List of medalists F – K

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The list contains medalists who are suitable for an article in Wikipedia and who, full-time or as artist-medalists, have created work whose life and work, including individual works in the field of medal art , are the subject of scientific research. An additional point of reference can be the inclusion in national public collections, the large coin cabinets. It is primarily a find list that is intended to open up the relevant Wikipedia articles, and secondarily also a work list that goes beyond the access via the Wikipedia category system.

In general, medalists who cannot write an article for Wikipedia due to a lack of suitable information are not listed; this excludes those who are only of interest to collectors within numismatics and in their databases, special collections, sales or auction catalogs. The aim is not to make this list complete.

New entries for which no separate article exists should be presented on the list discussion page and their relevance should be explained in advance.

The table can be sorted by name, life data and impact data. If z. B. If no exact dates of life are known, the entry is sorted according to the century of birth. The dates of the period of activity are always sorted according to the respective centuries, which allows a breakdown of epochs. For the red links (article not yet available), a source for the first entry should always be given in the Comments column.



Surname Life dates Effective time country comment
Richard Daniel Fabricius 1863-1923 19th century, 20th century Germany
Antonio Fabris 1790-1865 19th century Italy Receipt:
Angelica Bellonata Facius 1806-1887 19th century Germany
Angelica Facius Maria Pavlovna 1854.jpg
Friedrich Wilhelm Facius 1764-1843 18th century, 19th century Germany
Giovanni Falier 16th century Italy also: Giovanni Faletro , Giovanni Faller ; Source:
Raimund Faltz 1658-1703 17th century, 18th century Germany / Sweden Signature: R F
István Béla Farkas 1915-2005 20th century, 21st century Hungary Receipt:
Wilhelm Fassbinder 1858-1915 19th century, 20th century Germany
Richard-Camille Fath 1900-1952 20th century France Signature: FATH
Hanns Fechner 1860-1931 19th century, 20th century Germany
Reinhold Felderhoff 1865-1919 19th century, 20th century Germany
Giuseppe Ferraris 1794-1869 19th century Italy Receipt:
Alfons Feuerle 1885-1968 20th century Germany Receipt: and offline
Filarete approx. 1400-1469 15th century Italy actually: Antonio di Pietro Averlino
Niccolò Fiorentino also Spinelli, Niccolò di Forzore 1430-1514 15th century, 16th century Italy Receipt:
Ferdinand August Fischer 1805-1866 19th century Germany Signatures: A. FISCHER; AF
Johann Karl Fischer 1802-1865 19th century Germany Signature: KF monogram
Wilfried Fitzenreiter 1932-2008 20th century Germany
5 Mark DDR 1979 - 100th birthday of Albert Einstein -.JPG
John Flaxman 1755-1826 18th century, 19th century Great Britain
Florian Flierl * 1955 20th century Germany Receipt:
Marco Flierl * 1963 20th century Germany Receipt:
Karl Foell 1908-2000 20th century Germany Design of coins of the FRG between 1955 and 1979
Annibale Fontana 1540-1587 16th century Italy Receipt:
Richard Forster 1873-1956 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Joachim Forster 1500-1579 16th century Germany Receipt:
Giovacchino Fortini 1671-1736 17th century, 18th century Italy Receipt:
Marian Fountain * 1960 Auckland-Otahuhu 20th century, 21st century New Zealand / France Receipt:
Lorenzo Fragni
gen. Parmense
1548 – after 1618 16th century, 17th century Italy Receipt:
João Fragoso 1913 Caldas da Rainha - 2000 Lisbon 20th century Portugal Receipt:
Édouard Fraisse 1880-1945 20th century France Receipt: and offline.
Francesco Antonio da Brescia 16th century, approx. 1518–1523 Italy Receipt:
Francesco Francia 1447-1517 15th century, 16th century Italy
Grossone Bentivoglio.jpg
Anthony de Francisci 1887 Palermo - 1964 New York 20th century Italy / USA Receipt: and offline.
Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini * 1957 Buenos Aires 20th century 21st century Italy Signature: ELF
James Earle Fraser 1876-1953 20th century United States
Hans Frei 1868 Basel - 1947 Basel-Riehen 19th century; 20th century Switzerland Receipt:
Hedwig Frei 1905 Basel - 1958 Basel-Riehen 20th century Switzerland Receipt:
Jobst Freudner † before 1555 16th century Germany also: Freudener , seal cutter
Wolfgang Friedrich * 1947 20th century Germany
Hermann Fritz 1873-1948 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Bernhard Frydag 1879-1916 19th century, 20th century Germany
Heinrich Friedrich Füger 1751-1818 18th century, 19th century Austria
Christoph Füssl active in Kremnitz from 1643 until his death in 1561 16th century Austria (Slovakia) Receipt:
Shigeo Fukuda 1932-2009 20th century, 21st century Japan
Else Fürst 1873-1943 19th century, 20th century Germany * June 25, 1873 in Leipzig; † 1943 in Theresienstadt
Mathias Furthmair 1940 - 2015 Speicher , Rhineland-Palatinate 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt: and offline
Arthur Galambos 1883–? 20th century Germany Receipt:
André Galle 1761-1844 18th century, 19th century France
Coronation Napoleon I.
Ettore Galli 1811 Varano de 'Melegari , Province of Parma - 1841 Vienna 19th century Italy Receipt: offline
Antonio Gambello † before 1481 15th century Italy
Proof : Architect, stonemason Proof as medalist?
Vittore Gambello
gen. Camelio
around 1460–1537 15th century, 16th century Italy Proof: son of Antonio Gambello;
Mint master in Venice.
József Garányi * 1928 Budapest 20th century, 21st century Hungary Signature: GJ. Design of the 200 forint coin for the 150th anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest.
