Kalushskoye (Kaliningrad)

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Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Chernyakhovsk
First mention 1785
Earlier names Grünheyde (around 1785),
Grünheide (until 1946)
population 528 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40141
Post Code 238173
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 239 810 001
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 48 '  N , 21 ° 54'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 48 '18 "  N , 21 ° 54' 8"  E
Kalushskoje (Kaliningrad) (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Kalushskoye (Kaliningrad) (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Kaluschskoje ( Russian Калужское , German  Grünheide, Kreis Insterburg , Lithuanian Gryneidė ) is a place in the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad in the Chernyakhovsk district . The settlement belongs to the municipal self-government unit of the city district of Chernyakhovsk .

Geographical location

Kaluschskoje is located 20 kilometers north of the Rajonsmetropolis Tschernjachowsk (Insterburg) and can be reached via the Pridoroschnoje (Seßlacken) junction from the Chernjachowsk – Uljanowo (Kraupischken , 1938–1946 Breitenstein) road . The place is a train station on the Chernyakhovsk – Sovetsk railway line (Insterburg – Tilsit) .


Grünheide around 1905

The village of Grünheyde was first mentioned in 1785 as a "cölmisch Gut". On March 11, 1874 Gutsort office Village and thus its name to a newly constructed was District , which until 1945 for district Insterburg in Administrative district Gumbinnen the Prussian province of East Prussia belongs. In 1910 Grünheide had 249 inhabitants.

Grünheide 1939, entrance west of the railway line
Grünheide in 1939, west of the railway line with residential buildings

On September 30, 1928, the rural communities of Berszienen (1936-1946: Berschienen), parish Grünheide, and Budupönen (both no longer exist) merged with the estate district Grünheide to form the new rural community Grünheide. The population totaled 541 in 1933 and rose to 611 by 1939. In addition to the school and post office, Grünheide owned a branch of the Insterburg buying and selling cooperative and the Tetmeier mill with a large agricultural trade.

Because of the approaching front, the civilian population evacuated the place from November 1944. On January 20, 1945 at 12 noon, Grünheide was taken as a result of a roundabout maneuver from the west and northwest by soldiers of the 95th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 31st Guards Rifle Division of the 11th Guards Army. As a result of acts of war, not only farms but also the church and the station building were destroyed, and the post office immediately next to it, which is now known as the "station", was preserved.

As a result of the Second World War , Grünheide came to the Soviet Union with northern East Prussia in 1945 and in 1947 was given the Russian name “Kaluschskoje”. At the same time the place became the seat of a village soviet in Chernyakhovsk Rajon .

More than 280 Soviet soldiers were buried in Grünheide in a mass grave located in a wooded area in the center of the village. In 1950, the Soviet Union erected a memorial there, which was expanded into a memorial in 1975 and restored in 2005 and 2015.

From 2008 to 2015 the place gave its name to the rural community Kaluschskoje selskoje posselenije, whose official seat was in Sagorskoye , ten kilometers away . Kalushskoje has been part of the Chernyakhovsk district since 2016.


Grünheide manor

In 1917 Waldemar and Johanna Uffhausen acquired this property from the Hugenin family. The company was located in the Kirchdorf Grünheide in the immediate vicinity of the train station. After land was given up for the construction of settlement houses next to the railway line, the company had a size of 328 hectares, 188 hectares of which were used as arable land, 97 hectares were meadows or grassland, and then 40 hectares of forest existed. The area for the vegetable and orchard as well as the courtyard took up the remaining 3 hectares. The main focus of this business was on cattle breeding, grain cultivation and horse breeding (Trakehner). Uffhausen, who already had motorized agricultural machinery, achieved an average harvest of 28 quintals per hectare. Young bulls were sold at the Insterburg auctions every year. In addition, there was a long-term lease agreement for the Pannwitz plant in Ossaquell after its owner had died. In 1934, Waldemar Uffhausen signed Gut Grünheide over to his youngest son Ulrich, who died in the war on the Eastern Front, by means of a leasing contract. During the war in 1945, the estate was burned down and the remains of it were subsequently removed; today the site is partly newly built.

Good Raudszus

The agricultural property of Fritz and Margaretha Raudszus in Berszienen (from 1928 to Grünheide) comprised an area of ​​150 hectares, of which around two thirds were used to grow grain and fodder plants for livestock, while one third was used as permanent pasture. The buildings, including the manor house, were built in a rectangle around the courtyard. Six apartments were available to accommodate the deputant families, which were enlarged and renovated in 1937 through additions and renovations. Raudszus had 5 apartments available for non-permanent workers. Particular emphasis was placed on cattle breeding, there were entries in the German cattle performance book. In order to make the feeding of the livestock more profitable, feed silos were available. Horses were kept on the one hand to cultivate the arable land, on the other hand for breeding (Trakehner). The property also included 2.5 hectares of forest. Raudszus and his family left Grünheide due to the war in November 1944. The manor house was burned down during the war in 1945 and then demolished. Part of the farm buildings and a workers' house have been preserved.

