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coat of arms map
Mokrance coat of arms
Mokrance (Slovakia)
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Košický kraj
Okres : Košice-okolie
Region : Košice
Area : 23.41 km²
Residents : 1,358 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 58 inhabitants per km²
Height : 212  m nm
Postal code : 045 11 (Post Moldava nad Bodvou )
Telephone code : 0 55
Geographic location : 48 ° 36 '  N , 21 ° 1'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 35 '46 "  N , 21 ° 1' 11"  E
License plate : KS
Kód obce : 521680
Community type : local community
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Mária Lacková
Address: Obecný úrad č. 38,
044 55 Mokrance
Statistics information on

Mokrance (until 1927 Makrance , Hungarian Makranc , German Mokrantz ) is a municipality in eastern Slovakia with 1,358 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019). It is located in Okres Košice-okolie , a part of Košický kraj .


The municipality of Mokrance is located 23 kilometers southwest of Košice in the transition area between the foothills of the Slovak Ore Mountains and the Ida plain, the southwestern part of the Košická kotlina basin . The central and southern part of the municipality of Mokrance is tischeben. Here the streams Čečejovský potok, Šemšianský potok and Mokranský potok flow into the Ida. They are connected to each other by canals and ditches. The center of the village is at an altitude of 212  m nm. In the slightly hilly north of the municipality there are arable land and an oak forest area of ​​approx. 500 hectares, while fields and wet meadows predominate in the south.

Neighboring municipalities of Mokrance are Debraď and Paňovce in the north, Čečejovce in the east, Rešica in the south, Janík in the southwest and Moldava nad Bodvou in the west.


In 1217 the place appears for the first time in written sources in connection with the payment of the papal tithe within the Archdiocese of Eger . Already after the Mongol invasions (1241/42) the area on the Ida was repopulated by farmers from the Slavic-speaking area. In the 13th century the village was owned by the Perényiovcov family , later ruled by the Abovce family . In 1317 the village was called a spring of the diocese Mokranch . After border disputes with the neighboring village of Janík to the south, a Mikuláš and his sons Imrich and Markarda have been handed down as lords of Mokrance. In the middle of the 14th century, a place called Puzlamacronch appears, which with Vyšné Mokrance and Felsew Macronch formed the two parts of the village Mokrance. During the time of the existence of the chateau in Veľká Ida (1414 to 1566) the lords of the chateau - the Perényiovcov family - again ruled over Mokrance and several neighboring villages; only interrupted by the destruction of Mokrances in 1365 by a feuding noble family and the rule of the Turcaiovcov family between 1473 and 1512. The ownership changed quite frequently until the 18th century. From 1526 the Protestant Church began to establish itself in Mokrance. In 1630 the area around Mpkrance became the scene of skirmishes of the Turkish Wars . A significant part of the Hungarian-speaking Catholic and Reformed village population left Mokrance. The plague raged in 1711 and so there was only one household left in 1715, five years later three households in Mokrance. Due to the immigration of mainly Slovak settlers, there were again 37 households in the village in 1722, ten of them families of free farmers. In 1828 Mokrance had 130 houses with 945 residents.

In 1850 the first school was built in Mokrance. The railroad came to Mokrance in 1860 ( Košice - Turňa line ).

Until 1918, Mokrance / Makranc belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary, like all of the Abaúj-Torna County and often mostly Hungarian-speaking places . They then came to Czechoslovakia . After the First Vienna Arbitration Award , Mokrance was once again part of Hungary from 1938 to 1945. The tower of the church was destroyed during the Second World War, but restored to its original form after 1945. Between 1992 and 1994 the church's enlarged choir was consecrated.

In the 20th century, the infrastructure in Mokrance changed:

  • 1952 Beginning of the collectivization of agriculture
  • from 1960 onward expansion of the roads and the drinking water network
  • 1974 New construction of the sewer system
  • 1977 Completion of the sports facilities and the library, asphalting of the village streets
  • In 1978 the church received three new bells
  • In 1985 all households were connected to the gas network - one of the first municipalities in Okres Košice-okolie

1975 was integrated into the local agricultural cooperative in the neighboring Budulov (district of Moldava nad Bodvou); from 1993 she was independent again.

In 1986 Mokrance was incorporated into the city of Moldava nad Bodvou . The parish regained its independence in 1990. In the 1990s, a fire brigade training area and a central satellite system were built in Mokrance.


According to the results of the 2001 census, Mokrance had 1,321 inhabitants, of which

  • 62.9% Slovaks and
  • 35.4% Hungary.

93.2% of the residents committed themselves to the Roman Catholic Church.


Roman Catholic St. Stephen's Church in Mokrance
  • Roman Catholic St. Stephen's Church ( Kostol sv. Štefana Uhorského ), built in Gothic style during the Hussite Wars , converted into a Baroque church in the 18th century, restored in 1906

Economy and Infrastructure

The community has retained its rural character. The residents work in agriculture, in the service sector or commute to industrial plants in and around Košice . There is a grocery store, a library, a kindergarten and a school in the village.

Trunk road 50 (also part of European route 58 here ) runs through the middle of the municipality from Košice via Rožňava to Bratislava . Mokrance is also connected by a road to the municipality of Buzica on the Hungarian border. On the southern edge of the village is the Mokrance station on the Košice-Barca-Rožňava railway . In the west of the municipality is also the train station of the city of Moldava nad Bodvou .


  1. History summary on (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 29, 2013 ; Retrieved October 25, 2013 (Slovak). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Statistical data on ( memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Slovak) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Mokrance  - collection of images, videos and audio files