Frank Gasparro 1909-2001 20th century United States Receipt:
Yvette Gastauer-Claire * 1957 Esch-an-der-Alzette 20th century, 21st century Luxembourg
August Gaul 1869-1921 19th century, 20th century Germany
Franz Gaul 1802-1874 19th century Austria known for the double-headed eagle
Franz Gaul backside.jpg
Matthes Gebel around 1500–1574 16th century Germany
Matthes gebel, albrecht dürer (med. Funebre), 1528.JPG
Johann Conrad Geiss 1771-1846 18th century, 19th century Germany
Vincenzo Gemito 1852-1929 19th century, 20th century Italy Receipt:
Antonio Maria de Gennaro 1679-1744 18th century Italy / Austria
Julie Genthe 1869-1938 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Theodor Georgii 1883-1963 20th century Germany
Christoforo Geremia , also: Christophorus Hierimia, Christophorus Hierimiae, Christophorus de Geremiis de Mantua around 1430–1473 15th century Italy Receipt:
Johann Gerger 1805 Vienna - 1872 19th century Austria-Hungary Engraver in Kremnitz 1829 - 1858
Carl Gerl 1857 Kremnitz, Slovakia - 1907 ibid 19th century, 20th century Austria-Hungary Also Karl Gerl and Károly Gerl. 1st engraver at the Hungarian Mint in Kremnitz since 1884. and offline
Wilhelm Gerstel 1879-1963 19th century, 20th century Germany
Hans Gerstmayr 1882-1987 19th century, 20th century Austria
Gerhard Geyer 1907-1989 20th century Germany
Otto Geyer 1843-1914 20th century Germany
Ernst Moritz Geyger 1861-1941 19th century, 20th century Germany
Pietro Giampaoli 1898-1998 20th century Italy
Italia 500 lire.JPG
Francesco Giannone 1906-1996 20th century Italy Receipt:
Ludwig Gies 1887-1966 20th century Germany
Wilhelm Giesecke 1854-1917 19th century, 20th century Germany
Mary Gaskell Gillick OBE 1881-1965 19th century, 20th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Raffaele Evaristo Luigi Giorgi 1848 Lucca - 1912 Rome 19th century, 20th century Italy Receipt:
Giuseppe Girometti 1780-1851 19th century Italy
Pietro Girometti 1812-1859 19th century Italy Son of Giuseppe Girometti; Receipt:
Oskar Glöckler 1893 Stuttgart - 1938 ibid 20th century Germany Signature: OG (monogram).
Werner Godec * 1946 20th century Germany
Coin Godec.jpg
Bernd Göbel * 1942 20th century Germany
Edmond Goergen 1914-2000 20th century Luxembourg
Guido Goetz 1912-1992 20th century Germany Son of Karl Goetz
Karl Goetz 1875-1950 19th century, 20th century Germany
Gottlieb Goetze active in Berlin 1830–1840 19th century Germany Receipt:
Wilhelm Goetze * 1881 Ludwigshafen-Friedensau / Pfalz 20th century Germany Receipt:
Edmund Gomansky 1854-1930 19th century, 20th century Germany
Pierre Wautier van de Goor 1783 Antwerp - 1851 Utrecht 19th century Belgium and the Netherlands Receipt:
Ernst Gorsemann 1886-1960 20th century Germany
Theodor von Gosen 1873-1943 19th century, 20th century Germany
Józef Gosławski 1908-1963 20th century Poland
Juan Gottuzo 1858-1924 19th century, 20th century Argentina Receipt: and offline
Alf Gerhard grave 1880 Gothenburg - 1966 Stockholm 19th century, 20th century Sweden Signature: G
Maya grave * 1974 Sempach (Switzerland) 20th century, 21st century Switzerland and Germany
Medal 60 years of Kölner Münzfreunde, Maya Graber-93740.jpg Medal 60 years Kölner Münzfreunde, Maya Graber-93739.jpg
Paul Grandhomme 1851-1944 19th century, 20th century France
France Art Nouveau Silver Medal Preparation WW1.jpg
Anton Grath 1881-1956 20th century Austria
Werner Graul 1905-1984 20th century Germany
Emilio Greco 1913-1995 20th century Italy
Daniel Greiner 1872-1943 19th century, 20th century Germany
Edwin Grienauer 1893-1964 20th century Austria
Johann Georg Grohmann Mint master of the Dresden Mint 1833–1844 19th century Kingdom of Saxony, Germany Signature: G
Heinrich Peter Großkurt active 1675–1734 last in Dresden 17th century, 18th century Kingdom of Saxony, Germany Signatures: HPG; GROSKVRT; G.
Hugo Grünthal 1869 Beuthen , Upper Silesia - 1943 Berlin 19th century, 20th century Germany Owner of the company Robert Ball Nachf. Berlin. Publisher of medals a. a. together with Paul Sturm.
Arthur K. Grupp 1929 Plochingen am Neckar - 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Group of Fuggers active around 1541 Germany Receipt?
Group of Cardinal Albrecht active around 1537 Germany Receipt?
Johannes Grützke 1937-2017 20th century, 21st century Germany
James Simon plaque
Waldemar Grzimek 1918-1984 20th century Germany Document as a medalist?
Helmuth Gsöllpointner * 1933 20th century, 21st century Austria
Andrea Guazzalotti 1435-1495 15th century Italy Receipt:
Max Gube 1844-1904 19th century Germany Receipt:
Helmut Güldner 1923-1977 20th century Germany
Richard Guhr 1873-1956 19th century, 20th century Germany
Anton Guillemard 1747-1812 18th century, 19th century France and Austria Receipt:
Wolfgang H. Günzel * 1939 Berlin 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Peter Götz Güttler * 1939 20th century, 21st century Germany
Harald Haacke 1924-2004 20th century Germany
Ludwig Habich 1872-1949 19th century, 20th century Germany
Friedrich Hagenauer approx. 1490/1500 – after 1546 16th century Germany
Emanuel Hahn 1881-1957 19th century, 20th century Germany and Canada Receipt:
Hermann Hahn (sculptor) 1868-1945 19th century, 20th century Germany
Horst Hahne (medalist) * 1940 20th century, 21st century Australia Signature HH
Heikki Häiväoja * 1929 Jämsä, Finland 19th century, 20th century Finland
Heinrich Friedrich Halter active 1693 as a mint in Braunschweig and from 1698 to 1719 as mint master and engraver in Magdeburg 17th century, 18th century Germany Signature HFH
Alberto Hamerani 1620-1677 17th century Italy Receipt:
Ermenegildo Hamerani 1683-1756 17th century, 18th century Italy Receipt:
Ferdinando Hamerani 1730-1789 18th century Italy Receipt:
Gioacchino Hamerani 1766–? 18th century, 19th century Italy
Pius VII AR Medal 2470438.jpg

J HAMERANI receipt:
Giovanni Hamerani 1763-1846 18th century, 19th century Italy
Pius VII 1-2 scudo 1802 77001492.jpg

G • HAMERANI receipt:
Giovanni Martino Hamerani 1646-1705 17th century Italy
Giovanni hamerani, clemente X apre la porta santa, 1675.JPG

Ottone Hamerani 1694-1761 18th century Italy Receipt:
Medal commemorating Princess Maria Clementina Sobieska.PNG
Stanley James Hammond MBE 1913 Trentham, Victoria - 2000 Melbourne 20th century Australia Receipt:
John Gregory Hancock active in Birmingham 1775-1815 18th century, 19th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Hans Eduard Hanisch-Concée * 1897 Arad, Romania - after 1957 20th century Austria and Germany
Bundesarchiv Bild 102-01004, Eduard Hanisch-Conceé.jpg

Johannes Hansky 1925-2004 20th century, 21st century Germany
Georges Hantz 1846-1920 19th century, 20th century Switzerland Receipt:
Jiri (Georg) Harcuba 1928-2013 20th century, 21st century Czech Republic Receipt:
Lucia Maria Hardegen * 1951 20th century, 21st century Germany
Danuta Haremska * 1954 20th century, 21st century Poland and Norway Receipt:
Johann Baptist Harnisch 1777-1826 18th century, 19th century Austria Receipt:
Laurent Joseph Hart 1810-1860 19th century Belgium Receipt:
Peter Hartenbeck around 1550-1616 Germany active in Spain and Austria
Arnold Hartig 1878-1972 20th century Austria
Grete Hartmann 1869-1946 19th century, 20th century Austria born chrobak and offline
Hans Hartmann-MacLean 1862-1946 Germany
Evelyn Hartnick-Geismeier 1931-2017 Germany
Hartwig brothers Medalists in Offenbach am Main 19th century Germany Creator of the commemorative coin 1862 for the German Shooting Festival Frankfurt am Main and various shooting medals in Switzerland.
