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coat of arms Germany map
The municipality of Löberschütz does not have a coat of arms
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Löberschütz highlighted

Coordinates: 50 ° 58 '  N , 11 ° 42'  E

Basic data
State : Thuringia
County : Saale-Holzland district
Management Community : Dornburg-Camburg
Height : 165 m above sea level NHN
Area : 3.07 km 2
Residents: 144 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 47 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 07751
Area code : 036427
License plate : SHK, EIS, SRO
Community key : 16 0 74 054
Address of the
municipal administration:
Dorfstrasse 6
07751 Löberschütz
Website : www.vg-dornburg-camburg.eu
Mayor : Karl-Heinz Petzold
Location of the community of Löberschütz in the Saale-Holzland district
Sachsen-Anhalt Gera Jena Landkreis Greiz Landkreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt Landkreis Sömmerda Landkreis Weimarer Land Saale-Orla-Kreis Albersdorf (Thüringen) Altenberga Bad Klosterlausnitz Bibra (bei Jena) Bobeck Bremsnitz Bucha Bürgel (Thüringen) Crossen an der Elster Dornburg-Camburg Eichenberg (bei Jena) Eineborn Eisenberg (Thüringen) Frauenprießnitz Freienorla Geisenhain Gneus Gösen Golmsdorf Graitschen bei Bürgel Großbockedra Großeutersdorf Großlöbichau Großpürschütz Gumperda Hainichen (Thüringen) Hainspitz Hartmannsdorf (bei Eisenberg) Heideland (Thüringen) Hermsdorf (Thüringen) Hummelshain Jenalöbnitz Kahla Karlsdorf (Thüringen) Kleinbockedra Kleinebersdorf (Thüringen) Kleineutersdorf Laasdorf Lehesten (bei Jena) Lindig Lippersdorf-Erdmannsdorf Löberschütz Mertendorf (Thüringen) Meusebach Milda Möckern (Thüringen) Mörsdorf (Thüringen) Nausnitz Neuengönna Oberbodnitz Orlamünde Ottendorf (Thüringen) Petersberg (Saale-Holzland-Kreis) Poxdorf (Thüringen) Rattelsdorf (Thüringen) Rauda Rauschwitz Rausdorf (Thüringen) Reichenbach (Thüringen) Reinstädt Renthendorf Rothenstein Ruttersdorf-Lotschen Scheiditz Schkölen Schleifreisen Schlöben Schöngleina Schöps (Thüringen) Schöps (Thüringen) Seitenroda Serba Silbitz St. Gangloff Stadtroda Sulza Tautenburg Tautendorf (Thüringen) Tautenhain Thierschneck Tissa Trockenborn-Wolfersdorf Tröbnitz Unterbodnitz Waldeck (Thüringen) Walpernhain Waltersdorf (Thüringen) Weißbach (Thüringen) Weißenborn (Holzland) Wichmar Zimmern (Thüringen) Zöllnitzmap
About this picture

Löberschütz is a municipality in the north of the Saale-Holzland district in Thuringia and part of the Dornburg-Camburg administrative community .

Löberschütz from the north, in the background the Alte Gleisberg
Village church
Löberschütz in the early 1970s
Panorama over Löberschütz from the southwest


Geographical location

The municipality of Löberschütz is located in the Gleistal , 4 km east of the B 88 in the Saale valley between Jena and Dornburg and 4 km west of the B 7 between Jena and Bürgel . The district roads 154 and 210 (formerly Landesstrasse 2307) run through the town. The independent city of Jena is approx. 9 km away, the city of Bürgel approx. 5 km away and the next motorway is the A 4 15 km south. The next train station is in Porstendorf 4 km west of the Saalbahn between Großheringen and Saalfeld. From 1952 until the closure in 1969 there was a stop on the Crossen – Porstendorf railway line at the entrance to the village , the building of which is still preserved today; previously the stations on the same route in Golmsdorf or Graitschen had to be used.

Adjacent communities are (clockwise) Golmsdorf in the west, Tautenburg in the north, Graitschen in the east and Jenalöbnitz in the south.


The municipality of Löberschütz is in the area of ​​the Gleistal and the adjacent heights. The wide valley runs from Bürgel in the east to Golmsdorf in the west, where it opens into the Saale valley. On the south to south-west facing slopes there used to be important vineyards, which have been replaced in the course of modern times by orchards that are still partially preserved. A number of old vineyard houses have survived. The remaining parts of the community area are today mostly used as forest, field or meadow. Löberschütz is located at the foot of the Old Gleisberg , which adjoins the village to the south and whose highest point is on the territory of the municipality. On this island-like, up to 338  m above sea level. NN high mountain was an important prehistoric hill settlement that has been increasingly excavated and researched in recent years.


The village of Löberschütz was first mentioned in a document in 1227.

In the Löberschützer corridor are the two deserted areas Lotzschen and Rasdorf . Lotzschen was mentioned in documents in 1256 and 1278. Accordingly, the lords of Lobdeburg sold the village to the Lausnitz monastery at this time . Lotzschen may have died in the Hussite War or in the Saxon Civil War in the 15th century. The name has been preserved in some field names. Apart from a field name, nothing more is known about the Rasdorf desert, which is also partly located in the Jenalöbnitz corridor .

In 1836 the place had 238 inhabitants in 47 houses and a mill. In the place there was a manor, first a Wolfram von Gottfort (probably more "von Göttfort") (1586), then, in 1629, a Jobst von Wolframsdorf . The last owner was Captain Joseph Henning von Fensterer, who died on February 14, 1749, after whose death the estate fell to the Duke, who then sold it to four parishioners who were already co-owners.

The pastor David Heinrich Hoffmann worked as a clergyman in the village from 1773 to 1782 and convinced the farmers with his cousin Dr. Sam. Emhard from Jena to introduce the cultivation of pharmacist plants. This also succeeded and radiated successfully to the neighboring villages.

Löberschütz was persecuted by witches in 1561 . A man and a woman got into witch trials .

Sights, special features, tourism

Zietschkuppe north of Löberschütz


In addition to agriculture (Gleistal agrar eG; also farms with holiday apartments) and handicrafts, companies with cutting-edge technology are also based in Löberschütz, such as inVENTer GmbH (device construction for decentralized ventilation with heat recovery ) and ML Service GmbH (company for special microlithographic applications).

Web links

Commons : Löberschütz  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Population of the municipalities from the Thuringian State Office for Statistics  ( help on this ).
  2. List of former state roads in Thuringia (accessed on October 17, 2016).
  3. To the excavation on the Old Gleisberg. In: Jenaloebnitz.de (accessed December 16, 2013).
  4. ^ Wolfgang Kahl : First mention of Thuringian towns and villages. A manual. 5th, improved and considerably enlarged edition. Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2010, ISBN 978-3-86777-202-0 , p. 168.
  5. Alexander Mueller: The devastation in the I and II administrative districts of the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar. In: Journal of the Association for Thuringian History and Archeology. NF Vol. 19 = Vol. 27, 1909, ISSN  0943-9846 , pp. 199-274, here p. 226 .
  6. a b Jonathan C. Zenker : Historical-topographical pocket book of Jena and its surroundings, especially in natural science and medical relationship. Frommann, Jena 1836, pp. 118–119 .
  7. Ronald Füssel: The witch persecutions in the Thuringian area (= publications of the working group for historical witchcraft and crime research in Northern Germany. Vol. 2). DOBU-Verlag, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-934632-03-3 , p. 238, (also: Marburg, Universität, Dissertation, 2000).
  8. ^ Local history association "Alter Gleisberg eV" .