10 1 0} and a {11 2 0}.

physical and chemical properties

The crystals of the norsethite are colorless to milky white or pale yellow, while their streak color is always white. The surfaces of the translucent to transparent crystals of Norsethite show a characteristic glass-like to mother-of-pearl-like sheen . Corresponding to this glass gloss,  norsethite has a medium to high light refraction ( n ε = 1.519; n ω  = 1.694) and - like many carbonate minerals - a very high birefringence (δ = 0.175). In transmitted light, the uniaxial negative norsethite is colorless and shows no pleochroism .

Norsethite has good cleavage properties according to {10 1 1}. Due to its brittleness , the mineral breaks in a similar way to solid copper , with the broken surfaces being hooked. Norsethite has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 and is therefore one of the medium-hard minerals that, with the appropriate crystal size, like the reference minerals calcite (hardness 3), can be easily scratched with a copper coin or fluorite (hardness 4) with a pocket knife. The measured density for norsethite is 3.837 g / cm³, the calculated density is 3.83 g / cm³.

Norsethite shows an orange fluorescence in long-wave UV light (365 nm) and a red, orange-red or salmon-pink fluorescence in short-wave UV light (254 nm) .

The mineral is insoluble in H 2 O, but easily soluble in cold dilute hydrochloric acid , HCl. It is infusible in front of the soldering tube.

Education and Locations

At its type locality, the “Westvaco Trona Mine” in Wyoming , USA, norsethite is found as a rarely occurring, authentic mineral in a black, dolomitic oil shale below the Trona main deposit in the “ Green River Formation ”. It also occurs as a primary formation in carbonatites such as the carbonatitic alkali rock complex "Juquiá", the "Jacupiraga Mine" or the "Tapira complex", all in Brazil, as well as in metamorphosed hydrothermal mineral deposits.

Begleitminerale of Norsethits on its type locality are Shortite , Labuntsovit , Searlesit , Northupit , Loughlinit , Barytocalcit , witherite , pyrite and quartz . In the iron ore barite deposit "Kremikovtsi", Bulgaria, it is found in the company of siderite and "spherosiderite".

As a rare mineral formation, norsethite is only known from a few localities or in a small number of stages. So far (as of 2020) the mineral has been described by around 30 sites in addition to its type locality. The Norsethite type locality is dolomitic black oil shale below the Trona main deposit of the Westvaco Trona Mine in the Green River Formation , about 30 km west-northwest of Green River in Sweetwater County , Wyoming , United States .

Other locations for norsethite are:

Locations from Austria and Switzerland are therefore unknown.


Regardless of the high BaO content of 54.44% BaO, which makes norsethite appear interesting as a barium raw material, the mineral is completely insignificant from an economic point of view due to its rarity and is only of interest to mineral collectors.