Max Haseroth * 1856 Altenburg - after 1910 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Philipp Häusler 1887 Panczowa (Hungary), today Pančevo , Serbia - 1966 Frankfurt am Main. 19th century, 20th century Austria and Germany Signature: Monogram FH
Paul Haustein 1880-1944 19th century, 20th century Germany
Georg Hautsch 1659 Nuremberg –1745 Vienna 17th century, 18th century Germany, Austria Receipt:
Wilhelm Haverkamp 1864-1929 Germany
Johann Karl von Hedlinger 1691-1771 18th century Switzerland / Sweden
Jakob August Heer 1867-1922 19th century, 20th century Switzerland
Max Heilmaier 1869-1923 19th century, 20th century Germany
Raimo Heino 1932-1995 20th century Finland
Reinhart Heinsdorff 1923-2002 20th century Germany
Josef Heise * 1885 active in Weimar 20th century Germany Receipt: offline
August Ludwig Held 1805 Altenburg - 1839 Berlin 19th century Germany Receipt:
Hermann Held * 1872? 19th century Germany Receipt:
Emil Helfricht 1878–1908 Gotha 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Ferdinand Helfricht 1809-1892 19th century Germany Receipt:
Peippo Uolevi Helle * 1912 Jyväskylä, Finland 20th century Finland Signature H
Johannes Henke 1924-2008 20th century, 21st century Germany Signature: jh
Ernst Herter 1846-1917 19th century, 20th century Germany
Marit Hertzdahl-Hartman * 1938 The Hague 20th century, 21st century Netherlands Receipt:
Dr. WJ van Heteren 1933–1942 Rijks Muntmeester in Utrecht 20th century Netherlands Receipt:
Leopold Heuberger 1786 Vienna - 1839 Alsergrund, (Alser) 18th century, 19th century Austria Receipt: and offline
Michael Hibbit * 1947 London, England 20th century, 21st century United Kingdom Receipt:
Adolf von Hildebrand 1847-1921 19th century, 20th century Germany
Johann Heinrich Hille † 1798 18th century Germany Münzwardein in Frankfurt 1790–1798
Nicholas Hilliard circa 1547-1619 16th century United Kingdom
Elisabeth Hirzel-Burgrave Art medal around 1900 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Alexander Höfer 1877-1937 19th century, 20th century Germany
Tubal courtier 1806 Suhl - 1886 19th century Germany Student of Johann Veit Döll
Alfred Hofmann 1879-1958 19th century, 20th century Austria
Otto Hofner 1879-1946 19th century, 20th century Austria
Ferdinand Hoffstätter Company founded in Bonn in 1818 19th century, 20th century, 21st century Germany
Rudi Högner 1907-1995 Germany
Johann Höhn junior 1640-1693 17th century Germany Receipt:
Medal commemorating Peace of Oliva in 1660.PNG
Copius Hoitsema 1867 Groningen - 1958 Zuidlaren 19th century, 20th century Netherlands Proof: Mintmark: Seahorse.
Albert Holl 1890-1970 20th century Germany
Léo Holmgren 1904-1989 20th century Sweden Receipt:
Johann Georg Holtzhey 1729-1808 18th century, 19th century Netherlands Receipt:
Martin Holtzhey 1697-1764 18th century Germany and the Netherlands Receipt:
Martinus Holtzhey 1729 reverse.jpg
Franz Friedrich Homberg 1851 Magdeburg - 1922 Bern 19th century, 20th century Germany and Switzerland Receipt:
Claus Homfeld * 1933 Bremen 20th century, 21st century Germany also Klaus Homfeld
Margarete Hoenerbach 1848-1924 20th century, 21st century Germany
Christian Höpfner * 1939-2014 20th century, 21st century Germany
Romeyn de Hooghe 1645-1708 17th century, 18th century Netherlands
Jaroslav Horejc 1886 Prague - 1983 ibid 20th century Czech Republic Signature J H
Friedrich Wilhelm Hörnlein 1873-1945 19th century, 20th century Germany also Fritz Hörnlein
Richard Horn (sculptor) 1898-1989 20th century Germany Medalist?
Leo Horovitz 1876 ​​Gniezno, Grand Duchy of Poznan - 1964 London, England 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Hermann Hosaeus 1875-1958 19th century, 20th century Germany
Keith Arthur Howes * 1927 United Kingdom Receipt?
Heinz Hoyer * 1949 Germany
Paula von der Hude 1874-1957 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
August Hudler 1868-1905 19th century, 20th century Germany
Henri Huguenin 1879-1920 20th century Switzerland Receipt:
Roger Huguenin 1906-1990 20th century Switzerland Receipt:
Fritz Huguenin-Jacot 1845 Le Locle, Canton of Neuchâtel - 1915 Le Locle 19th century, 20th century Switzerland Receipt:
Ludwig Hujer 1872-1968 19th century, 20th century Austria Receipt: and offline
August Hummel 1866 Stuttgart - 1933 Nuremberg 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Ingeborg Hunzinger 1915-2009 20th century Germany Medalist?
Victor Huster * 1955 20th century, 21st century Germany
Jaroslav F. Huta * 1940 Charvátská Nová Ves, Czech Republic 20th century, 21st century Canada Receipt:
Paul Huybrechts * 1951 Winksele Belgium 20th century, 21st century Belgium Receipt:
Bonaventure Ingen-Housz 1881-1953 19th century, 20th century Netherlands Proof: sculptor, no proof as a medalist.