Winkler manor house 1937

Good Winkler

In 1909 Albert (1885–1945) and Wilhelmine Winkler (1886–1982) acquired an estate in Berszienen (from 1928 to Grünheide) with an area of ​​79 hectares for 106,000 marks, consisting of stables, farm buildings and a manor house, as well as an insthouse. Gut Winkler was about 1.5 km from the Grünheide train station. Winkler cultivated the areas mainly with grain cultivation, in cattle breeding he kept not only dairy cows, which were registered in the German Cattle Performance Book, but also award-winning breeding bulls. A pig farm was attached to the business. Gut Winkler operated the only dairy and cheese dairy in the vicinity on its farm for its own and external use, a cheese maker was employed there on a permanent basis. A total of 13 people worked on the farm. In 1928 a second Insthaus was built. In 1936 the manor burned down and was rebuilt in the same year. In 1943, Winkler had to shut down the dairy due to the war, as the machines were dismantled and shipped on official orders. In the same year he started breeding Trakehners (Remonte) for the Wehrmacht.

Albert Winkler acted as mayor of Grünheide until January 1945.

Today only the foundation walls of the property, which was burned down during the war in 1945 and then demolished, remain, which are overgrown by vegetation. An Insthaus survived the war.

Grünheide district (1874–1945)

The Grünheide district initially included twelve villages, which were joined by two more by 1930. On January 1, 1945, the district still consisted of nine places due to structural changes. LG = rural community, GB = manor district:

German name Change of name
Russian name Remarks
Scraping off (LG) Ossaquell Assafievo
Antargen (LG) Argenquell Perovskoye
Berszienen / Berschienen (LG),
Grünheide parish
1928 incorporated into the LG Grünheide
Bublauken (LG) Fallow field Sorokino
Budupönen (LG) 1928 incorporated into the LG Grünheide
Grünheide (GB) Kalushskoye Converted to a rural community in 1928
Laser stretching (LG) 1928 incorporated into the LG Abschruten
Medukallen (LG),
Grünheide parish
Honigberg Vishnevoye
Pladden (LG) Drosdovka
Szierandszen / Schierandschen (LG) Schierheide Vorotynovka
Warlen (LG) Olenjowo
Waszeningken / Wascheninken Grünacker Belorusskoye
before 1908 also:
Perkunischken (LG)
Perkunsfelde Drosdovka
from 1927 also:
Sziedlauken / Schiedlauken (GB)
Assafievo 1928 incorporated into the LG Abschruten

In 1945 the communities of Argenquell, Brachenfeld, Grünacker, Grünheide, Honigberg, Ossaquell, Perkunsfelde, Pladden and Schierheide formed the Grünheide district.

Kaluschski selski Sowet / okrug 1947–2008

The village soviet Kaluschski selski Sowet (ru. Калужский сельский Совет) was established in July 1947. After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the administrative unit existed as the village district Kaluschski selski okrug (ru. Калужский сельский округ). In 2008 the remaining places of the village district were taken over into the newly formed rural community Kaluschskoje selskoje posselenije.

