List of medalists R – Z

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The list contains medalists who are suitable for an article in Wikipedia and who, full-time or as artist-medalists, have created work whose life and work, including individual works in the field of medal art , are the subject of scientific research. An additional point of reference can be the inclusion in national public collections, the large coin cabinets. It is primarily a find list that is intended to open up the relevant Wikipedia articles, and secondarily also a work list that goes beyond the access via the Wikipedia category system.

In general, medalists who cannot write an article for Wikipedia due to a lack of suitable information are not listed; this excludes those who are only of interest to collectors within numismatics and in their databases, special collections, sales or auction catalogs. The aim is not to make this list complete.

New entries for which no separate article exists should be presented on the list discussion page and their relevance should be explained in advance.

The table can be sorted by name, life data and impact data. If z. B. If no exact dates of life are known, the entry is sorted according to the century of birth. The dates of the period of activity are always sorted according to the respective centuries, which allows a breakdown of epochs. For the red links (article not yet available), a source for the first entry should always be given in the Comments column.



Surname Life dates Effective time country comment
C. Rabausch active at Neuss and Drentwett in Augsburg 1838–1870 19th century Germany Signatures: RABAUSCH F .; CRF; RF
Carl Radnitzky 1818-1901 19th century Austria
Waldemar Raemisch 1888-1955 20th century Germany and USA
Paolo d'Antonio da Ragusa active around 1447–1456 15th century Italy
Giorgio Rancetti around 1550-1611 16th century, 17th century Italy Receipt:
Lothar Rasch * 1943 Breslau 20th century, 21st century Germany Engraver in the VEB Mint of the GDR.
Marcel Rau 1886-1966 19th century, 20th century Belgium Receipt:
Christian Daniel Rauch 1777-1857 18th century, 19th century Germany
Ants Raud 1928 Kuusalu, Harjumaa - 2009 Tallinn 20th century, 21st century Estonia Receipt:
Jordi rule, m. Jordi Truxa * 1973 20th century, 21st century Germany
Alfred room 1872-1935 19th century, 20th century Germany
Jordi rule, m. Jordi Truxa * 1973 20th century, 21st century Germany
Heinrich von Rehnen active since 1584, 1604–1624 mint master in Dresden 16th century, 17th century Germany Mintmaster's mark swan
Johann Christian Reich 1740-1814 18th century, 19th century Germany Receipt:
Johann (John) Matthias Reich 1768-1833 18th century, 19th century Germany, USA Receipt:
Albert Reimann 1874-1976 19th century, 20th century Germany
Hans Reinhart the Elder around 1510–1581 16th century Germany
Joseph Reisner 1859-1929 19th century Austria-Hungary 3. Engraver at the Hungarian Mint in Kremnitz since 1892
Albert Reiss 1874-1961 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
József Reményi 1887-1977 20th century Hungary
Johann Christoph Reteke 1640-1720 17th century, 18th century Germany Receipt:
Eduard Rettenmaier 1865-1923 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Georg Christian Reuss 1708–1710 mint master in Bremen 18th century Germany Signature: GCR
Charles Jean Richard * 1832 Geneva 19th century Switzerland Receipt:
Charles Douglas Richardson 1853-1932 19th century, 20th century Australia Signature: CDM
Etha Richter 1883-1977 19th century, 20th century Germany
Georg Nicolaus Riedner Mint master in Nuremberg 1764–1793. † 1793 Nuremberg 18th century Germany Proof: Signature under Münzwardein Sigmund Scholz in Nuremberg: S. (N) R.
Joachim Riess * 1937 Chemnitz 20th century, 21st century Germany
Johann Adam Ries 1813 Kulmbach - 1889 Munich 19th century Germany
Maxim Rips * 1942 20th century, 21st century France Supporting documents:
Adolphe Rivet * 1855 Périgueux - 1925 Gentilly (Seine) 19th century, 20th century France Receipt:
Michael Rizzello 1926-2004 20th century, 21st century United Kingdom Receipt:
Dave Robertson Coin design since 2011. 21st century New Zealand Works u. a. for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in the design of commemorative coins.
Heinz Rodewald 1932 Zdunska-Wola, Poland - 1993 Berlin 20th century Germany Receipt:
Emy Roeder 1890-1971 20th century Germany
Georg Roemer 1868-1922 19th century, 20th century Germany
Friedrich Ernst Roessler 1813 Darmstadt - 1883 Frankfurt 19th century Germany
Hector Johann Roessler 1779 Darmstadt - 1857 18th century, 19th century Germany Mint master in Darmstadt. Father of Friedrich Ernst Roessler.
Charles Norbert Roëttiers 1720-1772 18th century France Receipt:
Jacques II Roëttiers 1698-1772 18th century Belgium Receipt:
Jacques Roëttiers 1707-1784 18th century France Also called Roëttiers de la Tour, James (IV)
James (I) Roëttiers 1663-1698 17th century United Kingdom Receipt:
John (I) Roëttiers 1631-1703 17th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Joseph Roëttiers 1635-1703 17th century, 18th century United Kingdom and France Receipt:
Joseph Charles Roëttiers 1693-1779 18th century France Receipt:
Norbert Roëttiers 1665-1727 17th century, 18th century France Receipt:
Emile Rogat 1770-1852 18th century, 19th century France Receipt:
Karl Röhrig 1886-1972 20th century Germany
Giuseppe Romagnoli 1872-1966 19th century, 20th century Italy
Gasparo Romanelli active 1560–1609 16th century, 17th century Italy Receipt:
Gerhard Rommel 1934-2014 20th century, 21st century Germany
Giovanni Cristoforo Romano 1465-1512 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Werner Rosenthal * 1931 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Giovanni Antonio de Rossi 1517-after 1573 16th century Italy Receipt:
Orietta Rossi * 1968 Rome 20th century, 21st century Italy Receipt:
Johann Baptist Roth 1802 Vienna - 1869 ibid 19th century Austria Receipt:
Karl Roth 1900-1967 20th century Germany Signature: R
Constantin Rothe 1600-1678 17th century Germany Signature: CR
Adolf Rothenburger 1883-1972 20th century Germany Receipt:
Roland Rother * 1944 20th century, 21st century Germany
Louis Oscar Roty 1846-1911 19th century, 20th century France Receipt:
Giovanni Francesco Ruberti active 1483–1526 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Johann Peter Rudesheim Mint master in Düsseldorf 1783–1804 18th century, 19th century Germany Signatures: PR; R. Document:
Gerharda Johanna Wilhelmina Rueb 1885 Breda - 1972 The Hague 19th century, 20th century Netherlands Receipt:
Eugene Ruhl * 1933 Enzberg-Mühlacker , Baden-Württemberg 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Wilhelm von Rümann 1850-1906 19th century, 20th century Germany
Berthold Rungas 1889-1964 20th century Germany Receipt:
Barbara Ruppel * 1937 20th century, 21st century Germany
Alfonso Ruspagiari 1521-1576 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer * around 1950 Bulgaria 20th century 21st century Bulgaria and Germany Wife of Heinz Hoyer
Lubomir Ruzicka * 1938 Vyškově, Moravia. 20th century, 21st century Czech Republic Proof: Lubomir Ruzicka designed the Czechoslovak 10 Kronen coin in 1966 for the 1100th anniversary of Moravia, together with Jan Solpera.