Thomas Wells Ingram 1799-1844 19th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Haralambie Ionescu 1913 Curtea de Argeș , Romania - 1977 Bucharest 20th century Romania Receipt:
Christopher Ironside 1913-1992 20th century United Kingdom Receipt:
József Ispánki 1906 Budapest - 1992 ibid 20th century Hungary Receipt offline.
István Iván 1905-1967 20th century Hungary Receipt:
Toivo Jaatinen 1926-2017 20th century Finland Receipt:
Johann Ludwig Jachtmann 1776-1842 19th century Germany
Hans Jacob | Mint master in Dresden 1625 - 1635 † 17th century Germany Receipt:
Reinhard Jacob * 1951 20th century, 21st century Germany
Meinhard Jacoby 1873-1956 19th century, 20th century Germany
Jacopo Nizzola da Trezzo 1515 / 1519-1589 16th century Italy Evidence: Jacopo Nizzola, called: da Trezzo

Jacopo da trezzo, juan de herrera, 1578.JPG
Andreas Jähnig * 1951 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Wilhelm Jaeger 1888-1979 20th century Germany
Adolf Jäger ,
called Pfennig-Jäger
1895-1983 20th century Germany
Johannes Janda 1827-1875 19th century Germany Medalist?
Gerhard Janensch 1860-1933 19th century, 20th century Germany
Anna Jarnuszkiewicz 1935 Warsaw - 20th century, 21st century Poland Receipt:
Jerzy Mieczysław Jarnuszkiewicz 1919 Kalisch - 2005 Warsaw 20th century, 21st century Poland Signature: JJ
Jo Jastram 1928-2011 20th century, 21st century Germany
Rostock Tycho Brahe.jpg
Wojciech Jastrzębowski 1884-1963 20th century Poland Receipt: and offline.
Heinrich Jauner 1833-1912 19th century, 20th century Austria
Gunnar Jensen 1863-1948 19th century, 20th century Denmark actually: Knud Gunnar Jensen
Anton Zvone Jezovsek 1935 Gutenstein in Carinthia , today Slovenia - 2017 Sankt Blasien , Baden-Württemberg 20th century; 21st century Germany Receipt:
Joaquin Jimenez * 1956 Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) 20th century, 21st century France
Heinrich Jobst 1874-1943 20th century Germany
Raymond Joly-Clare 1911-2006 20th century, 21st century France Receipt:
Elizabeth Jones * 1935 20th century United States 11. Chief Engraver of the United States Mint
Jacques Jonghelinck 1530 Antwerp - 1606 ibid 16th century Netherlands, now Belgium. Receipt:
Julius Götsch Jordanl 1864-1903 19th century Germany Receipt:
Adolphe Christian Jouvenel 1798-1867 19th century Belgium Receipt:
Laurent Jorio * 1973 Bouaké, Ivory Coast 20th century, 21st century France
Ludwig tile 1791-1878 19th century Germany Signature: K
Josef Kapitz 1910 Teplitz-Schoenau (now the Czech Republic) –1982 Königswinter 20th century Austria and Germany Receipt:
Eduard Kaempffer 1859-1926 19th century, 20th century Germany There is
no evidence of an important medalist, a wedding medal is known
Josef Kaiser * 1954 20th century, 21st century Austria
Leopold von Kalckreuth 1855-1928 19th century, 20th century Germany
Otto Kallenbach 1911-1992 20th century Germany
Heinrich Ernst Karl 1781-1854 18th century, 19th century Austria Receipt:
Arvid Karlsteen ,
also: Karlstén
1647-1718 17th century, 18th century Sweden
Hugo Kaufmann 1868-1919 19th century, 20th century Germany
Heinrich Kautsch 1859-1943 19th century, 20th century Austria
Max von Kawaczynski 1860 Eisenach - 19 ?? 19th century, 20th century Germany last active 1908
David van der Kellen the Elder 1764-1825 18th century, 19th century Netherlands I, artist family, document:
David van der Kellen the Younger 1804-1879 18th century, 19th century Netherlands II, son of Van der Kellen d. Ä.,
Father of David van der Kellen (painter, 1827–1895) and Johan Philip van der Kellen (1831–1906)
Johan Philip van der Kellen 1831-1906 19th century Netherlands 2nd son of Van der Kellen d. J.,
Hans Kels the Elder approx. 1480 / 1485–1559 16th century Germany Family of artists of the 16th century.
Hans Kels the Younger approx. 1510-1565 16th century Germany Artist family of the 16th century. Son of Hans Kels the Elder. Ä.
Veit Kels approx. 1513 / 14–1594 / 95 16th century Germany Artist family of the 16th century. Son of Hans Kels the Elder. Ä.
A. Kersting 1865 active in London, England 19th century Germany and United Kingdom Medal for the opening of the German Gymnasium (German Gymnasium) in London in 1865.
Henry Kettle & Sons active in Birmingham 1792–1830 18th century, 19th century United Kingdom Receipt:
Jan Alfons Keustermans * 1940 Antwerp-Hoboken 20th century, 21st century Belgium
Emil Kiemlen 1869-1956 20th century Germany no evidence of an important medalist
Agatha Kill * 1948 20th century, 21st century Germany
Object by Agatha Kill.jpeg
András Kiss Nagy 1930-1997 20th century Hungary
Hungary Medal KORÁNYI SÁNDOR.jpg
Heinrich Kissing 1850 founder of Kissing GmbH in Menden . 19th century Germany Receipt:
Richard Kissling 1848-1919 19th century, 20th century Switzerland
Georg Wilhelm Kittel 1694-1769 18th century Germany Son of Johann Kittel , document:
Johann Kittel 1656-1740 17th century, 18th century Germany Wroclaw artist family from the 17th to 18th centuries Century,
Johann Gottlieb Kittel 1688-1727 17th century, 18th century Germany Son of Johann Kittel ,
older brother of Georg Wilhelm Kittel ,
Philipp Kittler 1861-1944 19th century, 20th century Germany
Ruprecht Niclas Kitzkatz 1587-1642 17th century Germany Receipt:
Alexei Alexejewitsch Klepikow 1803-1852 19th century Russia Document: Year of birth also: 1801
Carla Klein * 1943 20th century Netherlands Receipt:
Max Klein 1847-1908 19th century, 20th century Germany
Richard Klein 1890-1967 20th century Germany
Friedrich Kleinert 1633-1714 17th century, 18th century Germany Receipt:
Fritz Klimsch 1870-1960 19th century, 20th century Germany It was on Hitler's list of those gifted by God
Max Klinger 1857-1920 19th century, 20th century Germany
Wilfried Klink * 1951 Wismar 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Bettina Klink-von Woyski Berlin sculptor since the end of the 20th century. 20th century, 21st century Germany Design of GDR commemorative coins .