Place name Name until 1947/50 Remarks
Assafjewo (Асафьево) Sziedlauken / Schiedlauken The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Belurosskoye (Белорусское) Waszeningken / Wascheninken, 1938–1945: "Grünacker" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Bolshevo (Болшево) Report The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1988.
Borowoje (Боровое) Wittschunen, 1938–1945: "Wittenhöhe" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Drosdowka (Дроздовка) Budopönen, since 1928: zu Grünheide; Dröschdorf; Perkunischken, 1938–1945: “Perkunsfelde” and Pladden The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1988.
Fyodorowo (Фёдорово) Gerlauken, 1938–1945: "Waldfrieden" and Uszberszen / Uschberschen, 1938–1945: "Birkenweide" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Glinnoje (Глинное) Mohlen The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Gorodetskoye (Городецкое) Gross Franzdorf The place was renamed in 1950 and deleted from the place register in 1997.
Grachovo (Грачёво) Strigehnen, 1938–1945: "Finkengrund" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Kalushskoje (Калужское) Grünheide Administrative headquarters
Koltsovskoye (Колцовское) near Medukallen, 1938–1945: "Honigberg" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Koschelewo (Кошелево) Kaschelen, 1938–1945: "Kasseln" and Patilszen / Patilschen, 1938–1945: "Tilsen" The place was renamed in 1950.
Mikhailovka (Михайловка) Moulienen, 1938–1945: "Moulinen" The place was renamed in 1950.
Myatnoe (Мятное) Laukogallen, 1938–1945: "Bernhardseck" The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Novoye (Новое) Better The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Ogonkowo (Огоньково) Berszien / Berschienen, Ksp. Aulowönen The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Olenjowo (Оленёво) Warlen The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Ovrashnaja (Овражная) Flower valley The town was renamed in 1947 and apparently between 2002 and 2008 in Owraschnoje renamed.
Perovskoye (Перовское) Antargen, 1938–1945: "Argenquell" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Prokovskoye (Покровское) Buttkuhnen, 1938–1945: "Tilsental" and Krebschen, 1938–1945: "Eichbaum" The place was renamed in 1947.
Pridorozhnoe (Придорожное) Seßlacken The place was renamed in 1947.
Privolnoye (Привольное) Neunischken, 1938–1945: "Neunassau" The place was renamed in 1947.
Prudowka (Прудовка) Popelken, 1938–1945: "Bruchfelde" and Schattlauken, 1938–1945: "Schattenau" The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Rumyantsevo (Румянцево) Stank The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Saborje (Заборье) (Big and Small) Kalkeningken, 1938–1945: "Kalkhöhe" The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1988.
Schischkino (Шишкино) Great Warkau The place was renamed in 1950 and was probably connected to Stepnoye in the Kalinovsky village soviet before 1975 .
Shushenskoye (Шушенское) Spa riding, 1938–1945: "Finkengrund" The place was renamed in 1950 and probably connected to Privolnoye before 1988.
Sorokino (Сорокино) Bublauken, 1938–1945: "Brachenfeld" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Trudowoje (Трудовое) Stick varnishes The place was renamed in 1950 and deleted from the place register in 1997.
Chernyshevskoye (Чернышевское) Gaidszen / Gaidschen, 1938–1945: "Wiesenblick" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Uspenskoye (Успенское) Worreningken, 1938–1945: "Woringen" The place was renamed in 1950 and abandoned before 1975.
Vishnevoe (Вишнёвое) Dejehnen, 1938–1945: "Dehnen", Medukallen, Ksp. Grünheide , 1938–1945: “Honigberg”, Paballen, 1938–1945: “Werfen” and Uszelxnen / Uschelxnen, 1938–1945: “Erlenbruch” The place was renamed in 1947.
Voronino (Воронино) Budwethen, 1938–1945: "Schönwaldau" The place was renamed in 1947 and abandoned before 1975.
Vorotynovka (Воротыновка) Errehlen, 1938–1945: “Rehlen”, Sakalehnen, 1938–1945: “Falkenort” and Szierandszen / Schierandschen, 1938–1945: “Schierheide” The place was renamed in 1947.

The six places renamed in 1947 Krugloje (Roßthal) , Majowka (Georgenburg) , Nagornoje (Geswethen / Landwehr) , Nismennoje (Pleinlauken / Rosenthal) , Perelesnoje (Pagelienen) and Priretschnoje (Gillischken / Insterblick) as well as the place Brjanskoje, which was renamed in 1950 (Tarputschen / Tarpen) , which were initially also included in the Kaluschski selski Sowet, came (presumably) to the newly established Mayowski selski Sowet in 1954 . In 1997 Nagornoje, Nismennoje and Prirechnoje returned to the Kaluschski selski okrug from these places.

The place Lipowka (Guttawutschen / zu Schackenau), renamed in 1947, and the place Stassowo (Klein Warkau and Mittel Warkau) , renamed in 1950 , which were initially also included in the Kaluschski selski Sowet, then (before 1975) came to the Kalinowski selski Sowet .

Kalushskoye selskoye posselenie 2008-2015

The location of the former rural community Kalushskoje selskoje posselenije (administrative seat: Sagorskoye) in the northeast of Chernyakhovsk Raion

The rural municipality of Kalushskoje selskoje posselenije (ru. Калужское сельское поселение) was established in 2008. It was located in the northeast of Chernyakhovsk Raion and covered an area of ​​237 km². It counted 4,790 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010), who lived in 34 places called “settlement” (Russian: possjolok), which were previously assigned to the village districts of Kalinowski selski okrug , Kaluschski selski okrug and Sagorski selski okrug . The official seat of the municipality was Sagorskoje . At the end of 2015, the community was dissolved and its locations incorporated into the newly formed Chernyakhovsk district.

