21st century BC Chr.
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3rd millennium BC Chr. | 2nd mill. Chr. ►
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23rd century BC Chr. |
22nd century BC Chr. |
21st century BC Chr. |
20th century BC Chr. |
19th century BC Chr. |
The 21st century BC Chr. Began on 1 January 2100 v. Chr. And ended on 31 December 2001 v. This corresponds to the period 4050 to 3951 before today or the interval 3718 to 3632 radiocarbon years .
Age / Epoch
- Subboreal (3710-450 BC).
- Early Bronze Age in southern Central Europe (BZ A1 from 2300/2200 to 2000 BC).
- The Aegean Early Bronze Age ends around 2000 BC. Chr.
- 21st century BC Chr .:
- The so-called coffin texts were created in ancient Egypt .
- During the early III period , an oversized administrative apparatus formed , possibly partly responsible for the later decline of the 3rd dynasty.
- Babylon is founded by the Amurrites .
- The Ortoiroid people settle on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico , as evidenced by a skeleton find from this time on the neighboring island of Vieques .
- Around 2100 BC Chr .:
- In Ur is Code of Ur-Nammu written, the oldest surviving written collection of laws.
- The city of Caral of the Norte Chico culture in Peru is abandoned.
- 2091 BC Chr .:
- Beginning of the Patriarchal Age according to Jewish tradition.
- 2071 BC Chr .:
- According to Geoffrey Keating , the Irish battle myth Magh Itha is written.
- Around 2070/2040 BC Chr .:
- The Xia dynasty was founded in China . However, the existence of the Xia dynasty is disputed. (According to the Chronological Project Xia-Shang-Zhou, the year 2200 BC is given)
- Ongoing wars between the 3rd Dynasty of Ur and the nomadic peoples of the Zagros Mountains
- 2046/2038 BC Chr .:
- 2037/2031/2022 v. Chr .:
- The Pharaoh of the Theban 11th dynasty Mentuhotep II succeeds in reuniting Lower and Upper Egypt. This defines the beginning of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt.
- 2034 to 2004:
- Ur is at war with the Amurites .
- Around 2020 BC Chr .:
- The Sumerian city of Ešnunna gains independence from Ur . This marked the beginning of the 1st dynasty of Ešnunna as an independent city-state.
- 2004 BC Chr .:
Inventions, discoveries
- Mathematics is practiced as a science in Babylonia .
- Around 2050 BC Chr .:
- Sulgi , king of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur, leads a unit volume, the space dimension gur one that corresponds to 200 liters.
- 2046/2038 BC Chr .:
- 21st century BC Chr .:
- In Stonehenge (Stonehenge 3 IV), the double circle of bluestones is changed again.
- From 2080 B.C. Chr .:
- The first temple of Amun-Re is built in Karnak by the pharaohs of the 11th dynasty . This is mentioned in writing for the first time in the reign of Antef II.
- In Ur, the ziggurat of the moon god Nanna was built under Ur-Nammu and his successor Šulgi .
- 2050/2049 BC Chr .:
- At Holme-next-the-Sea on the Wash in Norfolk , the oaks are felled for the construction of the Seahenge , a Timber Circle (Holme I). Immediately to the east is the somewhat older barrow Holme II (2400 to 2030 BC), surrounded by two wooden circles.
- Around 2040/2010 BC Chr .:
- The mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II in Deir el-Bahari is laid out. It shows the transition from the pyramid building of the Old Kingdom to the million year houses of the New Kingdom.
- 2037 to 2029 BC Chr .:
- The ruler of the Uruk III period, Šu-Sin , had a 270-kilometer wall built on the western border of Sumer ( Amurriter dam ) to stop the incursions of the Amurrites from the Arabian desert.
- 2009 to 1994 BC Chr .:
- For Mentuhotep III. his mortuary temple is erected on a mountain west of Thebes . Pylons are used for the first time in its construction .
- approx. 2000 BC Chr .:
- In Kilmartin in Scotland is cairn Ri Cruin created.
- In Wutoeschingen in Baden-Wuerttemberg arising Dolmen of Degernau .
- 21st century BC Chr .:
- Brilliant written works are created in Sumerian . The poems in devotion to Ištar by En-hedu-anna and the Gilgamesh epic will be finalized.
Natural events and disasters
- Around 2100 BC Chr .:
- Around 35 kilometers northeast of Heraklion, a strong seaquake of 7.1 on the Richter scale occurs in the Aegean Sea . The number of deaths is unknown.