Hubert Klinkel * 1939 20th century Germany Willy Brandt designed the 2 DM coin
Silvia Klöde-Hoffmann * 1956 Kleinmachnow, Brandenburg 20th century, 21st century Germany Receipt:
Karl Knappe 1884-1970 20th century Germany Medalist?
Milan Knobloch * 1921 20th century Czech Republic
Gustav Mahler Panel Hamburg 01.jpg
Georg Knoll Münzwardein in Nuremberg 1779–1799 18th century Germany Signature together with mint master Riedner: KR (N)
Johann Christian Koch 1680-1742 18th century Germany Coin engraver from the Gotha Mint
Josef Koelblinger 1912-1993 20th century Austria
Johannes Ködding 1876-1959 20th century Germany Receipt: offline
Anton Friedrich König 1756-1838 18th century, 19th century Germany Son of the miniature painter of the same name
Anton Friedrich König (painter)
. Signature: K
Friedrich Anton König 1794 Breslau - 1844 Dresden 19th century Germany Son of Anton Friedrich König (1756–1838)
Fritz Koenig 1924-2017 20th century Germany no reference to medalist in the article
Fritz König (medalist) 1866 Erlangen - after 1935 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Helmut König 1934-2017 20th century Germany
Heinrich Koerner 1908-1993 20th century Germany Created the 5 DM commemorative coin for Theodor Fontane
Hans Köttenstorfer 1911-1995 20th century Austria Chief engraver of the Vienna Mint
Moissey Kogan 1879-1943 20th century changing Russian-Jewish sculptor, born
in Bessarabia, died in Auschwitz
Zdeněk Kolarsky * 1931 Kostelec nad Orlicí, Bohemia - 20th century, 21st century Czech Republic Receipt:
Georg Kolbe 1877-1947 20th century Germany
Heinrich Koppers Mint master in Cologne 1723–1735 18th century Germany
Mario Korbel 1882-1954 19th century, 20th century Austria-Hungary and United States of America
Fred Kormis 1894 Frankfurt am Main - 1986 20th century Germany and United Kingdom Receipt:
Johann Jakob Kornmann ,
called il Cormano
† 1649 17th century Germany Active in Venice, Rome (papal coin), was
subject to the Inquisition because he had depicted
Pope Innocent X with his sister-in-law Olimpia Maidalchini on a medal
; also Kornemano;


József Kótai * 1940 Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary 20th century, 21st century Hungary Signature: KJ
Franz Kounitzky 1880-1928 20th century Austria Active at the Vienna Central Mint; Receipt:
Wacław Kowalik 1913 Studzianki - 1983 Warsaw 20th century Poland Receipt:
Klaus Kowalski * 1929 20th century, 21st century Germany FIDEM 1983-2010; Receipt:
Joseph Kowarzik 1860-1911 19th century, 20th century Austria
active in Germany
Older brother of Rudolf Kowarzik , evidence:
Rudolf Kowarzik 1871-1940 19th century, 20th century Austria
active in Germany
Younger brother of Joseph Kowarzik , evidence:
Hans Krafft the Elder before 1500; † 1542? 16th century Germany also: power .
Albrecht dürer (disegno) e hans krafft, carlo V, 1520-1521.JPG
Hans krafft, friedrich the wise, elettore di sassonia, 1519.JPG
Arnold Kramer 1863-1918 19th century, 20th century Germany
Alexander Kraumann 1870-1956 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
August Kraus 1868-1934 19th century, 20th century Germany
Damian Krauwinckel active 1543–1581 in Nuremberg 16th century Germany Receipt:
Egidius Krauwinckel active 1570–1613 in Nuremberg 16th century, 17th century Germany Receipt:
Hans Krauwinckel I active 1562–1586 in Nuremberg Germany
Hans Krauwinckel II active 1586–1635 in Nuremberg Germany Receipt:
Franz Paul Krischker 1896-1955 20th century Germany Receipt:
Albrecht Krieger 1663-1726 17th century, 18th century Germany Receipt:
Frederik Christopher Krohn 1806 Sorø - 1883 Copenhagen 19th century Denmark Receipt:
Arthur Kruger 1866 – after 1927 19th century, 20th century Germany
Carl Reinhard Kruger 1794-1879 19th century Germany Receipt:
Christian Joseph Kruger 1759-1814 18th century, 19th century Germany Receipt:
Friedrich Heinrich Kruger 1749-1805 18th century, 19th century Germany Receipt:
Ortrud Krüger-Stohlmann Sculptor in Bad Homburg vd Höhe 20th century, 21st century Germany Proof: Medalist of the St. George plaque.
Hans Krug the Elder around 1455-1519 15th century, 16th century Germany Receipt:
Hans Krug the Younger 1485-1528 16th century Germany Receipt:
Ludwig jug around 1490–1532 16th century Germany Receipt:
George Kruger Gray 1880-1943 20th century United Kingdom
Bruno Kruse 1855-after 1923 19th century, 20th century Germany
Ernst Wilhelm Kubiena 1902-1973 20th century Austria Receipt: and offline.
Conrad Heinrich Küchler 1746 Hessen-Darmstadt –1810 Birmingham, England 18th century, 19th century Germany, United Kingdom Receipt:
Rudolf Küchler 1867-after 1954 19th century, 20th century Austria Germany
Carl Kühl 1864–? 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Georg Albrecht (Albert) Ferdinand Küner 1819 Lindau, Bavaria - 1906 San Francisco, USA 19th century, 20th century Germany and United States
Pertti Kukkonen * 1954 20th century, 21st century Finland Receipt:
Friedrich Wilhelm Kullrich 1821-1887 19th century Germany
Reinhard Kullrich 1869-1947 19th century, 20th century Germany
Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Kumm 1861-1939 19th century, 20th century Germany Receipt:
Wolf-Eike Kuntsche * 1941 20th century, 21st century Germany
Lilla Kunvari 1897-1984 20th century Hungary Receipt:
László Kutas * 1936 Budapest 20th century, 21st century Hungary Receipt:



  • Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): Thieme-Becker | General Lexicon of Visual Artists from Antiquity to the Present. Seemann, Leipzig 1907–1950. (Citation form: Thieme-Becker ).
  • Hans Vollmer (arrangement and ed.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. Seemann, Leipzig 1907–1950.
  • Leonard Forrer : Biographical dictionary of medallists, coin-, gem-, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, etc. ancient and modern. With references to their works, BC 500 - AD 1900. London 1902-1930. 6 volumes.