The Kaluschskoje selskoje posselenije was divided into the following 34 "settlements":

Place name German name Surname German name
Buchowo (Бухово) Buchhof Pokrovskoje (Покровское) Medukallen, Ksp. Grünheide / Honigberg
Datschnoje (Дачное) Old Lappönen Pridorozhnoe (Придорожное) Seßlacken
Yablochnoe (Яблочное) Squirrel Priosjornoje (Приозёрное) Stablacken, Ksp. Pelleningken
Jasnopolskoje (Яснопольское) Auxkallen, Ksp. Pelleningken / Hoheninster Prirechnoe (Приречное) Gillischken / Insterblick
Kalinowka (Калиновка) Aulowönen / Aulenbach Privolnoye (Привольное) Neunischken / Neunassau
Kalushskoje (Калужское) Grünheide Ryabinovka (Рябиновка) Kerstupönen / Kersten
Koschelewo (Кошелево) Kaschelen / Kasseln Sadowoje (Садовое) Klein Niebudszen / Bärengraben
Koslowka (Козловка) Stepping out / whizzing Sagorjewka (Загорьевка) Cuddles
Krugloje (Круглое) Roßthal Sagorskoye (Загорское) Pelleningken / Strigengrund
Lipowka (Липовка) Guttawutschen / to Schackenau Schtschegly (Щеглы) Saugwethen / sucking tendons
Mikhailovka (Михайловка) Moulienen / Moulinen Seljonaja Dolina (Зелёная Долина) Groß Niebudszen / Steinsee
Mostowoje (Мостовое) Kallwischken / Hengstenberg Smorodinowo (Смородиново) Bindszhnen / bandages
Nagornoje (Нагорное) Geswethen / Landwehr Stepnoe (Степное) Large, medium and small Warkau
Nismennoye (Низменное) Pleinlauken / Rosenthal Udarnoye (Ударное) Ackmenischken, Ksp. Aulowönen / Steinacker
Osjornoje (Озёрное) New Lappönen and Schruben Vishnevoe (Вишнёвое) Bf. Paballen / Werfen
Ovrashnoe (Овражное) Flower valley Vorotynovka (Воротыновка) Szierandszen / Schierheide
Perelesnoye (Перелесное) Pagelien Woswyschenka (Возвышенка) Big Kummeln / Großkummen


Church building

A church was built in Grünheide between 1880 and 1882. It was a cruciform brick structure based on Gothic and Romanesque models. The house of God no longer exists today. Its former location is difficult to determine.


The Protestant parish in Grünheide was founded on April 1st, 1846 and at the same time a parish office was established. An interim church was used until 1882 . In 1925 a total of 3,500 parishioners lived in the extensive parish . Until 1945 it belonged to the church district Insterburg in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union .

Today Kaluschskoje lies in the catchment area of ​​the Evangelical Lutheran parish of Shtschegly (Saugwethen , 1938–1946 ) in the church region of Chernyachovsk (Insterburg) within the Kaliningrad provost of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia .

Personalities of the place

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. a b Parish Grünheide at genealogy.net
  3. a b Rolf Jehke, district of Grünheide
  4. Uli Schubert, community directory, Insterburg district
  5. Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. City and district of Insterburg (Russian Chernyachovsk). (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  6. Калужское - Грюнхайде до 1946 года. Retrieved April 30, 2018 .
  7. Klaus Grigoleit: Grünheide, district Insterburg, train station. Picture archive East Prussia, 2005, accessed on May 16, 2018 .
  8. a b Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 25 июля 1947 г. "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Калининградской области" (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of July 25, 1947: Establishment of the Oblast-Kaliningrad)
  9. Location: 54 ° 48'14.46 "N 21 ° 54'25.47" E
  10. Prussia39: memorial at the mass grave of Soviet soldiers. Retrieved May 16, 2018 .
  11. Information from Max Sieloff-Warlen, head of the office and border neighbor of Uffhausen.
  12. details of Fritz Raudszus jun.
  13. cf. Application for determination of war damage from Wilhelmine Winkler, December 3, 1955
  14. cf. Certificates from the estate of Hedwig Löpsinger (1911-2006), b. Winkler
  15. also budo pons
  16. ^ After it no longer appeared in the register of places as of 1988.
  17. By the Закон Калининградской области от 30 июня 2008 г. № 262 «Об организации местного самоуправления на территории муниципального образования" Черняховский городской округ "» (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 30 June 2008, Nr. 262: On the organization of local self-government in the field of municipal formation "city circle Tschernjachowsk")
  18. Кирха Грюнхайда - Grünheide Church, former location
  19. Evangelical Lutheran Provosty Kaliningrad ( Memento of the original dated August 29, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.propstei-kaliningrad.info