Félix Sagau y Dalmau de Galcerán 1786 Barcelona - 1850 Madrid 19th century Spain Receipt:
Horst SAGES 1934-2014 20th century, 21st century Germany
Ferdinand de Saint-Urbain 1658-1738 17th century, 18th century France Receipt:
René de Saint-Marceaux 1845-1915 19th century, 20th century France
André Pierre Sales * 1860 19th century France Receipt:
Sylvain Salières 1865-1920 19th century, 20th century France Receipt:
Harald Salomon 1900-1990 20th century Denmark Signature S or HS
Francesco da Sangallo 1494-1576 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Paolo Sanquirico 1568-1630 16th century, 17th century Italy Receipt:
Girolamo Santacroce 1498-1533 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Enrico Saroldi 1876 ​​Carmagnola - 1954 Milan 19th century, 20th century Italy Receipt:
Thomas Sasseen worked 1950–1974 at the South African Mint, Pretoria 20th century South Africa Signature: TS
George William de Saulles 1862-1903 19th century, 20th century United Kingdom
Sperandio da Mantova Savelli da Roma 1425-1504 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Antonio Schabel 1725-1805 18th century, 19th century Austria and Italy Receipt:
August Schabel 1845-1920 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Hans Schaefer 1875 Sternberg - 1933 Chicago, USA 19th century, 20th century Austria and USA Receipt:
Karl Schäfer since 1874 with Mayer & Wilhelm in Stuttgart 19th century Germany Receipt:
Anton Schäffer 1722 Düsseldorf - 1799 Mannheim 18th century Germany
Fritz Schaper 1841-1919 19th century, 20th century Germany
Anton Scharff 1845-1903 19th century, 20th century Austria
Edwin Scharff 1887-1955 20th century Germany
Johann Michael Scharff 1806-1855 19th century Austria Father of Anton Scharff and offline.
Johann Christoph Schaupp 1685-1757 18th century Germany
Martin Schauss 1867-1927 19th century, 20th century Germany
Franz Andreas Schega 1711-1787 18th century Germany Signature: SCHEGA F.
Richard Disk 1879-1964 19th century, 20th century Germany
Herbert Schellbach * 1907 Meissen 20th century Germany Embossing stamp engraver in Meissen.
Jürgen Schellbach * 1941 Meissen 20th century, 21st century Germany Embossing stamp engraver in Meissen. Son of Herbert Schellbach.
Hans Schenck 1500-1566 16th century Germany gen. Terrible
Friedrich Schenkel 1877–? 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Georg Schiller 1822-1906 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Oswald Schimmelpfennig 1872-around 1944 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1781-1841 18th century, 19th century Germany
Maria Schlafhorst 1865-1925 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Johann Wilhelm Schlemm Mint master in Clausthal 1753–1788 † 18th century Germany Signature: IWS
Walter Schluep 1931 San Feliu de Guixols , Spain - 2016 Montreal, Canada 20th century, 21st century Canada Receipt: and offline.
Henning Schlueter Mint master in Goslar and Zellerfeld 1623-1672 † 17th century Germany Signature: HS
Walther Schmarje 1872-1921 19th century, 20th century Germany
Adolf Schmid 1867-after 1932 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Fritz Schmidt 1876-1935 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Rudolf Schmidt 1894-1980 20th century Austria
Balthasar Schmitt 1858-1942 19th century, 20th century Germany
Christian Schnitzspahn 1829-1877 19th century Germany Born in Darmstadt in 1829 and died there in 1877
Sigmund Scholz Münzwardein in Nuremberg 1760–1779 18th century Germany Signature: S. (N) R. together with mint master Georg Nicolaus Riedner. Look there.
Helene Scholz-Zelezny 1882-1974 19th century, 20th century Austria
Walter Schott 1861-1938 19th century, 20th century Germany
Henning Schreiber Mint master in Clausthal 1622–1640 † 17th century Germany Signatures: HS with a hook in different positions, also without a hook.
Eugen Schroth, or scrap 1862 Vienna –1945 Vienna 19th century, 20th century Austria Signature Eugen Schrott on the medal 1904 of the apprenticeship exhibition in Vienna.
Siegmund Schütz 1906-1998 20th century Germany
Anton Schultz approx. 1690-1736 18th century Sweden Receipt:
Otto Schultz (medalist) 1848 Berlin - 1911 ibid 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Fritz Schulz 1909-1994 20th century Germany
Helmut Schulz 1906 Weinböhla near Dresden - 1984 Coswig near Dresden 20th century Germany Receipt:
Kurt Schumacher 1905-1942 20th century Germany
André-Pierre Schwab 1883-1969 19th century, 20th century France Receipt:
Karl-Tobias Schwab 1887-1967 19th century, 20th century Germany
Stefan Schwartz 1851-1924 19th century, 20th century Hungary & Austria
Hans Schwarz 1492-around 1550 16th century Germany
Anna Franziska Schwarzbach * 1949 20th century, 21st century Germany
Hans Schwegerle 1882-1950 20th century Germany
Hans Herbert Schweitzer 1901-1980 20th century Germany Pseudonym: Mjölnir or Mjoelnir
Karl Schwenzer 1843-1904 19th century, 20th century Germany
Johann Schwerdtner 1834-1920 19th century, 20th century Austria Receipt:
Georg Wilhelm Schwind 1853-1906 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Giuliano di Scipione Amici active 1464-1471 15th century Italy Receipt:
Gregorio Sciltian 1900 Nakhchivan on Don - 1985 Rome 20th century Italy Russian-Armenian Italian artist
Ronald Searle 1920-2011 20th century, 21st century United Kingdom
Martin Sebald 1807–1889 Augsburg 19th century Germany Receipt:
Franziska von Seeger active from 1905, life data not determined 20th century Germany Receipt:
Carl Ludwig Seffner 1861-1932 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Ernst Seger 1868-1939 19th century, 20th century Germany
Sonja Seibold * 1932 20th century, 21st century Germany
Wenceslaus Seidan 1817 Prague - 1870 Vienna 19th century Austria Receipt:
Paul Seiler 1873-1934 19th century, 20th century Germany
Josef Šejnost 1878-1941 19th century, 20th century Czech Republic
Antonio Selvi 1679-1753 17th century, 18th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Pier Maria, called IL TAGLIACARNE Serbaldi around 1455 - after 1525 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Marco Sesto active before 1394 - after 1417 14th century, 15th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Georg Sieburg fallen in 1916 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Rudolf Leopold R. Siemering 1835-1905 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
João da Silva 1880 Lisbon - 1960 Lisbon 19th century, 20th century Portugal Receipt:
Armando Matos Simoes * 1933 20th century, 21st century Portugal Receipt:
Georges Simon 1906-1982 20th century France Receipt:
Gertrude Simon active in Austria in 1976 20th century Austria Proof: 1976 design of the Babenberg (gold coin) obverse.