  • Max Bernhart : Medals and Plaques. A guide for collectors and enthusiasts. 3rd edition completely revised by Tyll Kroha. Klinkhardt and Biermann, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-7814-0242-8 . ( - 2nd edition 1920).


  • Martin Heidemann: Medal art in Germany from 1895 to 1914. Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-7861-1416-1 , pp. 489-516. (Short biographies of the artist medalists.).
  • Wolfgang Steguweit (Hrsg.): The medal and commemorative coin of the 20th century in Germany. Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-88609-443-X , pp. 326-346.
  • Eva Wipplinger, Ulf Dräger (ed.): Medal artists in Germany. Halle (Saale) / Bonn 1993, ISBN 3-86105-066-8 .
  • Ulf Dräger, Andrea Stock: The world in miniature: German medal art today, 2000–2006. (= The art medal in Germany. Volume 23). Moritzburg Foundation, Halle 2007, ISBN 978-3-937751-54-2 .


  • Julius Friedlaender : The Italian show coins of the fifteenth century 1430–1530. A contribution to cultural history. Weidmann, Berlin 1882 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Medallists  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ L. Forrer: Fabris, Antonio . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 64 f .
  2. ^ L. Forrer: Fabris, Antonio . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 286 f .
  3. ^ Arne R. Flaten: Medals and Plaquettes in the Ulrich Middledorf Collection at the Indiana University Art Museum . Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana 2012, pp. 214 .
  4. Falier (Faletro), Giovanni . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 11 : Erman-Fiorenzo . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1915, p. 230 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  5. ^ Bénézit: Dictionary of Artists. Gründ, Paris 2006, Volume 5, p. 438.
  6. ^ L. Forrer: Falier, Giovanni . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 289 f .
  7. Farkas István Béla. Szobrász. Retrieved January 11, 2015 (Hungarian).
  8. ^ Farkas István Béla (1915-2005). Art portal. Retrieved January 11, 2015 (Hungarian).
  9. Richard FATH. COLLECTION PRIVEE: Richard FATH (1900-1952)., accessed February 20, 2016 (French).
  10. Ferraris, Giuseppe . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 11 : Erman-Fiorenzo . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1915, p. 462 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  11. ^ Wolfgang Steguweit: The art medal in Germany . tape 14 : The medal and commemorative coin of the 20th century in Germany . Münzkabinett National Museums in Berlin - Prussian Cultural Heritage, Berlin 2000, p. 8 ( [PDF; accessed on February 23, 2019]).
  12. Stephen K. Scher: Spinelli, Niccolò di Forzore. Niccolò Fiorentino. Oxford University Press and the National Gallery of Art, accessed November 16, 2015 .
  13. ^ Fiorentino, Niccolo. In: Leonard Forrer: Biographical dictionary of medallists, coin-, gem-, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, etc. ancient and modern. Volume 2. London 1907, pp. 93-97, Text Archive - Internet Archive .
  14. Florian Flierl. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 7, 2015 .
  15. Marco Flierl. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 7, 2015 .
  16. 5 DM commemorative coins 1952–1979. Official sales point for collector coins of the Federal Republic of Germany. Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues, accessed on May 10, 2017 .
  17. ^ BCK: Fontana, Annibale . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 12 : Fiori-Fyt . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1916, p. 169 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  18. L. Forrer: ANIB . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape I . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 57 .
  19. ^ L. Forrer: Fontana, Annibale . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 119 f .
  20. Richard Förster. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed November 8, 2015 .
  21. Forster, Joachim . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 12 : Fiori-Fyt . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1916, p. 224 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  22. Fortini, Giovacchino . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 12 : Fiori-Fyt . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1916, p. 228-229 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).
  23. ^ Marian Fountain. Lives: Paris (since 1991). MANZ Medal Art New Zealand est. 1989, accessed November 8, 2015 .
  24. Fragni, Lorenzo . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 12 : Fiori-Fyt . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1916, p. 274–275 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  25. Caldas da Rainha Rua Dr. Ilídio Amado. João Fragoso Atelier Museum dedicated to the work of the Caldas da Rainha artist João Fragoso (1913-2000). Go Inc., Rua General Amílcar Mota nr 16, Caldas da Rainha, accessed on June 22, 2019 .
  26. ^ L. Forrer: Fraisse, Éduard . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 317 .
  27. Edouard FRAISSE (1880–1945). Birth: Beaune (Côte-d'Or), 14-05-1880 Death: Paris (France), 13-09-1945. BnF, accessed on February 22, 2019 (French).
  28. ^ Francesco Antonio da Brescia . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 12 : Fiori-Fyt . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1916, p. 301 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  29. Anthony de Francisci. Biography. In: The Newman Numismatic Portal. Washington University in St. Louis, accessed February 22, 2019 .
  30. James Earle Fraser in: Dakota Discovery Museum , English, accessed 2014.
  31. Hermann Aeppli: Der Riehener Medailleur Hans Frei , in: Jahrbuch z'Rieche , 1966 (accessed on November 14, 2017).
  32. SIKART
  33. Hermann Fritz. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed November 8, 2015 .
  34. L. Forrer: Füssl, Christof . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 333 .
  35. Bernhard Weisser: Medalists in Germany during the First World War, Part 5: Forester to Galambos . Else Fürst. CoinsRevue 1/2015., Regenstauf 2015, p. 38 ff . ( [accessed February 23, 2019]).
  36. Else Fürst. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed November 8, 2015 .
  37. Mathias Furthmair * May 3rd, 1940 † February 4th, 2015. Obituaries. In: Trierischer Volksfreund from February 14, 2015. Volksfreund-Druckerei Nikolaus Koch GmbH Trier, accessed on February 22, 2020 .
  38. Announcement on the issue of federal coins with a face value of 5 Deutsche Mark (commemorative coin Walther von der Vogelweide). Unofficial table of contents. In: Date of issue: November 11, 1980. Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, accessed on September 27, 2015 .
  39. Arthur L. Galambos. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed November 8, 2015 .
  40. ^ L. Forrer: Galambos, Arthur . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 355 .
  41. Gambello, Antonio . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 13 : Gaab-Gibus . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1920, p. 140 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  42. Gambello, Vittore . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 13 : Gaab-Gibus . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1920, p. 140–141 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).
  43. ^ L. Forrer: Camelio (Vittore Gambello) . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape I . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 331 ff .
  44. ^ G F Hill, G Pollard: Camelio. (PDF) Renaissance Medals. Samuel H Kress Collection, p. 31 , accessed June 16, 2015 (English).