- Around 2050 BC Chr .:
- The eruption of Mount Mariveles in the Philippines causes enormous rainfalls of ash.
- Around 2000 BC Chr .:
- Severe earthquake 15 kilometers west of Ashgabat , the capital of Turkmenistan . The strength is also 7.1 and there are fewer than 1,000 deaths to mourn.

Statue of Mentuhotep II
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.
Pharaohs of Egypt
- Mentuhotep I (2081-2077 BC / founder of the 11th dynasty )
- Antef I. (2077-2065 BC)
- Antef II. (2065-2016 BC)
- Antef III. (2016–2008 BC)
- Mentuhotep II. (2008–1957 BC, after Helck 2061 to 2010 BC)
- Mentuhotep III. (2013/2010 to 2001 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Aminu (???? - 2078 BC)
- Sulili (2077-2059 BC)
- Kikkia (2058-2042 BC)
- Akia (2041-2021 BC)
- Puzur-Aššur I. (2020–2001 BC)
King of Elam
King of Isin
- Išbi-Erra (2017–1984 BC)
Kings of Ur
- Ur-Nammu (2112-2095 BC)
- Šulgi (2094-2047 BC)
- Amar-Sin (2046-2038 BC)
- Šu-Sin (2037-2029 BC)
- Ibbi-Sin (2028-2004 BC)
- According to Hindu tradition , Rama , the seventh avatara of Vishnu , lived in the 21st century BC. Chr.
- According to the Abrahamic religion , its founder Abraham lived in the 21st century BC. Chr.
Archaeological cultures
Cultures in North Africa
Egypt :
First Intermediate Period (2216 to 2137/2025 BC)
- 9th Dynasty (2160 to 2040 BC)
- 10th dynasty (2130 to 2077 BC) in Herakleopolis
Middle Kingdom (2137/2077 to 1781 BC)
- 11th dynasty (2160 to 1994 BC, also 2077 to 1938 BC) in Thebes
First Intermediate Period (2216 to 2137/2025 BC)
Nubia :
- C group (2150 to 1540 BC) in Lower Nubia
Cultures in Mesopotamia and the Middle East
Mesopotamia :
- Ur-III period (2112 to 2004 BC)
- Isin period (2017 to 1924 BC)
Iran :
- Jiroft culture (4000 to 1000 BC)
- Elam : Old Elamite Period (2700 to 1600 BC)
Syria :
- Tell Brak (6000 to 1360 BC)
- Tall Leilan (5000 to 1726 BC)
- Tell Chuera (5000 to 1200 BC)
- Tell Hamoukar (4500 to 2000 BC)
- Mari (2900 to 1759 BC)
- Turkey :
Bahrain :
- Dilmun culture (3000 to 600 BC)
Oman and United Arab Emirates :
- The Umm-an-Nar culture (2700/2600 to 2000 BC) comes to an end
Cultures in East Asia
China :
- Around 2000 BC The following cultures disappear:
- Yangshao culture (5000 to 2000 BC), central and northern China
- Yingpu culture (3500 to 2000 BC) in Taiwan
- Karuo culture (3200 to 2000 BC) in China and Tibet
- Majiayao culture (3000 to 2000 BC) on the upper Yellow River
- Xiaoheyan culture (3000 to 2000 BC) in Inner Mongolia
- Tanshishan culture (3000 to 2000 BC) in Fujian
- Shijiahe culture (2600 to 2000 BC) on the middle Yangtze
- Banshan Machang culture (2500 to 2000 BC) on the upper Yellow River
- Keshengzhuang II culture (2300 to 2000 BC)
- Longshan culture (3200 to 1850 BC) on the middle and lower Yellow Rivers
- Baodun culture (2500 to 1700 BC) in Sichuan
- Xia Dynasty (2200 to 1800 BC)
- Around 2000 BC The following cultures disappear:
Korea :
- The Middle Jeulmon Period (3500 to 2000 BC) comes to an end
- Go-Joseon (2333-108 BC)
Japan :
- End of the Middle Jōmon Period - Jōmon IV (3000 to 2000 BC)
Vietnam :
- Đa-Bút culture (4000 to 1700 BC)
- Hồng Bàng dynasty (2879 to 258 BC)
Thailand :
- Ban Chiang culture (2100 BC to 200 AD, but re-dating from 1500 BC)
Cultures in South Asia
Indus Valley :
Indus culture : Harappa phase
- Harappa 3C (2200 to 1900 BC)
Indus culture : Harappa phase
Balochistan :
- Kulli culture (2500 to 1900 BC)
Cultures in Central Asia
Turkmenistan and Afghanistan :
- Oasis culture (2200 to 1700 BC)
Kazakhstan and Western Siberia :
- Onset of the Sintashta culture (2100 to 1800 BC)