Luciana De Simoni * 1957 Frascati 20th century, 21st century Italy
Bernard Ralph Sindall 1925-1998 20th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Renée Sintenis 1888-1965 20th century Germany
Gian Antonio Signoretti active 1540–1602 16th century, 17th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Stanislaw Sikora 1911 Stryszawa - 2000 Warsaw 20th century Poland Receipt:
Eddy Smith 1895-1957 20th century Germany Draft of the 1930 coins of the Weimar Republic and the Republic of Austria for Walther von der Vogelweide.
Ladislav Snopek 1919-2010 20th century, 21st century Slovakia Receipt:
Ladislava Snopkova * 1948 in Hořice 20th century, 21st century Slovakia Receipt:
Massimiliano Soldani-Benzi 1658-1740 17th century, 18th century Italy Receipt:
Danuta Solowiej-Wedderburn * 1962 in Bialystok, Poland 20th century, 21st century Poland and United Kingdom Receipt: and offline
Jan Solpera * 1939 Hradec 20th century, 21st century Czech Republic Proof: Jan Solpera designed the Czechoslovak 10 crown coin in 1966 for the 1100th anniversary of Moravia.
Charlotte Sommer-Landgraf 1928-2006 20th century, 21st century Germany
Manfred Spang 1975 sculptor in Göppingen-Jebenhausen 20th century Germany Proof: Creator of the 5 DM coin in 1975 on the 100th birthday of Albert Schweitzer . Signature: MS
Otakar Španiel 1881-1955 19th century, 20th century Czech Republic
Sperandio da Mantova around 1425-after 1504 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Filippo Speranza 1848-1903 19th century, 20th century Italy Receipt:
Andrea Spinelli around 1508–1572 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Niccolò Fiorentino Niccolò di Forzore Spinelli 1430-1514 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Heinrich Splieth 1877-1929 19th century, 20th century Germany
Jakob Stampfer around 1505–1579 16th century Switzerland Receipt:
Eduard Staniek 1859-1914 19th century, 20th century Germany
Constantin Starck 1866-1939 19th century, 20th century Germany
Frederick Charles William Staub 1919-2012 20th century, 21st century New Zealand Signature: FS
Luise Staudinger 1879-1967 19th century, 20th century Germany
Edgar Zell Steever 1915-2006 20th century, 21st century United States
Geer Steyn * 1945 Amsterdam 20th century, 21st century Netherlands Receipt: and offline.
Franz Stiasny 1872-1940 19th century, 20th century Austria
Johann Jakob Gottfried Stierle 1764-1806 18th century, 19th century Germany Receipt:
Wilhelm August Stilarsky 1780-1838 18th century, 19th century Germany Berlin iron
Carl Stock 1876-1945 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Daniel Stocker 1865-1957 19th century, 20th century Germany
Thomas Stokes 1831 Edgbaston, Birmingham, England - 1910 Alphington, Melbourne, Victoria 19th century, 20th century Australia Receipt:
Curt Stöving 1863-1939 19th century, 20th century Germany
Arthur Storch 1870-1947 19th century, 20th century Germany
Christoph Stricker 1675–1715 Berlin Mint 17th century, 18th century Germany Signature: CS
Ivan Strnad 1926-2005 20th century, 21st century Czech Republic Receipt:
Helmut Stromsky * 1941 Sandhübel , Freiwaldau district , Sudetenland , today Písečná, Czech Republic 20th century, 21st century Germany Design of the Otto Hahn commemorative coin 1979.
Paul Sturm 1859-1936 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Stanislav Sucharda 1866-1916 19th century, 20th century Czech Republic
Walter Sutkowski 1890-1983 20th century Germany
Enikö Szöllössy * September 13, 1939 Budapest 20th century, 21st century Hungary Receipt:
PH reproach worked 1474–1887 as mint master at Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt Utrecht 19th century Netherlands Marks ax.
Bartolomeo Talpa active 1484–1495 15th century Italy Receipt:
Ignatius Taschner 1871-1913 19th century, 20th century Germany
Ernest Paulin Tasset 1839 Paris - 1921 19th century, 20th century France Receipt:
Josef Tautenhayn 1837-1911 19th century, 20th century Austria
Josef Tautenhayn the Younger 1868-1962 19th century, 20th century Austria Receipt:
Ede Telcs 1872 Baja , Hungary - 1948 Budapest 19th century, 20th century Hungary
Roberto Terracini 1900 Turin - 1976 ibid 20th century Italy Receipt:
Ferdinand Anton Nicolaus Teutenberg 1840-1933 19th century, 20th century New Zealand Receipt:
Sebastian Tham 1797 Forsvik, Sweden - 1876 Stockholm 19th century Sweden Signature: ST
Carsten Theumer * 1956 Zeitz , Saxony-Anhalt 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt: and offline.
Gerhard Thieme 1928 Rüsdorf - 2018 Berlin 20th century, 21st century Germany
Josef Thorak 1889-1952 20th century Germany and Austria
Aase Thorsen 2001 in Neuberg, Hessen 20th century, 21st century Germany Designer of the last 10 DM coin “50 Years of the Federal Constitutional Court”.
