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Romairon coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of VaudCanton of Vaud Vaud (VD)
District : Jura north vaudoisw
Municipality : Tévenoni2
Postal code : 1423
former BFS no. : 5567
Coordinates : 539 197  /  189166 coordinates: 46 ° 51 '3 "  N , 6 ° 38' 29"  O ; CH1903:  539197  /  one hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred sixty-six
Height : 807  m above sea level M.
Area : 4.89  km²
Residents: 32 (December 31, 2010)
Population density : 7 inhabitants per km²
Romairon (Switzerland)
w w w
Parish before the merger on June 30, 2011

Romairon was a municipality in the district of Jura-Nord vaudois in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland . On July 1, 2011, the Romairon municipality merged with Fontanezier , Vaugondry and Villars-Burquin to form the new municipality of Tévenon .


Romairon is 807  m above sea level. M. , seven kilometers north of the district capital Yverdon-les-Bains (beeline). The farming village extends in a cleared island on the southern slope of the Jura , in a panoramic position almost 400 m above the lake level of Lake Neuchâtel .

The area of ​​the 4.9 km² former municipal area comprises a narrow section on the southern slopes of the Jura and on the Chasseron chain. The parish soil extends from the edge of the Grand Bois below the village northwards over the steep Jura slope ( La Côte ) to the ridge En Tévenon , on which at 1330  m above sea level. M. the highest elevation of Romairon is reached. North of this ridge are the Creux aux Chèvres basin and the heights of Gran du Vé ( 1303  m above sea level ) and La Rondaneire ( 1323  m above sea level ). On the ridge there are extensive Jura high pastures with the typical mighty spruce trees , which either stand individually or in groups. In the extreme northwest, the area extends into the Poëta Raisse gorge , which is traversed by the Bied , a right side stream of the Areuse . In 1997, 2% of the municipal area was accounted for by settlements, 60% by forests and trees and 38% by agriculture.

The municipality of Romairon included a few individual farms that are widely scattered on the Jura heights. The neighboring municipalities of Romairon were Provence , Fontanezier , Champagne , Vaugondry , Villars-Burquin and Mauborget in the canton of Vaud and Val-de-Travers in the canton of Neuchâtel .


With 32 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2010) Romairon was one of the smallest municipalities in the canton of Vaud and Switzerland. All residents speak French as their mother tongue (as of 2000). The population of Romairon was 95 inhabitants in 1900, but then decreased by almost two thirds to 36 inhabitants by 1980 due to strong emigration.


In Romairon, the structure of employment is still characterized by agriculture . Some arable farming is practiced in the area of ​​the village , while cattle and dairy farming predominate on the Jura Heights . Outside of the primary sector there are hardly any jobs in the village.


Romairon is far away from the larger thoroughfares. The place can be reached by a cantonal road from Champagne . The nearest connection to the highway A5 (Yverdon-New Castle) is located approximately 6 km from the town center. The Postbus course, which runs from Yverdon to Mauborget , connects Romairon to the public transport network.


The community area was cleared and made arable relatively late. The first written mention of the place took place in 1403 under the name Romeyron . Romairon belonged to the Grandson rule in the Middle Ages . After 1476 Grandson became a bailiwick under the common rule of Bern and Freiburg . After the collapse of the Ancien Régime , Romairon belonged to the canton of Léman from 1798 to 1803 during the Helvetic Republic, which then became part of the canton of Vaud when the mediation constitution came into force . The place does not have its own church, it belongs to the parish of Villars-Burquin .

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