Cultures in Europe
Northern Europe :
- End of the boat ax culture (4200 to 2000 BC) in Scandinavia and the Baltic States
Northeast Europe :
- The pit ceramic culture (4200 to 2000 BC - radiocarbon method : 5600 to 2300 BC) in Norway , Sweden , the Baltic States, Russia and Ukraine is coming to an end
- Rzucewo culture (5300 to 1750 BC) in the Baltic States and Poland
- Narva culture (5300 to 1750 BC) in Estonia , Latvia, and Lithuania
Eastern Europe :
- Kura Araxes culture (3500/3000 to 2000/1900 BC) in the Caucasus
- End of the Potapovka culture (2500 to 2000 BC) on the central Volga and the
- Catacomb tomb culture (2500 to 2000 BC) in Russia and Ukraine
- Abashevo culture (2500 to 1800 BC) in northern Russia
Southeast Europe :
Greece :
- Mainland Greece, Early Helladic phase FH III (2200 to 2000 BC)
- Cycladic Culture (3200 to 1100 BC), Early Cycladic Phase III (2200 to 2000 BC)
Crete :
- Early Minoan pre-palace period FM III (2200 to 2000 BC)
Cyprus :
- The Philia culture (2500 to 2000 BC) disappears
Greece :
Central Europe :
- Vlaardingen culture (3350 to 1950 BC) in the Netherlands
- End of the bell beaker culture (2600 to 2200 BC in central, western and southern Europe); however, it survived in Great Britain until 1800 BC. Chr.
- Aunjetitz culture (2300 to 1550 BC) in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria

The reconstructed dolmen of Degernau
Western Europe :
- The culture of the Grooved Ware in Great Britain and Ireland (3400 to 2000 BC) is abandoned
- End of the Seine-Oise-Marne culture (3100 to 2000 BC) in northern France and Belgium
- Ene of the Artenac culture (2500 to 2000 BC) in western and southwestern France
Megalithic cultures :
- They go to France (4700 to 2000 BC) and on the
Iberian Peninsula (4000 to 2000 BC - Spain and Portugal ) to an end
- Los Millares (3200 to 1800 BC)
- Vila Nova de São Pedro (2700 to 1300 BC)
British Isles (from 3800 BC)
Stonehenge :
- Stonehenge IV (2280 to 1930 BC)
Stonehenge :
- Malta : Tarxien necropolis (2500 to 1500 BC)
Cultures in america
Greenland :
- Independence I culture (2400/2300 to 1000 BC)
- Saqqaq culture (2400-900 BC)
North and Central America :
- Archaic period . Establishment of mounds in the eastern forest areas from 4000 BC. Chr.
South America :
- Chinchorro culture (7020 to 1500 BC) in northern Chile and southern Peru
- Ortoiroid culture (4950 BC to 300 AD) in the Caribbean ( Saba , Vieques , Puerto Rico )
- Valdivia culture (3950 to 1750 BC) in Ecuador
Norte Chico culture (3500 to 1800 BC) in Peru with
- Caral (from 3000 BC to 2100 BC), Pre-Ceramic IV - VI
- San Agustín culture (3300 BC to 1550 AD) in Colombia
Individual evidence
- ^ Jörg Wolff: Cultural and legal historical roots of Europe: work book. BoD - Books on Demand, 2005, ISBN 3-936999-16-3 , p. 158
- ↑ Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer: Imago noctis: the night in the art of the West: from the ancient Orient to the Baroque era. Böhlau Verlag Vienna, 2003, ISBN 3-205-77052-8 , p. 32
- ↑ Bernd Marquardt: Universal history of the state: from the pre-state society to the state of the industrial society. LIT Verlag Münster, 2009, ISBN 3-643-90004-X , p. 61
- ↑ Chinese Dynasties ( Memento of May 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). In: china-erleben.com . Retrieved February 17, 2012.
- ↑ Klaas Veenhof : History of the Ancient Orient up to the time of Alexander the Great. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, ISBN 3-525-51685-1 , p. 118
Web links
Commons : 21st century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files