Bertel Thorvaldsen 1770-1844 18th century, 19th century Denmark
Fritz Tiefenthaler 1929-2010 20th century, 21st century Austria
Janis Roberts Tillbergs 1880-1972 20th century Latvia
Nicolas-Pierre Tiolier 1784 Paris - 1853 Paris 19th century France Receipt: . Signature: N. Tiolier
Pierre-Joseph Tiolier 1763-1819 18th century, 19th century France
Gabriella Titotto * 1970 Rome 20th century, 21st century Italy Receipt:
Count Feodor Petrovich Tolstoy 1783 St. Petersburg - 1873 ibid 18th century, 19th century Russia Receipt:
Emil Torff Active from the beginning to the middle of the 20th century at Awes Münze Berlin. 20th century Germany Receipt:
Giulio della Torre around 1480 - after 1531 15th century, 16th century Italy
Pietro Torrigiano 1471 - around 1528 15th century, 16th century Italy
Annibale Tosato around 1546-1626 16th century, 17th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Sándor Tóth * March 19, 1933 Miskolc , Hungary 20th century, 21st century Hungary Receipt:
Gioacchino Francesco Travani * in Venice, active in Rome 1634–1674 17th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Nicolai Tregor * 1946 Zug, Canton of Zug, Switzerland 20th century, 21st century Germany
Auguste Nicolas Trémont 1892-1980 20th century Luxembourg
Philipp Jakob Treu 1761-1825 18th century, 19th century Switzerland
Jacopo da Trezzo around 1515–1589 16th century Italy and Spain Proof: Alias ​​Jacopo da Trezzo.
Rudolf Triebel 1910-1995 20th century Germany
Eldon Trimingham III * 1956 Bermuda 20th century, 21st century Bermuda Receipt:
Wincenty Trojanowski 1859-1928 19th century, 20th century Poland Receipt:
Charles Trotin * 1833 Paris 19th century France Proof: Signature: C. TROTIN or CT
Louis Tuaillon 1862-1919 19th century, 20th century Germany
Michel Tuffery Designer in Wellington, New Zealand 19th century, 20th century Samoa and New Zealand Receipt:
Georg Turk 1884-1972 20th century Germany
Waldemar Uhlmann 1840-1896 19th century Germany Receipt:
Ulrich Ursentaler the Elder active in Hall, Tyrol and Salzburg 1508–1561 16th century Austria Receipt:
Gunnar Karelius Utsond 1864-1950 19th century, 20th century Norway Receipt:
Elisabeth Varga 1948-2011 20th century, 21st century Netherlands Receipt:
Jean Varin , also Warin 1604 Liège, Belgium - 1672 Paris 17th century France Receipt:
Augusto Varnesi 1866-1941 19th century, 20th century Italy and Germany
Gerolamo Vassallo 1771-1819 18th century, 19th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Jiri Venecek * July 31, 1940 Litomyšl (German Leitomischl), Eastern Bohemia 20th century, 21st century Czech Republic Receipt:
Goffredo Verginelli 1911 Rome - 1972 Albano Laziale 20th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Jan Vermeyen 1677-1740 17th century, 18th century Germany
Frederic Charles Victor de Vernon 1858 Paris - 1912 Paris 19th century, 20th century France Signature F. VERNON
Guido Veroi 1926-2013 Rome 20th century, 21st century Italy
Andreas Vestner 1707-1754 18th century Germany
Georg Wilhelm Vestner 1677-1740 17th century, 18th century Germany
Adrien Hippolyte Veyrat 1803 Paris - 1883 Brussels 19th century France / Belgium Receipt:
Karl Vezerfi-Klemm 1939-2012 20th century, 21st century Hungary / Germany
Domenico di Polo di Angelo de'Vetri approx. 1480-1547 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt:
Valerio Belli Vicentino 1486-1546 16th century Italy Receipt:
Tamas Vigh 1926 Budapest-Csillaghegy - 2010 Budapest 20th century, 21st century Hungary Receipt:
Giovan Battista Vighi 1774-1849 18th century, 19th century Italy Receipt:
Christian Vinazer 1747-1782 18th century Austria Receipt:
Prof. Thomas Jules Vinçotte 1850 Antwerpen-Borgerhout - 1925 Brussels 18th century, 20th century Belgium
Matti Visanti 1885 Oulu - 1957 Helsinki 20th century Finland Design of the 500 Markkaa 1952 coin for the Helsinki Olympics
Peter Vischer the Elder J. 1487-1528 16th century Germany
Andrea Vitale active around 1625. Unknown dates of life 17th century Italy Receipt:
Alessandro Vittoria 1525-1608 16th century, 17th century Italy
Mathias Nicolas Marie Vivier 1788-1859 19th century France Signature: VIVIER F .; Receipt:
Alfred Vocke 1886-1944 20th century Germany
August Vogel 1859-1932 19th century, 20th century Germany
Carl Friedrich Voigt 1800-1874 19th century Germany
Stephan Voigtländer 1965-2011 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Wilhelm Volk active in Stuttgart around 1905 20th century Germany Receipt:
Charles Vuillermet 1849 Lonay - 1918 Lausanne 19th century, 20th century Switzerland
Joseph Wackerle 1880-1959 19th century, 20th century Germany
Heinrich Maria Waderé 1865-1950 19th century, 20th century Germany
Heidi Wagner-Kerkhof * 1945 20th century, 21st century Germany
Herbert Wähner * 1961 20th century, 21st century Austria
Christopher (Chris) Waind * Manchester, United Kingdom 20th century, 21st century New Zealand, Wellington Designer of the New Zealand precious metal coins 2006 to commemorate the "Gold Rushes" around 150 years ago.
Karl-August Wallroth 1860 Gårdsjö, Östra Ämtervik, Värmlands - 1936 Stockholm 19th century, 20th century Sweden Mint master in Stockholm 1908–1927, signature: W
Paul Walter 1605-1680 17th century Germany Receipt:
Stephan Walter 1871-1937 19th century, 20th century Germany
Wilhelm Wandschneider 1866-1942 19th century, 20th century Germany
Eugen Wankmüller 1913-2003 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Doris Waschk courtship * 1942 20th century, 21st century Germany
Franz Weber * 1881 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Giovanni Zanobio Weber around 1737 - around 1806 18th century, 19th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Lorenzo Maria Weber 1697– after 1765 18th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Hermann Weckwerth 1846-1912 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Heinz Weddig 1870 Hanau - 1946 Flensburg 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Gustav Weidanz 1889-1970 20th century Germany
Christoph Weiditz 1498-1560 16th century Germany
Emil Weigand 1837-1906 19th century, 20th century Germany
Christoph Weihe * 1954 20th century, 21st century Germany
Emil Rudolf White 1875-1942 19th century, 20th century Germany
Ernst Weiss 1898 Gablonz - 1974 Weimar 20th century Germany Receipt:
Johann Weiss 1794-1861 19th century Austria Receipt:
Klaus Weizenegger * 1940 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Concz Welcz active in Joachimsthal 1527–1553 16th century Bohemia Receipt:
Ferdinand Maria Josef Welz 1915-2008 20th century, 21st century Austria
Ernst Gustav Alexander Wenck 1865-1929 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Ludwig Oswald Wenckebach 1895-1962 20th century Netherlands Receipt:
Helga Wenisch * 1942 20th century Austria Other names: Helga BAYER-DWORCZAK (1966–1969) and Helga DWORCZAK-WENISCH (1971)
Christian Wermuth 1661-1739 17th century, 18th century Germany
Albert Werner & Sons 1857-1918 19th century; 20th century Germany (AWES coin). Mint in Berlin, founded in 1857 by Albert Werner.