See also


  • Mary Emma Mrose, ECT Chao, Joseph James Fahey, Charles Milton: Norsethite, BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 , a new mineral from the Green River formation, Wyoming . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 46 , no. 3/4 , 1961, p. 420–429 (English, [PDF; 615 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  • Norsethite . In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols (Eds.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America . 2001 ( [PDF; 66 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  • Friedrich Klockmann : Klockmann's textbook of mineralogy . Ed .: Paul Ramdohr , Hugo Strunz . 16th edition. Enke , Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-432-82986-8 , pp. 573 (first edition: 1891).
  • Hans Jürgen Rösler : Textbook of Mineralogy . 4th revised and expanded edition. German publishing house for basic industry (VEB), Leipzig 1987, ISBN 3-342-00288-3 , p. 705 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Norsethite. In: Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, accessed January 11, 2020 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k Herta Effenberger, T. Pippinger, Eugen Libowitzky, Christian L. Lengauer, Ronald Miletich: Synthetic norsethite, BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 : revised crystal structure, thermal behavior and displacive phase transition . In: Mineralogical Magazine . tape 78 , no. 7 , 2014, p. 1589–1611 , doi : 10.1180 / minmag.2014.078.7.05 (English, [PDF; 1.8 MB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  3. a b c d e f g h i Norsethite . In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols (Eds.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America . 2001 ( [PDF; 66  kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  4. a b c Malcolm Back, William D. Birch, Michel Blondieau and others: The New IMA List of Minerals - A Work in Progress - Updated: November 2019. (PDF 1752 kB) In: IMA / CNMNC, Marco Pasero, November 2019, accessed December 29, 2019 .
  5. ^ A b Hugo Strunz , Ernest H. Nickel: Strunz Mineralogical Tables . 9th edition. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagbuchhandlung (Nägele and Obermiller), Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-510-65188-X , p.  289 (English).
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Mary Emma Mrose, ECT Chao, Joseph James Fahey, Charles Milton: Norsethite, BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 , a new mineral from the Green River formation, Wyoming . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 46 , no. 3/4 , 1961, p. 420–429 (English, [PDF; 615 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  7. a b c d e f g h i Nikola Zidarov, Ognyan Petrov, Mihail Tarassov, Zhelyazko Damyanov, Eugenia Tarassova, Vilma Petkova, Yuri Kalvachev, Zlati Zlatev: Mn-rich norsethite from the Kremikovtsi ore deposit, Bulgaria . In: New Yearbook for Mineralogy, Treatises . tape 186 , no. 3 , 2009, p. 321–331 , doi : 10.1127 / 0077-7757 / 2009/0152 (English, [PDF; 415 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  8. a b Gerard Barmarin: Norsethite. In: Luminescent Mineral Database, accessed January 11, 2020 (fluorescence data for norsethite).
  9. International Mineralogical Association: Commission on new minerals and mineral names: Without . In: Mineralogical Magazine . tape 33 , no. 258 , 1962, pp. 260–236 (English, [PDF; 151 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  10. Catalog of Type Mineral Specimens - N. (PDF 61 kB) In: Commission on Museums (IMA), December 12, 2018, accessed January 11, 2020 .
  11. Stefan Weiß: The large Lapis mineral directory. All minerals from A - Z and their properties. Status 03/2018 . 7th, completely revised and supplemented edition. Weise, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-921656-83-9 .
  12. Ernest H. Nickel, Monte C. Nichols: IMA / CNMNC List of Minerals 2009. (PDF 1703 kB) In: IMA / CNMNC, January 2009, accessed September 25, 2019 .
  13. a b L. Secco, B. Lavina: Crystal chemistry of two natural magmatic norsethites, BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 , from an Mg-carbonatite of the alkaline carbonatitic complex of Tapira (SE Brazil) . In: New yearbook for mineralogy, monthly books . tape 1999 , 1999, pp. 87-96 .
  14. ^ Minerals with Ba-Mg-C-O. In: Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, accessed January 11, 2020 .
  15. Michael E. Böttcher, Herta S. Effenberger, Peer-Lennart Gehlken, Georg H. Grathoff, Burkhard C. Schmidt, Patrizia Geprägs, Rainer Bahlo, Olaf Dellwig, Thomas Leipe, Vera Winde, André Deutschmann, Alexander Stark, David Gallego- Torres, Francisca Martínez-Ruiz: BaMn [CO 3 ] 2 - a previously unrecognized double carbonate in low-temperature environments: Structural, spectroscopic, and textural tools for future identification . In: Chemistry of the Earth . tape 72 , no. 1 , 2012, p. 85–89 , doi : 10.1016 / j.chemer.2012.01.001 (English, [PDF; 602 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  16. Herta Effenberger, Josef Zemann : Single crystal X-Ray investigation of norsethite, BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 : one more mineral with an aplanar carbonate group . In: Journal of Crystallography . tape 171 , no. 3/4 , 1985, pp. 275–280 , doi : 10.1524 / zkri.1985.171.3-4.275 (English, [PDF; 233 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  17. ^ A b Friedrich Lippmann: Sedimentary Carbonate Minerals . 1st edition. Springer, Berlin 1973, ISBN 978-3-642-65474-9 , pp. 1-228 (English).
  18. Martin Ende, Herta Silvia Effenberger, Ronald Miletich: Evolution of the α-BaMg (CO3) 2 low-temperature superstructure and the tricritical nature of its α – β phase transition . In: Acta Crystallographica, B . tape 73 , no. 5 , 2017, p. 827-835 , doi : 10.1107 / S2052520617009295 (English).
  19. Michael Lindner, Guntram Jordan: On the growth of witherite and its replacement by the Mg-bearing double carbonate norsethite: Implications for the dolomite problem . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 103 , no. 2 , 2018, p. 252–259 , doi : 10.2138 / am-2018-6232 (English).
  20. ^ Luke LY Chang: Synthesis of MBa (CO 3 ) 2 compounds . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 49 , no. 7/8 , 1964, pp. 1142–1143 (English, [PDF; 123 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  21. Fumitoshi Hirowatari, Masato Fukuoka: Some problems of the studies on the manganese minerals in Japan . In: Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan . tape 18 , no. 6 , 1988, pp. 347–365 (English, [PDF; 8.8 MB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  22. Localities for Norsethite. In: Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, accessed January 11, 2020 .
  23. a b c List of localities for norsethite from the Mineralienatlas and Mindat (accessed on January 11, 2020)
  24. ^ Günther Schnorrer, Wolfgang Stahlmann, Andreas Möllenkamp: Secondary mineralization in the blast furnace slag of the iron and steel works in Georgsmarienhütte, today's Georgsmarienhütte GmbH . In: The opening . tape 52 , no. 2 , 2001, p. 99–108 (English, [PDF; 615 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  25. ^ Jacques Steyn, Matthew D. Watson: Notes on a New Occurrence of Norsethite, BaMg (CO 3 ) 2 . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 52 , no. 11/12 , 1967, pp. 1770–1775 (English, [PDF; 365 kB ; accessed on January 11, 2020]).
  26. ^ Ludi von Bezing, Rainer Bode, Steffen Jahn: Namibia: Minerals and Localities II . 1st edition. Bode-Verlag, Salzhemmendorf 2016, ISBN 978-3-942588-19-5 , p. 74 (English).
  27. Nils Gustaf Sundius, Ragnar Blix: Norsethite from Långban . In: Arkiv för Mineralogi och Geologi . tape 4 , 1965, pp. 277-278 (English).