Literature year 1868

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◄◄1864186518661867Literature year 1868  | 1869  | 1870  | 1871  | 1872  |
Overview of the literature years
Further events

Literature year 1868
The house where the Dostoevskies lived in Vevey, and where most of The Idiot was made
Fyodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski completes his work The Idiot .
Title page of the first edition of The Moonstone book
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins is considered to be a trailblazer in crime fiction .
Little Women - Cover of the first edition
Louisa May Alcott publishes the novel Little Women .



Title page of the French original edition with an illustration by the draftsman Édouard Riou


Anonymous first edition of the first song of the "Gesänge des Maldoror" (Paris 1868)
  • Autumn: Isidore Lucien Ducasse publishes, anonymously and at her own expense, the first song by Maldoror at Questroy et Cie in Paris. On November 10, Ducasse sent a letter to the poet Victor Hugo , enclosing two copies of the first song, and in which he asked him for a letter of recommendation for further publication.



Scientific works

  • from September: After several months of research through Greece and the Troas , Heinrich Schliemann writes the book Ithaca, the Peloponnese and Troy in Paris .
  • The German priest and zoologist Bernard Altum publishes his book Der Vogel und seine Leben , which, taking into account the function of bird song, first contains a theory of territorial formation in birds and their territorial behavior


First half of the year

Gustav Meyrink (approx. 1886)
Maxim Gorky
Gaston Leroux (1907)

Second half of the year


Adalbert Stifter death mask, removed by Josef Rint

See also

Portal: Literature  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of literature

Web links

Commons : Literatur 1868  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Gazebo (1868)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files