Peter Paul Werner 1689-1771 18th century Germany Receipt:
Richard Martin Werner 1903-1949 20th century Germany
Selmar Werner 1864-1953 19th century, 20th century Germany
Ernst Westphal 1851-1926 19th century, 20th century Germany
Gertrud Angelika Wetzel 1934-2011 20th century, 21st century Germany
Rudolf Weyr 1847-1914 19th century, 20th century Austria
Wilhelm Widemann 1856-1915 19th century, 20th century Germany
Johannes Cornelis Wienecke 1872 Heiligenstadt - 1945 Apeldoorn 19th century, 20th century Netherlands Receipt:
Charles Wiener 1832 Waterloo - 1888 Brussels 19th century Belgium Receipt:
Leopold Wiener 1823 Venlo, Netherlands - 1891 Brussels 19th century Belgium
Max Wiese 1846-1925 19th century, 20th century Germany
Gustav Wiethüchter 1873-1946 19th century, 20th century Germany
Franz Wilhelm 1846 Hanau - 1938 19th century, 20th century Germany From 1873 co-owner of the company Stuttgarter Metallwarenfabrik Wilhelm Mayer & Franz Wilhelm. Signature: M. & W. ST.
Heath Wilkes Coin design since 2011. 21st century New Zealand Works u. a. for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in the design of commemorative coins.
Susanne Wimmelmann 1926–2015 Baden near Vienna 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Hans Wimmer 1907-1992 20th century Germany Medalist?
Johann Winkler active 1726–1760 as mint master for the Counts of Montfort 18th century Germany Receipt:
Sherl Joseph Winter * 1934 Dayton, Ohio 20th century, 21st century United States Receipt:
Heinrich Wirsing 1875-1948 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Johann Nepomuk Wirth 1753-1811 18th century, 19th century Austria
Hans Wissel 1897-1948 20th century Germany
Joseph Witterwulghe 1883 Brussels - 1967 Ukkel near Brussels 19th century, 20th century Belgium Creator of World War I patriotic medals.
Guillermo Witting 1854 - 1890 San José coin 19th century Costa Rica Signature: GW
Fritz Wolber 1867-1952 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Albert Wolff 1815-1892 19th century Germany
Albert Moritz Wolff 1854-1923 19th century, 20th century Germany
Johann Jacob Wolrab 1633-1690 17th century Germany Receipt:
Georg Wrba 1872-1939 19th century, 20th century Germany
Charles Cushing Wright 1796-1854 19th century United States Proof: Signature: CCW
Manfred wishes * 1932 Meissen 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Yevgeny Viktorovich Vuchetich 1908-1974 20th century Russia
Paul Wynand 1879-1956 19th century, 20th century Germany
Allan Gairdner Wyon 1882-1962 19th century, 20th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Leonard Charles Wyon 1826-1891 19th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Thomas Wyon junior 1792-1817 19th century United Kingdom Receipt:
William Wyon 1795-1851 19th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Jan Wysocki 1873-1960 19th century, 20th century Germany (Upper Silesia), Poland Receipt:
Luca Xell around 1575-1631 16th century, 17th century Germany, Italy Receipt: and offline.
Johannes Ykens 1613 - after 1680 17th century Netherlands (Southern N.), today Belgium Receipt:
Giovanni Zacchi around 1512 - around 1565 16th century Italy Receipt: and offline.
Friedrich Karl Zadow 1862-1926 19th century, 20th century Germany
Jacob Zagar around 1530 - after 1580 16th century Netherlands Receipt:
Gaetano Zapparelli 1792-1863 19th century Italy Receipt:
Rihards Zariņš 1869-1939 19th century, 20th century Latvia Richard Sarrinsch too.
Hans Zeissig 1863-1944 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Arthur Zelger 1914-2004 20th century, 21st century Austria
Juozas Zikaras 1881-1944 19th century, 20th century Lithuania
Alfred Zierler * 1933 Himberg near Vienna 20th century, 21st century Austria
Hubert Albert Zimmermann 1908-1977 20th century Germany Designer of the commemorative coin for the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany on May 23, 1949
Thomas Zipperle Master engraver, Birkenfeld near Pforzheim. 20th century, 21st century Germany Draft of the commemorative coin Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 5 Deutsche Mark 1981.
Helmut Zobl * 1941 20th century, 21st century Austria
Christian Zollmann Wiesbaden Mint 1845–1859 19th century Germany Receipt:
Johann Philipp Zollmann 1785 Wiesbaden- 1866 ibid 19th century Germany Receipt:
Képíró Zoltán 1944 Budapest - 1981 ibid 20th century Hungary Monogram: "KZ"
Caspar von Zumbusch 1830-1915 19th century, 20th century Germany and Austria
Julius Zumbusch 1832-1908 19th century, 20th century Germany
Hermann zur Strassen * 1927 Frankfurt am Main 20th century, 21st century Germany Draft of the Humboldt commemorative coin 5 Deutsche Mark 1967



  • Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): Thieme-Becker | General Lexicon of Visual Artists from Antiquity to the Present. Seemann, Leipzig 1907–1950. (Citation form: Thieme-Becker ).
  • Hans Vollmer (arrangement and ed.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. Seemann, Leipzig 1907–1950.
  • Leonard Forrer : Biographical dictionary of medallists, coin-, gem-, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, etc. ancient and modern. With references to their works, BC 500 - AD 1900. London 1902-1930. 6 volumes.
  • Max Bernhart : Medals and Plaques. A guide for collectors and enthusiasts. 3rd edition completely revised by Tyll Kroha. Klinkhardt and Biermann, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-7814-0242-8 . ( - 2nd edition 1920).


  • Martin Heidemann: Medal art in Germany from 1895 to 1914. Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-7861-1416-1 , pp. 489-516. (Short biographies of the artist medalists.).
  • Wolfgang Steguweit (Hrsg.): The medal and commemorative coin of the 20th century in Germany. Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-88609-443-X , pp. 326-346.
  • Eva Wipplinger, Ulf Dräger (ed.): Medal artists in Germany. Halle (Saale) / Bonn 1993, ISBN 3-86105-066-8 .
  • Ulf Dräger, Andrea Stock: The world in miniature: German medal art today, 2000–2006. (= The art medal in Germany. Volume 23). Moritzburg Foundation, Halle 2007, ISBN 978-3-937751-54-2 .