  45. Kövy Gyula: Garányi József. Keramikus. artportal, accessed on October 12, 2017 (Hungarian).
  46. Lajos Huzar: Coin Hungary . From 1000 to today. Battenberg, Munich 1979, p. 341 .
  47. ^ Robyn Einhorn Collection Manager National Numismatic Collection: Art of Frank Gasparro: 10th United States Mint Chief Engraver. Collections. Smithonian National Museum of American History, accessed November 8, 2015 .
  48. Vincenzo Gemito. 1852-1929. The J. Paul Getty Museum, accessed November 8, 2015 .
  49. Julie Genthe. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 9, 2015 .
  50. L. Forrer: Geremia Christoforo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 246 ff .
  51. L. Forrer: Geremia Christoforo Di . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 353 .
  52. L. Forrer: Gerger, Iohann . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 354 .
  53. L. Forrer: Gerl, Carl . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 248 .
  54. L. Forrer: Gerl, Carl . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 354 .
  55. Karl Gerl. Vienna History Wiki. Vienna City and State Archives, accessed on February 23, 2019 .
  56. ^ Short biography on the website of the Associazione Italiana dell'Arte della Medaglia , Italian, accessed on January 17, 2013.
  57. Mrs. Mary Gaskell Gillick OBE. Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851–1951. University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011, accessed December 8, 2014 .
  58. ^ L. Forrer: Giorgi Raffaele Evaristo Luigi . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 365 .
  59. Girometti, Pietro . In: Ulrich Thieme , Fred. C. Willis (Ed.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 14 : Giddens-Gress . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1921, p. 190 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  60. Half a century of reliable operation of the Main Power Plant in Schweinfurt: 50 years of clean MKS electricity from the power of the Main., accessed on November 10, 2015 (Am Krafthaus bronze sculptures by the Munich sculptor and medalist Guido Goetz (October 18, 1912 to March 9, 1992)).
  61. L. Forrer: Goetze, Gottlieb . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 286 f .
  62. ^ Wilhelm Goetze (Götze). Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 10, 2015 .
  63. ^ L. Forrer: Goor, Pierre Wautier van de . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 293 f .
  64. Goor, Pieter van de Waltier. Nieuw Nederlandsch biographically woordenboek. Deel 3 (1914) -PJ Blok, PC Molhuysen. dbnl Koninklijke Bibliotheek Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 2595 BE Den Haag, accessed on July 3, 2016 (Dutch).
  65. Gottuzo, Juan 1858-1924. Grabador Argentina. Comunidad Numismática Virtual, Buenos Aires, accessed February 23, 2019 (Spanish).
  66. Alf G grave. Biography In: Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Riksarkivet, accessed January 14, 2020 (Swedish).
  67. ^ L. Forrer: Grohmann, Johann Georg . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 317 .
  68. L. Forrer: Gross Kurt, Heinrich Peter . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 317 .
  69. Max Bernhart: Medals and Plaques . 3rd edition completely revised by Tyll Kroha. Klinkhardt and Biermann, Braunschweig 1966, p. 199 .
  70. Ulrike Weiß: The horse jumps on the island - On the origin, distribution and effect of the most famous medal on the Hanoverian succession . in: Lower Saxony Yearbook for Regional History Volume 83. 2011. Ed .: Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen. HAHNSCHE BUCHHANDLUNG, Hannover 2011, ISBN 978-3-7752-3383-5 , p. 249 ( ).
  71. Bernhard Weisser: Medalists in Germany during the First World War, Part 4: Franz Eue to Alfons Feuerle (2014) . CoinsRevue 12/2014., Regenstauf 2014, p. 39 ff . ( [accessed October 31, 2017]).
  72. ^ Jews who died in Berlin 1943–1945. Berlin's “Invisible Holocaust Victims”. Nolan Altman, JewishGen, Inc., accessed October 31, 2017 .
  73. Arthur K. Grupp. Artist. German Society for Medal Art, accessed on April 13, 2019 .
  74. George Francis Hill: Guazzalotti (Guaccialotti), Andrea . In: Ulrich Thieme , Fred. C. Willis (Ed.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 15 : Gresse – Hanselmann . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1922, p. 182 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  75. ^ L. Forrer: Gube, Max . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 335 .
  76. ^ L. Forrer: Gube, Max . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 401 ff .
  77. redactions-Comité: Releases the Bavarian Numismatic Society . XXIV. Year. Self-published, Munich 1905, p. XII ff . ( ).
  78. ^ Guillemard, Anton . In: Ulrich Thieme , Fred. C. Willis (Ed.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 15 : Gresse – Hanselmann . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1922, p. 309-310 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).
  79. ^ L. Forrer: Guillemard, Anton . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 342 f .
  80. ^ L. Forrer: Guillemard, Anton . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 405 .
  81. ^ Helmut Rizzolli: All around art. (PDF) A French medalist portrays the Tyrolean painter Martin Knoller and his sponsor Karl Graf Firmian. In: No. 4, July 2012. Harpfe Foundation, Harpfe Zeitschrift für Landeskunde, Innichen (South Tyrol), p. 39 ff , accessed on November 14, 2015 .
  82. Wolfgang H. Günzel. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 14, 2015 .
  83. Wolfgang H. Günzel. Sculptor and medalist, bronze caster and caricaturist. Homepage, accessed on July 31, 2017 .
  84. Emanuel Otto Hahn. THE CANADIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, accessed October 8, 2014 .
  85. ^ L. Forrer: Halter, Heinrich Friedrich . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 390 f .
  86. ^ Heinrich Friedrich Halter. Mint master & medalist. Photo archive Photo Marburg, accessed on May 31, 2016 .
  87. L. Forrer: Hamerani, Alberto . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 392 ff .
  88. L. Forrer: Hamerani, Ermengildo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 394 ff .
  89. Ermenegildo Hamerani (Biographical details). Ermenegildo Hamerani (sculptor / medalist; Italian; Male; 1683–1756). Also known as Hamerani, Ermenegildo; Hameran, Ermengildo; Hamerani, Hermengild. Trustees of the British Museum, accessed November 15, 2015 .
  90. ^ Medal of Pope Clement XIII / Prize Medal for the Accademia di San Luca. Executed by the workshop of Ferdinando Hamerani. Philadelphia Museum of Art, accessed November 15, 2015 .
  91. L. Forrer: Hamerani, Chioacchimo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 398 f .
  92. L. Forrer: Hamerani, Chioacchimo . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 413 .
  93. Hamerani, Giovanni; Italian, 1763-1846 Rome Mint. Portrait medal of Pope Innocent XI (1676–1689). The Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, UK, accessed November 15, 2015 .