  • Julius Friedlaender : The Italian show coins of the fifteenth century 1430–1530. A contribution to cultural history. Weidmann, Berlin 1882 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Medallists  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ L. Forrer: Rabausch, C. In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 9 .
  2. Max Bernhart: Medals and Plaques . 3rd edition completely revised by Tyll Kroha. Klinkhardt and Biermann, Braunschweig 1966, p. 227 .
  3. L. Forrer: Ragusio or Ragusa, Paolo da . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 18 .
  4. L. Forrer: Rancetti, Giorgio . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 25th ff .
  5. ^ Rüdiger Petzold: Medals for Görlitz and others. (pdf) Lothar Rasch. In: Biographical. P. 7 , accessed on July 26, 2020 .
  6. ^ Sculptor Marcel Rau. Sculpteur ne à Bruxelles on 20 mars 1886, décédé à Bruxelles on 29 June 1966. ReflexCity. Tout Bruxelles dans un site., Accessed on April 18, 2016 (French).
  7. Raud, Ants-Ivar. Biography. Eesti Entsüklopeediast, accessed on November 26, 2019 .
  8. L. Forrer: Rehnen, Heinrich von . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 66 ff .
  9. a b Max Bernhart: Medals and Plaques . In: Library for art and antique collectors . tape 1 . Schmidt, Berlin 1920, p. 233 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  10. ^ L. Forrer: Reich, Johann Christian . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 69 ff .
  11. ^ L. Forrer: Reich, Johann Matthias . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 72 .
  12. John Reich. US Coin Designer and Second Engraver., accessed February 15, 2015 .
  13. ^ L. Forrer: Reisner, Joseph . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 90 .
  14. artist. Albert Reiss. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed July 1, 2014 .
  15. Bruno Dorfmann: The medalists Johann Rethe (Reteke) father and son in Riga - Stockholm - Hamburg around 1615/20 to 1720. (PDF) Retrieved on March 12, 2012 (Journal of the Association for Hamburg History, Volumes 46-50, 1960 ).
  16. L. Forrer: Reteke or Retecke, Johann Christoph . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 95 .
  17. L. Forrer: Rettenmaier, E. In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 95 f .
  18. artist. Eduard Rettenmaier. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed July 1, 2014 .
  19. ^ L. Forrer: Reuss, Georg Christian . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 96 .
  20. ^ L. Forrer: Richard, Charles Jean . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 108 f .
  21. ^ L. Forrer: Richard, Charles Jean . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 158 .
  22. Margaret Rose: Richardson, Charles Douglas (1853-1932). In: Australian Dictionary of Biography. Australian National University, accessed July 9, 2017 .
  23. L. Forrer: Riedner, Georg Nicolaus . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 123 f .
  24. Christian Conrad Nopitsch: Scholar Lexicon . Riedner (Georg Nicolaus). tape 7 . PJ Besson, Leipzig 1806, p. 264 ( [accessed May 10, 2016]).
  25. L. Forrer: Scholz (Mint-warden) and Riedner (Mint-master) . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 399 .
  26. Annuaire des membres et des anciens membres, 1967–1968, 38e promotion. RIPS maxim. Casa de Velàsquez, accessed July 2, 2014 (French).
  27. ^ Maxime RIPS né en 1942. École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de PARIS. Atelier officiel de Gravure en médailles et pierres fines créé en 1863. Association des Elèves et Anciens Elèves de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts et des Ecoles Nationales Supérieures d'Architecture., Accessed on July 2, 2014 (French).
  28. L. Forrer: Rivet, Adolphe . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 135 ff .
  29. ^ Adolphe Rivet (1855-1925). born in Perigueux, French medalist and sculptor., accessed on June 20, 2017 .
  30. ^ David Buckman: Michael Rizzello; sculptor & coin designer. The Independent, London, England, October 8, 2004, accessed May 26, 2015 .
  31. Dave Robertson. phreon. Fine Art Print Studio, Auckland, accessed December 5, 2015 .
  32. Rodewald, Heinz., accessed on June 28, 2015 .
  33. ^ Karl-Heinz Weigelt, Sieglinde Weigelt, Gunter Weigelt: Medals from Meissen Porcelain 1980–1983 . Heinz Rodewald, graphic artist. transpress VEB Verlag for Transport, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00091-8 , p. 498 .
  34. Roessler, Friedrich Ernst. Hessian biography. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS). Hessian State Office for Historical Cultural Studies (HLGL), accessed on November 6, 2017 .
  35. ^ L. Forrer: Roettiers, Charles Norbert . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 151 ff .
  36. Roëttiers, Jacques II (1698-1772), Medal List. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press, accessed January 10, 2015 .
  37. L. Forrer: Roëttiers, Jacques . Roettiers de la Tour, James (IV) or Jaques. tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 159 ff .
  38. ^ L. Forrer: Roettiers, James (I) . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 156 .
  39. ^ L. Forrer: Roettiers, John . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 161 ff .
  40. ^ L. Forrer: Roettiers, Joseph . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 174 ff .
  41. ^ L. Forrer: Roettiers, Joseph Charles . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 178 ff .
  42. Roëttiers, Joseph Charles (1692-1779), medalist, sculptor, draftsman. in Benezit Dictionary of Artists. Oxford University Press, accessed October 4, 2015 .
  43. Max Bernhart: Medals and Plaques . In: Library for art and antique collectors . tape 1 . Schmidt, Berlin 1920, p. 253 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  44. L. Forrer: Roettiers, Norbert . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 183 ff .
  45. L. Forrer: Rogat, Émile . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 191 ff .
  46. Rogat, Emile (1799-1852), Medal List. in Benezit Dictionary of Artists. The Oxford Index, Oxford University Press, accessed January 14, 2018 .
  47. ^ L. Forrer: Romanelli, Gaspare . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 199 .
  48. ^ L. Forrer: Romano, Giancristoforo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 199 ff .
  49. ^ Karl-Heinz Weigelt, Sieglinde Weigelt, Gunter Weigelt: Medals made from Meissen porcelain . Short biographies of the artists involved in creating the medals. 1st edition. tape 1980-1983 . transpress VEB Verlag for Transport, Berlin 1987, p. 498 f .
  50. ^ L. Forrer: Rossi, Giovanni Antonio de . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 216 ff .
  51. Orietta Rossi. Chi sono. Home page, accessed November 21, 2016 (Italian).
  52. ^ L. Forrer: Roth, Johann Baptist . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 223 f .
  53. ^ L. Forrer: Rothe, Constantin . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 224 ff .
  54. artist. Adolf Rothenburger. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 3, 2014 .
  55. ^ L. Forrer: Roty, Louis Oscar . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 228 ff .
  56. ^ L. Forrer: Roty, Louis Oscar . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 175 ff .
  57. ^ Louis Oscar Roty (1846-1911). An engraver in the Republic. Oscar Roty Foundation, accessed July 3, 2014 (French).
  58. ^ L. Forrer: Ruberto, Gianfrancesco . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 264 .
  59. ^ L. Forrer: Rüdesheim, Peter . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 266 .
  60. ^ Paul Arnold, Harald Küthmann and Dirk Steinhilber: Grosser Deutscher Münzkatalog from 1800 to today . Berg Duchy, 1806 Grand Duchy. 16th edition. Battenberg Verlag, Munich 2000, p. 81 .
  61. Wolfgang Scheffler: Goldsmiths Rhineland-Westphalia . Johann Peter Rudesheim. First half volume. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin New York 1973, p. 167 .
  62. ^ Gerharda Johanna Wilhelmina (Gra) Rueb. Hans Rueb en Leonard van Rhijn, accessed on September 2, 2018 (Dutch).
  63. Presentation of the Portus Medal to Eugen Ruhl - Mayor Gert Hager honors the flat engraving master's voluntary commitment. Press release from Tuesday, June 6th, 2017. City of Pforzheim , accessed on October 21, 2018 .
  64. ^ Léopold de Bavière: Médailles et décorations / Rungas, Berthold (1889–1964). Illustration of this medal from 1815. Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg (BNU)., Accessed on 7 July 2014 (French).
  65. ^ Ingrid S. Weber: Mint Carl Poellath Schrobenhausen. Starting point and long-standing center of Munich medal art of the 20th century. In: Yearbook for Numismatics and Monetary History Volume 39 Anniversary volume for the 110th anniversary of the Bavarian Numismatic Society. Bavarian Numismatic Society, p. 72 ff , accessed on July 7, 2014 .
  66. L. Forrer: Ruspagiari, Alfonso da Tomaso . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 272 ff .
  67. ^ Lubomír Růžička. Autori mincí. Numizmatický slovník, accessed January 30, 2015 (Slovak).
  68. Sagau y de Dalmau Galcerán, Félix. Barcelona, ​​1786 - Madrid, January 5, 1850. Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid, accessed May 10, 2017 (Spanish).
  69. ^ L. Forrer: Saint-Urbain, Ferdinand de . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 305 ff .
  70. ^ Sales, André Pierre (born 1860), sculptor, medalist, painter. Born 14 January 1860, in Perpignan. Oxford University Press, accessed July 16, 2016 .
  71. Sylvain Salieres. Les fiches artistes. L'Association des Conservateurs des Musées de Midi-Pyrénées, accessed on July 16, 2016 (French).
  72. ^ L. Forrer: Sangallo, Francesco da . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 324 ff .
  73. Max Bernhart: Medals and Plaques . In: Library for art and antique collectors . tape 1 . Schmidt, Berlin 1920, p. 258 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  74. ^ L. Forrer: Sanquirico, Paolo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 331 f .
  75. ^ L. Forrer: Santa-Groce, Girolamo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 334 .
  76. Enrico Saroldi. Biographies & History, accessed May 18, 2017 .
  77. Early and mid Twentieth Century South Africa: Legacies of local gold and silversmiths. South African Goldsmiths Research Project. Fred van Staden, Department of Psychology, University of South Africa, Pretoria, accessed on June 19, 2016 .
  78. ^ L. Forrer: Savelli da Roma, Sperandio di Bartolommeo de . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 342 .
  79. L. Forrer: Schabel, Anton . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 345 f .
  80. L. Forrer: Schabel, August . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 346 .
  81. artist. Prof. August Schabel. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 10, 2014 .
  82. ^ L. Forrer: Schaefer, Hans . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 348 ff .
  83. ^ L. Forrer: Schaefer, Hans . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 190 .
  84. Leon Wilnitsky: Hans Schaefer (1875 Sternberg / Moravia - 1933 Chicago / USA). Fine Art Gallery “ALTE KUNST”, Vienna, accessed on May 8, 2017 (English).
  85. ^ Mayer & Wilhelm. (PDF) SHORT BIOGRAPHIES OF ARTIST-MEDALS AND PRIVATE MINT PLANTS. Numismatic Society of Berlin e. V., accessed on May 2, 2018 .
  86. ^ L. Forrer: Scharff, Johann Michael . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 374 ff .
  87. Johann Michael Scharff. Johann Michael Scharff, * 11. November 1806 Hüttelsdorf; † May 22, 1855 Vienna. In: Vienna History Wiki. Vienna City and State Archives, accessed on February 24, 2019 .
  88. ^ Karl-Heinz Weigelt, Sieglinde Weigelt: Medals made from Meissen porcelain . Short biographies of the artists involved in creating the medals. 1st edition. tape 1962-1969 . transpress VEB Verlag for Transport, Berlin 1981, p. 413 .
  89. ^ Karl-Heinz Weigelt, Sieglinde Weigelt: Medals made from Meissen porcelain . Short biographies of the artists involved in creating the medals. 1st edition. tape 1980-1983 . transpress VEB Verlag for Transport, Berlin 1987, p. 500 .
  90. ^ L. Forrer: Schenkel, F. In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 192 .
  91. artist. Friedrich Schenkel. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 10, 2014 .
  92. L. Forrer: Schiller . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 192 .
  93. artist. G (eorg?) Schiller. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  94. ^ Medal on the 80th birthday of Georg F. Schiller. Georg F. Schiller was born in 1822 and was a court engraver. Landesmuseum Württemberg, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  95. artist. Oswald Schimmelpfennig. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 10, 2014 .
  96. artist. Maria Schlafhorst. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 10, 2014 .
  97. ^ W. Rothert: The leading officials of the mining town Clausthal, from the oldest time to the present . Festschrift for the 31st annual meeting of the Harz Association for Alterum and History on July 25-27, 1898. Grosse'sche Buchhandlung, Clausthal 1898, p. 54 ff . ( Text archive - Internet Archive ).
  98. FRED LANGAN: Master jeweller Walter Schluep created wearable works of art. The Globe and Mail Newspaper Toronto, Ontario, May 16, 2018, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  99. Gerhard Welter: The coins of the Guelphs since Heinrich the Lion . Volume I. Klinkhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig 1971, p. 519 ff . }
  100. artist. Adolf Schmid. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 10, 2014 .
  101. artist. Prof. Fritz Schmidt. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on July 10, 2014 .
  102. L. Forrer: Schnitzspahn, Christian . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 395 f .
  103. Peter Pretsch: From the guilder to the euro . 175 years of the Karlsruhe Mint. Ed .: Karlsruhe City Archives and the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg. Info Verlag, Karlsruhe 2002, p. 42 f . ( - Google Books).