  94. L. Forrer: Hamerani, Giovanni . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 399 ff .
  95. 7 records Giovanni Martino Hamerani. The Collection Online. The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, accessed November 15, 2015 .
  96. L. Forrer: Hamerani, Ottone . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 404 ff .
  97. ^ Historical and Commemorative Medals. German medallists. In: Retrieved March 1, 2012 (English).
  98. ^ L. Forrer: Müller, Philipp Heinrich . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape IV . Spink & Son, London 1909, pp. 196 ff .
  99. Stanley HAMMOND. National Gallery of Victoria, accessed October 17, 2014 .
  100. ^ Stanley James Hammond. Australian Art Auction Records, accessed October 17, 2014 .
  101. ^ L. Forrer: Hancock, John Gregory . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 412 ff .
  102. ^ L. Forrer: Hancock, John Gregory . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 414 f .
  103. Gerold Rüdiger Heckert: Odontology in the numismatic mirror. (PDF) INAUGURAL DISSERTATION to obtain the degree of Doctor of Dentistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. In: 2006. Gießen, p. 95 , accessed on November 15, 2015 (description of the Goethe Medal for Art and Science 2nd model from 1939).
  104. ^ L. Forrer: Hantz, Georges . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 423 ff .
  105. Benoit Junod: Les ex-libris de Georges Hantz (1846-1920): . engraver a Geneve (catalog raisonne). National Library, Geneva 1997.
  106. Tina Oldknow: In Memoriam. Jiri Harcuba. Retrieved March 4, 2015 .
  107. Søkeresultat. Danuta Haremska (f. 1954) he en polskfødt, norsk kunstner bosatt i Oslo. Oslo National Academy of the Arts, accessed November 16, 2015 (Norwegian).
  108. Harnisch, Johann Baptist (1777-1826), medalist. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon and Biographical Documentation, PUBLICATION: ÖBL 1815–1950, Volume 2 (Lfg. 7, 1958). P. 190 , accessed April 25, 2014 .
  109. L. Forrer: Harnisch, Johann Baptist . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 429 .
  110. L. Forrer: Harnisch, Johann Baptist . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 419 .
  111. Laurent Joseph Hart (Biographical details). Laurent Joseph Hart (sculptor / medalist; Belgian; male; 1810-1860). Trustees of the British Museum, accessed November 16, 2015 .
  112. Grete Chrobak. Vienna History Wiki. Vienna City and State Archives, accessed on February 23, 2019 .
  113. ^ Paul Joseph and Eduard Fellner: The coins of Frankfurt am Main . Frankfurt am Main 1896, p. 455 .
  114. L. Forrer: Hartwig . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 437 .
  115. L. Forrer: Haseroth, Max . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 438 .
  116. L. Forrer: Haseroth, Max . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 423 .
  117. ^ Häusler, Philipp, 1887-1966. Directory of artistic, scientific and cultural-political legacies in Austria. Austrian National Library, accessed on January 10, 2019 .
  118. Hautsch, Georg; 1659-1745; Medalist. Lipowsky, Felix Joseph: From A to O Munich 1810. BSB Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, accessed on May 16, 2015 .
  119. L. Forrer: Hautsch, Georg . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 441 f .
  120. L. Forrer: Held, August Ludwig . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 470 .
  121. L. Forrer: Held, August Ludwig . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 433 .
  122. a b Max Bernhart: Medals and Plaques . In: Library for art and antique collectors . tape 1 . Schmidt, Berlin 1920, p. 227 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  123. L. Forrer: Helfricht, Emil . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 471 .
  124. Emil Helfricht. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on September 10, 2018 .
  125. ^ Arthur Suhle: Helfricht, Friedrich Ferdinand . Stamp cutter, born September 8, 1809 Zella Sankt Blasii (Zella-Mehlis, Thuringia); † May 16, 1892 Gotha. (Lutheran). Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich 1969, p. 472 f . ( [accessed on November 17, 2015] in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 8).
  126. Sohlman, Solanko., Helle. VII. Peippo Uolevi Helle. Suomen Sukututkimusseura - Författarna och Genealogiska Samfundet i Finland, accessed February 2, 2016 (Finnish).
  127. Rahamestareiden leimat. H Peippo Uolevi Helle 1948-1958., accessed February 2, 2016 (Finnish).
  128. ^ Bernhard Weisser: The medal work of Johannes Henke . Festschrift for the 100th anniversary of the Association of Mint Friends for Westphalia and neighboring areas (2013). Westfalia Numismatica, 2013, p. 357 ff . ( [1] [accessed April 14, 2019]).
  129. Johannes Henke. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 17, 2015 .
  130. Marit Hertzdahl-Hartman. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on November 17, 2015 .
  131. WJ van Heteren. Plaque. Hans Rueb en Leonard van Rhijn, accessed on September 2, 2018 .
  132. ^ Leopold Heuberger. * 1786 Vienna; † August 7, 1839 Alsergrund, (Alser). In: Vienna History Wiki. Vienna City and State Archives, accessed on February 23, 2019 .
  133. Michael Hibbit, Coin Designer. World of Coins, accessed October 10, 2015 .
  134. ^ Paul Joseph and Eduard Fellner: The coins of Frankfurt am Main . Frankfurt am Main 1896, p. 381 .
  135. Elisabeth Hirzel-Burgrave. Artist. German Society for Medal Art V., accessed on September 10, 2018 .
  136. ^ Ralf Schmidt: Johann Veit Döll (1750–1835) - an (almost) forgotten stone cutter from Suhl . Specialist articles in memory of Johann Veit Döll. Ed .: City of Suhl, German Society for Medal Art, Association of Suhl Coin Friends. Commemorative publication for the 175th anniversary of death. Suhl 2010, p. 28 ff .
  137. L. Forrer: Höhn, Johann . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 520 ff .
  138. Dr. Copius Hoitsema (RNL). Personal data. genealogieonline, accessed January 10, 2016 .
  139. L. Forrer: Hoitsema, Dr C. In: Biographical Dictionary of Medalists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 456 .
  140. ^ Léo Holmgren. sculpture, mynt- och medaljgravör. Konstakademien Fredsgatan 12, Stockholm, accessed November 18, 2015 (Swedish).
  141. ^ L. Forrer: Holzhey, Johann Georg . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 536 f .
  142. L. Forrer: Holzhey, Martin . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 538 f .
  143. ^ L. Forrer: Homberg, F. In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape II . Spink & Son, London 1904, p. 544 ff .
  144. ^ L. Forrer: Homberg, Franz Friedrich . In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape VII . Spink & Son, London 1923, p. 462 .
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  200. ^ L. Forrer: Kersting, A. In: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists . tape III . Spink & Son, London 1907, p. 145 .
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