  104. Gerhard Welter: The coins of the Guelphs since Heinrich the Lion . 1st edition. Klinkhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig 1971, p. 159 ff .
  105. ^ Schroth, Eugen (1862–1945), painter. Austrian Biographical Lexicon and Biographical Documentation. Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, accessed on May 9, 2017 .
  106. ^ Mirko Schöder: The medalist and die cutter Albrecht Krieger. Medal art of the baroque in Leipzig , ed. from the Society for Thuringian Coin and Medal Studies e. V., Neustadt an der Orla 2019
  107. artist. Otto Schultz. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on January 10, 2016 .
  108. L. Forrer: Schultz, Otto . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 408 f .
  109. ^ Karl-Heinz Weigelt, Sieglinde Weigelt, Gunter Weigelt: Medals made from Meissen porcelain . Short biographies of the artists involved in creating the medals. 1st edition. tape 1980-1983 . transpress VEB Verlag for Transport, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-344-00091-8 , p. 503 .
  110. Schwab, André-Pierre. Petite fille lisant. PARIS MUSÉES, accessed on July 16, 2016 (French).
  111. Schwerdtner, Johann (1834–1920), medalist and engraver. Austrian Biographical Lexicon and Biographical Documentation. Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, accessed on June 7, 2015 .
  112. L. Forrer: Schwerdtner, Johann . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 441 ff .
  113. artist. Georg Wilhelm Schwind. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on September 25, 2014 .
  114. ^ L. Forrer: Scipione Amici, Giuliano . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 444 .
  115. ^ Death of Gregorio Sciltian (April 1, 1985). This Week In Armenian History. Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC), accessed July 15, 2018 .
  116. ^ L. Forrer: Sebald, Martin . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 453 .
  117. ^ L. Forrer: Sebald, Martin . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 202 .
  118. ^ Gerhard Hojer and Elmar D. Schmid: King Ludwig II Museum, Herrenchiemsee: Catalog . Bavarian Administration of State Palaces, Gardens and Lakes, Munich. Hirmer, Munich 1986, p. 462 .
  119. L. Forrer: Seeger, Franziska von . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 202 .
  120. artist. Franziska von Seeger. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on October 2, 2014 .
  121. L. Forrer: Seffner, Prof. Karl . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 462 .
  122. L. Forrer: Seffner, Prof . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 203 .
  123. artist. Carl Ludwig Seffner. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on October 2, 2014 .
  124. Seidan, Wenzel (Václav Jan) (1817-1870), medalist and engraver. Austrian Biographical Lexicon and Biographical Documentation. Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, accessed on February 22, 2020 .
  125. ^ L. Forrer: Selvi, Antonio . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 472 ff .
  126. L. Forrer: Serbaldi, Pier Maria . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 477 .
  127. L. Forrer: Sesto . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 479 ff .
  128. artist. Georg Sieburg. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed October 4, 2014 .
  129. artist. Rudolf (Leopold R.) Siemering. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed October 4, 2014 .
  130. ^ Edifício do Largo do Professor Abel Salazar. Nota biográfica do escultor João da Silva (1880-1960). Universidade do Porto, accessed June 22, 2019 (Portuguese).
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  134. SINDALL Bernard Ralph in: Artist Biographies British and Irish Artists of the 20th Century , accessed on February 9, 2014.
  135. Bernard Sindall in: World of Coins , accessed on February 9, 2014.
  136. ^ L. Forrer: Signoretti, Gian Antonio . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 500 .
  137. Rzeźby i medale Stanisława Sikory. Stanislaw Sikora (1911-2000). Muzeum Miejskie w Żywcu, accessed February 24, 2019 (Polish).
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  141. L. Forrer: Soldani-Benzi, Massimiliano . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 565 ff .
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  145. L. Forrer: Sperandio of Mantua . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 583 ff .
  146. ^ L. Forrer: Speranza, Filippo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 597 ff .
  147. Filippo Speranza. (PDF) I Grandi Numismatici. Società numismatica Italiana, accessed June 13, 2015 (Italian).
  148. ^ L. Forrer: Spinelli, Andrea . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 611 f .
  149. ^ L. Forrer: Spinelli Niccolo di Fiorentino . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 612 ff .
  150. Martin Lassner: Jakob Stampfer. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 10, 2013 , accessed October 9, 2014 .
  151. L. Forrer: Stampfer, Hans Jakob . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 652 ff .
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  154. Stierle, Johann Jakob Gottfried . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 32 : Stephens – Theodotos . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1938, p. 45 .
  155. L. Forrer: Stierle, Johann Jacob Gottfried . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 687 f .
  156. ^ Willmuth Arenhövel: Iron instead of gold . Prussian iron art cast from the Charlottenburg Palace, the Berlin Museum and other collections. 1st edition. Willmuth Arenhövel, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-922912-02-8 , pp. 15th ff .
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  158. ^ L. Forrer: Stock, Carl . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 688 .
  159. ^ Art in public space, Frankfurt. Artist, Carl Stock. Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main, Department of Fine Arts, accessed on October 11, 2014 .
  160. ^ L. Forrer: Stokes, Thomas . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 692 f .
  161. ^ Thomas Stokes, Token & Medal Maker (1831-1910). Museums Victoria Collections, accessed January 13, 2019 .
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  165. Helmut Stromsky. Esslingen. Artists Association of Baden-Württemberg V. Stuttgart, accessed on December 15, 2017 .
  166. L. Forrer: Sturm, Paul . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape V . Spink & Son, London 1912, p. 709 ff .
  167. L. Forrer: Sturm, Paul . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VIII . Spink & Son, London 1930, p. 226 f .
  168. artist. Prof. Paul Sturm. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed October 12, 2014 .
  169. 19th National Biennal of Medal Art Sopron 2013. Eniko Szöllőssy. Dr. Tamás Fodor, Mayor of Sopron, accessed on December 2, 2015 (Hungarian).
  170. ^ L. Forrer: Tadel, PH In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VI . Spink & Son, London 1916, p. 6 .
  171. ^ L. Forrer: Talpa, Bartolomeo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VI . Spink & Son, London 1916, p. 9 ff .
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  176. Terracini, Roberto. Risultati ricerca. Internet Culturale, accessed February 25, 2019 (Italian).
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  189. 19th National Biennal of Medal Art Sopron 2013. Tóth Sándor. Dr. Tamás Fodor, Mayor of Sopron, accessed on December 2, 2015 (Hungarian).
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  229. artist. Dr. Franz Weber. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed November 15, 2014 .
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  286. ^ L. Forrer: Zollmann, Johann Philipp . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VI . Spink & Son, London 1916, p. 733 f .
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